
regmap 机制是在 Linux 3.1 加入进来的特性。主要目的是减少慢速 I/O 驱动上的重复逻辑,提供一种通用的接口来操作底层硬件上的寄存器。其实这就是内核做的一次重构。regmap 除了能做到统一的 I/O 接口,还可以在驱动和硬件 IC 之间做一层缓存,从而能减少底层 I/O 的操作次数。

以一个 I2C 设备为例。读写一个寄存器,肯定需要用到i2c_transfer这样的 I2C 函数。为了方便,一般的驱动中,会在这之上再写一个 Wrapper,然后通过调用这个 Wrapper 来读写寄存器。比如如下这个读取寄存器的函数:

而如果 regmap 的方式来实现,对于上面这种读寄存器操作,其实现如下:

第一步就是定义 IC 的一些寄存器信息。比如:位宽,地址位宽,寄存器总数等。然后在驱动加载的时候,初始化 regmap,这样就可以正常调用 regmap 的 API 了。

可以看到,为了让慢速 I/O 能够专注于自身的逻辑,内核把 SPI, I2C 等总线操作方式全部封装在 regmap 里,这样驱动若要做 I/O 操作,直接调用 regmap 的函数就可以了。


struct regmap_config结构体代表一个设备的寄存器配置信息,在做 Regmap 初始化时,驱动就需要把这个结构体传给 Regmap。这个结构体的定义在 include/linux/regmap.h,其中包含该设备的寄存器数量,寄存器位宽,缓存类型,读写属性等。

这一层是直接和驱动对接的。Regmap 根据传进来的regmap_config初始化对应的缓存和总线操作接口,驱动就可以正常调用 regmap_write 和 regmap_read函数


 * Configuration for the register map of a device.
 * @name: Optional name of the regmap. Useful when a device has multiple
 *        register regions.
 * @reg_bits: Number of bits in a register address, mandatory.
 * @reg_stride: The register address stride. Valid register addresses are a
 *              multiple of this value. If set to 0, a value of 1 will be
 *              used.
 * @pad_bits: Number of bits of padding between register and value.
 * @val_bits: Number of bits in a register value, mandatory.
 * @writeable_reg: Optional callback returning true if the register
 *           can be written to. If this field is NULL but wr_table
 *           (see below) is not, the check is performed on such table
 *                 (a register is writeable if it belongs to one of the ranges
 *                  specified by wr_table).
 * @readable_reg: Optional callback returning true if the register
 *          can be read from. If this field is NULL but rd_table
 *           (see below) is not, the check is performed on such table
 *                 (a register is readable if it belongs to one of the ranges
 *                  specified by rd_table).
 * @volatile_reg: Optional callback returning true if the register
 *          value can't be cached. If this field is NULL but
 *          volatile_table (see below) is not, the check is performed on
 *                such table (a register is volatile if it belongs to one of
 *                the ranges specified by volatile_table).
 * @precious_reg: Optional callback returning true if the register
 *          should not be read outside of a call from the driver
 *          (e.g., a clear on read interrupt status register). If this
 *                field is NULL but precious_table (see below) is not, the
 *                check is performed on such table (a register is precious if
 *                it belongs to one of the ranges specified by precious_table).
 * @lock:      Optional lock callback (overrides regmap's default lock
 *          function, based on spinlock or mutex).
 * @unlock:      As above for unlocking.
 * @lock_arg:      this field is passed as the only argument of lock/unlock
 *          functions (ignored in case regular lock/unlock functions
 *          are not overridden).
 * @reg_read:      Optional callback that if filled will be used to perform
 *                 all the reads from the registers. Should only be provided for
 *          devices whose read operation cannot be represented as a simple
 *          read operation on a bus such as SPI, I2C, etc. Most of the
 *          devices do not need this.
 * @reg_write:      Same as above for writing.
 * @fast_io:      Register IO is fast. Use a spinlock instead of a mutex
 *               to perform locking. This field is ignored if custom lock/unlock
 *               functions are used (see fields lock/unlock of struct regmap_config).
 *          This field is a duplicate of a similar file in
 *          'struct regmap_bus' and serves exact same purpose.
 *           Use it only for "no-bus" cases.
 * @max_register: Optional, specifies the maximum valid register index.
 * @wr_table:     Optional, points to a struct regmap_access_table specifying
 *                valid ranges for write access.
 * @rd_table:     As above, for read access.
 * @volatile_table: As above, for volatile registers.
 * @precious_table: As above, for precious registers.
 * @reg_defaults: Power on reset values for registers (for use with
 *                register cache support).
 * @num_reg_defaults: Number of elements in reg_defaults.
 * @read_flag_mask: Mask to be set in the top byte of the register when doing
 *                  a read.
 * @write_flag_mask: Mask to be set in the top byte of the register when doing
 *                   a write. If both read_flag_mask and write_flag_mask are
 *                   empty the regmap_bus default masks are used.
 * @use_single_rw: If set, converts the bulk read and write operations into
 *            a series of single read and write operations. This is useful
 *            for device that does not support bulk read and write.
 * @can_multi_write: If set, the device supports the multi write mode of bulk
 *                   write operations, if clear multi write requests will be
 *                   split into individual write operations
 * @cache_type: The actual cache type.
 * @reg_defaults_raw: Power on reset values for registers (for use with
 *                    register cache support).
 * @num_reg_defaults_raw: Number of elements in reg_defaults_raw.
 * @reg_format_endian: Endianness for formatted register addresses. If this is
 *                     DEFAULT, the @reg_format_endian_default value from the
 *                     regmap bus is used.
 * @val_format_endian: Endianness for formatted register values. If this is
 *                     DEFAULT, the @reg_format_endian_default value from the
 *                     regmap bus is used.
 * @ranges: Array of configuration entries for virtual address ranges.
 * @num_ranges: Number of range configuration entries.
struct regmap_config {
    const char *name;

    int reg_bits;
    int reg_stride;
    int pad_bits;
    int val_bits;

    bool (*writeable_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);
    bool (*readable_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);
    bool (*volatile_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);
    bool (*precious_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);
    regmap_lock lock;
    regmap_unlock unlock;
    void *lock_arg;

    int (*reg_read)(void *context, unsigned int reg, unsigned int *val);
    int (*reg_write)(void *context, unsigned int reg, unsigned int val);

    bool fast_io;

    unsigned int max_register;
    const struct regmap_access_table *wr_table;
    const struct regmap_access_table *rd_table;
    const struct regmap_access_table *volatile_table;
    const struct regmap_access_table *precious_table;
    const struct reg_default *reg_defaults;
    unsigned int num_reg_defaults;
    enum regcache_type cache_type;
    const void *reg_defaults_raw;
    unsigned int num_reg_defaults_raw;

    u8 read_flag_mask;
    u8 write_flag_mask;

    bool use_single_rw;
    bool can_multi_write;

    enum regmap_endian reg_format_endian;
    enum regmap_endian val_format_endian;

    const struct regmap_range_cfg *ranges;
    unsigned int num_ranges;


struct regcache_ops是用来定义一个缓存类型的,具体定义如下:

在最新 Linux 4.0 版本中,已经有 3 种缓存类型,分别是数组(flat)、LZO 压缩和红黑树(rbtree)。数组好理解,是最简单的缓存类型,当设备寄存器很少时,可以用这种类型来缓存寄存器值。LZO(Lempel–Ziv–Oberhumer) 是 Linux 中经常用到的一种压缩算法,Linux 编译后就会用这个算法来压缩。这个算法有 3 个特性:压缩快,解压不需要额外内存,压缩比可以自动调节。在这里,你可以理解为一个数组缓存,套了一层压缩,来节约内存。当设备寄存器数量中等时,可以考虑这种缓存类型。而最后一类红黑树,它的特性就是索引快,所以当设备寄存器数量比较大,或者对寄存器操作延时要求低时,就可以用这种缓存类型。

缓存的类型是在 regmap 初始化时,由.cache_type = REGCACHE_RBTREE 来指定的。对于 regmap_read 来说,会先判断当前缓存是否有值,然后再检查是否需要 bypass,若没有,则可以直接从缓存里面取值,调用regcache_read来获取值,若需要从硬件上读取,则调用具体协议的读写函数,若是 I2C,调用i2c_transfer。写的过程也是大同小异。

前面说的都是 regmap 所做的封装,而真正进行 I/O 操作就是这最后一层。struct regmap_bus定义了一个总线上的读写函数,这一层就像之前对i2c_transfer所做的封装一样。其定义如下:

 * Description of a hardware bus for the register map infrastructure.
 * @fast_io: Register IO is fast. Use a spinlock instead of a mutex
 *         to perform locking. This field is ignored if custom lock/unlock
 *         functions are used (see fields lock/unlock of
 *         struct regmap_config).
 * @write: Write operation.
 * @gather_write: Write operation with split register/value, return -ENOTSUPP
 *                if not implemented  on a given device.
 * @async_write: Write operation which completes asynchronously, optional and
 *               must serialise with respect to non-async I/O.
 * @reg_write: Write a single register value to the given register address. This
 *             write operation has to complete when returning from the function.
 * @read: Read operation.  Data is returned in the buffer used to transmit
 *         data.
 * @reg_read: Read a single register value from a given register address.
 * @free_context: Free context.
 * @async_alloc: Allocate a regmap_async() structure.
 * @read_flag_mask: Mask to be set in the top byte of the register when doing
 *                  a read.
 * @reg_format_endian_default: Default endianness for formatted register
 *     addresses. Used when the regmap_config specifies DEFAULT. If this is
 *     DEFAULT, BIG is assumed.
 * @val_format_endian_default: Default endianness for formatted register
 *     values. Used when the regmap_config specifies DEFAULT. If this is
 *     DEFAULT, BIG is assumed.
 * @max_raw_read: Max raw read size that can be used on the bus.
 * @max_raw_write: Max raw write size that can be used on the bus.
struct regmap_bus {
    bool fast_io;
    regmap_hw_write write;
    regmap_hw_gather_write gather_write;
    regmap_hw_async_write async_write;
    regmap_hw_reg_write reg_write;
    regmap_hw_reg_update_bits reg_update_bits;
    regmap_hw_read read;
    regmap_hw_reg_read reg_read;
    regmap_hw_free_context free_context;
    regmap_hw_async_alloc async_alloc;
    u8 read_flag_mask;
    enum regmap_endian reg_format_endian_default;
    enum regmap_endian val_format_endian_default;
    size_t max_raw_read;
    size_t max_raw_write;

在 kernel-4.0 中,已经支持了 I2C、SPI、AC97、MMIO 和 SPMI 五种总线类型。相信在未来,有更多的总线会加进来。其实添加一个总线也不是很难,只需 4 个函数就可以了:xxx_readxxx_writexxx_initxxx_deinit






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