
1. In some countries girls are still __D___of a good education.

A. denied[dɪˈnaɪd]拒绝 B. declined[dɪˈklaɪnd]下降 C. defied[dɪˈfaɪd]抵抗 D. deprived[dɪˈpraɪvd]剥夺

In some countries:介词短语,地点状语

education[ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn] 教育

2. As the years passed, the memories of her childhood ___A___away. 

A. faded[ˈfeɪdɪd](变淡) B. disappeared[ˌdɪsəˈpɪəd]消失 C. flashed D. fired

As the years passed:随着时间的流逝


3. Brierley’s book has the____D____ of being both informative and readable.

A. inspiration [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn]灵感  B. requirements[rɪˈkwaɪəmənts]所需的东西  C. myth[mɪθ]神话故事 D. merit[ˈmerɪt] 优点,美德


informative [ɪnˈfɔːmətɪv] 提供知识的

4. If I have any comments to make, I'll write them in the ___C___of the book I'm reading.

A. edge[edʒ]边缘 B. page C. margin[ˈmɑːdʒɪn]旁边空白的 D. side[saɪd]一侧

comments ... make:发表评论


in the ... of:在...的边

5. My ____D____would really trouble me if I wore a fur coat. 

A. consciousness[ˈkɒnʃəsnəs]感觉 B. consequence[ˈkɒnsɪkwəns]后果 C. constitution[ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃn]构造 D. conscience[ˈkɒnʃəns]良心

fur[fɜː(r)] 动物皮毛

6. When the post fell___B____。Dennis Bass was appointed to fill it. 

A. empty B. vacant C. hollow D. bare


be appoint to:被任命



vacuum cleaner:真空吸尘器

bare hards:赤手空拳

the post fell vocation:职位空缺


7. Mother who takes care of everybody is usually the most ____A_____person in each 


A. considerate[kənˈsɪdərət]考虑周到的 B. considerable[kənˈsɪdərəbl]很多的 C. considering[kənˈsɪdərɪŋ]考虑到 D. constant[ˈkɒnstənt]固定不变的

who takes care of everybody:定语从句


8. For ten years the Greeks ____D___the city of Troy to separate it from the outside.

A. captured[ˈkæptʃəd]俘虏 B. occupied[ˈɒkjupaɪd]使用中 C. destroyed D. surrounded[səˈraʊndɪd]围绕

For ten years:时间定语   十几年来

to separate it from the outside:目的状语

separate ... from:隔离


9. Other guests at yesterday's opening, which was broadcast___A___ by the radio station, 

included Anne McIntosh and Mayor. 

A. live现场直播 B. alive C. living D. lively[ˈlaɪvli]有活力的

at:在这里做定语,修饰Other guests



10. A New Zealand man was recently __C_____to life imprisonment for the murder of an English tourist, Monica Cantwell. 

A. punished[ˈpʌnɪʃt]处罚 B. accused[əˈkjuːzd]控诉 C. sentenced[ˈsentənst]判决 D. put


recently[ˈriːsntli]不久前,prison[ˈprɪzn]监狱,imprisonment[ɪmˈprɪznmənt] 监禁,tourist [ˈtʊərɪst] 游客,murder[ˈmɜːdə(r)]谋杀

11. The past 22 years have really been amazing, and every prediction we've made about 

improvements have almost come__B____. 

A. truly B. true C. truth D. truthful

come true:实现

prediction [prɪˈdɪkʃn] 预言,improvements [ɪmˈpruːvmənts]改善

12. The teachers tried to __A____these students that they could solve the complicated 

problem, however, they just didn't see the point. 

A. convince[kənˈvɪns]使信服 B. encourage[ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ]支持 C. consult D. inclined[ɪnˈklaɪnd] 很可能


solve [sɒlv]解决,complicated[ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd]复杂的

13. I'm____D__ to think that most children would like their teachers to be their friends 

rather than their commanders. 

A. subjected [səbˈdʒektɪd] 使服从 B. supposed[səˈpəʊzd] 误认为 C. declined[dɪˈklaɪnd]减少 D. inclined[ɪnˈklaɪnd]有...倾向

rather [ˈræðər] than:宁愿而不愿,commanders [kəˈmɑːndəz]负责人


14. She is under the impression that he isn't a __C___person for he wouldn't tell her 

where and when he went to university. 

A. genius B. generous C. genuine[ˈdʒenjuɪn]诚实的 D. genetic


under the impression[ɪmˈpreʃn]印象:有...的印象,university[ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti]大学


15. The first glasses of Coca Cola were drunk in 1886.The drink was first __B___by a 

US chemist called John Pemberton. 

A. formed[fɔːmd]出现 B. made C. found[faʊnd]创建 D. done

chemist[ˈkemɪst]化学家,drunk[drʌŋk]喝,drink[drɪŋk] 饮料

16. These two chemicals ___A___with each other at a certain temperature to produce a 

substance which could cause an explosion.

A. interact[ˌɪntərˈækt] 相互影响 B. attract[əˈtrækt]吸引 C. react[riˈækt]起反应 D. expel[ɪkˈspel]排出

chemicals[ˈkɛmɪkəlz]化学品,certain[ˈsɜːtn]确实,temperature[ˈtemprətʃə(r)] 温度,substance[ˈsʌbstəns] 物质,explosion[ɪkˈspləʊʒn]爆炸,produce[prəˈduːs]产生

17.___B___they can get people in the organization to do what must be done, they will 

not succeed. 

A. Since B. Unless[ənˈles]除非 C. If D. Whether[ˈweðə(r)] 或者,不管

they will not succeed.  前应该加入否则

18. Once you have started a job, you should do it___C___. 

A. in practice[ˈpræktɪs]实际行动 B. in theory[ˈθɪəri]理论 C. in earnest[ˈɜːnɪst]非常认真的 D. in a hurry[ˈhʌri]赶快

19. Although the new library service has been very successful, its future is 


A. at any rate[reɪt]评估;不管怎么样 B. by no means[miːnz] 方法;丝毫不 C. by all means一定 D. at any cost无论如何

Although:让步状语从句    技巧:Although对应的答案在隐藏的但是后面的否定


20. To my surprise, at yesterday's meeting he again ___C___the plan that had been 

disapproved a week before. 

A. brought[brɔːt]带来 about(引起) B. brought out (说出来) C. brought up 提出D. brought down(打倒)


21. His wife has been __B____a lot of pressure on him to change his job.

A. taking B. exerting[ɪɡˈzɜːtɪŋ]努力,运用 C. giving D. pushing

pressure [ˈpreʃə(r)] 压力

take on responsibility [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti] 承担压力

give to进行搭配

to change his job:目的状语

22. It is estimated that, currently, about 50 000 species become ___A___every year

A. extinct [ɪkˈstɪŋkt]不存在的 B. instinct[ˈɪnstɪŋkt]本能  C. distinct[dɪˈstɪŋkt]明白的  D. intense[ɪnˈtens]很大的


it is xxed据估计

fire extinguisher[ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃə(r)]灭火器  put out扑灭  intuition [ˌɪntjuˈɪʃn] 直觉力,tuition学费

distinguish[dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ] a from b将a从b中分离,tense [tens]紧张的,intensify[ɪnˈtensɪfaɪ]加剧


23. John says that his present job does not provide him with enough___A___ for his 

organizing ability.

A. scope[skəʊp]机会,能力 B. space C. capacity[kəˈpæsəti]容量,职位 D. range[reɪndʒ]范围,变动

present[ˈpreznt]礼物,organizing[ˈɔːɡənaɪzɪŋ] 组织,ability[əˈbɪləti]能力,telescope[ˈtelɪskəʊp]望远镜,television[ˈtelɪvɪʒn]电视机,telecom ['telɪkɒm]电信,a range of一系列,arrangeəˈreɪndʒ],arrangement安排


24. Many___D___ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.

A. probabilities[ˌprɒbəˈbɪlɪtiz]可能性 B. realities[ri(ː)ˈælɪtiz]现实 C. necessities[nɪˈsɛsɪtiz]必要 D. opportunities

be opened up被动的谓语结构,将打开,in the future状语,with a university education定语


25. After his uncle died, the young man ___B____the beautiful estate with which he 

changed from a poor man to a wealthy noble.

A. inhabited[ɪnˈhæbɪtɪd]居住在live in=dwellin B. inherited[ɪnˈherɪtɪd]继承=succeed to C. inhibited[ɪnˈhɪbɪtɪd]阻止 D. inhaled [ɪnˈheɪld] 吸入

estate[ɪˈsteɪt] 庄园,个人财产,wealthy[ˈwelθi] 富有的,noble[ˈnəʊbl]贵族,habit[ˈhæbɪt]习惯,inhabitant[ɪnˈhæbɪtənt]居民,dweller [ˈdwelə(r)] 居民,resident[ˈrezɪdənt]居民

ant结尾,很多表示人 eg. peasant[ˈpeznt]=farmer农民,pea[piː]豌豆,inheritance[ɪnˈherɪtəns]遗产,inheritor [ɪnˈherɪtə(r)] =successor[səkˈsesə(r)]继承人,inhale oxygen [ˈɒksɪdʒən],exhale co2

After his uncle died时间状语从句,with which he 定语从句

26. The manager is calling on a __D____customer trying to talk him into signing the 


A. prosperous[ˈprɒspərəs]成功的 B. preliminary[prɪˈlɪmɪnəri]初步的 C. pessimistic[ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk]悲观的 D. prospective[prəˈspektɪv]可能的=potential[pəˈtenʃl],possible[ˈpɒsəbl]

talk somebody into doing=persuade[pəˈsweɪd]说服,call on拜访,prosper[ˈprɒspə(r)]=thrive [θraɪv]兴旺

pect看的词根,prospect[ˈprɑːspekt]希望,expect[ɪkˈspekt] 预料,inspect[ɪnˈspekt]检查,prospect for gold勘探黄金,optimistic [ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk]乐观的

trying to目的状语

27. In 1991, while the economies of industrialized countries met an economic___C___, 

the economies of developing countries were growing very fast.

A. revival[rɪˈvaɪvl]复苏 B. repression[rɪˈpreʃn] 压制 C. recession[rɪˈseʃn]经济衰退 D. recovery[rɪˈkʌvəri] 恢复

economies[i(ː)ˈkɒnəmiz] 经济,industrialized[ɪnˈdʌstriəlaɪzd]工业化的,developed [dɪˈveləpt]发达的,met [met] 遭受,suffer[ˈsʌfə(r)] 遭受,economic[ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk]经济的

词根vivo=life=revive [rɪˈvaɪv]复活,faint[feɪnt]昏厥,repress[rɪˈpres]回压,recede[rɪˈsiːd]回退,recover[rɪˈkʌvə(r)]恢复健康

In 1991时间状语从句

28. The destruction of the twin towers ___C___shock and anger through the world.

A. summoned [ˈsʌmənd]召唤 B. tempted[ˈtemptɪd]引诱 C. provoked [prəˈvəʊkt]引起 D. stumbled[ˈstʌmbld] 绊脚


trigger [ˈtrɪɡə(r)]引起,arouse [əˈraʊz] 激起,raise [reɪz] 提高,lead to通向,contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt] to捐助

29. About 20 of the passengers who were injured in a plane crash are said to be in___D__condition.

A. decisive [dɪˈsaɪsɪv]决定性的 B. urgent[ˈɜːdʒənt]紧急的 C. vital[ˈvaɪtl]对…极重要的  D. critical[ˈkrɪtɪkl]批评的,紧要的

passengers[ˈpæsɪndʒəz] 乘客,injured[ˈɪndʒəd]受伤的,plane [pleɪn]飞机,crash[kræʃ] 崩溃,condition[kənˈdɪʃn]状况

decide[dɪˈsaɪd]决定,pressing[ˈpresɪŋ]紧急的,criticize[ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz] 批评,critic [ˈkrɪtɪk]批评家,criticism[ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm]批评


30. The interactions between China and the US will surely have a significant 

___C____on peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and the world as a whole.

A. importance[ɪmˈpɔːtns]重要性 B. impression [ɪmˈpreʃn]印象 C. impact[ˈɪmpækt]巨大影响 D. implication[ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃn]可能的影响

interactions[ˌɪntərˈækʃənz]相互影响,significant [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt]有重大意义的 ,peace [piːs]和平,stability[stəˈbɪləti]稳定 ,stable[ˈsteɪbl] 稳定,influence[ˈɪnfluəns]影响=effect[ɪˈfekt],Pacific[pəˈsɪfɪk] 太平洋,imply[ɪmˈplaɪ] 暗示

31. The poor countries are extremely ___B___to international economic fluctuations.

A. inclined[ɪnˈklaɪnd]很可能 B. vulnerable[ˈvʌlnərəbl]易受…伤害的 C. attracted[əˈtræktɪd]吸引 D. reduced[rɪˈdjuːst]缩小

extremely[ɪkˈstriːmli]极其,international[ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl]国际的,fluctuations[ˌflʌktjʊˈeɪʃənz]波动,fluctuate[ˈflʌktʃueɪt] 波动

inclined=tend to倾向于,weak[wiːk]易受影响的

32. Applicants should note that all positions are ___A____to Australian citizenship requirements.

A. subject[ˈsʌbdʒɪkt]主题,取决于 B. subjective[səbˈdʒektɪv]主观的 C. objected[əbˈdʒektɪd]反对 D. objective [əbˈdʒektɪv]目标,客观的

Applicants[ˈæplɪkənts] 申请人,note[nəʊt]记录,注意到,positions[pəˈzɪʃnz] 位置,Australian[ɒˈstreɪliən]澳大利亚,citizenship[ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp]公民权利,requirements[rɪˈkwaɪəmənts]必要条件,objecte to反对

33. We aim to ensure that all candidates are treated fairly and that they have equal 

__C___to employment opportunities.

A. entrance[ˈentrəns]出场 B. entry进入 C. access D. admission

candidate[ˈkændɪdət]候选人,treated[ˈtriːtɪd] 把…看作,fairly[ˈfeəli]相当地,employment[ɪmˈplɔɪmənt]职业,unemployment[ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt]失业

have access to 得进入

34. Successful learning is not a(n)____D___activity but consists of four distinct stages in a specific order.

A. only B. sole[səʊl]仅有的 C. mere[mɪə(r)] 仅仅的 D. single

activity[ækˈtɪvəti]活动,consists[kənˈsɪsts] 由…组成,distinct[dɪˈstɪŋkt]清晰的,不同的,stages[ˈsteɪdʒɪz]阶段,specific[spəˈsɪfɪk]明确的

act行为,actor演员,actress[ˈæktrəs]女演员,action,interact [ˌɪntərˈækt]沟通;合作,react起反应


35. The opportunity to explore and play and the encouragement to do so can ___C___the 

performance of many children.

A. withhold[wɪðˈhəʊld]拒绝 B. prevent[prɪˈvent] 阻止 C. enhance[ɪnˈhɑːns]提高 D. justify[ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ]证明

explore[ɪkˈsplɔː(r)]探索,encouragement[ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt]鼓励,enhance=promote[prəˈməʊt]=improve[ɪmˈpruːv]提高,withdraw[wɪðˈdrɔː]撤回,justice[ˈdʒʌstɪs] 公平


36. All her hard work ___B___in the end and she finally passed the exam.

A. showed off炫耀 B. paid off付清,见成效 C. left off不用的; D. kept off避开


37. In order to live the kind of life we want and to be the person we want to be, we have 

to do more than just _A___with events.

A. put up B. set up创建 C. turn up出现 D. make up组成

put up with=tolerate[ˈtɒləreɪt]=endure [ɪnˈdjʊə(r)]忍受,bear熊

In order to:目的状语,we want to定语从句

38. The team played hard because the championship of the state was__B____.

A. at hand在手边 B. at stake[steɪk]处于危险境地 C. at large在逃的 D. at best充其量

in danger[ˈdeɪndʒə(r)] 处于危险之中

championship [ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp]冠军地位,criminal [ˈkrɪmɪnl] at large在逃犯,mankind[mænˈkaɪnd] at large全人类,ordinary[ˈɔːdnri] people普通 人,talk at large详细说


39. I do not think you’ll change his mind, once he’s decided on something he tends to 


A. stick[stɪk] to紧随,坚持 B. abide接受 by遵守 C. comply[kəmˈplaɪ] with服从 D. keep on重复,继续

tends[tendz] 往往会,adhere[ədˈhɪə(r)]  to坚持,conform to遵守

40. Tom placed the bank notes, ___D___the change and receipts, back in the drawer.

A. more than比...更重要 B. but for要不是 C. thanks to幸亏 D. along with随同…一起

placed [pleɪst]放置,receipts[rɪˈsiːts]收条,drawer[drɔː(r)] 开票人,抽屉,bank notes钞票

the change and receipts零钱与收据


41. Oil[ɔɪl]石油 is an important __A___material [məˈtɪəriəl]原料 which can be processed into many different products, including plastics[ˈplæstɪks]塑料.
A. raw[rɔː]未经加工的 B. bleak[bliːk] 没有希望的 C. flexible[ˈfleksəbl]灵活的 D. fertile[ˈfɜːtaɪl]富饶的
which:定语从句,be processed into被加工成
a raw beginner新手,raw data原始数据,a raw winter寒冷的冬天
crude oil原油,original[əˈrɪdʒənl] 原来的
hopeless [ˈhəʊpləs]无望的,inflexible[ɪnˈfleksəbl] 不灵活的

42. The high living standards[ˈstændədz]水平 of the US cause[kɔːz]原因 its present[ˈpreznt]现存的 population[ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn]人口 to__B__25 percent of the world’s oil.
A. assume[əˈsjuːm]假设/承担 B. consume[kənˈsjuːm]消耗 C. resume [rɪˈzjuːm]概述/重新开始 D. presume[prɪˈzjuːm]假设
consumer消费者,consumption[kənˈsʌmpʃn]消费,assumption[əˈsʌmpʃn] 假设,assuming that假设,assume one's responsibility[rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti]责任,presume to do冒昧做某事,be presumed清白的

43. You should not be so__C__. I didn’t mean anything bad in what I said.
A. sentimental[ˌsentɪˈmentl]情感的 B. sensible [ˈsensəbl]a.明智的 C. sensitive[ˈsensətɪv]a.n.敏锐的; D. sophisticated[səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd]a.复杂的/老练的
sense[sens]v.n.感觉,sentiment[ˈsentɪmənt] n.情绪=emotion[ɪˈməʊʃn]

44. Picasso[pɪˈkæsəʊ] 毕加索 was an artist who fundamentally[ˌfʌndəˈmentəli]完全地 changed the __B__of art for later generations[ˌdʒɛnəˈreɪʃənz]一代人.
A. philosophy[fəˈlɒsəfi] 哲学体系 B. concept[ˈkɒnsept]概念 C. viewpoint D. theme [θiːm]主题
philosopher[fəˈlɒsəfə(r)]n.哲学家,conception [kənˈsepʃn] n.构思,conceive[kənˈsiːv] v.构想
point of=opinion[əˈpɪnjən]=view=perspective[pəˈspektɪv]观点,attractive[əˈtræktɪv]有吸引力的

45. Member states[steɪts]状态 had the option to __D__from this agreement with one year’s notice[ˈnəʊtɪs] 注意.
A. deny[dɪˈnaɪ]否认  B. object(object to反对) C. suspect[səˈspekt]怀疑 D. withdraw[wɪðˈdrɔː]撤离
opt[ɒpt] for=choose[tʃuːz]v.选择,optional[ˈɒpʃənl]a.选修的 courses[ˈkɔːsɪz]n.课程 v.奔流,treaty[ˈtriːti]n.条约
have no option to do别无选择

46. The two counties achieved[əˈtʃiːvd]达到/取得 some progress[ˈprəʊɡres]进展 in the sphere[sfɪə(r)]领域/范围 of trade[treɪd]贸易 relations[rɪˈleɪʃnz]关系, traditionally[trəˈdɪʃnəli]传统上 a source of __A__irritation[ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃn]气恼/刺激.
A. mutual[ˈmjuːtʃuəl]相互的 B. optional C. neutral[ˈnjuːtrəl]中立的 D. parallel[ˈpærəlel] 平行的/相似

47. Williams[ˈwɪljəmz] had not been there during[ˈdjʊərɪŋ]在…期间 the __C__moments [ˈməʊmənts]片刻 when the kidnapping[ˈkɪdnæpɪŋ]绑架 had taken place.
A. superior[suːˈpɪəriə(r)] 级别 B. rigorous[ˈrɪɡərəs]严格的 C. vital[ˈvaɪtl]对…极重要的 D. unique
vitamin[ˈvɪtəmɪn]维生素,immediate[ɪˈmiːdiət]立即的 superior[suːˈpɪəriə(r)]  顶头上司
rigor['rɪɡə]n.寒战  serious[ˈsɪəriəs]a.不好的,rigorous[ˈrɪɡərəs]a.严格的

48. Travel[ˈtrævl]旅行 around[əˈraʊnd]围绕 Japan today, and one sees foreign[ˈfɒrən] 外国的 residents[ˈrɛzɪdənts]居民 holding[ˈhəʊldɪŋ]拿着 a wide[waɪd]宽的 _A__of jobs.
A. range[reɪndʒ] 范围 B. field C. scale[skeɪl] 程度; D. area
reside[rɪˈzaɪd] =inhabit[ɪnˈhæbɪt]=dwell[dwel]=live居住在
see somebody doing看到某人做,a+n+of(量)=许多的,一系列的
cultivated area可耕地,in a large scale大规模的

49. Modern[ˈmɒdn]现代的 manufacturing[ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərɪŋ]制造业 has _B_a global river [ˈrɪvə(r)] 河 of materials[məˈtɪərɪəlz]n.布料/原料 into a stunning[ˈstʌnɪŋ]绝妙的 array [əˈreɪ] 大堆 of new products.
A. translated[trænzˈleɪtɪd]翻译 B. transformed[trænsˈfɔːmd]使改变形态 C. transferred[trænsˈfɜːd]搬迁 D. transported[trænˈspɔːtɪd] 运输
a global river of一系列,transformer[trænsˈfɔːmə(r)].n变压器,trans[trænz] form变形,transfer[trænsˈfɜː(r)]v.n.转移 from bus to subway

50. Lightning [ˈlaɪtnɪŋ] 闪电 has been the second largest[ˈlɑːdʒɪst]大的 storm[stɔːm]暴风雨 killer in the US over the past[pɑːst]过去的 40 years and is __A__only by flood[flʌd]洪水.
A. exceeded [ɪkˈsiːdɪd] 超过 B. excelled[ɪkˈseld]擅长 C. excluded[ɪkˈskluːdɪd]不包括 D. extended [ɪkˈstendɪd] 延长了的
the second第二
extend an invitation[ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃn]邀请,extend this method扩展此方法,extend into infinity[ɪnˈfɪnəti]无限;无限 延伸,finite[ˈfaɪnaɪt]a.有限的

51. Voices[ˈvɔɪsɪz]聲音 were _D__as the argument [ˈɑːɡjumənt] 争论 between the two motorists[ˈməʊtərɪsts] 驾车者 became more bad-tempered[ˌbæd ˈtempəd]易怒的.
A. swollen[ˈswəʊlən]肿胀的 B. increased[ɪnˈkriːst]vi 增长 C. developed D. v. [reɪzd]提升
increased(不及物) to/by

52. Some sufferers[ˈsʌfərəz] 患病者 will quickly be restored[rɪˈstɔːd]恢复 to perfect[ˈpɜːfɪkt] 完美的 health; __D__others will take a longer time.
A. which B. where C. when D. whereas[ˌweərˈæz]但是=while=but
considering [kənˈsɪdərɪŋ]prep.鉴于(放于句首)

53. My brother likes eating very much but he isn’t very _C__about the food he eats.
A. special[ˈspeʃl]特殊的 B. peculiar [pɪˈkjuːliə(r)]特殊的奇怪的 C. particular[pəˈtɪkjələ(r)]不寻常的 D. unusual特别的
specially[ˈspeʃəli]a.专门的,specialize[ˈspeʃəlaɪz]v.专攻,special agent特工
be peculiar [pɪˈkjuːliə(r)]a.奇怪的 to特有的,be particular[pəˈtɪkjələ(r)]a.挑剔 about挑剔

54. Britain[ˈbrɪtn] 不列颠 might[maɪt] still be part of属于 France if it weren’t __D__a disastrous[dɪˈzɑːstrəs] 灾难性的 flood 200000 years ago, according[əˈkɔːdɪŋ] to根据 scientists[ˈsaɪəntɪsts]科学家 from Imperial[ɪmˈpɪəriəl]帝国的 College帝国学院 in London伦敦.
A. upon B. with C. in D. for
虚拟语气:if it were

55. The Water Prize[praɪz]奖 is an international[ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl]国际的 award[əˈwɔːd] 奖 that __A__outstanding[aʊtˈstændɪŋ] 优秀的 contributions[ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃənz] 贡献 towards[təˈwɔːdz] 接近 solving[ˈsɒlvɪŋ]解决 global water problems.
A. recognizes[ˈrekəɡnaɪzɪz] 认识/认可 B. requires C. releases [rɪˈliːsɪz]释放 D. relays [ˈriːleɪz] 转送
releases vapor[ˈveɪpə(r)]n.蒸汽

56. In its 14 years of__C___, the European Union[ˌjʊərəˈpiːən ˈjuːniən] has earned the scorn[juˈnaɪtɪd steɪts]轻蔑 of its citizens[ˈsɪtɪznz]公民/成员国 and skepticism[ˈskeptɪsɪzəm] 怀疑态度 from the United States[juˈnaɪtɪd steɪts].
A. endurance[ɪnˈdjʊərəns]忍耐力 B. emergency [iˈmɜːdʒənsi]突发事件 C. existence[ɪɡˈzɪstəns]存在; D. eminence[ˈemɪnəns]著名
in.....of 时间状语
endure [ɪnˈdjʊə(r)] v.忍受,suspicion [səˈspɪʃn]=scepticism[ˈskeptɪsɪzəm] =doubt[daʊt]=distrust [dɪsˈtrʌst] =怀疑
put up with=bear[beə(r)]=stand[stænd]=tolerate=[ˈtɒləreɪt]忍受
emerge[iˈmɜːdʒ] =eminent[ˈemɪnənt] =famous[ˈfeɪməs]=distinguished [dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt]=outstanding[aʊtˈstændɪŋ]=出色的

57. His excuse for为…辩解 being late this morning was his car had _B__in the snow. 
A. started up创办 B. got stuck[ɡɒt stʌk]陷入困境 C. set back[set bæk]耽误 D. stood by[stʊd baɪ]待命

58. __D__widespread[ˈwaɪdspred] 普遍的 belief [bɪˈliːf] 相信, cockroaches[ˈkɒkrəʊtʃɪz]蟑螂 would not take over the world if there were no one around to step on them.
A. In view of鉴于 B. Thanks to幸亏 C. In case of如果发生 D. Contrary to[ˈkɒntrəri tu] 相反的
take over占领

59. Consciously[ˈkɒnʃəsli]有意识地 or not, ordinary[ˈɔːdnri] 普通的 citizens[ˈsɪtɪznz] 公民 and government[ˈɡʌvənmənt]  bureaucrats[ˈbjʊərəʊkræts]官僚主义者 still __C__the notion that Japanese society[səˈsaɪəti] 社会 is a unique culture文化/观念.
A. fit in with适合 B. look down on蔑视 C. cling[klɪŋ to依附 D. hold back犹豫
despise[dɪˈspaɪz]=scorn[skɔːn]=defy[dɪˈfaɪ]=鄙视,stick[stɪk to坚持,hinder [ˈhɪndə(r)]v.阻碍

60. As you can see by yourself, things __B__to be exactly[ɪɡˈzæktli]精确地/正是如此 as the professor[prəˈfesə(r)] 教授 had foreseen[fɔːˈsiːn]预料.
A. turned in上交 B. turned out结果是 C. turned up出现在 D. turned down拒绝/低调

61. The poor lady was so __B__and distressed[dɪˈstrest]a.痛苦的 to talk about the tragedy[ˈtrædʒədi]n.悲惨的事.
A. engaged[ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd]a.从事于 B. exhausted[ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd]a.筋疲力尽的 C. ignorant[ˈɪɡnərənt]a.不了解的 D. energetic[ˌenəˈdʒetɪk]a.精力充沛的
engage in忙于
air exhausting device排气系统
exhaustive analysis详尽分析
ignore[ɪɡˈnɔː(r)] sb's presence[ˈprezns]n.存在
alter native可替换的
so to 太...以至于不能...=too to

62. At first__A_, the famous[ˈfeɪməs]a.著名的 painting[ˈpeɪntɪŋ] does not impress[ɪmˈpres]v.使敬仰 the audience[ˈɔːdiəns]n.观众 at all.
A. glance[ɡlɑːns]n.v.匆匆一看 B. gaze[ɡeɪz]n.v.凝视 C. stare[steə(r)]n.v.凝视 D. view

at all全然; 一点
glow[ɡləʊ]v.发光,gleam[ɡliːm]v.闪烁 ,glitter[ˈɡlɪtə(r)]v.闪亮,glimpse[ɡlɪmps]v.瞥见
at first view初见
glance left and right左顾右盼
glance back 回头看

63. Delegates[ˈdelɪɡeɪts]n.代表v.授(权); agree to the plan in_C_, but there were some details they did not approve.
A. discipline[ˈdɪsəplɪn]n.v.训练 B. theory[ˈθɪəri]n.意见 C. principle[ˈprɪnsəpl]n.原则 D. nature[ˈneɪtʃə(r)]n.自然

violate[ˈvaɪəleɪt]v.违反 disciplines
keep disciplines=observe[əbˈzɜːv]v.注意到 disciplines 遵守纪律
in theory理论上,in principle原则上,大体上
in nature=in essence[ˈesns] 本质上

64. I took the medicine[ˈmedsn]n.药 10 minutes ago, but the bitterness[ˈbɪtənəs]n.苦味 is still _D_in my mouth.
A. scattering[ˈskætərɪŋ]n.v.散开 B. feeling C. maintaining[meɪnˈteɪnɪŋ]v.保持 D. lingering[ˈlɪŋɡərɪŋ]a.拖延的v.徘徊

scatter seed on the fields 把种子撒在地上
maintain distance[ˈdɪstəns] 保持距离
maintain unity[ˈjuːnəti] 维护
maintain that 主张

65. Since the _D_of human history, human beings have been asking questions like “What is the essence[ˈesns]n.本质 of life”.
A. dusk[dʌsk]n.黄昏v.变暗 B. dust[dʌst]n.尘土v.擦灰 C. twinkle[ˈtwɪŋkl]n.v.闪烁 D. dawn[dɔːn]v.开始n.开端

twinkle hope闪烁的希望

66. The eldest[ˈeldɪst]a.年龄最大的 son _C_all the family members to discuss[dɪˈskʌs]v.讨论 how to celebrate[ˈselɪbreɪt]v.庆祝 the 50th wedding[ˈwedɪŋ]v.结婚n.婚礼 anniversary[ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri]n.周年纪念日.
A. clustered[ˈklʌstəd]v.群聚a.成群的 B. resembled[rɪˈzembld]v.看起来像 C. assembled[əˈsembld]v.聚集 D. rendered[ˈrendəd]v.使成为

a cluster of bees/flowers 一群群 一簇簇
resemble each other in shape 形状相似
assembly[əˈsembli]n.会议,assembly line装配线
rendered support 援助

67. I must leave now. _B_, if you want that book I’ll bring it to you tomorrow.
A. Accidentally[ˌæksɪˈdɛntəli]a.意外地 B. Incidentally[ˌɪnsɪˈdentli]a.顺便提一句 C. Occasionally[əˈkeɪʒnəli] a.偶然 D. Subsequently[ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli]a.之后

by accident[ˈæksɪdənt]事故/chance[tʃɑːns]冒险 偶然的
by the way顺便说一句

68. My mother is a light sleeper, __A__to any sound even甚至 as low as the humming[ˈhʌmɪŋ]v.发嗡嗡声 being of a mosquito[məˈskiːtəʊ]n.蚊子.
A. alert B. acute[əˈkjuːt]a.十分严重的 C. keen[kiːn].渴望 D. immune[ɪˈmjuːn]a.不受影响

red alert 紧急警报
white alert 解除警报
call an alert 发出警报
acute diseases[dɪˈziːzɪz] 急性疾病
acute observer[əbˈzɜːvə(r)] 敏锐的观察家
be immune from 免受...影响

69. The newly[ˈnjuːli]adv.最近 built factory is in urgent[ˈɜːdʒənt]a.紧急的 need of a number of skilled and _D_workers.
A. consistent[kənˈsɪstənt]a.一致的 B. conscious[ˈkɒnʃəs]a.有意的 C. confidential[ˌkɒnfɪˈdenʃl]a.保密的 D. conscientious[ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs]a.勤勉认真的 

consistent policy/standard 一贯的政策
conscious of 有意的
confidential conversation[ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃn]n.交谈
confide[kənˈfaɪd]v.吐露 in sb=believe in sb

70. As an outstanding[aʊtˈstændɪŋ]a.优秀的 scholar[ˈskɒlə(r)]a.学者, he has become __C__to the research 研究 team.
A. senior[ˈsiːniə(r)]a.高级水平的 B. junior[ˈdʒuːniə(r)]a.地位低下的 C. indispensable[ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl]a.必不可少的 D. independent[ˌɪndɪˈpendənt]a.自主的

senior citizens 老年人
senior adviser[ədˈvaɪzə(r)] 高级顾问
depend on 依靠

71. Sixteen days after the earthquake[ˈɜːθkweɪk]n.地震, 40 people, _A_in their village, were rescued[ˈreskjuːd]v.营救.
A. trapped[træpt]a.受困的 B. confined[kənˈfaɪnd]v.限制 C. enclosed[ɪnˈkləʊzd]v.围住 D. captured[ˈkæptʃəd]v.俘虏,占领

enclosed my cv 随信附上我的简历
enclosed the land 把土地围起来

72. Working far away from home, Jerry had to __B___from downtown[ˈdaʊntaʊn]n.市中心区 to his office every day.
A. wander[ˈwɒndə(r)]v.闲逛 B. commute[kəˈmjuːt]v.上下班往返 C. ramble[ˈræmbl]v.闲逛 D. motion[ˈməʊʃn]n.运动


73. The finance[ˈfaɪnæns]n.财政 minister[ˈmɪnɪstə(r)]n.部长 has not been so __C____since he raised[reɪzd]v.提升 taxes[ˈtæksɪz] to an unbearable[ʌnˈbeərəbl].无法接受的 level.
A. famous B. favorable[ˈfeɪvərəbl]a.赞同的 C. popular[ˈpɒpjələ(r)]a.大众的,受欢迎的 D. preferable[ˈprefrəbl]a.较适合

favorable[ˈfeɪvərəbl]有利的 price 优惠价
favorable balance=trade surplus[ˈsɜːpləs] 贸易顺差
prefer[prɪˈfɜː(r)] a to b = better than
enjoy great popularity[ˌpɒpjuˈlærəti] 很受欢迎
enjoy great享受美好

74. It is unimaginable[ˌʌnɪˈmædʒɪnəbl].难以置信的 for someone in such a high ___B___in the government[ˈɡʌvənmənt] to behave[bɪˈheɪv]v.表现 so badly in public[ˈpʌblɪk]a.公众的.
A. situation[ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn]n.情况 B. position[pəˈzɪʃn]n.位置 C. profession[prəˈfeʃn]n.行业 D. appointment[əˈpɔɪntmənt]n.预约

unthinkable[ʌnˈθɪŋkəbl]=incredible[ɪnˈkredəbl]=unbelievable[ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbl] 难以置信的
economic[ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk] situation 经济形势
reverse[rɪˈvɜːs]v.使反转 the situation 扭转局面
liberal[ˈlɪbərəl]a.开明的 profession 自由职业
appoint[əˈpɔɪnt]v.任命 a manager

75. Information given to employees must be ___D___, clear and in easy-to-follow容易理解 language.
A. convenient[kənˈviːniənt]a.方便的 B. continuous[kənˈtɪnjuəs].连续的 C. constant[ˈkɒnstənt]a.重复的 D. concise[kənˈsaɪs]a.简明的

convenient store/food

76. John was very upset难过 because he was ___D___by the police[pəˈliːs]n.警方 with breaking the law[lɔː]n.法律.
A. sentenced[ˈsentənst]v.判决 B. arrested[əˈrestɪd]v.拘留 C. accused[əˈkjuːzd]v.控告 D. charged[tʃɑːdʒd]v.起诉a.紧张的

charged ... with
accused ... of
sue sb for sth

violate[ˈvaɪəleɪt]v.违反 the law

77. David likes country life and has decided[dɪˈsaɪdɪd]v.决定 to ___A___farming.
A. go in for对…感兴趣 B. go back on违背(诺言等) C. go along with服从 D. go through with通过

engage[ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ]v.雇用 in 从事
go back on one's words/promise[ˈprɒmɪs]=eat one's words 食言

78. Jennifer has never really __A___her son’s death. It’s very hard to accept[əkˈsept]v.收受 the fact[fækt]n.现实 that she’ll never have a child.
A. come to terms[tɜːmz]n.条款 with接受 B. come up against[əˈɡenst]反对; 遇到(困难) C. come out with 提出,出版 D. come down to归结到

79. A national[ˈnæʃnəl]a.国家的 debate[dɪˈbeɪt]n.v.讨论 is now ___C___about whether是…还是 we should replace golden weeks with paid[peɪd] vacations带薪假期.
A. in the way在路上 B.by the way附带说一句 C. under way正在进行中 D. out of the way让开,已经解决的


80. When a psychologist[saɪˈkɒlədʒɪst]n.心理学家; does a general experiment[ɪkˈsperɪmənt]v.做试验 about the human mind, he selected people __B___and asks them questions.
A. at ease自由自在 B. at rando[ˈrændəm];  胡乱地 C. in essence[ɪn ˈesns]实质上 D. in sum总之

opt for=choose=select挑选
ease[iːz]v.缓解 tensions[ˈtenʃnz]n.紧张局势
ease sb of his troubles
ease the economic crisis[ˈkraɪsɪs]n.危机
random sampling[ˈsɑːmplɪŋ]n.抽样
random guess随便猜
in nature 本质上
to sum up= in a word=in sum






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