How to use installshield SQL Dialogs

1 Attachment(s)

Because so many people have problems with InstallShieldX using SQL Dialogs, I thought I might make this brief tutorial so users can get up and running without reading several hundred posts online. This tutorial can be used for InstallScript MSI Projects, but it may also help for InstallScript only Projects as well.

First, I'd like to note that you should download the attached ZIP file which contains updated SQLRT.dll and ISSQLSRV.dll files. No, I did not create these, they were given to me from InstallShield as a fix that is not included in SP1 for InstallShieldX. They update a couple of Issues with InstallShieldX and ADO (such as timeouts, etc.). Also included is the updated SQLCONV.h file. The included zip file contains a Batch file which I created to help in putting these files in the correct location. You can run this batch file which will first backup your existing DLLs before overwriting them.

  1. Add the (.obl) Libraries
    On the Build menu, click on Settings. On the Compile/Link tab, add the following (.obl) Libraries (seperated by commas) if they do not exist:
    1. <ISProductFolder>\Script\SQLRuntime\Lib\SQLRT.obl
    2. <ISProductFolder>\Script\SQLRuntime\Lib\SQLCONV.obl


  2. Add the required DLLs to the Binary Table
    Now, go to the Direct Editor and find the Binary table. Here we need to add the SQL DLLs that normally get included automatically when adding Scripts to an InstallShield Project. Add a new Item in the Binary table (where it says "Click here to add a new Item"). Add the Following information:
    1. For the 1st Item, enter the Name as ISSQLSRV.DLL. Now, when you click in the Data column, a dialog will popup asking what to do with the data. You want the Read binary from filename option. Click Browse and browse to <ProgramFiles>\InstallShieldX\Redist\Language Independent\i386\ISSQLSrv.dll. Next Click Open then Ok and the DLL will be added to the Binary table.
    2. For the 2nd Item, enter the Name as SQLRT.DLL. For the Data, browse to <ProgramFiles>\InstallShieldX\Redist\Compressed Files\Language Independent\Intel 32\SQLRT.dll.
  3. Modify the "SQLConv.h" Header File
    NOTE: All script / header files talked about are located in <ProgramFiles>\InstallShieldX\Script.

    This was something I ended up finding on my own. There seems to be a bug in the ifx.h header file. In order to actually use the SQL Runtime from InstallShield without scripts, you need to invoke a call to SQLRTInitialize(). This function is located in the SQLRT.h header file. No big deal you say, just include that file in the Setup.rul! It's not that easy. You see, there are two ifx.h files: one is loacted in the .\Script\Ifx\Include and the other in .\Script\Iswi\Include\. Which one your Script is linked to depends on the (.obl) file paths in Step 1.

    In the case with InstallScript MSI Projects, the Ifx.h file is linked from the .\Script\Iswi\Include\ directory. If we open that Ifx.h file, we can see that InstallShield tried to "think" for us and they included the SQLCONV.h (this line: #include "..\..\SQLRuntime\Include\SQLConv.h") file automatically. Why is this bad you ask? Well, we need to include the SQLRT.h file, but if you look in both that file and the SQLCONV.h file, you will see that they both define this function: external prototype LIST SQLRTGetServers( byval BOOL );! So, if you were to include the SQLRT.h file in your scripts at this point, you would get the following error trying to compile: 'SQLRTGetServers' : identifier already defined.

    So how do we get around this? Well, we only need the SQLRTInitialize() function and since both the SQLRT.h and the SQLCONV.h both use the SQLRT.dll functions, we just need to modify the SQLCONV.h file to include that function! So, here it is, what you've been waiting for...

    1. Add this line to the SQLCONV.h file: external prototype void SQLRTInitialize( byval string );. It doesn't really matter where, but I put it just above the other SQL functions.

       在   SQLCONV.h  文件中添加 external prototype void SQLRTInitialize( byval string );

  4. Modify the "OnSQLLogin()" Function
    Well, here it is, the last step. We need to modify the OnSQLLogin function. Why? Well, this function displays the SQLLogin Dialog. But it does more than that, it extracts the DLLs from the Binary table and loads them into memory. Now, I give InstallShield credit for initially writing this script, but lets face it, they're not the best at writing concise code :p! Please keep in mind that you could write your own functions to extract the DLLs once and then call multiple SQL Dialogs, but I am just trying to keep this simple for now.



    // OnSQLLogin


    function number OnSQLLogin( nReturn )

            string sDLL, sMessage;

            string sHidden[MAX_PATH];

            string sServer[MAX_PATH], sUser[MAX_PATH], sPassword[MAX_PATH], sAuth[10], sDB[MAX_PATH], sTemp[MAX_PATH];

            number nResult, nSize, nRetVal;

            BOOL  bWinAuth, bDoneLogin;


            // Extract SQL Runtime dlls


            nResult = StreamFileFromBinary(  ISMSI_HANDLE, "ISSQLSRV.DLL", sDLL );

            if (nResult = -1) then

                    MessageBox("The \"ISSQLSRV.dll\" could not be extracted from the Binary Table.", SEVERE);



            UseDLL( sDLL );

            sDLL = SUPPORTDIR ^ "SQLRT.DLL";

            nResult = StreamFileFromBinary(ISMSI_HANDLE, "SQLRT.DLL", sDLL);

            if (nResult = -1) then

                        MessageBox("The \"SQLRT.DLL\" could not be extracted from the Binary Table.", SEVERE);



            UseDLL( sDLL );   

            SQLRTInitialize("");   //这句话很重要

            // Add the Password property as a Hidden property so no passwords accidentally get logged.

            nSize = MAX_PATH; MsiGetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "MsiHiddenProperties", sHidden, nSize );

            if (StrLength(sHidden) > 0) then sHidden = sHidden + ";"; endif;

            sHidden = sHidden + "IS_SQLSERVER_PASSWORD";

            MsiSetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "MsiHiddenProperties", sHidden );

            // Get Default properties

            nSize = MAX_PATH; MsiGetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_SERVER", sServer, nSize );

            nSize = MAX_PATH; MsiGetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_DATABASE", sDB, nSize );

            nSize = MAX_PATH; MsiGetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_USERNAME", sUser, nSize );

            nSize = MAX_PATH; MsiGetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_PASSWORD", sPassword, nSize );

            nSize = 10; MsiGetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION", sAuth, nSize );

            if (sAuth = "1") then

                    bWinAuth = FALSE;


                    bWinAuth = TRUE;


            bDoneLogin = FALSE;

            while( !bDoneLogin )

                    // Show login dialog

                    nReturn = SQLServerSelectLogin( sServer, sUser, sPassword, bWinAuth );

                    if (nReturn = BACK) then

                            // BACK was clicked, so we don't even try

                            bDoneLogin = TRUE;


                    elseif (nReturn = NEXT) then

                            // Validate Connection

                            MsiSetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_SERVER", sServer );

                            MsiSetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_USERNAME", sUser );

                            MsiSetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_PASSWORD", sPassword );

                            if (bWinAuth = TRUE) then

                                    sAuth = "0";


                                    sAuth = "1";


                            MsiSetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION", sAuth );

                            MsiSetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_CA_SILENT", "0" );

                            nRetVal = SQLRTServerValidate( ISMSI_HANDLE );


                            nSize = MAX_PATH; MsiGetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_STATUS", sTemp, nSize );

                            if( sTemp != "0" ) then

                                    nSize = _MAX_PATH; MsiGetProperty( ISMSI_HANDLE, "IS_SQLSERVER_STATUS_ERROR", sMessage, nSize );

                                    if (nSize = 0) then sMessage = SdLoadString( IDS_IFX_SQL_ERROR_LOGIN_FAILED ); endif;

                                    MessageBox( sMessage, MB_OK );


                                    // Validation Successful

                                    bDoneLogin = TRUE;



                            MessageBox("General Errors Occured showing the SQL Server Login Dialog.", SEVERE);




            return nReturn;






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