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转载 走近 STL

走近 STL

2008-04-03 11:35:00 711

转载 hash_map原理

http://blog.163.com/liuruigong_lrg/blog/static/27370306200711334341781/详细解说STL hash_map系列 0 为什么需要hash_map 用过map吧?map提供一个很常用的功能,那就是提供key-value的存储和查找功能。例如,我要记录一个人名和相应的存储,而且随时增加,要快速查找和修

2008-04-03 11:33:00 765

原创 迭代器 stl map erase iterator 正确用法

VectorType::iterator it = someVector.begin();for (; it != someVector.end();){if (*it== value){it = someVector.erase(it);}else{++it;}} 

2008-04-03 10:51:00 2316 1

转载 VS2005 study

http://www.ad0.cn/netfetch/article.asp?id=1143Visual Studio 2008下载(Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite download) VS2008正式版下载 - vs2008下载地址Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite已于2007/11/19在MSDN Subscriptions开放下载。Vi

2007-12-17 15:48:00 709

原创 keyboard Virtual-Key Codes

VK_LBUTTON (01) Left mouse button VK_RBUTTON (02) Right mouse button VK_CANCEL (03) Control-break processing VK_MBUTTON (04) Middle mouse button (three-button mouse) VK_XBUTTON1 (05) W

2007-12-17 15:31:00 611

转载 键盘扫描码大全

键盘扫描码大全 时间: 2007-08-1

2007-12-17 15:29:00 1280

转载 keyboard hook

http://blog.csdn.net/van_ni/archive/2006/03/11/622112.aspx function StorePage(){d=document;t=d.selection?(d.selection.type!=None?d.selection.createRange().text:):(d.getSelection?d.getSelection

2007-12-17 13:58:00 3618

转载 语音识别与朗读 with MS SAPI5.1

http://blog.csdn.net/In355Hz/archive/2003/07/04/5142.aspxHello World by Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1    刚刚从 Microsoft 网站下栽了 Speech SDK 5.1 和中日文发声补丁,参考 Speech SDK文档写了几个小程序,尽管我也是刚刚接触 Speech若干小时的初学者,还是拿出

2007-11-19 18:14:00 4458

原创 Modeless dialog

1. construct same as modelCModelessTest2. pModelessTest = new CModelessTest; pModelessTest->Create(IDD_MODELESS,this); pModelessTest->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); 3. derived the following functi

2007-07-04 15:57:00 733

原创 Gray and Dithered Bitmap Functions

Gray Bitmap FunctionsMFC provides two functions for giving a bitmap the appearance of a disabled control. AfxDrawGrayBitmap

2007-07-03 14:39:00 991

转载 Rebuilding MFC and CRT

http://www.trigeminal.com/usenet/usenet034.aspBuilding MFC Unicode version with MSLUFirst we will make a backup of the following folders (and all subfolders of): VC98/MFC/LIB, and VC98/MFC/SRC so

2007-06-29 18:04:00 1276

转载 C++虚函数调用的反汇编解析

 http://blog.csdn.net/apemancsdn/archive/2004/08/23/82606.aspx C++虚函数调用的反汇编解析     作者:阮建辉 虚函数的调用如何能实现其“虚”?作为C++多态的表现手段,估计很多人对其实现机制感兴趣。大约一般的教科书就说到这个C++强大机制的时候,就是教大家怎么用,何时用,而不会去探究一下这个虚函数的真正

2007-06-20 13:25:00 863

原创 讨厌的0xc0150002 MS has not give friendly notify for Vista with VS2005

0xc0150002.我用的是VC 2005的环境,运行的程序需要调用其他dll. In addation include necessary dll, all relatived manifest file should included.For MFC80, should include file "Microsoft.VC80.MFC.manifest"For CRT ... M

2007-05-18 19:07:00 946

转载 Web service certificates configuration

http://www.cnblogs.com/lotus/archive/2007/01/28/632766.aspx部署WSE3.0实战:性能、证书与WSE910错误       早些时候看WSE3.0附带sample code,似乎挺简单,根据项目情况,选择UsernameForCertificate断言,使用测试服务证书在本机上(winxp SP2)执行很顺利,可以将Web serv

2007-05-18 13:59:00 818

原创 What is the C# equivalent to C++ OutputDebugString?

OutputDebugString is what gets called by the TRACE macro in an MFC app.Right?You can use Debug.WriteLine or Trace.WriteLine after including the lineusing System.DiagnosticsAnother way is using lo4ne

2007-05-17 15:21:00 4293

原创 Select a Folder

 BROWSEINFO bi = {0}; bi.pidlRoot = NULL; bi.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; bi.pszDisplayName = m_szSelectPath; bi.lpszTitle = "Selecting Destination Directory"; bi.ulFlags = BIF_EDITBOX|BIF_STATUSTEXT;  LPITE

2007-04-17 12:29:00 1179

原创 Web Service with Https in C++ 非托管方式

自动生成的代码是不能直接使用HTTPS参考MSDN:SecureSOAP 示例http://msdn2.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/s2ya483s(VS.80).aspx强烈建议不要将Web Service走SSL,太慢了~owner deal with en/decryptionthe following code extract from intern

2007-04-04 18:28:00 1093

原创 Deploy your web service written with C#

you need configurate web appliation carefully:1. ASP.net version.select appropriate  asp.net version, vs2005 use asp.net 2.0, you should assign 2.0 in proprety dialog for asp.net 2. Assign appro

2007-04-04 16:07:00 473

原创 adodb access value in C#

 object lngRecordsAffected = null;//? type match which in c#            adoConn.Execute(SQL_Query, out lngRecordsAffected, 1);                                  plID_Index = -1;            Int32 Affect

2007-04-04 10:11:00 727

原创 Manually create a recordset with VB

http://www.microsoft.com/china/MSDN/library/data/dataAccess/USdnhcvb04vb04h4.mspx?mfr=trueDim RecordSet_Test As ADODB.RecordsetSet RecordSet_Test = New ADODB.RecordsetRecordSet_Test.CursorLocation =

2007-04-04 10:07:00 555

原创 C# ref and out

 pass parameters with reference:ref and out same:both the method definition and the calling method must explicitly use the ref keyword.both the method definition and the calling method must expl

2007-04-03 13:56:00 591

原创 make sure Stream Position located in zero

While operation persist Recordset and Stream, must make sure Stream Position located in zero._StreamPtr   pStreamTest   =   NULL;     HRESULT   hr   =   pStreamTest.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Stream));

2007-03-29 18:38:00 535

原创 Convert Dataset to Recordset with C#

Web Service in C#, it is easy to operate database with dataset, it is necessary to convert dataset to recordset:static public ADODB.Recordset ConvertToRecordset(DataTable inTable)    {        ADODB.

2007-03-29 18:15:00 1070

原创 adodb.stream work problem list in C++

it is easy to using adodb.stream, but it will bring some problem in C++, here list some problem attentioned:1. Must use Ado v2.7#import "c:/Program Files/Common Files/System/ADO/msado27.tlb" /   

2007-03-29 18:10:00 627

转载 Windows CE下驱动程序开发基础

 Windows CE下驱动程序开发基础http://www.blogcn.com/u2/60/72/winceboy/blog/39329536.html我想即使读者看过微软的关于驱动开发的培训教材和CE帮助文档中的驱动部分,头脑中仍然一片茫然。要想真正了解驱动程序必须结合一些驱动程序源码,在此我以串口驱动程序(COM16550)中初始化过程为线索简单讲一讲驱动开发的基础知识。  Win

2007-02-28 18:58:00 615

原创 物理地址转换成虚拟地址MmMapIoSpace

PVOID MmMapIoSpace( PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress, ULONG NumberOfBytes, BOOLEAN CacheEnable ); 如果参数PhysicalAddress用的是OEMAddressTable的Physical Address,则要把这个地址右移8位. 如果参数PhysicalAddress用的是OEMAddressTa

2007-02-28 18:50:00 2076

转载 DebugVista的一般步骤

DebugVista的一般步骤http://bbs.driverdevelop.com/htm_data/92/0702/99093.html在Vista系统中以管理员身份运行Cmd.exe1,将当前的配置作一个Copybcdedit /copy {current} /d DebugEntry执行本命令后,Bcdedit会显示新的DebugEntry的GUID2,开启DebugEntry的调试

2007-02-28 17:37:00 477

原创 Windows 64 位体系结构及C/C++ 开发

Windows 64 位体系结构 3.1 重要概念 3.2 内存比较 3.3 Windows 64 位 (WoW64)

2007-02-28 11:55:00 1006 4

原创 两种基本64 位的体系结构

 第一种是 x64,它基于针对 x86 指令集的 64 位扩展。它允许用户利用 32 位 Windows 应用程序,同时也提供最新的 64 位技术。AMD 和 Intel 都提供这些处理器。第二种选择是 Intel 的 Itanium 处理器家族(Itanium Processor Family,IPF),它基于显式并行指令计算(Explicitly Parallel Instructio

2007-02-28 11:22:00 1167

转载 detours, x86 kernel hook 以及 x64 kernel hook

detours, x86 kernel hook 以及 x64 kernel hookhttp://bbs.driverdevelop.com/htm_data/92/0702/99096.html我假设读者已经非常熟悉detours,阅读此文只是为了增强对detours的理解以及为了实现x64 hook。有关detours原理部分不再多讲。X86 Kernel Hook早些年,我把det

2007-02-28 10:40:00 1662

转载 64位汇编移植小结

http://blog.csdn.net/dishening7/archive/2006/11/07/1371665.aspx这里的移植工作主要针对从32位x86cpu向intel及amd的64位cpu以及 xinxp64平台。编译环境为vs 2005.net,并且主要涉及汇编语言的移植。所用汇编语言编译器为yasm。因为对于C语言,在vs2005.net环境下可直接进行64位平台的编译,

2007-02-28 10:33:00 5018 2



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