Personal Fedora 11 Installation Guide

Personal Fedora 11 Installation Guide

Mauriat Miranda ( )
Other Guides/Resources
Published: 8 June 2009 (updated: 8 June 2009 )
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Disable Unneeded Services/Daemons

08 June 2009

Information regarding services and their functions can be found on: Services in Fedora 11 ( ).

For information on how to manage services in Fedora please read: Managing Services in Fedora ( ).

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Adobe Flash Plugin

08 June 2009

The Adobe Flash plugin is available from Adobe's website. Users should use Adobe's YUM repository (recommended).

Installation on Fedora 32-bit

Install the Adobe YUM repository:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo

rpm -ivh

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux

Install the plugin:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo yum install flash-plugin

Installation on Fedora 64-bit

Fedora 64-bit users have 2 options, either use the 32-bit plugin "wrapped" (which is recommended until Adobe officially release the native 64-bit plugin), OR install the alpha 64-bit plugin manually.

Using the 32-bit Plugin

First install the Adobe YUM repository as stated above. Next install the missing dependencies and the plugin:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo yum install nspluginwrapper.{i586,x86_64} alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i586

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo yum install flash-plugin

Installing the 64-bit alpha Plugin

Obtain the latest plugin download from Adobe Labs . It will be in the form of a TAR.GZ .

Install the plugin to the Mozilla plugins directory, for example:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo

tar -zxvf -C /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins

Restart Firefox or any Mozilla browsers.

More information is available on the Fedora Wiki .

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Java Runtime Environment

08 June 2009

The standard installation of Fedora should install OpenJDK (based off of Sun Java). However if not, it can be installed using YUM:

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo

yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin

With OpenJDK installed, Java application and Web applets should automatically work. Unfortunately some applets may not run properly and the OpenJDK might have some limitations. Majority of user should find OpenJDK perfect for everyday use.

Using Sun Java Instead

If you require Sun Java or if OpenJDK does not work properly, you can download Sun Java and use it in Fedora.

Download the Java package from: . Always use the latest update .

Select: Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE ) 6 Update 14 (the JDK is for developers)

On the next page, for Platform select "Linux" for 32-bit users, and "Linux x64" for 64-bit users.

For Language select "Multi-language". Also accept the license agreement, and hit "Continue".

On the next page, select the RPM option:

Java SE Runtime Environment 6u14

19.89 MB (32-bit users

18.78 MB (64-bit users

To install:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo

sh jre-6u14-linux-i586-rpm.bin


[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo sh jre-6u14-linux-x64-rpm.bin

You will need to hit 'space' till it reaches the end, then type 'yes'. You should see the RPM installing. If it does not install, manually install it via sudo rpm -ivh .

When running the java command, Fedora will default to using OpenJDK. In order to use Sun Java, use the alternatives command.

To setup the Java runtime, perform the following (applies to both 32-bit and 64-bit users):

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/default/bin/java 20000

Setup the Mozilla/Firefox browser plugin.

For 32-bit users:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ / /usr/java/default/plugin/i386/ns7/ 20000

For 64-bit users:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/ / /usr/java/default/lib/amd64/ 20000

You may need to restart Firefox to see the plugin take effect.

Note: If you wish to switch back to OpenJDK you can run the following commands one by one to switch between the OpenJDK and Sun Java:

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config

(or for 64-bit)

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config

To update: If you wish update the JRE package, simply download the newest RPM package and install it as above. You will NOT need to reset alternatives , as those settings should remain intact.

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Install Adobe Acrobat

08 June 2009

To view PDF files, Fedora recommends using either evince or okular . The following is for users requiring Adobce Acrobat Reader:

For yum users:

Install the Adobe YUM repository, and install through yum:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo

rpm -ivh

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo yum install AdobeReader_enu

NOTE: The above uses the English version: enu . To see which languages are supported by Adobe's YUM repository, run the following command:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ yum list AdobeReader/*

Other languages are installed similar to english for example: AdobeReader_fra , if you are unsure which package is correct, run:
yum info AdobeReader_fra for more information. Otherwise install manually as described below. (Note: 64-bit users are recommended to use yum to resolve all the 32-bit i386 dependancies.)

For manual installation: For users without yum :

Download Acrobat from:

Operating system: Linux - x86 (.rpm)
Your language.

The version of Adobe Acrobat Reader currently is 9.1 and the download size may vary depending on your language. Not all languages are supported under Linux or may not have updated versions.

[mirandam@charon Download]$ su -c

'rpm -ivh AdbeRdr9.1.0-1_i486linux_enu.rpm'

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Setup Samba - Filesharing with Windows

08 June 2009

If you have other Windows computers on your LAN and want to share files from Linux with them, you must setup Samba.

To setup Samba you must (1) install samba, (2) add you 'shares', (3) add users, (4) start Samba service and (5) manage security options (Firewall and SELinux).

1. Install Samba

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo

yum install samba samba-client

2. Add Shares

You must edit /etc/samba/smb.conf as root: (use nano instead of gedit if you do not have a GUI)

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Set your Windows Workgroup name in [global] section.

Added shares at the end of the file. Example:


path = /media/c_drive

public = yes

writable = no


path = /data/

public = yes

writable = yes

If 'writable' the location must be writable in Linux first. Additionally permissions must match (for example: drw-rw-rw- ).

If home data (all personal files under /home/username ) is to be accessible, then set 'browseable = yes' under [homes] (~line 250). This configuration file is very descriptive , read through it to get more ideas or information.

3. Add Users

To access shares, you must be a valid user. Add valid users AND passwords using the smbpasswd command.

This login name WILL be the login name and password you use from Windows to access your Linux computer. The password does NOT need to match your Linux password.

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo

smbpasswd -a username

New SMB password:

Retype new SMB password:

account_policy_get: (warnings ignored

Added user username.

(Note: 'username' MUST be a valid account on the Fedora machine)

4. Start Samba Service

Run samba and check for any errors:

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/smb start

Starting SMB services: [ OK ]

Use chkconfig or serviceconf to enable samba (smb ) in both runlevels 3 and 5. This will make sure to run Samba each time Fedora boots.

[mirandam@charon ~]$ /sbin/chkconfig --list smb

smb 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off
4:off 5:off

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo /sbin/chkconfig --level 35 smb on

[mirandam@charon ~]$ /sbin/chkconfig --list smb

smb 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on
4:off 5:on

Restart Samba for every change to users/passwords or 'smb.conf'

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/smb restart

Shutting down SMB services: [ OK ]

Starting SMB services: [ OK ]

5. Managing Security for Samba


The Firewall will by default block Samba, to allow access run:

[mirandam@charon ~]$ system-config-firewall

To allow Samba access to work through the firewall you must set 'Samba' as a 'Trusted Service' and hit 'Apply'. Alternatively if you are only using the shell and do not have access to a graphical X-server, you can run:

[mirandam@charon ~]$ sudo system-config-firewall-tui

To allow Samba access to work through the firewall, use <Tab> to go to Customize . In the Trusted Services: scroll down to Samba , hit <Space> and use <Tab> again to go to Close , then finally to OK .


SELinux has significant control over restricting different parts of Samba. Run system-config-selinux . Please read lines #23 - #51 in /etc/samba/smb.conf for a better explanation. Alternatively, you can run:

[mirandam@charon ~]$ system-config-selinux

Go to Boolean and type 'samba' in the Filter (without quotes).

Alternatively, you can ignore SELinux at this point and try to access your shares in Windows and SELinux TroubleShooter should give an automatic pop-up in GNOME explaining what is wrong. If you follow those recommendations you most likely will be more secure.

For any changes made above to the SELinux settings or smb.conf, it is recommended to restart Samba.

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Disclaimer: The author makes no claim to the accuracy of the information provided. This information is provided in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. There is no implied support from referencing this guide. Any help that is provided is at will. Use this information at your own risk. Always make proper backups and use caution when modifying critical system files.

PLEASE DO NOT mirror, translate or duplicate this page without contacting me.

Copyright © 2003-2010 by Mauriat Miranda (

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