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原创 Redo logfile recover

ORACLE_FileManage_Redo logfile recover1). No-current and active status about the redo was destroyedThe issue:The redo log was dropped, now mounted, but can’topen and show warning:       ORA-00

2013-09-18 10:56:32 901

原创 Just a sample case about rebuilding the redo group

ORACLE_FileManage_Rebuild the redo groupJust a sample Case:SQL>  select * from v$log;    GROUP#   THREAD#  SEQUENCE#      BYTES   MEMBERS ARC STATUS          FIRST_CHANGE# FIRST_TIME----------

2013-09-18 10:53:58 730

原创 Rebuild the controlfile

ORACLE_FileManage_Rebuild the controlfile1.  Backup the controlfile in the MOUNT or OPEN:#dd if=/dev/vx/dsk/dgtest/rlv_controlfile of=/dev/vx/dsk/dgtest/rlv_bakcontrolfile#su - oracle$sqlplus

2013-09-18 10:52:25 742

转载 Recovering the Standby's Datafile

ORACLE_DATAGUARD_Recovering the Standby's DatafileRecovering the Standby's DatafileIf recovering the standby, reverse the steps. Tha tis:1) copy the primary database's datafile 2) ftp the file

2013-09-18 10:49:56 618

原创 Recovering the Primary's Datafile

ORACLE_DATAGUARD_Recovering the Primary's DatafileOn the standby database:1、Backup the standby’s datafile$ rman target /RMAN> backupas copy datafile 5 format '/dg10g/backup/df05.cpy';2、Copy

2013-09-18 10:48:05 617

转载 UNNAMEDnnnnnfile in standby site

ORACLE_DATAGUARD_UNNAMEDnnnnnfile in standby siteUNNAMEDnnnnn file in standby siteafter new file added to primary database [ID 1329399.1]Applies to: OracleServer - Enterprise Edition - Version:

2013-09-18 10:45:28 919

原创 Recover standby database manually

ORACLE_DATAGUARD_Recover standby database manuallyCheck the standby status:SQL>select open_mode from v$database;SQL>select sequence#,applied from v$archived_log order by sequence#;SQL>SELECT T

2013-09-18 10:43:25 1031

转载 Step byStep Guide on Creating Physical Standby Using RMAN DUPLICATE

ORACLE_DATAGUARD_Step byStep Guide on Creating Physical Standby Using RMAN DUPLICATE(Just rebuild the standby database.)--- Filename: Rebuild the standby database using rman duplicateRebui

2013-09-18 10:42:09 800

原创 Just a sample case about rebuilding standby database using dd command

ORACLE_DATAGUARD_Rebuild standby database using dd commandRebuildstandby database using ddcommand:-- Create the standby database:-- 1. rcp the orapw to the standby$ rcp $ORACLE_HOME/db

2013-09-18 10:38:51 754

原创 Just a simple case about the oracle 11gR1 dataguard configuration

01、 ORACLE_DATAGUARD_Case_11gconfigurationJust acase:First of all, please finish the  full backup of the primary database.-- 1. Filename: Config the  oracle11g primary database1). On

2013-09-18 10:34:02 982

转载 Data Guard Protection Modes

ORACLE_DATAGUARD_Data Guard Protection ModesTRANSPORT: Data Guard Protection ModesMAXIMUM PROTECTION Thisprotection mode guarantees that no data loss will occur if theprimary database fails. To

2013-09-18 10:30:49 713

原创 How to clear the archive log

Some time, the archive is full, we have to clear the archive log and then make the database normal.The following way, maybe is useful to you.1. For NO-DATAGUARD:--- 1. Check the archiv

2013-09-18 10:29:35 1289

转载 Try to finish hcheck after restore database

ORACLE_RMAN_Try to finish hcheck after restore databaseIf restore the database, need to check the databasedictionary by hcheck. Generally speaking, don’t to do this, it will takea lot of resources

2013-09-18 10:26:50 614

原创 Delete archivelog in the primary database

ORACLE_RMAN_delete archivelog in the primary databaseAbout RMAN-08137, please refer to :1.  Case 1Check that the standby database is uptodate - if not, restartmanaged recovery and resolve the ga

2013-09-18 10:25:33 1822

原创 The backup progress monitor

ORACLE_RMAN_The backup progress monitor--- 1. RMAN $  sqlplus/ as sysdbaSELECT sid,spid, client_info  FROM v$processp, v$session s  WHERE p.addr =s.paddr  AND client_infoLIKE '%rman%'/

2013-09-18 10:21:16 772

原创 Print the rman output

ORACLE_RMAN_Print the rman output$ rman target /RMAN> spool log to ‘/tmp/rman_output.out’;

2013-09-18 10:19:40 645

原创 Enable block change tracking

RACLE_RMAN_Enable block change tracking--- Enable block change trace (Don’t reboot thedatabase.)alter databaseenable block change tracking using file'/oracle/changetrace/rman_change_track.f';---

2013-09-18 10:18:02 779

原创 Backup incremental level and scripts

1. Full backuprun {allocate channel 'dev1' type disk   ;allocate channel 'dev2' type disk ;allocate channel 'dev3' type disk ;backup full  tag 'dbfull' format '/o9i/testrman/full%u_%p_%c' da

2013-09-18 10:00:35 1239

原创 Recover database until time format

ORACLE_RMAN_until time formatProble Desc:RMAN> recover database until time '02/28/2011 16:06:23';Starting recover at 28-FEB-11using channel ORA_DISK_1RMAN-00571: ============================

2013-09-18 09:51:20 6506

原创 Check the recover datafile header

ORACLE_RMAN_Check the recover datafile headerset pagesize 20000set linesize 180set pause offset serveroutput onset feedback onset echo onset numformat 999999999999999Spool recovery

2013-09-18 09:49:25 919

原创 Delete archive log

ORACLE_RMAN_Delete archive log1. Remove thearchive log directly1). Remove thearchive log;2). Delete therecord of the database# su - oracle$ rman target /RMAN> listarchivelog all;RMAN>cro

2013-09-17 06:45:47 926

原创 Change archive mode

Change archive mode1. The HAorSINGLEmode,Changetothearchivemode (Please freeze the cluster)$ sqlplus '/ as sysdba'SQL> show parameter spfile;NAME                                TYPE 

2013-09-17 06:43:50 680

原创 The oracle reference scripts of the backup and the recover

ORACLE_BACKUP_The oracle reference scripts of the backup and the recoverThere are two familiar ways for thedatabase backup: exp/imp and rman. Expdp/impdp only Applies to above the oracle10g. Now the

2013-09-17 06:40:17 1477

转载 11g Member Kill Escalation

ORACLE_CLUSTER_11g Member Kill Escalationhttps://blogs.oracle.com/Database4CN/entry/11g_%E6%96%B0%E7%89%B9%E6%80%A7_member_kill_escalation首先我们介绍一下历史。在oracle 9i/10g 中,如果一个数据库实例需要驱逐(evict, alert文件

2013-09-17 06:38:19 901

转载 Script to Collect RAC Diagnostic Information

ORACLE_CLUSTER_Script to Collect RAC Diagnostic InformationThis script is intended to provide a user friendlyguide to troubleshoot RAC hung sessions or slow performance scenerios. Thescript includes

2013-09-17 06:36:12 837

转载 The Diagwait Function

ORACLE_CLUSTER_DiagwaitUsing Diagwait as a diagnostic toget more information for diagnosing Oracle Clusterware Node evictions [ID559365.1]Applies to: OracleServer - Standard Edition - Version: 1

2013-09-17 06:33:51 767

转载 How to uninstall CRS

How to uninstall CRSHow to Clean Up After a Failed 10g or 11.1 OracleClusterware Installation10g and 11.1 RAC: Howto Clean Up After a Failed CRS Install------------------------------------------

2013-09-17 06:32:04 829

转载 OCR/ Vote disk Maintenance Operations

OCR/ Vote disk Maintenance OperationsOCR/ Vote disk Maintenance Operations: (ADD/REMOVE/REPLACE/MOVE) [ID 428681.1]1. ADD/REMOVE/REPLACE/MOVE OCR Device1). OCR backupMake sure there isa rece

2013-09-17 06:30:23 812

转载 Get the RACCheck for the diagnosing

ORACLE_CLUSTER_RACCheckRACcheck -RAC Configuration Audit Tool [ID 1268927.1]1. The collect steps:# su - oracle$ cd /opt/raccheck$ gunzip raccheck_m.tar.gz            $ tar -xvf r

2013-09-17 06:28:50 775

原创 Rebuild the application tablespace

ORACLE_Guide_Rebuild the applicationtablespace1. Please exp the tablespace, like this:$ exp"'sys/sys as sysdba'" file=/opt/oracle/oradata/tablespace_test.dmp log=/opt/oracle/oradata/tablespace_tes

2013-09-17 06:25:15 636

原创 Start the ASM manually

ORACLE_Guide_Start the ASM manuallyJust a case:p630up[root]#su - oraclep630up[oracle]$export ORACLE_SID=+ASM2p630up[oracle]$sqlplus / as sysdbaConnected  to an idle instance.SQL> s

2013-09-17 06:20:51 743

原创 Clear the database log

ORACLE_Guide_Clear the database log1. Clean the ASM logoracle11g:oracle@host1:~> cd $ORACLE_BASE/diag/asm/+asm//alertoracle@host1:~> find ./ -name "log_*.xml"|xargs rm  -rforacle@hos

2013-09-17 06:18:14 1647

转载 ASM issue diagnosing

Oracle_Collect_ASM issue diagnosing(Fromthe oracle official support)Please provide the following information to troubleshoot the issue (fromeach node, if this is RAC):1. Upload ASM alert.logs and

2013-09-17 06:17:06 734

原创 Collect On-site info for the diagnosing

ORACLE_Collect_Collect On-site info for thediagnosing1. The database1).Describe the issue2).Collect the database  alert_.logoracle9i, 10g:# su -  oracle$ORACLE_BASE/admin//bdump/

2013-09-17 06:14:46 948

转载 ORACLE_BASIC_11gR2资源类型及相关日志

ORACLE_BASIC_11gR2资源类型及相关日志ora.net1.network : 网络资源ora..vip:scan对应的vip资源ora..vip: 节点对应的vip 资源ora..lsnr:监听程序资源。ora.LISTENER_SCAN.lsnr:scan 监听程序。ora..dg: ASM 磁盘组资源。ora..db: 数据库资源。ora..svc

2013-09-17 06:11:02 923

转载 11gR2 GI 启动顺序

01、 ORACLE_BASIC_11gR2 GI 启动顺序1). ohasd 启动阶段1.通过/etc/inittab文件中的脚本h1:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.ohasdrun >/dev/null 2>&1 被调用,产生下面的进程root 4865 1 0 Dec02 ?00:01:01 /bin/sh /etc/init.d/init.oh

2013-09-17 06:09:41 1546

原创 Some useful info for rebuilding database

01、 ORACLE_Collect_Some useful info for rebuilding database--- 1.Backup the pfile;#su - oracle$sqlplus / assysdbaSQL>show parameterspfile;SQL>CREATEPFILE='$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/inittmp.ora'FROM

2013-09-17 06:08:37 618

转载 How To Determine Granule Size

01、 ORACLE_BASIC_How To Determine Granule SizeHow To DetermineGranule Size (Doc ID 947152.1)1. How is the granulesize determinedThe granule size isdetermined based on the amount of memory reques

2013-09-17 06:06:38 827



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