
package list

// Element is an element of a linked list.

type Element struct {

    next, prev *Element

    // The list to which this element belongs.

    list *List

    // The value stored with this element.

    Value interface{}


// Next returns the next list element or nil.

func (e *Element) Next() *Element {

    if p := e.next; e.list != nil && p != &e.list.root {

        return p


    return nil



// Prev returns the previous list element or nil.

func (e *Element) Prev() *Element {

    if p := e.prev; e.list != nil && p != &e.list.root {

        return p


    return nil



// List represents a doubly linked list.

// The zero value for List is an empty list ready to use.

type List struct {

    root Element // sentinel list element, only &root, root.prev, and root.next are used

    len int // current list length excluding (this) sentinel element



// Init initializes or clears list l.

func (l *List) Init() *List {

    l.root.next = &l.root

    l.root.prev = &l.root

    l.len = 0

    return l



// New returns an initialized list.

func New() *List { return new(List).Init() }


// Len returns the number of elements of list l.

// The complexity is O(1).

func (l *List) Len() int { return l.len }


// Front returns the first element of list l or nil if the list is empty.

func (l *List) Front() *Element {

    if l.len == 0 {

        return nil


    return l.root.next



// Back returns the last element of list l or nil if the list is empty.

func (l *List) Back() *Element {

    if l.len == 0 {

        return nil


    return l.root.prev



// lazyInit lazily initializes a zero List value.

func (l *List) lazyInit() {

    if l.root.next == nil {





// insert inserts e after at, increments l.len, and returns e.

func (l *List) insert(e, at *Element) *Element {

    n := at.next

    at.next = e

    e.prev = at

    e.next = n

    n.prev = e

    e.list = l


    return e



// insertValue is a convenience wrapper for insert(&Element{Value: v}, at).

func (l *List) insertValue(v interface{}, at *Element) *Element {

    return l.insert(&Element{Value: v}, at)



// remove removes e from its list, decrements l.len, and returns e.

func (l *List) remove(e *Element) *Element {

    e.prev.next = e.next

    e.next.prev = e.prev

    e.next = nil // avoid memory leaks

    e.prev = nil // avoid memory leaks

    e.list = nil


    return e



// Remove removes e from l if e is an element of list l.

// It returns the element value e.Value.

// The element must not be nil.

func (l *List) Remove(e *Element) interface{} {

    if e.list == l {

        // if e.list == l, l must have been initialized when e was inserted

        // in l or l == nil (e is a zero Element) and l.remove will crash



    return e.Value



// PushFront inserts a new element e with value v at the front of list l and returns e.

func (l *List) PushFront(v interface{}) *Element {


    return l.insertValue(v, &l.root)



// PushBack inserts a new element e with value v at the back of list l and returns e.

func (l *List) PushBack(v interface{}) *Element {


    return l.insertValue(v, l.root.prev)



// InsertBefore inserts a new element e with value v immediately before mark and returns e.

// If mark is not an element of l, the list is not modified.

// The mark must not be nil.

func (l *List) InsertBefore(v interface{}, mark *Element) *Element {

    if mark.list != l {

        return nil


    // see comment in List.Remove about initialization of l

    return l.insertValue(v, mark.prev)



// InsertAfter inserts a new element e with value v immediately after mark and returns e.

// If mark is not an element of l, the list is not modified.

// The mark must not be nil.

func (l *List) InsertAfter(v interface{}, mark *Element) *Element {

    if mark.list != l {

        return nil


    // see comment in List.Remove about initialization of l

    return l.insertValue(v, mark)



// MoveToFront moves element e to the front of list l.

// If e is not an element of l, the list is not modified.

// The element must not be nil.

func (l *List) MoveToFront(e *Element) {

    if e.list != l || l.root.next == e {



    // see comment in List.Remove about initialization of l

    l.insert(l.remove(e), &l.root)



// MoveToBack moves element e to the back of list l.

// If e is not an element of l, the list is not modified.

// The element must not be nil.

func (l *List) MoveToBack(e *Element) {

    if e.list != l || l.root.prev == e {



    // see comment in List.Remove about initialization of l

    l.insert(l.remove(e), l.root.prev)



// MoveBefore moves element e to its new position before mark.

// If e or mark is not an element of l, or e == mark, the list is not modified.

// The element and mark must not be nil.

func (l *List) MoveBefore(e, mark *Element) {

    if e.list != l || e == mark || mark.list != l {



    l.insert(l.remove(e), mark.prev)



// MoveAfter moves element e to its new position after mark.

// If e or mark is not an element of l, or e == mark, the list is not modified.

// The element and mark must not be nil.

func (l *List) MoveAfter(e, mark *Element) {

    if e.list != l || e == mark || mark.list != l {



    l.insert(l.remove(e), mark)



// PushBackList inserts a copy of an other list at the back of list l.

// The lists l and other may be the same. They must not be nil.

func (l *List) PushBackList(other *List) {


    for i, e := other.Len(), other.Front(); i > 0; i, e = i-1, e.Next() {

        l.insertValue(e.Value, l.root.prev)




// PushFrontList inserts a copy of an other list at the front of list l.

// The lists l and other may be the same. They must not be nil.

func (l *List) PushFrontList(other *List) {


    for i, e := other.Len(), other.Back(); i > 0; i, e = i-1, e.Prev() {

        l.insertValue(e.Value, &l.root)









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