


RACcheck 是一个rac的审计工具,审计rac,crs,asm,GI中各种重要的配置,


  1. OS kernel parameters
  2. OS packages
  3. Many other OS configuration settings important to RAC.
  4. CRS/Grid Infrastructure
  5. RDBMS
  6. ASM
  7. Database parameters
  8. Many other database configuration settings important to RAC
  9. Upgrade Readiness assessment


  • Linux x86/x86-64* (Enterprise Linux, RedHat and SuSE 9, SuSE 10 & SuSE 11)
  • Oracle Solaris SPARC (Solaris 10 and 11)
  • Oracle Solaris x86-64 (Solaris 10 and 11)
  • AIX **
  • HPUX**

* No planned support for Linux Itanium
**Requires BASH Shell 3.2 or higher to be installed


  • 10gR2
  • 11gR1
  • 11gR2
  • 12cR1


[oracle@rac1 ~]$ ./raccheck -h 

Usage : ./raccheck [-abvhpfmsuSo:c:t:]

        -a      All (Perform. best practice check and recommended patch check)

        -b      Best Practice check only. No recommended patch check

        -h      Show usage

        -v      Show version

        -p      Patch check only

        -m      exclude checks for Maximum Availability Architecture scorecards(see user guide for more details)

        -u      Run raccheck to check pre-upgrade or post-upgrade best practices for and

                -o pre or -o post is mandatory with -u option like ./raccheck -u -o pre

        -f      Run Offline.Checks will be performed on data already collected from the customer system

        -o      Argument to an option. if -o is followed by v,V,Verbose,VERBOSE or Verbose, it will print checks which passs on the screen

                if -o option is not specified,it will print only failures on screen. for eg: raccheck -a -o v



                Pass comma separated node names to run raccheck only on selected nodes.


                Run raccheck only on local node.



                Do not print PASS'ed checks in HTML report.



                Do not print healthscore in HTML report.


        -diff [-outfile ]

                Diff two raccheck reports. Pass directory name or zip file or html report file as &


        -c     Used only under the guidance of Oracle support or development to override default components



               start      : Start the raccheck daemon

               stop       : Stop the raccheck daemon

               status     : Check if the raccheck daemon is running

               nextautorun: print the next auto run time


               Used to specify that run raccheck only if daemon is running


               Dont use raccheck daemon to run command

        -set "param1=value1;param2=value2.."

               Set raccheck config parameter

               Supported parameters are:

                 AUTORUN_INTERVAL : Automatic rerun interval in daemon mode.

                                             Set it zero to disable automatic rerun. Default is zero.

                 AUTORUN_FLAGS : raccheck flags to use for auto runs.

                 Ex: raccheck -set "AUTORUN_INTERVAL=12h;AUTORUN_FLAGS=-profile sysadmin"

                     This will run sysadmin profile every 12 hours

                     raccheck -set "AUTORUN_INTERVAL=2d;AUTORUN_FLAGS=-profile sysadmin"

                     This will run sysadmin profile once every 2 days.

                 NOTIFICATION_EMAIL : Email address used for notifications by daemon if mail server is configured.

                 PASSWORD_CHECK_INTERVAL : In daemon mode, interval to check change in password


               Print the value of parameter


        -profile Pass specific profile.

                 List of supported profiles:

                 asm             asm Checks         

                 clusterware     clusterware checks 

                 dba             dba Checks         

                 maa             maa Checks         

                 sysadmin        sysadmin checks 


[oracle@rac1 ~]$ ./raccheck -a


CRS stack is running and CRS_HOME is not set. Do you want to set CRS_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1?[y/n][y]y


Checking ssh user equivalency settings on all nodes in cluster


Node rac2 is configured for ssh user equivalency for oracle user


raccheck did not find the CRS binaries on rac2 from environment.


Please set RAT_CRS_HOME to CRS_HOME or GI_HOME in current shell to override and re-run it.


eg export RAT_CRS_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid

[oracle@rac1 ~]$

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ export RAT_CRS_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ ./raccheck -a


CRS stack is running and CRS_HOME is not set. Do you want to set CRS_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1?[y/n][y]y


Checking ssh user equivalency settings on all nodes in cluster


Node rac2 is configured for ssh user equivalency for oracle user



Searching for running databases . . . . .



List of running databases registered in OCR

1. orcl

2. None of above


Select databases from list for checking best practices. For multiple databases, select 1 for All or comma separated number like 1,2 etc [1-2][1].1

. .



Checking Status of Oracle Software Stack - Clusterware, ASM, RDBMS


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


                                                 Oracle Stack Status                           


Host Name  CRS Installed  ASM HOME       RDBMS Installed  CRS UP    ASM UP    RDBMS UP  DB Instance Name


rac1        Yes             Yes             Yes             Yes        Yes      Yes      orcl1    

rac2        Yes             Yes             Yes             Yes        Yes      Yes      orcl2    



12 of the included audit checks require root privileged data collection . If sudo is not configured or the root password is not available, audit checks which  require root privileged data collection can be skipped.



1. Enter 1 if you will enter root password for each  host when prompted


2. Enter 2 if you have sudo configured for oracle user to execute root_raccheck.sh script.


3. Enter 3 to skip the root privileged collections


4. Enter 4 to exit and work with the SA to configure sudo  or to arrange for root access and run the tool later.


Please indicate your selection from one of the above options[1-4][1]:-


*** Checking Best Practice Recommendations (PASS/WARNING/FAIL) ***




Log file for collections and audit checks are at



Running raccheck in serial mode because expect(/usr/bin/expect) is not available to supply root passwords on remote nodes


NOTICE:  Installing the expect utility (/usr/bin/expect) will allow raccheck to gather root passwords at the beginning of the process and execute raccheck on all nodes in parallel speeding up the entire process. For more info - http://www.nist.gov/el/msid/expect.cfm.  Expect is available for all major platforms.  See User Guide for more details.



                    Node name - rac1                               


Collecting - ASM Disk Groups

Collecting - ASM Diskgroup Attributes

Collecting - ASM disk partnership imbalance

Collecting - ASM initialization parameters

Collecting - Active sessions load balance for orcl database

Collecting - Archived Destination Status for orcl database

Collecting - Database Archive Destinations for orcl database

Collecting - Database Files for orcl database

Collecting - Database Instance Settings for orcl database

Collecting - Database Parameters for orcl database

Collecting - Database Properties for orcl database

Collecting - Database Registry for orcl database

Collecting - Database Sequences for orcl database

Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for orcl database

Collecting - Database Workload Services for orcl database

Collecting - Dataguard Status for orcl database

Collecting - Files not opened by ASM

Collecting - Log Sequence Numbers for orcl database

Collecting - Percentage of asm disk  Imbalance

Collecting - Process for shipping Redo to standby for orcl database

Collecting - Redo Log information for orcl database

Collecting - Standby redo log creation status before switchover for orcl database

Collecting - CPU Information

Collecting - CRS active version

Collecting - CRS oifcfg

Collecting - CRS software version

Collecting - CSS Reboot time

Collecting - CSS diagwait

Collecting - CSS disktimout

Collecting - Cluster interconnect (clusterware)

Collecting - Clusterware OCR healthcheck

Collecting - Clusterware Resource Status

Collecting - Huge pages configuration

Collecting - Kernel parameters

Collecting - Linux module config.

Collecting - Maximum number of semaphore sets on system

Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores on system

Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores per semaphore set

Collecting - Memory Information

Collecting - OS Packages

Collecting - Operating system release information and kernel version

Collecting - Oracle Executable Attributes

Collecting - Patches for Grid Infrastructure

Collecting - Patches for RDBMS Home

Collecting - Shared memory segments

Collecting - Table of file system defaults

Collecting - Voting disks (clusterware)

Collecting - number of semaphore operations per semop system call

Preparing to run root privileged commands  rac1.  Please enter root password when prompted.

root@rac1's password:

Collecting - ASM software owner  time zone

Collecting - CRS user time zone check

Collecting - Custom rc init scripts (rc.local)

Collecting - Interconnect interface config

Collecting - Network interface stats

Collecting - Number of RDBMS LMS running in real time

Collecting - OCFS2 disks

/tmp/root_raccheck.sh: line 40: /sbin/mounted.ocfs2: No such file or directory

Collecting - Root Open File Limit

Collecting - ocsf status

/tmp/root_raccheck.sh: line 50: /etc/init.d/o2cb: No such file or directory

Collecting - root time zone check



Data collections completed. Checking best practices on rac1.




 WARNING => Linux hangcheck-timer module is not loaded.

 WARNING => SYS.IDGEN1$ sequence cache size < 1,000 for orcl

 WARNING => _fast_start_instance_recovery_target should be 5 seconds or more for rac on orcl1 instance

 WARNING => Database Parameter parallel_execution_message_size is NOT set to the recommended value on orcl1 instance

 WARNING => net.core.wmem_default Is NOT Configured According to Recommendation

 WARNING => net.core.wmem_max Is NOT Configured According to Recommendation

 WARNING => net.core.rmem_default Is NOT Configured According to Recommendation

 WARNING => net.core.rmem_max Is NOT Configured According to Recommendation

 WARNING => CSS diagwait is not set. we recommend it to be 13 in order to capture first failure diagnostic

 WARNING => OCR redundancy is NOT being maintained using Oracle redundancy

 WARNING => Redundant voting disks are NOT being maintained using Oracle redundancy

 WARNING => Listener is not password protected

 INFO =>    $CRS_HOME/log/hostname/client directory has too many older log files.

 WARNING => The number of async IO descriptors is too low (/proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr)

 WARNING => NUMA support is enabled for database instances on orcl1 instance

 WARNING => NTP is not running with correct setting

 WARNING => Kernel Parameter SEMOPM Is Lower Than The Recommended Value

 INFO =>    user_dump_dest has trace files older than 30 days for orcl

 INFO =>    background_dump_dest has files older than 30 days for orcl

 WARNING => ASM shared_pool_size is < recommended value

 FAIL =>    Package control-center-2.16.0-14.el5-i386 is recommended but NOT installed

 FAIL =>    Package sysstat-7.0.0-3.el5-i386 is recommended but NOT installed

 WARNING => Kernel Parameter fs.file-max Is Lower Than The Recommended Value

 WARNING => Open files limit (ulimit -n) for current user is NOT set to recommended value >= 65536 or unlimited

 WARNING => init.cssd open files limit (ulimit -n ) is NOT set to recommended value >= 65536 in /etc/init.d/init.cssd

 WARNING => Hangcheck timer tick is not configured properly

 WARNING => Hangcheck timer margin is not configured properly

 WARNING => Hangcheck reboot is not configured properly

 INFO =>    audit_file_dest has audit files older than 30 days for orcl

 INFO =>    oracleasm (asmlib) module is NOT loaded

 WARNING => /tmp is NOT on a dedicated filesystem

 WARNING => Linux Swap Configuration does NOT meet Recommendation

 WARNING => Shell limit hard nofile for DB is NOT configured according to recommendation

 WARNING => Open file limit for root user (ulimit -n) is NOT >= 65536 or unlimited

 WARNING => pam_limits NOT configured properly for shell limits

 WARNING => NIC bonding is not configured for interconnect

 WARNING => NIC bonding is NOT configured for public network (VIP)

 WARNING => OSWatcher is not running as is recommended.

 INFO =>    Jumbo frames (MTU >= 8192) are not configured for interconnect

 FAIL =>    Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM is NOT set to recommended value on orcl1 instance

 WARNING => Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING on PRIMARY is NOT set to the recommended value. for orcl

 FAIL =>    Flashback on PRIMARY is not configured for orcl

 INFO =>    Operational Best Practices

 FAIL =>    Clusterware is not running

 INFO =>    Consolidation Database Practices

 INFO =>    Computer failure prevention best practices

 INFO =>    Data corruption prevention best practices

 INFO =>    Logical corruption prevention best practices

 INFO =>    Database/Cluster/Site failure prevention best practices

 INFO =>    Client failover operational best practices

 WARNING => fast_start_mttr_target has NOT been changed from default on orcl1 instance

 INFO =>    IMPORTANT: Database Parameter _external_scn_rejection_threshold_hours is NOT set to recommended value on orcl1 instance


 INFO =>    IMPORTANT: Oracle Database Patch 12879912,12879929,12879933,13923851,14275630,14736542 or 16056269 PSU is NOT applied to RDBMS Home /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2

 WARNING => Number of LMS processes in real time does not recommendation

 FAIL =>    Your Configuration is NOT in Compliance with Oracle Security Alert for CVE-2012-1675 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

 FAIL =>    Your Configuration is NOT in Compliance with Oracle Security Alert for CVE-2012-1675 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2

 INFO =>    Database failure prevention best practices

 FAIL =>    Primary database is NOT protected with Data Guard (standby database) for real-time data protection and availability for orcl

 INFO =>    Parallel Execution Health-Checks and Diagnostics Reports for orcl



Best Practice checking completed.Checking recommended patches on rac1.




Collecting patch inventory on  CRS HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

Collecting patch inventory on ASM HOME :



Collecting patch inventory on ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2


2 Recommended CRS patches for 102040 from /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 on rac1


Patch#   CRS  ASM    RDBMS RDBMS_HOME                              Patch-Description                           


9294403   no    no    no  /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2TRACKING BUG FOR THE CRS PSU     

9352164   no    no    no  /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUAP     





2 Recommended RDBMS patches for 102040 from /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2 on rac1


Patch#   RDBMS    ASM     type                Patch-Description                      


9352164   no      no     merge               DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUAPR

12879929  no      no     merge               DATABASE PATCH SET UPDATE (P






              Clusterware patches summary report


Total patches  Applied on CRS Applied on RDBMS Applied on ASM


2              0              0                0             





              RDBMS homes patches summary report


Total patches  Applied on RDBMS Applied on ASM ORACLE_HOME   


 2              0              0                /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2






                    Node name - rac2                               


Collecting - CPU Information

Collecting - CRS active version

Collecting - CRS oifcfg

Collecting - CRS software version

Collecting - Cluster interconnect (clusterware)

Collecting - Huge pages configuration

Collecting - Kernel parameters

Collecting - Linux module config.

Collecting - Maximum number of semaphore sets on system

Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores on system

Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores per semaphore set

Collecting - Memory Information

Collecting - OS Packages

Collecting - Operating system release information and kernel version

Collecting - Oracle Executable Attributes

Collecting - Patches for Grid Infrastructure

Collecting - Patches for RDBMS Home

Collecting - Shared memory segments

Collecting - Table of file system defaults

Collecting - number of semaphore operations per semop system call

Preparing to run root privileged commands  rac2.  Please enter root password when prompted.

root@rac2's password:

Collecting - ASM software owner  time zone

Collecting - CRS user time zone check

Collecting - Interconnect interface config

Collecting - Network interface stats

Collecting - Number of RDBMS LMS running in real time

Collecting - OCFS2 disks

/tmp/root_raccheck.sh: line 35: /sbin/mounted.ocfs2: No such file or directory

Collecting - Root Open File Limit

Collecting - ocsf status

/tmp/root_raccheck.sh: line 45: /etc/init.d/o2cb: No such file or directory

Collecting - root time zone check



Data collections completed. Checking best practices on rac2.




 WARNING => Linux hangcheck-timer module is not loaded.

 WARNING => _fast_start_instance_recovery_target should be 5 seconds or more for rac on orcl2 instance

 WARNING => Database Parameter parallel_execution_message_size is NOT set to the recommended value on orcl2 instance

 WARNING => net.core.wmem_default Is NOT Configured According to Recommendation

 WARNING => net.core.wmem_max Is NOT Configured According to Recommendation

 WARNING => net.core.rmem_default Is NOT Configured According to Recommendation

 WARNING => net.core.rmem_max Is NOT Configured According to Recommendation

 0              0                0               0              0                0               WARNING => Listener is not password protected

 INFO =>    $CRS_HOME/log/hostname/client directory has too many older log files.

 WARNING => The number of async IO descriptors is too low (/proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr)

 WARNING => LMS is not running in real time scheduling class for orcl

 WARNING => NUMA support is enabled for database instances on orcl2 instance

 WARNING => NTP is not running with correct setting

 WARNING => Kernel Parameter SEMOPM Is Lower Than The Recommended Value

 INFO =>    user_dump_dest has trace files older than 30 days for orcl

 INFO =>    background_dump_dest has files older than 30 days for orcl

 WARNING => ASM shared_pool_size is < recommended value

 FAIL =>    Package control-center-2.16.0-14.el5-i386 is recommended but NOT installed

 FAIL =>    Package sysstat-7.0.0-3.el5-i386 is recommended but NOT installed

 WARNING => Kernel Parameter fs.file-max Is Lower Than The Recommended Value

 WARNING => Open files limit (ulimit -n) for current user is NOT set to recommended value >= 65536 or unlimited

 WARNING => init.cssd open files limit (ulimit -n ) is NOT set to recommended value >= 65536 in /etc/init.d/init.cssd

 WARNING => Hangcheck timer tick is not configured properly

 WARNING => Hangcheck timer margin is not configured properly

 WARNING => Hangcheck reboot is not configured properly

 WARNING => $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oradism setuid bit is NOT set for /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2

 WARNING => $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oradism ownership is NOT root for /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2

 INFO =>    audit_file_dest has audit files older than 30 days for orcl

 INFO =>    oracleasm (asmlib) module is NOT loaded

 WARNING => /tmp is NOT on a dedicated filesystem

 WARNING => Linux Swap Configuration does NOT meet Recommendation

 WARNING => Shell limit hard nofile for DB is NOT configured according to recommendation

 WARNING => Open file limit for root user (ulimit -n) is NOT >= 65536 or unlimited

 WARNING => pam_limits NOT configured properly for shell limits

 WARNING => NIC bonding is not configured for interconnect

 WARNING => NIC bonding is NOT configured for public network (VIP)

 WARNING => OSWatcher is not running as is recommended.

 INFO =>    Jumbo frames (MTU >= 8192) are not configured for interconnect

 FAIL =>    Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM is NOT set to recommended value on orcl2 instance

 WARNING => Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING on PRIMARY is NOT set to the recommended value. for orcl

 FAIL =>    Clusterware is not running

 WARNING => fast_start_mttr_target has NOT been changed from default on orcl2 instance

 INFO =>    IMPORTANT: Database Parameter _external_scn_rejection_threshold_hours is NOT set to recommended value on orcl2 instance


 INFO =>    IMPORTANT: Oracle Database Patch 12879912,12879929,12879933,13923851,14275630,14736542 or 16056269 PSU is NOT applied to RDBMS Home /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2

 WARNING => Number of LMS processes in real time does not recommendation

 FAIL =>    Your Configuration is NOT in Compliance with Oracle Security Alert for CVE-2012-1675 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

 FAIL =>    Your Configuration is NOT in Compliance with Oracle Security Alert for CVE-2012-1675 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2



Best Practice checking completed.Checking recommended patches on rac2.




Collecting patch inventory on  CRS HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

Collecting patch inventory on ASM HOME :



bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('

bash: -c: line 0: `cat : : Error(Native:/inventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml'

Collecting patch inventory on ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2


2 Recommended CRS patches for 102040 from /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 on rac2


Patch#   CRS  ASM    RDBMS RDBMS_HOME                              Patch-Description                           


9294403   no    no    no  /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2TRACKING BUG FOR THE CRS PSU     

9352164   no    no    no  /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUAP     





2 Recommended RDBMS patches for 102040 from /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2 on rac2


Patch#   RDBMS    ASM     type                Patch-Description                       


9352164   no      no     merge               DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUAPR

12879929  no      no     merge               DATABASE PATCH SET UPDATE (P






              Clusterware patches summary report


Total patches  Applied on CRS Applied on RDBMS Applied on ASM


2              0              0                0             





              RDBMS homes patches summary report


Total patches  Applied on RDBMS Applied on ASM ORACLE_HOME   


 2              0              0                /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2








                      CLUSTERWIDE CHECKS




Detailed report (html) - /home/oracle/raccheck_rac1_orcl_091713_023006/raccheck_rac1_orcl_091713_023006.html



UPLOAD(if required) - /home/oracle/raccheck_rac1_orcl_091713_023006.zip




Cluster Summary

Cluster Name


OS/Kernel Version

LINUX X86 OELRHEL 5 2.6.18-164.el5

CRS Home - Version

/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 -

DB Home - Version - Names

/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_2 - - orcl

Number of nodes


   Database Servers


raccheck Version



Collection Date

12-Sep-2013 03:16:55

Note! This version of raccheck is considered valid for 3 days from today or until a new version is available

WARNING! The data collection activity appears to be incomplete for this raccheck run. Please review the "Killed Processes" and / or "Skipped Checks" section and refer to "Appendix A - Troubleshooting Scenarios" of the "Raccheck User Guide" for corrective actions.

Table of Contents

  • Findings Needing Attention

o    On Database Server

  • MAA Scorecard
  • Findings Passed

o    On Database Server

o    Cluster Wide

  • GRID and RDBMS patch recommendation Summary report
  • GRID and RDBMS patch recommendation Detailed report
  • Skipped Checks



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