
覆盖核心 UIComponent 方法
Whenever I am working on a Flex project, it is quite seldom that I have been able to take an out of the box component and have it do EXACTLY what I need to do (barring something like a Label). Sometimes I need to create a container component to use as an itemrenderer for a grid. However, sometimes it is not as easy as whipping up some mxml tags to layout what we need. Luckily though, there are 5 methods that every UIComponent implements* that we are able to override and manipulate our objects as we wish. These methods are createChildren, commitProperties, measure, layoutChrome and updateDisplayList. I will be giving a brief explaining of what they are and why we would override them. After that, I will be discussing the flags within UIComponent.as that call these functions and some things to watch out for when overriding these functions.


override protected function createChildren():void{
if (!_button){
_button = new Button();

By far the easiest to explain, createChildren does just that. This method is pretty much used to add the children of the component. Aside from that, you are able to set some default settings, event listeners and styles.
override protected function commitProperties():void {
if (dataChanged){

When I have used this, I have used it to set state specific properties of my component. IE: changing the color depending on a value, setting flags, etc. Also if your component implements IListItemRenderer or IDropInListItemRenderer, your data or listData values will be set by the time they your component reaches commitProperties.
override protected function measure():void {

The Measure function is about as easy to explain as creareChildren. Within here, you are able to set your components default height/width, as welll as minimum/maximum height/width. However, the way this function gets called is a little unique when compared to the other functions, while I will discuss in a bit.
override protected function layoutChrome(unscaledWidth:Number,unscaledHeight:Number):void{

layoutChrome is used to set the boarders of any Container class that you are extending off of. If any of these functions was the forgotten stepchild, it is this function. I have only run into a situation once where I needed to implement it. However, the one time I got to use it, I pulled my hair out because I ran into an instance where Adobe wanted to protect me and I had to use the mx_internal namespace.
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,unscaledHeight:Number):void{
var o:Object;
var yOffset=10;
for (var x:int=0;x<numChildren;x++){
o = getChildAt(x);
yOffset += o.height;

If layoutChrome is the forgotten step child, updateDisplayList is the most popular child, and for good reason. This is the component that sets its position and size (if need be) and the component will not be displayed until it is called. For container objects that have more than one component, this is the function that allows you to manually position those components based off of its current state. A perfect example of this would be an HBox of VBox. Your components are positioned horizontally or vertically within updateDisplayList.
With these five functions, you will be able to create any componet that you can think of. But what calls these functions? Turns out that within UIComponent, there are three flags which are set by these functions:

When this is called, it marks your component to call commitProperties upon the next render update.

When this is called, it will call both layoutChrome, as well as updateDisplayList.

This is the interesting one. Calling this method will mark the measure() function to be called, but there is one slight variation on this one. If I update the x value on a component, it will be marked as invalid and updateDisplayList will be called upon the next render event. If a data event gets fired, its marked as invalid and commitProperites is called. However, if I change the height, measure will not be called. Flex will only call measure() if you set explicitHeight or explicitWidth to NaN.
What to watch out for
When people implement these functions, sometimes they do not realize the power they have taken responsibility of. They are to be treated with the respective they deserve. First, do not forget to call the super method of each functions. That may drop you in the land of some angry times if you dont. Another thing I have seen is people sometimes get tempted to add children inside of something like commitProperties or updateDisplayList. This may cause serious performance issues. Whenever addChild is called, invalidateProperties and invalidateDisplayList is called, creating a big mess. It is best to use these functions for only their intended purpose.
It is hard to be a Flex programmer with out having to dive into to the world of creating your own components. Out of the box functionality often does not give us what we need. With these functions, you will be able to create any component you need from the ground up.
*Layoutchrome is included in anything that extends the Container class. A large number of components utilize this, but UIComponent does not.

本文来源于 冰山上的播客 http://xinsync.xju.edu.cn
【使用教程】 一、环境配置 1、建议下载anaconda和pycharm 在anaconda中配置好环境,然后直接导入到pycharm中,在pycharm中运行项目 anaconda和pycharm安装及环境配置参考网上博客,有很多博主介绍 2、在anacodna中安装requirements.txt中的软件包 命令为:pip install -r requirements.txt 或者改成清华源后再执行以上命令,这样安装要快一些 软件包都安装成功后才算成功 3、安装好软件包后,把anaconda中对应的python导入到pycharm中即可(不难,参考网上博客) 二、环境配置好后,开始训练(也可以训练自己数据集) 1、数据集准备 需要准备yolo格式的目标检测数据集,如果不清楚yolo数据集格式,或者有其他数据训练需求,请看博主yolo格式各种数据集集合链接:https://blog.csdn.net/DeepLearning_/article/details/127276492 里面涵盖了上百种yolo数据集,且在不断更新,基本都是实际项目使用。来自于网上收集、实际场景采集制作等,自己使用labelimg标注工具标注的。数据集质量绝对有保证! 本项目所使用的数据集,见csdn该资源下载页面中的介绍栏,里面有对应的下载链接,下载后可直接使用。 2、数据准备好,开始修改配置文件 参考代码中data文件夹下的banana_ripe.yaml,可以自己新建一个不同名称的yaml文件 train:训练集的图片路径 val:验证集的图片路径 names: 0: very-ripe 类别1 1: immature 类别2 2: mid-ripe 类别3 格式按照banana_ripe.yaml照葫芦画瓢就行,不需要过多参考网上的 3、修改train_dual.py中的配置参数,开始训练模型 方式一: 修改点: a.--weights参数,填入'yolov9-s.pt',博主训练的是yolov9-s,根据自己需求可自定义 b.--cfg参数,填入 models/detect/yolov9-c.yaml c.--data参数,填入data/banana_ripe.yaml,可自定义自己的yaml路径 d.--hyp参数,填入hyp.scratch-high.yaml e.--epochs参数,填入100或者200都行,根据自己的数据集可改 f.--batch-size参数,根据自己的电脑性能(显存大小)自定义修改 g.--device参数,一张显卡的话,就填0。没显卡,使用cpu训练,就填cpu h.--close-mosaic参数,填入15 以上修改好,直接pycharm中运行train_dual.py开始训练 方式二: 命令行方式,在pycharm中的终端窗口输入如下命令,可根据自己情况修改参数 官方示例:python train_dual.py --workers 8 --device 0 --batch 16 --data data/coco.yaml --img 640 --cfg models/detect/yolov9-c.yaml --weights '' --name yolov9-c --hyp hyp.scratch-high.yaml --min-items 0 --epochs 500 --close-mosaic 15 训练完会在runs/train文件下生成对应的训练文件及模型,后续测试可以拿来用。 三、测试 1、训练完,测试 修改detect_dual.py中的参数 --weights,改成上面训练得到的best.pt对应的路径 --source,需要测试的数据图片存放的位置,代码中的test_imgs --conf-thres,置信度阈值,自定义修改 --iou-thres,iou阈值,自定义修改 其他默认即可 pycharm中运行detect_dual.py 在runs/detect文件夹下存放检测结果图片或者视频 【备注】 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用!有问题请及时沟通交流。 2、适用人群:计算机相关专业(如计科、信息安全、数据科学与大数据技术、人工智能、通信、物联网、自动化、电子信息等)在校学生、专业老师或者企业员工下载使用。
本项目是一个基于SSM(Spring+SpringMVC+MyBatis)框架和Vue.js前端技术的二手手机回收平台系统。该系统旨在为二手手机回收提供一个便捷、高效的在线交易平台,同时确保交易的安全性和透明度。 在后台管理方面,系统提供了用户管理、商品管理、订单管理以及数据统计等功能。通过这些功能,管理员能够轻松地管理平台上的用户信息、审核商品发布、跟踪订单状态,并对平台的运营数据进行详细的分析。 在前端展示上,系统采用了Vue.js框架,实现了响应式的用户界面设计。用户可以通过直观的界面浏览商品、发布自己的二手手机信息、下订单以及查看交易记录。此外,系统还提供了搜索和筛选功能,帮助用户快速找到符合自己需求的商品。 技术实现上,后端使用了Java语言,结合Spring框架进行依赖注入和事务管理,SpringMVC负责处理Web请求,而MyBatis则用于数据库操作。前端则使用Vue.js进行页面渲染和交互逻辑处理,搭配Axios进行异步数据请求。 本项目的数据库设计充分考虑了数据的完整性和安全性,采用了关系型数据库MySQL进行数据存储。数据库表结构包括用户表、商品表、订单表等,确保了系统的高效运行和数据的一致性。 对于正在进行毕业设计的学生或需要项目实战练习的Java学习者来说,本项目提供了一个完整的技术栈和业务逻辑实现,可以作为学习和实践的良好参考。




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