跟着学习Algorithm的课程也有好几周了,感觉作业难度还算适中,但要想得满分实在需要一些姿势水平。对算法时间和内存的高阶要求对我这个外行简直吃力,从第三周开始就已经不能100/100了,又苦于不知道向谁求救,很难受。加上自己记性一直不好,一些之前理解很到位的算法隔一段时间不用就只能记个模棱两可,所以决定把作业发到网上(前三周的有时间再补),一方面希望和大家分享交流,听听大家的建议(如果有人看的话[手动捂脸.jpg]),一方面也给自己留个备案,糊涂时就翻出来看看。(希望没有违反honor code...)
8 Puzzle
Write a program to solve the 8-puzzle problem (and its natural generalizations) using the A* search algorithm.
The problem. The 8-puzzle problem is a puzzle invented and popularized by Noyes Palmer Chapman in the 1870s. It is played on a 3-by-3 grid with 8 square blocks labeled 1 through 8 and a blank square. Your goal is to rearrange the blocks so that they are in order, using as few moves as possible. You are permitted to slide blocks horizontally or vertically into the blank square. The following shows a sequence of legal moves from an initial board (left) to the goal board (right).
1 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 5 => 4 2 5 => 4 5 => 4 5 => 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 initial 1 left 2 up 5 left goal
Best-first search. Now, we describe a solution to the problem that illustrates a general artificial intelligence methodology known as the A* search algorithm. We define a search node of the game to be a board, the number of moves made to reach the board, and the previous search node. First, insert the initial search node (the initial board, 0 moves, and a null previous search node) into a priority queue. Then, delete from the priority queue the search node with the minimum priority, and insert onto the priority queue all neighboring search nodes (those that can be reached in one move from the dequeued search node). Repeat this procedure until the search node dequeued corresponds to a goal board. The success of this approach hinges on the choice of priority function for a search node. We consider two priority functions:
- Hamming priority function. The number of blocks in the wrong position, plus the number of moves made so far to get to the search node. Intuitively, a search node with a small number of blocks in the wrong position is close to the goal, and we prefer a search node that have been reached using a small number of moves.
- Manhattan priority function. The sum of the Manhattan distances (sum of the vertical and horizontal distance) from the blocks to their goal positions, plus the number of moves made so far to get to the search node.
8 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 2 4 5 6 ---------------------- ---------------------- 7 6 5 7 8 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 3 initial goal Hamming = 5 + 0 Manhattan = 10 + 0
We make a key observation: To solve the puzzle from a given search node on the priority queue, the total number of moves we need to make (including those already made) is at least its priority, using either the Hamming or Manhattan priority function. (For Hamming priority, this is true because each block that is out of place must move at least once to reach its goal position. For Manhattan priority, this is true because each block must move its Manhattan distance from its goal position. Note that we do not count the blank square when computing the Hamming or Manhattan priorities.) Consequently, when the goal board is dequeued, we have discovered not only a sequence of moves from the initial board to the goal board, but one that makes the fewest number of moves. (Challenge for the mathematically inclined: prove this fact.)
A critical optimization. Best-first search has one annoying feature: search nodes corresponding to the same board are enqueued on the priority queue many times. To reduce unnecessary exploration of useless search nodes, when considering the neighbors of a search node, don't enqueue a neighbor if its board is the same as the board of the previous search node.
8 1 3 8 1 3