PR Purchase Request :
采购需求, 在生产时,根据生产需求量和零件料号,根据BOM结构,生成MRP,当这些物料无法自已生产时,再根据需求生成采购需求订单。可以理解为未定的采购计划;
PO Purchase Order :
采购订单, 必须指定供货方,为已确定的采购计划;
Planned Order:
计划订单 (计划订单由计算机生成并且仅存放于计算机中 , 如果条件发生变化 , 下次 MRP处理可能改变或删除原来的计划订单 . 处于某一层的计划订单将分解成下一个低层物料的毛需求 . 计划订单与预计入库量也是能力需求计划的输入 , 用以计算出未来时区内的能力总需求 )
Production Order :
生产通知单,即工令单。 下面是生产订单执行过程 Production Order Execution Process
Using MRP, planned independent requirements(独立需求计划,如customer order for motorcycle)
in SD become the BOM components required to assemble the motorcycle, that is the dependent
A planned order can be converted to a production order(for material produced in-house) or
a purchse requisition(for procured materials) depending on the strategy chosen.
Production orders go through a series of steps including:
1, Production order release (生产订单审核通过并下发)
2, Goods issue (领取零部件和原材料)
3, Completion confirmation (确认产成品完成)
4, Goods receipt (把产成品运到仓库Inventory中)
5, Order settlement (结算): allocation of calculated costs from the production order to
another objects (sales order or cost center, for example).
因为这张生产order在生产过程中累计了一定成本(calculated costs),结算就是把这些累计的成本
分配到另一些objects中(如:sales order或cost center)
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