CentOS7 上的 ZThread 库编译

ZThread是一个跨平台的多线程库,其最新版本是05年发布的 2.3.2版本。由于年久失修,编译就会出现很多问题。我在CentOS 6上编译时,使用一个 fpermissive 选项就可以使用经典的 configure-->make-->make install 流程构建了,但在CentOS 7上行不通。查了一天多,终于在根本解决了该问题。

按照经典的构建流程,执行 configure,中止并报如下错误:

checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for strip... strip
checking for correct ltmain.sh version... grep: character class syntax is [[:space:]], not [:space:]

*** Gentoo sanity check failed! ***
*** libtool.m4 and ltmain.sh have a version mismatch! ***
*** (libtool.m4 = 1.5.10, ltmain.sh = ) ***

Please run:

  libtoolize --copy --force

if appropriate, please contact the maintainer of this
package (or your distribution) for help.

根据提示执行 libtoolize --copy --force 之后,再重新执行 ./configure 还是不行。

根据当前的情况,在网上查到一篇blog,介绍通过修改 configure 脚本来适应当前系统,我觉得是一个思路,但有风险。也是受这篇博客启发,发现ZThread源码目录下有configure.ac 和 Makefile.am 这个文件,这不是用来生成 configure 的文件嘛!如果能根据本地环境特征重新生成一个configure 脚本,那是最好的了。

但刚执行了一个 aclocal 就报了一堆warning,如下

configure.ac:59: warning: macro 'AM_ACLOCAL_INCLUDE' not found in library
configure.ac:68: warning: macro 'AM_DETECT_PTHREAD' not found in library
configure.ac:69: warning: macro 'AM_WITH_DOXYGEN' not found in library
configure.ac:71: warning: macro 'AM_ENABLE_ATOMIC_LINUX' not found in library
configure.ac:72: warning: macro 'AM_ENABLE_ATOMIC_GCC' not found in library
configure.ac:73: warning: macro 'AM_DETECT_FTIME' not found in library

一看是warning,也没理会,继续执行 autoconf,这回warning升级成 error了:

[root@localhost ZThread-2.3.2]# autoconf 
configure.ac:59: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_ACLOCAL_INCLUDE
      If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
      See the Autoconf documentation.
configure.ac:68: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_DETECT_PTHREAD
configure.ac:69: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_WITH_DOXYGEN
configure.ac:71: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_ENABLE_ATOMIC_LINUX
configure.ac:72: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_ENABLE_ATOMIC_GCC
configure.ac:73: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_DETECT_FTIME

显然,这些error就是 aclocal 造成的。返回到 aclocal 这一步,研究如何把这些warning消除。

在网上查的结果是让看看 其他目录,如/usr/local 下有没有相关的 *.m4 文件,拷到 /usr/share/aclocal 或 /usr/share/aclocal-<version> 目录下。不幸的是,并没有找到相关的 *.m4 文件。然后又试图 通过 aclocal 的 --verbose选项来观察具体原因。搜索 AM_ACLOCAL_INCLUDE 等报出的未定义宏也没有搜到。

到这卡了很长时间,机缘巧合之下,发现ZThread源码目录下有个share目录,这个目录下就是和aclocal报出的未定义宏相关的 *.m4 文件!赶紧执行 aclocal -I share/,未定义宏的警告消失啦!但又有新的警告!

[root@localhost ZThread-2.3.2]# aclocal -I share/
share/zthread.m4:34: warning: underquoted definition of AM_PATH_ZTHREAD
share/zthread.m4:34:   run info Automake 'Extending aclocal'
share/zthread.m4:34:   or see http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/automake.html#Extending-aclocal

又一次选择无视 warning,又一次被 warning给怼回来了。这次是执行到make才回头的,其报错如下:

[root@localhost ZThread-2.3.2]# make
Making all in src
make[1]: 进入目录“/home/mengnan.li/ZThread/ZThread-2.3.2/src”
make  all-recursive
make[2]: 进入目录“/home/mengnan.li/ZThread/ZThread-2.3.2/src”
Making all in .
make[3]: 进入目录“/home/mengnan.li/ZThread/ZThread-2.3.2/src”
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../include   -fpermissive -Wall -DNDEBUG  -fpermissive -Wall -DNDEBUG -MT AtomicCount.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/AtomicCount.Tpo -c -o AtomicCount.lo AtomicCount.cxx
../libtool: line 852: X--tag=CXX: command not found
../libtool: line 885: libtool: ignoring unknown tag : command not found
../libtool: line 852: X--mode=compile: command not found
../libtool: line 1002: *** Warning: inferring the mode of operation is deprecated.: command not found
../libtool: line 1003: *** Future versions of Libtool will require -mode=MODE be specified.: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: Xg++: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-DHAVE_CONFIG_H: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-I.: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-I../include: No such file or directory
../libtool: line 1146: X-fpermissive: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-Wall: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-DNDEBUG: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-fpermissive: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-Wall: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-DNDEBUG: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-MT: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: XAtomicCount.lo: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-MD: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-MP: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X-MF: command not found
../libtool: line 1146: X.deps/AtomicCount.Tpo: No such file or directory
../libtool: line 1146: X-c: command not found
../libtool: line 1194: XAtomicCount.lo: command not found
../libtool: line 1199: libtool: compile: cannot determine name of library object from `': command not found
make[3]: *** [AtomicCount.lo] 错误 1
make[3]: 离开目录“/home/mengnan.li/ZThread/ZThread-2.3.2/src”
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] 错误 1
make[2]: 离开目录“/home/mengnan.li/ZThread/ZThread-2.3.2/src”
make[1]: *** [all] 错误 2
make[1]: 离开目录“/home/mengnan.li/ZThread/ZThread-2.3.2/src”
make: *** [all-recursive] 错误 1

(如果在make之前没执行过 automake,make会先执行automake,automake的报错没有在上面的代码段中。)这次看到这么多 libtool 的报错,我想起了之前直接执行configure脚本报错时提示的 “libtoolize --copy --force”命令,在aclocal之后(或之前)执行一下这个命令,就OK了!至此,ZThread构建成功!


  • 在源代码目录下执行以下命令生成新的configure脚本、aclocal.m4 和 Makefile.in
  1. libtoolize --copy --force
  2. aclocal -I share/
  3. autoconf
  4. automake
  • 在构建目录下执行如下命令,构建ZThread库
  1. <源代码绝对路径>/configure --prefix=<构建目录绝对路径>  CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fpermissive"
  2. make
  3. make install

其中,虽然执行了libtoolize,但alocal 仍然有警告,不过无所谓了,不会导致中止构建流程了。


  1. https://blog.csdn.net/stwstw0123/article/details/49276839
  2. https://www.cnblogs.com/bugutian/p/5560548.html
  3. https://www.cnblogs.com/caosiyang/archive/2012/11/26/2788769.html







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