栈 队列

#ifndef _STACK_
#define _STACK_

template<class T> class CStack
  this->capacity = 0;
  this->top = -1;
  this->data = NULL;
 CStack(int size)
  this->capacity = size;
  this->top = -1;
  this->data = new T[size];
  if (data != NULL)
   delete[] data;
   data = NULL;
 inline void resize(int size)
  if (data != NULL)
   delete[] data;
   data = NULL;
  this->capacity = size;
  this->top = -1;
  this->data = new T[size];
 inline bool empty()
  return top==-1;
 inline bool full()
  return top == capacity-1;
 inline T pop()
  assert(top>=0, "no data");
  return this->data[top--];
 inline T peek()
  assert(top>=0, "no data");
  return this->data[top];
 inline void push(T data)
  assert(top < capacity-1, "space full");
  this->data[++top] = data;
 inline int size()
  return top+1;
 template<class T> friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,const CStack<T>& stack);
 //template<class T> friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,const CStack<T>& stack);
 int capacity, top;//指向堆栈大小和栈头位置
 T* data;

template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,const CStack<T>& stack)
 for (int index=0; index<=stack.top; index++)
  os<<stack.data[index]<<" ";
 return os;



#ifndef _QUEUE_
#define _QUEUE_

template<class T> class CQueue
  this->capacity = 0;
  this->front = this->back = 0;
  this->data = NULL;
 CQueue(int size)
  this->capacity = size;
  this->front = this->back = 0;
  this->data = new T[size];
  if (data != NULL)
   delete[] data;
   data = NULL;
 inline void resize(int size)
  if (data != NULL)
   delete[] data;
   data = NULL;
  this->capacity = size;
  this->front = this->back = 0;
  this->data = new T[size];
 inline bool empty()
  return front == back;
 inline bool full()
  return front == capacity-1;
 inline T dequeue()

  assert(front > back,"no data");
  return this->data[back++];
 inline T backpeek()
  assert(front > back,"no data");  
  return this->data[back];
 inline T frontpeek()
  assert(front > back,"no data");
  return this->data[front-1];
 inline void enqueue(T data)
  assert(front < capacity-1,"space full");
  this->data[front++] = data;
 inline int size()
  return front-size;
 template<class T> friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,const CQueue<T>& queue);
 int capacity, front, back;//指向队列大小和栈头位置
 T* data;

template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,const CQueue<T>& queue)
 for (int index=queue.back; index<queue.front; index++)
  os<<queue.data[index]<<" ";
 return os;



#ifndef _CIRCLE_QUEUE_
#define _CIRCLE_QUEUE_

template<class T> class CCircleQueue
  this->capacity = 0;
  this->count = 0
  this->front = this->back = 0;
  this->data = NULL;
 CCircleQueue(int size)
  this->capacity = size;
  this->count = 0;
  this->front = this->back = 0;
  this->data = new T[size];
  if (data != NULL)
   delete[] data;
   data = NULL;
 inline bool empty()
  return count == 0;
 inline bool full()
  return count == capacity-1;
 inline T dequeue()
  assert(count != 0,"space empty");

  T tmp = this->data[back];
  back = (back+1)%capacity;

  return tmp;
 inline T enqueue(T data)
  assert(cout != capacity-1,"space full");

  this->data[front] = data;
  front = (front+1)%capacity;
 inline int size()
  return front-size;
 template<class T> friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,const CCircleQueue<T>& queue);
 int capacity; //循环队列容量
 int front; //
 int back; //
 int count; //循环队列数据量
 T* data; //

template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,const CCircleQueue<T>& queue)
 for (int index= 0;  index<= queue.count; index++)
  os<<queue.data[(queue.back + index)%queue.capacity]<<" ";
 return os;




class CMachine
  this->switchtime = 0;
 CMachine(int switchtime)
  this->switchtime = switchtime;

 int switchtime; //机器切换时间

class CTask
  this->producenum = 0;
  this->curproduce = 0;
  this->machineno = NULL;
  this->worktime = NULL;
 CTask(int producenum, int* machineno, int* worktime)
  this->producenum = producenum;
  this->curproduce = 0;
  this->machineno = new int[producenum];
  memcpy(this->machineno, machineno, sizeof(int)*producenum);
  this->worktime = new int[producenum];
  memcpy(this->worktime, worktime, sizeof(int)*producenum);
  if (this->machineno != NULL)
   delete[] this->machineno;
   this->machineno = NULL;
  if (this->worktime != NULL)
   delete[] this->worktime;
   this->worktime = NULL;

 int producenum; //工序数
 int curproduce; //当前工序数
 int* machineno; //需要哪些机器处理
 int* worktime; //对应机器的处理时间



#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include "stack.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "circlequeue.h"
#include "point.h"
#include "factorysimulation.h"
using namespace std;

template<class T> class CStackQueue
private :
 CStackQueue(){} // 必须定义, 且为private.  
 CStackQueue(const CStackQueue&);            // 不实现. 
 CStackQueue& operator=(const CStackQueue&); // 不实现.  
 ~CStackQueue(){} // 可声明为public, 但这里声明为private没有错, 可被调用.

public :
 static CStackQueue& GetInstance()
  static CStackQueue theSingleton;
  return theSingleton;

public :
 void BracketMatching_Stack(T *expr);


 // (1)将A上的n-1(等于1)个圆盘移到B上;
 // (2)再将A上的一个圆盘移到C上;
 // (3)最后将B上的n-1(等于1)个圆盘移到C上。
 // A)将A上的n-1(等于2,令其为n`)个圆盘移到B(借助于C),步骤如下:
 // (1)将A上的n`-1(等于1)个圆盘移到C上。
 // (2)将A上的一个圆盘移到B。
 // (3)将C上的n`-1(等于1)个圆盘移到B。
 // B)将A上的一个圆盘移到C。
 // C)将B上的n-1(等于2,令其为n`)个圆盘移到C(借助A),步骤如下:
 // (1)将B上的n`-1(等于1)个圆盘移到A。
 // (2)将B上的一个盘子移到C。
 // (3)将A上的n`-1(等于1)个圆盘移到C。到此,完成了三个圆盘的移动过程。

 //从上面分析可以看出,当n大于等于2时,   移动的过程可分解为三个步骤:
 //第一步   把A上的n-1个圆盘移到B上;
 //第二步   把A上的一个圆盘移到C上;
 //第三步   把B上的n-1个圆盘移到C上;

 void Hanio_Recursion(int n, T A, T B, T C);

 //若n为偶数,按顺时针方向依次摆放 A B C;
 //若n为奇数,按顺时针方向依次摆放 A C B。
 //  即当n为偶数时,若圆盘1在柱子A,则把它移动到B;若圆盘1在柱子B,则把它移动到C;若圆盘1在柱子C,则把它移动到A。
 //  即把非空柱子上的圆盘移动到空柱子上,
 //  当两根柱子都非空时,移动较小的圆盘。
 //  这一步没有明确规定移动哪个圆盘,你可能以为会有多种可能性,其实不然,可实施的行动是唯一的。
 void Hanio_Unrecursion_Stack(int n);

 //即货运列车按照第n 站至第1站的次序经过这些车站。为了便于从列车上卸掉相应的车厢,
 void Rail_Rearrangement_Stack(T *data, int n, int k);
 void Rail_Rearrangement_Queue(T *data, int n, int k);


 void Switch_Box_Wiring_Stack(T *net, int n);

 //这个问题的输入是元素数目n、关系数目r 以及r 对关系,问题的目标是把n个元素分配至相应的等价类。
 void Offline_Equivalent_Class_Stack(T *data, int n, T *datapair, int npair);

 void FindPath_MouseMaze_Stack(T *maze, int rows, int cols);

 //为了找到网格中位置a和b之间的最短路径,先从位置a 开始搜索,把a 可到达的相邻方格都标记为1(表示与a 相距为1),
 void FindPath_MouseMaze_Queue(T *maze, int rows, int cols);

 void Identity_Map_Queue(T *map, int rows, int cols);


 //在转换状态,机器刚刚完成一道工序,并在为一项 新任务的执行做准备,比如机器操作员可能需要清理机器并稍作休息等。每台

 void Factory_Simulation_Queue(CMachine* Machine, int machinenum, CTask* Task, int tasknum);

 void OutBufferReset_Stack(int& minRailNo, int& minRailNoBuffer, CStack<T> *buffer, int k, int n);
 bool HoldBufferReset_Stack(T data, int& minRailNo, int& minRailNoBuffer, CStack<T> *buffer, int k, int n);
 void OutBufferReset_Queue(int& minRailNo, int& minRailNoBuffer, CQueue<T> *buffer, int k, int n);
 bool HoldBufferReset_Queue(T data, int& minRailNo, int& minRailNoBuffer, CQueue<T> *buffer, int k, int n);

template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::OutBufferReset_Stack(int& minRailNo, int& minRailNoBuffer, CStack<T> *buffer, int k,

               int n)
 cout<<"Move rail "<<minRailNo<<" from holding track "<<minRailNoBuffer+1<<" to output"<<endl;

 minRailNo = n+2;//不可N+1,如果N+1的话,会和currentOut == minRailNo冲突,导致buffer[minRailNoBuffer].pop();失败
 for (int index=0; index<k; index++)
  if (!buffer[index].empty() && buffer[index].peek()<minRailNo)
   minRailNo = buffer[index].peek();
   minRailNoBuffer = index;
template<class T> bool CStackQueue<T>::HoldBufferReset_Stack(T data, int& minRailNo, int& minRailNoBuffer, CStack<T>

*buffer, int k, int n)
 int bestbuffer = -1;//记录最适合发当前值的缓冲队列
 int bestTop = n+1;//记录对应缓冲队列最上面值(即最小值)
 for (int index=0; index<k; index++)
  if (!buffer[index].empty())
   if (data < buffer[index].peek() && buffer[index].peek()<bestTop)
    bestTop = buffer[index].peek();
    bestbuffer = index;
  else if (bestbuffer == -1)
   bestbuffer = index;
 if (bestbuffer == -1)
  return false;
 cout<<"Move rail "<<data<<" from input to holding track "<<bestbuffer+1<<endl;

 if (data < minRailNo)
  minRailNo = data;
  minRailNoBuffer = bestbuffer;
 return true;
template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::OutBufferReset_Queue(int& minRailNo, int& minRailNoBuffer, CQueue<T> *buffer, int k,

               int n)
 cout<<"Move rail "<<minRailNo<<" from holding track "<<minRailNoBuffer+1<<" to output"<<endl;

 minRailNo = n+2;//不可N+1,如果N+1的话,会和currentOut == minRailNo冲突,导致buffer[minRailNoBuffer].pop();失败
 for (int index=0; index<k; index++)
  if (!buffer[index].empty() && buffer[index].backpeek()<minRailNo)
   minRailNo = buffer[index].backpeek();
   minRailNoBuffer = index;
template<class T> bool CStackQueue<T>::HoldBufferReset_Queue(T data, int& minRailNo, int& minRailNoBuffer, CQueue<T>

*buffer, int k, int n)
 int bestbuffer = -1;//记录最适合发当前值的缓冲队列
 int bestTop = -1;//记录对应缓冲队列最上面值(即最小值)
 for (int index=0; index<k; index++)
  if (!buffer[index].empty())
   T tmp = buffer[index].frontpeek();
   if (data > buffer[index].frontpeek() && buffer[index].frontpeek()>bestTop)
    bestTop = buffer[index].frontpeek();
    bestbuffer = index;
  else if (bestbuffer == -1)
   bestbuffer = index;
 if (bestbuffer == -1)
  return false;
 cout<<"Move rail "<<data<<" from input to holding track "<<bestbuffer+1<<endl;

 if (data < minRailNo)
  minRailNo = data;
  minRailNoBuffer = bestbuffer;
 return true;
template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::BracketMatching_Stack(T *expr)
 assert(expr!=NULL, "invalid parameter in BracketMatching, expr==NULL");

 CStack<T> *stack = new CStack<T>(strlen(expr));

 bool bmatching = true;
 for (int index=0; index<strlen(expr) && bmatching; index++)
  switch (expr[index])
  case '(':
  case '[':
  case '{':
   if (stack->full())
    bmatching = false;

  case ')':
   if (stack->empty())
    bmatching = false;
   else if (stack->pop() != '(')
    bmatching = false;

  case ']':
   if (stack->empty())
    bmatching = false;
   else if (stack->pop() != '[')
    bmatching = false;

  case '}':
   if (stack->empty())
    bmatching = false;
   else if (stack->pop() != '{')
    bmatching = false;


 bmatching = stack->empty()?true:false;

 if (bmatching)
  cout<<"not matching"<<endl;

 delete stack;

template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::Hanio_Recursion(int n, T A, T B, T C)
 if (n == 1)
  cout<<"move "<<n<<" from "<<A<<" to "<<C<<endl; 
  Hanio_Recursion(n-1, A, C, B);
  cout<<"move "<<n<<" from "<<A<<" to "<<C<<endl; 
  Hanio_Recursion(n-1, B, A ,C);

template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::Hanio_Unrecursion_Stack(int n)
 CStack<T> *stack = new CStack<T>[3];
 for (int index=0; index<3; index++)

 for (int index=0; index<n; index++)

 long maxMoveNum = pow((double)2, n)-1; //总的移动此数
 int curMoveNum = 0;
 int curtry = 0;
 int pillar = 0;
 while (curMoveNum < maxMoveNum)
  curtry = stack[pillar%3].pop();
  cout<<++curMoveNum<<"/t:move disk "<<curtry<< " from " <<pillar%3<<" to " <<(pillar+1)%3<< endl;

  if (curMoveNum < maxMoveNum)
   int data1, data2;
   bool bempty1 = stack[(pillar+1)%3].empty();
   if (!bempty1)
    data1 = stack[(pillar+1)%3].peek();
   bool bempty2 = stack[(pillar-1)%3].empty();
   if (!bempty2)
    data2 = stack[(pillar-1)%3].peek();
   //if (!stack[(pillar+1)%3].peek(data1) ||
   // stack[(pillar-1)%3].peek(data2) && data1 > data2)
   if (bempty1 || !bempty2 && data1 > data2)
    curtry = stack[(pillar-1)%3].pop();
    cout<<++curMoveNum<<"/t:move disk "<<curtry<< " from " <<(pillar-1)%3<<" to " <<(pillar+1)%

     3<< endl;
    curtry = stack[(pillar+1)%3].pop();
    cout<<++curMoveNum<<"/t:move disk "<<curtry<< " from " <<(pillar+1)%3<<" to " <<(pillar-1)%

     3<< endl;
 delete[] stack;

template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::Rail_Rearrangement_Stack(T *data, int n, int k)
 assert(data!=NULL, "invalid parameter in Rail_Rearrangement_Stack, data==NULL");
 assert(n>0, "invalid parameter in Rail_Rearrangement_Stack, n=0");
 assert(k<=n, "invalid parameter in Rail_Rearrangement_Stack, k>n");

 CStack<T> *buffer = new CStack<T>[k];
 for (int index=0; index<k; index++)

 int currentOut = 1; //当前可以出轨的车厢号
 int minRailNo = n+1; //缓冲队列中最小的车厢号
 int minRailNoBuffer = 0;//缓冲队列中最小的车厢号所在的换冲队列

 for (int railIndex=0; railIndex<n; railIndex++)
  if (data[railIndex] == currentOut)
   cout<<"Move rail "<<currentOut<<" direct from holding track to output"<<endl;

   while (currentOut == minRailNo)
    OutBufferReset_Stack(minRailNo, minRailNoBuffer, buffer, k, n);
    return ;
 cout<<"rail rearrangement success"<<endl;
 delete[] buffer;

template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::Rail_Rearrangement_Queue(T *data, int n, int k)
 assert(data!=NULL, "invalid parameter in Rail_Rearrangement_Stack, data==NULL");
 assert(n>0, "invalid parameter in Rail_Rearrangement_Stack, n=0");
 assert(k<=n, "invalid parameter in Rail_Rearrangement_Stack, k>n");

 CQueue<T> *buffer = new CQueue<T>[k];
 for (int index=0; index<k; index++)

 int currentOut = 1; //当前可以出轨的车厢号
 int minRailNo = n+1; //缓冲队列中最小的车厢号
 int minRailNoBuffer = 0;//缓冲队列中最小的车厢号所在的换冲队列

 for (int railIndex=0; railIndex<n; railIndex++)
  if (data[railIndex] == currentOut)
   cout<<"Move rail "<<currentOut<<" direct from holding track to output"<<endl;

   while (currentOut == minRailNo)
    OutBufferReset_Queue(minRailNo, minRailNoBuffer, buffer, k, n);
    return ;
 cout<<"rail rearrangement success"<<endl;
 delete[] buffer;

template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::Switch_Box_Wiring_Stack(T *net, int n)
 assert(net!=NULL, "invalid parameter in Switch_Box_Wiring, net==NULL");
 assert(n>0, "invalid parameter in Switch_Box_Wiring, n=0");

 CStack<T> *stack = new CStack<T>(n);
 for (int index=0; index<n; index++)
  if (stack->empty())
  else if (stack->peek() == net[index])

 if (stack->empty())
  cout<<"switch boxing wiring success"<<endl;
  cout<<"switch boxing wiring fail"<<endl;
 delete stack;

template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::Offline_Equivalent_Class_Stack(T *data, int n, T *datapair, int npair)
 assert(data!=NULL, "invalid parameter in Offline_Equivalent_Class, data==NULL");
 assert(datapair!=NULL, "invalid parameter in Offline_Equivalent_Class, datapair==NULL");
 assert(n>2, "invalid parameter in Offline_Equivalent_Class, n<2");
 assert(npair>0, "invalid parameter in Offline_Equivalent_Class, npair<0");

 int* pairIndex = new int[2*npair];
 assert(pairIndex!=NULL, "allocate memory failed");

 for (int index1=0; index1<2*npair; index1++)
  for (int index2=0; index2<n; index2++)
   if (datapair[index1] == data[index2])
    pairIndex[index1] = index2;

 bool* bqual = new bool[n];
 assert(bqual!=NULL, "allocate memory failed");

 CStack<T> *stack = new CStack<T>(n);
 assert(stack!=NULL, "allocate memory failed");

 for (int index=0; index<n; index++)
  if (bqual[index])

  bqual[index] = true;

  while (!stack->empty())
   int curIndex = stack->pop();
   cout<<data[curIndex]<<" ";
   for (int index2=0; index2<npair; index2++)
    int tmpIndex = 0;
    if (pairIndex[2*index2] == curIndex)
     tmpIndex = 2*index2+1;
    else if (pairIndex[2*index2+1] == curIndex)
     tmpIndex = 2*index2;

    tmpIndex = pairIndex[tmpIndex];//计算数据中的对应位置
    if (!bqual[tmpIndex])
     bqual[tmpIndex] = true;

template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::FindPath_MouseMaze_Stack(T *maze, int rows, int cols)
 assert(maze!=NULL, "invalid parameter in FindPath_MouseMaze_Stack, maze==NULL");

 T **pmaze = new T*[rows+2];
 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  pmaze[irow] = new T[cols+2];
  memset(pmaze[irow], 0, sizeof(T)*(cols+2));

 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   if (irow == 0 || irow == rows+1 || icol == 0 || icol == cols+1)
    pmaze[irow][icol] = 1;
 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   cout<<pmaze[irow][icol]<<"  ";

 for (int irow=0; irow<rows; irow++)
  memcpy(pmaze[irow+1]+1, maze+(irow*cols), sizeof(T)*cols);
 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   cout<<pmaze[irow][icol]<<"  ";

 //四个方向偏移 右 下 左 上
 CPoint offset[4] = {CPoint(0,1), CPoint(1,0), CPoint(0,-1), CPoint(-1,0)};

 CStack<CPoint> *smaze = new CStack<CPoint>(rows*cols);
 assert(smaze!=NULL, "allocate memory failed");

 CPoint curPos(1,1);
 pmaze[curPos.x][curPos.y] = 1;

 int curOption = 0;
 while (curPos.x != rows || curPos.y != cols)
  CPoint next = curPos;
  while (curOption < 4)
   next.x = curPos.x + offset[curOption].x;
   next.y = curPos.y + offset[curOption].y;
   if (pmaze[next.x][next.y] == 0)

  if (curOption < 4)
   curPos = next;
   if (next.x == rows && next.y == cols)
   pmaze[curPos.x][curPos.y] = 1;
   curOption = 0;
   if (smaze->empty())
    cout<<"no path"<<endl;

   CPoint prev = smaze->pop();
   if (prev.y = curPos.y)
    curOption = 3 + prev.x - curPos.x;
    curOption = 2 + prev.x - curPos.x;
   curPos = prev;

 while (!smaze->empty())
  CPoint tmpPoint = smaze->pop();
  pmaze[tmpPoint.x][tmpPoint.y] = 2;

 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   if (pmaze[irow][icol] == 2)
    cout<<"*"<<"  ";
    cout<<pmaze[irow][icol]<<"  ";

template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::FindPath_MouseMaze_Queue(T *maze, int rows, int cols)
 assert(maze!=NULL, "invalid parameter in FindPath_MouseMaze_Stack, maze==NULL");

 T **pmaze = new T*[rows+2];
 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  pmaze[irow] = new T[cols+2];
  memset(pmaze[irow], 0, sizeof(T)*(cols+2));

 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   if (irow == 0 || irow == rows+1 || icol == 0 || icol == cols+1)
    pmaze[irow][icol] = 1;
 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   cout<<pmaze[irow][icol]<<"  ";

 for (int irow=0; irow<rows; irow++)
  memcpy(pmaze[irow+1]+1, maze+(irow*cols), sizeof(T)*cols);
 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   cout<<pmaze[irow][icol]<<"  ";

 //四个方向偏移 右 下 左 上
 CPoint offset[4] = {CPoint(0,1), CPoint(1,0), CPoint(0,-1), CPoint(-1,0)};

 CQueue<CPoint> *smaze = new CQueue<CPoint>(rows*cols);
 assert(smaze!=NULL, "allocate memory failed");

 int curValue = 10;

 CPoint curPos(1,1);
 CPoint nextPos;
 pmaze[curPos.x][curPos.y] = curValue;

 int curOption = 0;
 bool bFindPath = false;
 while(!smaze->empty() && !bFindPath)
  curOption = 0;
  curPos = smaze->dequeue();
  while (curOption < 4)
   nextPos.x = curPos.x + offset[curOption].x;
   nextPos.y = curPos.y + offset[curOption].y;
   if (pmaze[nextPos.x][nextPos.y] == 0)
    pmaze[nextPos.x][nextPos.y] = pmaze[curPos.x][curPos.y] + 1;
    if (nextPos.x == rows && nextPos.y == cols)
     bFindPath = true;

 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   cout<<pmaze[irow][icol]<<" ";
   if (pmaze[irow][icol] < 10)
    cout<<" ";

 nextPos.x = rows;
 nextPos.y = cols;
 bFindPath = false;
  curPos = nextPos;
  curOption = 0;
  while (curOption < 4)
   nextPos.x = curPos.x + offset[curOption].x;
   nextPos.y = curPos.y + offset[curOption].y;
   if (pmaze[curPos.x][curPos.y] == pmaze[nextPos.x][nextPos.y] + 1)
    pmaze[curPos.x][curPos.y] = 2;
    if (pmaze[nextPos.x][nextPos.y] == 10)
     pmaze[nextPos.x][nextPos.y] = 2;
     bFindPath = true;
 } while (!bFindPath);

 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   if (pmaze[irow][icol] == 2)
    cout<<"*"<<"  ";
    cout<<pmaze[irow][icol]<<" ";
    if (pmaze[irow][icol] < 10)
     cout<<" ";

template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::Identity_Map_Queue(T *map, int rows, int cols)
 assert(map!=NULL, "invalid parameter in Identity_Map_Queue, map==NULL");

 T **pmap = new T*[rows+2];
 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  pmap[irow] = new T[cols+2];
  memset(pmap[irow], 0, sizeof(T)*(cols+2));

 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   if (irow == 0 || irow == rows+1 || icol == 0 || icol == cols+1)
    pmap[irow][icol] = 0;
 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   cout<<pmap[irow][icol]<<"  ";

 for (int irow=0; irow<rows; irow++)
  memcpy(pmap[irow+1]+1, map+(irow*cols), sizeof(T)*cols);
 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   cout<<pmap[irow][icol]<<"  ";

 //四个方向偏移 右 下 左 上
 CPoint offset[4] = {CPoint(0,1), CPoint(1,0), CPoint(0,-1), CPoint(-1,0)};

 CQueue<CPoint> *smap = new CQueue<CPoint>(rows*cols);
 assert(smap!=NULL, "allocate memory failed");

 CPoint curPos;
 CPoint nextPos;
 int curValue = 2;
 int curOption = 0;
 for (int irow=1; irow<rows+1; irow++)
  for (int icol=1; icol<cols+1; icol++)
   if (pmap[irow][icol] != 1)
   pmap[irow][icol] = curValue;

   curPos.x = irow;
   curPos.y = icol;

    curOption = 0;
    curPos = smap->dequeue();
    while (curOption < 4)
     nextPos.x = curPos.x + offset[curOption].x;
     nextPos.y = curPos.y + offset[curOption].y;
     if (pmap[nextPos.x][nextPos.y] == 1)
      pmap[nextPos.x][nextPos.y] = curValue;


 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   cout<<pmap[irow][icol]<<" ";
   if (pmap[irow][icol] < 10)
    cout<<" ";

 for (int irow=0; irow<rows+2; irow++)
  for (int icol=0; icol<cols+2; icol++)
   if (pmap[irow][icol] != 0 && pmap[irow][icol] != 1)
    cout<<"*"<<"  ";
    cout<<pmap[irow][icol]<<"  ";

template<class T> void CStackQueue<T>::Factory_Simulation_Queue(CMachine* Machine, int machinenum, CTask* Task, int tasknum)
 assert(Machine!=NULL, "invalid parameter in Factory_Simulation_Queue, Machine==NULL");
 assert(machinenum>0, "invalid parameter in Factory_Simulation_Queue, machinenum<=0");
 assert(Task!=NULL, "invalid parameter in Factory_Simulation_Queue, Task==NULL");
 assert(tasknum>0, "invalid parameter in Factory_Simulation_Queue, tasknum<=0");

 for (int index=0; index<tasknum; index++)
  for (int index2=0; index2<Task[index].producenum; index2++)

 int totalTaskNum = 0;
 for (int index=0; index<tasknum; index++)
  totalTaskNum += Task[index].producenum;

 int *curTimePoint = new int[machinenum];

 int curMinTimePoint = INT_MAX;

 CQueue<int>* machine = new CQueue<int>[machinenum];
 for (int index=0; index<machinenum; index++)

 for (int index=0; index<tasknum; index++)
 for (int index=0; index<machinenum; index++)
  if (!machine[index].empty())
   int taskIndex = machine[index].backpeek()-1;
   int producetime = Task[taskIndex].worktime[Task[taskIndex].curproduce];
   curTimePoint[index] = producetime;
   curMinTimePoint = min(curMinTimePoint, producetime);

 bool *bWorkExist = new bool[machinenum];

 bool bWorkEnd = false;
 while (!bWorkEnd)
  bWorkEnd = true;
  for (int index=0; index<machinenum; index++)
  for (int index=0; index<machinenum; index++)
   cout<<curTimePoint[index]<<" ";
  for (int index=0; index<machinenum; index++)
   bWorkExist[index] = machine[index].empty();
  for (int index=0; index<machinenum; index++)
   if (!bWorkExist[index])
    bWorkEnd = false;

    if (curTimePoint[index] != curMinTimePoint)

    int curTaskIndex = machine[index].dequeue()-1;
    Task[curTaskIndex].curproduce += 1;

    if (Task[curTaskIndex].curproduce < Task[curTaskIndex].producenum)
     int nextProduce = Task[curTaskIndex].machineno[Task[curTaskIndex].curproduce]-1;
     if (machine[nextProduce].empty())
      curTimePoint[nextProduce] = curTimePoint[index]+

    if (!machine[index].empty())
     int nextTaskIndex = machine[index].backpeek()-1;
     int producetime = Task[nextTaskIndex].worktime[Task[nextTaskIndex].curproduce];
     int switchtime = Machine[index].switchtime;
     curTimePoint[index] += producetime + switchtime;
  curMinTimePoint = INT_MAX;
  for (int index=0; index<machinenum; index++)
   if (!machine[index].empty())
    curMinTimePoint = min(curTimePoint[index], curMinTimePoint);

 for (int index=0; index<machinenum; index++)
  cout<<curTimePoint[index] + Machine[index].switchtime<<" ";








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