If the length of an English character is 1, and Chinese character is 2, how to get the length of a string including English or Chinese character or both? The following methods may help you.
Method 1:
int chrLength = 0;
char[] chrEtching = strTmp.ToString().ToCharArray();
for (int counter = 0; counter < chrEtching.Length; counter++)
int temp = (int)chrEtching[counter];
if (temp > 12288)
{ chrLength += 2; }
{ chrLength++; }
Method 2:
Method 3:
string MyString = "Hello World";
ASCIIEncoding AE1 = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] ByteArray1 = AE1.GetBytes(MyString);
int strLen=ByteArray1.Length;
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