
Operating System : AIX 5.3
Processor Architecture : ppc
Number of Processors : 8
Java version : J2RE 5.0 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc-32 build j9vmap3223-20060504
Virtual machine version : VM build 20060501_06428_bHdSMR
Just-In-Time(JIT) compiler switch, Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compiler switch, Compiler version : JIT enabled - 20060428_1800_r8
Java Heap Information
Maximum Java heap size : 1024m
Initial Java heap size : 512m

通过IBM的IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer 工具对javacore.20130618.163330.1527970.txt文件分析后的结果如下,请大师们帮忙确认下,是否是IBM版本问题?还是程序本身出现内存泄露

[b]Number of loaded classes in Java heap : 11,862
Number of classloaders in Java heap : 84

NOTE: Only for Java 5.0 Service Refresh 4 (build date:February 1st, 2007) and older. When you use delegated class loaders, the JVM can create a large number of ClassLoader objects. On IBM Java 5.0 Service Refresh 4 and older, the number of class loaders that are permitted is limited to 8192 by default and an OutOfMemoryError exception is thrown when this limit is exceeded. Use the -Xmxcl parameter to increase the number of class loaders allowed to avoid this problem, for example to 25000, by setting -Xmxcl25000, until the problem is resolved. Please examine the current thread stack trace to check whether a class loader is being loaded if there is an OutOfMemoryError. For example, the following stack trace indicates that a class loader is being loaded: at com/ibm/oti/vm/VM.initializeClassLoader(Native Method) at java/lang/ClassLoader. (ClassLoader.java:120) [/b]

[b]Last Garbage Collection Detail[/b]
Nursery Area Free : 0 bytes Total : 0 bytes Tenured Area Free : 501,179,872 bytes Total : 536,870,912 bytes 93% free Global Garbage Collector Counter : 202

[b]Garbage Collection History [/b]
08:33:30:282175000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14691 soft=1867 phantom=124 finalizers=216 newspace=0/0 oldspace=501179872/536870912 loa=19310008/21474816
08:33:30:282120000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
08:33:30:277694000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
08:33:30:277690000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
08:33:30:243469000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
08:33:30:243433000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=14745 soft=1875 phantom=143 finalizers=453 globalcount=202 scavengecount=0
08:33:04:604109000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=135 finalizers=221 newspace=0/0 oldspace=497978768/536870912 loa=16100784/16105984
08:33:04:604011000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
08:33:04:598190000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
08:33:04:598186000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
08:33:04:555682000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
08:33:04:555643000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15153 soft=1867 phantom=291 finalizers=3736 globalcount=201 scavengecount=0
08:29:51:952236000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=155 finalizers=225 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498760912/536870912 loa=21464088/21474816
08:29:51:952159000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
08:29:51:947037000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
08:29:51:947032000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
08:29:51:903425000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
08:29:51:903385000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15332 soft=1947 phantom=286 finalizers=3392 globalcount=200 scavengecount=0
08:23:29:688952000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14692 soft=1867 phantom=118 finalizers=215 newspace=0/0 oldspace=494314512/536870912 loa=15608960/21474816
08:23:29:688891000 GMT j9mm.61 - Class unloading end
08:23:29:686429000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:686194000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:685961000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:685726000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:685493000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:685486000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:685252000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:685245000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:685236000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684534000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684527000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684519000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684511000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684505000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684498000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684491000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684484000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684476000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684470000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684462000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684456000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684449000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684441000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684435000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684428000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684420000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684411000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684402000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684396000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684389000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:684364000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload
08:23:29:656230000 GMT j9mm.60 - Class unloading start
08:23:29:656226000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
08:23:29:652009000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
08:23:29:652004000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
08:23:29:601353000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
08:23:29:601312000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15036 soft=1967 phantom=246 finalizers=2496 globalcount=199 scavengecount=0
08:18:30:752566000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14692 soft=1823 phantom=134 finalizers=216 newspace=0/0 oldspace=495651192/536870912 loa=13479328/16105984
08:18:30:752497000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
08:18:30:747922000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
08:18:30:747918000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
08:18:30:705970000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
08:18:30:705925000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15177 soft=1875 phantom=257 finalizers=3664 globalcount=198 scavengecount=0
08:15:05:459145000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=121 finalizers=216 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498355832/536870912 loa=16100784/16105984
08:15:05:459066000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
08:15:05:453875000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
08:15:05:453871000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
08:15:05:411423000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
08:15:05:411381000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15221 soft=1915 phantom=266 finalizers=3608 globalcount=197 scavengecount=0
08:11:34:83193000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14685 soft=1867 phantom=146 finalizers=224 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498131160/536870912 loa=16100784/16105984
08:11:34:83116000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
08:11:34:77798000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
08:11:34:77793000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
08:11:34:34421000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
08:11:34:34376000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15227 soft=1912 phantom=267 finalizers=3648 globalcount=196 scavengecount=0
08:08:28:992191000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14691 soft=1864 phantom=131 finalizers=213 newspace=0/0 oldspace=489590400/536870912 loa=13477632/16105984
08:08:28:992109000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
08:08:28:987527000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
08:08:28:987523000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
08:08:28:928111000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
08:08:28:928067000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15237 soft=1923 phantom=305 finalizers=3112 globalcount=195 scavengecount=0
07:59:19:649876000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14685 soft=1867 phantom=145 finalizers=226 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498503496/536870912 loa=10731912/10737152
07:59:19:649798000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 07:59:19:644593000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 07:59:19:644589000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
07:59:19:604983000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
07:59:19:604938000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15289 soft=1931 phantom=277 finalizers=3536 globalcount=194 scavengecount=0
07:53:29:179630000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=125 finalizers=212 newspace=0/0 oldspace=496710072/536870912 loa=8480712/10737152
07:53:29:179482000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
07:53:29:174309000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
07:53:29:174305000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
07:53:29:132740000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
07:53:29:132700000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15368 soft=1939 phantom=304 finalizers=3360 globalcount=193 scavengecount=0
07:45:37:810172000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14685 soft=1867 phantom=120 finalizers=217 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498848944/536870912 loa=5368320/5368320
07:45:37:810097000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
07:45:37:804776000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
07:45:37:804771000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
07:45:37:764619000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
07:45:37:764576000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15225 soft=1939 phantom=297 finalizers=3336 globalcount=192 scavengecount=0
07:38:28:820137000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=129 finalizers=215 newspace=0/0 oldspace=497370888/536870912 loa=10731880/10737152
07:38:28:820063000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
07:38:28:814775000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
07:38:28:814771000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
07:38:28:772743000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
07:38:28:772697000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15161 soft=1907 phantom=294 finalizers=3432 globalcount=191 scavengecount=0
07:33:28:776944000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=150 finalizers=224 newspace=0/0 oldspace=497003072/536870912 loa=3987208/5368320
07:33:28:776862000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
07:33:28:771210000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
07:33:28:771206000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
07:33:28:730537000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start
07:33:28:730492000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15341 soft=1931 phantom=337 finalizers=3616 globalcount=190 scavengecount=0
07:24:33:587954000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14685 soft=1867 phantom=129 finalizers=220 newspace=0/0 oldspace=499139792/536870912 loa=0/0
07:24:33:587886000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end
07:24:33:582641000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start
07:24:33:582636000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end
07:24:33:541728000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 07:24:33:541687000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15456 soft=1971 phantom=307 finalizers=3280 globalcount=189 scavengecount=0 07:13:29:504829000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14691 soft=1867 phantom=131 finalizers=215 newspace=0/0 oldspace=487542344/536870912 loa=5277128/5368320 07:13:29:504754000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 07:13:29:499420000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 07:13:29:499416000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 07:13:29:438990000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 07:13:29:438946000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15129 soft=1931 phantom=258 finalizers=2552 globalcount=188 scavengecount=0 07:05:40:584668000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=130 finalizers=220 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498576968/536870912 loa=0/0 07:05:40:584585000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 07:05:40:578718000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 07:05:40:578714000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 07:05:40:537356000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 07:05:40:537315000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15384 soft=1947 phantom=321 finalizers=3528 globalcount=187 scavengecount=0 06:58:29:246461000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=137 finalizers=217 newspace=0/0 oldspace=491188984/536870912 loa=0/0 06:58:29:246384000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 06:58:29:241171000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 06:58:29:241167000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 06:58:29:194503000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 06:58:29:194457000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15305 soft=1923 phantom=269 finalizers=3392 globalcount=186 scavengecount=0 06:53:28:611126000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=117 finalizers=216 newspace=0/0 oldspace=499539920/536870912 loa=5275400/5368320 06:53:28:611054000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 06:53:28:606555000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 06:53:28:606551000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 06:53:28:566291000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 06:53:28:566251000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15201 soft=1955 phantom=261 finalizers=2568 globalcount=185 scavengecount=0 06:43:27:756222000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=125 finalizers=219 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498857576/536870912 loa=0/0 06:43:27:756145000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 06:43:27:747398000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 06:43:27:747394000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 06:43:27:702738000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 06:43:27:702694000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15416 soft=1971 phantom=322 finalizers=3448 globalcount=184 scavengecount=0 06:32:14:910629000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 06:32:14:904213000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 06:32:14:904209000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 06:32:14:861973000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 06:32:14:861929000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15345 soft=1955 phantom=318 finalizers=3440 globalcount=183 scavengecount=0 06:20:29:380281000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1859 phantom=134 finalizers=225 newspace=0/0 oldspace=499017840/536870912 loa=1073664/1073664 06:20:29:380196000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 06:20:29:375188000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 06:20:29:375184000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 06:20:29:333359000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 06:20:29:333319000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15416 soft=1955 phantom=294 finalizers=3360 globalcount=182 scavengecount=0 06:11:33:610411000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14685 soft=1867 phantom=118 finalizers=217 newspace=0/0 oldspace=499247896/536870912 loa=6441984/6441984 06:11:33:610335000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 06:11:33:604605000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 06:11:33:604600000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 06:11:33:562047000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 06:11:33:562003000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15360 soft=1971 phantom=297 finalizers=3232 globalcount=181 scavengecount=0 05:58:29:936251000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=121 finalizers=214 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498495392/536870912 loa=11805616/11810816 05:58:29:936190000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 05:58:29:931483000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 05:58:29:931479000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 05:58:29:889826000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 05:58:29:889788000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15033 soft=1923 phantom=226 finalizers=1912 globalcount=180 scavengecount=0 05:53:29:965492000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=122 finalizers=216 newspace=0/0 oldspace=497154952/536870912 loa=5126128/6441984 05:53:29:965419000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 05:53:29:960332000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 05:53:29:960328000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 05:53:29:917424000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 05:53:29:917380000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15408 soft=1931 phantom=287 finalizers=3592 globalcount=179 scavengecount=0 05:44:53:43053000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14685 soft=1867 phantom=119 finalizers=216 newspace=0/0 oldspace=499390496/536870912 loa=1073664/1073664 05:44:53:42962000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 05:44:53:38503000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 05:44:53:38498000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 05:44:52:998641000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 05:44:52:998600000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15321 soft=1979 phantom=297 finalizers=3112 globalcount=178 scavengecount=0 05:33:29:479997000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=129 finalizers=218 newspace=0/0 oldspace=499970976/536870912 loa=6433752/6441984 05:33:29:479929000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 05:33:29:475145000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 05:33:29:475141000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 05:33:29:434559000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 05:33:29:434520000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15139 soft=1931 phantom=234 finalizers=2224 globalcount=177 scavengecount=0 05:28:24:12293000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14691 soft=1867 phantom=114 finalizers=210 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498402984/536870912 loa=1073664/1073664 05:28:24:12210000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 05:28:24:7971000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 05:28:24:7967000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 05:28:23:967411000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 05:28:23:967367000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15281 soft=1915 phantom=265 finalizers=3632 globalcount=176 scavengecount=0 05:22:34:277532000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=129 finalizers=214 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498627696/536870912 loa=1610240/1610240 05:22:34:277454000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 05:22:34:271306000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 05:22:34:271302000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 05:22:34:230211000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 05:22:34:230166000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15360 soft=1947 phantom=305 finalizers=3504 globalcount=175 scavengecount=0 05:13:28:782411000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14687 soft=1867 phantom=121 finalizers=217 newspace=0/0 oldspace=496501584/536870912 loa=2147328/2147328 05:13:28:782348000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 05:13:28:776717000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 05:13:28:776712000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 05:13:28:735002000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 05:13:28:734959000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15349 soft=1971 phantom=290 finalizers=3312 globalcount=174 scavengecount=0 05:01:33:557389000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14685 soft=1867 phantom=114 finalizers=214 newspace=0/0 oldspace=499024320/536870912 loa=2683904/2683904 05:01:33:557313000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 05:01:33:552076000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 05:01:33:552072000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 05:01:33:510781000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 05:01:33:510737000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15392 soft=1979 phantom=303 finalizers=3424 globalcount=173 scavengecount=0 04:48:33:841189000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14688 soft=1867 phantom=127 finalizers=214 newspace=0/0 oldspace=496013992/536870912 loa=8047536/8052736 04:48:33:841112000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 04:48:33:836122000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 04:48:33:836117000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 04:48:33:794034000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 04:48:33:793995000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15323 soft=1955 phantom=305 finalizers=3192 globalcount=172 scavengecount=0 04:38:29:40869000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14691 soft=1867 phantom=121 finalizers=215 newspace=0/0 oldspace=489387888/536870912 loa=13340384/13421568 04:38:29:40798000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 04:38:29:35685000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 04:38:29:35680000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 04:38:28:974845000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 04:38:28:974805000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15305 soft=1931 phantom=294 finalizers=3056 globalcount=171 scavengecount=0 04:30:31:784399000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=118 finalizers=218 newspace=0/0 oldspace=499133136/536870912 loa=8047536/8052736 04:30:31:784323000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 04:30:31:779351000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 04:30:31:779347000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 04:30:31:737219000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 04:30:31:737175000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15343 soft=1978 phantom=298 finalizers=3280 globalcount=170 scavengecount=0 04:18:28:738274000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14687 soft=1866 phantom=122 finalizers=216 newspace=0/0 oldspace=499524976/536870912 loa=5426080/8052736 04:18:28:738207000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 04:18:28:732847000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 04:18:28:732842000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 04:18:28:692765000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 04:18:28:692729000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=14855 soft=1891 phantom=225 finalizers=1200 globalcount=169 scavengecount=0 04:16:25:562724000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14687 soft=1867 phantom=161 finalizers=226 newspace=0/0 oldspace=497767776/536870912 loa=2683904/2683904 04:16:25:562651000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 04:16:25:555546000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 04:16:25:555542000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 04:16:25:516319000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 04:16:25:516279000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15169 soft=1867 phantom=223 finalizers=3808 globalcount=168 scavengecount=0 04:14:26:851833000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=151 finalizers=230 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498402280/536870912 loa=8047536/8052736 04:14:26:851754000 GMT j9mm.57 - Sweep end 04:14:26:845327000 GMT j9mm.56 - Sweep start 04:14:26:845322000 GMT j9mm.55 - Mark end 04:14:26:794570000 GMT j9mm.54 - Mark start 04:14:26:794528000 GMT j9mm.52 - GlobalGC start: weakrefs=15129 soft=1923 phantom=241 finalizers=3456 globalcount=167 scavengecount=0 04:12:42:362289000 GMT j9mm.53 - GlobalGC end: workstackoverflow=0 overflowcount=0 weakrefs=14689 soft=1867 phantom=137 finalizers=225 newspace=0/0 oldspace=498663080/536870912 loa=13416368/13421568 04:12:42:362212000 GMT j9mm.61 - Class unloading end 04:12:42:352384000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload 04:12:42:352156000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload 04:12:42:351927000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload 04:12:42:351697000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload 04:12:42:351468000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload 04:12:42:351459000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload 04:12:42:351228000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload 04:12:42:351221000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload 04:12:42:351211000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload 04:12:42:351203000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload 04:12:42:350482000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload 04:12:42:350433000 GMT j9mm.66 - Classloader unload




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


