




ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [19004], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


*** 2012-03-15 13:10:31.283
ksedmp: internal or fatal error
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [19004], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Current SQL statement for this session:
select distinct loc.id as col_0_0_, temp2_.id as col_1_0_, bloc.routeIndex as col_2_0_, loc.id as id32_, loc.createdTime as createdT2_32_, loc.CREATOR_ID as CREATOR3_32_, loc.DOMAIN_ID as DOMAIN4_32_, loc.lockVersion as lockVers5_32_, loc.reMark as reMark32_, loc.status_id as status85_32_, loc.udf1 as udf7_32_, loc.udf2 as udf8_32_, loc.udf3 as udf9_32_, loc.udf4 as udf10_32_, loc.udf5 as udf11_32_, loc.udf6 as udf12_32_, loc.udf7 as udf13_32_, loc.udf8 as udf14_32_, loc.updatedTime as updated15_32_, loc.UPDATOR_ID as UPDATOR16_32_, loc.fixCreatedTime as fixCrea17_32_, loc.fixCreatedTimeForDisp as fixCrea18_32_, loc.fixExpiredTime as fixExpi19_32_, loc.fixExpiredTimeForDisp as fixExpi20_32_, loc.fixStatus_id as fixStatus87_32_, loc.fixStatusForDisp as fixStat21_32_, loc.lotAtt01 as lotAtt22_32_, loc.lotAtt01ForDisp as lotAtt23_32_, loc.lotAtt02 as lotAtt24_32_, loc.lotAtt02ForDisp as lotAtt25_32_, loc.lotAtt03 as lotAtt26_32_, loc.lotAtt03ForDisp as lotAtt27_32_, loc.lotAtt04 as lotAtt28_32_, loc.lotAtt04ForDisp as lotAtt29_32_, loc.lotAtt05 as lotAtt30_32_, loc.lotAtt05ForDisp as lotAtt31_32_, loc.lotAtt06 as lotAtt32_32_, loc.lotAtt06ForDisp as lotAtt33_32_, loc.lotAtt07 as lotAtt34_32_, loc.lotAtt07ForDisp as lotAtt35_32_, loc.lotAtt08 as lotAtt36_32_, loc.lotAtt08ForDisp as lotAtt37_32_, loc.lotAtt09 as lotAtt38_32_, loc.lotAtt09ForDisp as lotAtt39_32_, loc.lotAtt10 as lotAtt40_32_, loc.lotAtt10ForDisp as lotAtt41_32_, loc.lotAtt11 as lotAtt42_32_, loc.lotAtt11ForDisp as lotAtt43_32_, loc.lotAtt12 as lotAtt44_32_, loc.lotAtt12ForDisp as lotAtt45_32_, loc.lotHeader_id as lotHeader89_32_, loc.asnTraceId as asnTraceId32_, loc.cubicEach as cubicEach32_, loc.cubicUom as cubicUom32_, loc.customer_id as customer86_32_, loc.grossWeightEach as grossWe49_32_, loc.grossWeightUom as grossWe50_32_, loc.inboundTime as inbound51_32_, loc.location_id as location83_32_, loc.manufacturer_id as manufac88_32_, loc.netWeightEach as netWeig52_32_, loc.netWeightUom as netWeig53_32_, loc.org_id as org82_32_, loc.packCode as packCode32_, loc.priceEach as priceEach32_, loc.priceUom as priceUom32_, loc.qtyAllocatedEach as qtyAllo57_32_, loc.qtyAllocatedUom as qtyAllo58_32_, loc.qtyConfirmEach as qtyConf59_32_, loc.qtyConfirmUom as qtyConf60_32_, loc.qtyEach as qtyEach32_, loc.qtyHold4PaEach as qtyHold62_32_, loc.qtyHold4PaUom as qtyHold63_32_, loc.qtyLendEach as qtyLend64_32_, loc.qtyLendUom as qtyLendUom32_, loc.qtyLockEach as qtyLock66_32_, loc.qtyLockUom as qtyLockUom32_, loc.qtyMendEach as qtyMend68_32_, loc.qtyMendUom as qtyMendUom32_, loc.qtyOnHoldEach as qtyOnHo70_32_, loc.qtyOnHoldUom as qtyOnHo71_32_, loc.qtyPickedEach as qtyPick72_32_, loc.qtyPickedUom as qtyPick73_32_, loc.qtyTempEach as qtyTemp74_32_, loc.qtyTempUom as qtyTempUom32_, loc.qtyUom as qtyUom32_, loc.qtyUseEach as qtyUseEach32_, loc.qtyUseUom as qtyUseUom32_, loc.sku_id as sku84_32_, loc.traceCode as traceCode32_, loc.uom_id as uom80_32_, loc.warehouse_id as warehouse81_32_ from LOC loc, BLOC bloc, OD od, TEMP temp2_ where loc.location_id=bloc.id and od.id=temp2_.id and loc.lotHeader_id=od.lotHeader_id and (od.fixCreatedTime is null or od.fixCreatedTime=loc.fixCreatedTime) and (od.fixExpiredTime is null or od.fixExpiredTime=loc.fixExpiredTime) and (od.fixStatus_id is null or od.fixStatus_id=loc.fixStatus_id) and (od.lotAtt01 is null or od.lotAtt01=loc.lotAtt01) and (od.lotAtt02 is null or od.lotAtt02=loc.lotAtt02) and (od.lotAtt03 is null or od.lotAtt03=loc.lotAtt03) and (od.lotAtt04 is null or od.lotAtt04=loc.lotAtt04) and (od.lotAtt05 is null or od.lotAtt05=loc.lotAtt05) and (od.lotAtt06 is null or od.lotAtt06=loc.lotAtt06) and (od.lotAtt07 is null or od.lotAtt07=loc.lotAtt07) and (od.lotAtt08 is null or od.lotAtt08=loc.lotAtt08) and (od.lotAtt09 is null or od.lotAtt09=loc.lotAtt09) and (od.lotAtt10 is null or od.lotAtt10=loc.lotAtt10) and (od.lotAtt11 is null or od.lotAtt11=loc.lotAtt11) and (od.lotAtt12 is null or od.lotAtt12=loc.lotAtt12) and case when od.picLocation_id is null then loc.location_id else od.picLocation_id end=loc.location_id and od.sku_id=loc.sku_id and loc.uom_id=od.uom_id and loc.warehouse_id=od.wh_id and loc.customer_id=od.customer_id and loc.qtyUseUom>0 order by loc.qtyUseUom desc, bloc.routeIndex asc, loc.id asc
----- Call Stack Trace -----
calling              call     entry                argument values in hex     
location             type     point                (? means dubious value)    
-------------------- -------- -------------------- ----------------------------
ksedst()+31          call     ksedst1()            000000000 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   7FBFFF0300 ? 7FBFFF0360 ?
                                                   7FBFFF02A0 ? 000000000 ?
ksedmp()+610         call     ksedst()             000000000 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   7FBFFF0300 ? 7FBFFF0360 ?
                                                   7FBFFF02A0 ? 000000000 ?
ksfdmp()+21          call     ksedmp()             000000003 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   7FBFFF0300 ? 7FBFFF0360 ?
                                                   7FBFFF02A0 ? 000000000 ?
kgeriv()+176         call     ksfdmp()             000000003 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   7FBFFF0300 ? 7FBFFF0360 ?
                                                   7FBFFF02A0 ? 000000000 ?
kgesiv()+119         call     kgeriv()             0066876E0 ? 00673CEE0 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FBFFF02A0 ? 000000000 ?
ksesic0()+209        call     kgesiv()             0066876E0 ? 00673CEE0 ?
                                                   000004A3C ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FBFFF1080 ? 000000000 ?
kkejeq()+5152        call     ksesic0()            000004A3C ? 2A97403DB0 ?
                                                   0000000CA ? 2A97403DB0 ?
                                                   000000002 ? 000000000 ?
kkeEqJoinSel()+2602  call     kkejeq()             2A973C2930 ? 2A97403DB0 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 2A97403DB0 ?
                                                   000000002 ? 000000000 ?
kkepsl()+10561       call     kkeEqJoinSel()       7FBFFF1BB0 ? 7FBFFF1BD0 ?
                                                   7FBFFF1BC0 ? 7FBFFF1BE0 ?
                                                   2A971E68F8 ? 2A00000002 ?
kkeasl()+2125        call     kkepsl()             2A971E68F8 ? 7FBFFF2438 ?
                                                   000000002 ? 2A971EFB30 ?
                                                   2A971E68F8 ? 2A00000002 ?
kkeosl()+1447        call     kkeasl()             2A971E6970 ? 7FBFFF3DB8 ?
                                                   000000002 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 2A971EFB30 ?
kkejcd()+1466        call     kkeosl()             2A971E6BF0 ? 7FBFFF4010 ?
                                                   000000002 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 2A971EFB30 ?
kkojnp()+3920        call     kkejcd()             2A973CF670 ? 2A973D3628 ?
                                                   2A974407E8 ? 000000016 ?
                                                   2A973D5008 ? 000000003 ?
kkocnp()+166         call     kkojnp()             2A973D5008 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   2A974407E8 ? 000000016 ?
                                                   2A973D5008 ? 000000000 ?
kkooqb()+2258        call     kkocnp()             2A973D5008 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   2A974407E8 ? 000000016 ?
                                                   2A973D5008 ? 000000000 ?
kkoqbc()+2083        call     kkooqb()             000000000 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   0000007D0 ? 000000004 ?
                                                   2A00000000 ? 2A00000006 ?
apakkoqb()+170       call     kkoqbc()             7FBFFF7D80 ? 2A97393428 ?
                                                   0000007D0 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   2A00000000 ? 000000000 ?
apaqbdDescendents()  call     apakkoqb()           7FBFFF7D80 ? 2A97393428 ?
+399                                               1D23E4740 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   2A00000000 ? 000000000 ?
apaqbdListReverse()  call     apaqbdDescendents()  7FBFFF7D80 ? 2A97393428 ?
+68                                                1D23E4740 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   2A00000000 ? 000000000 ?
apadrv()+586         call     apaqbdListReverse()  7FBFFF7D80 ? 2A97393428 ?
                                                   1D23E4740 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   2A00000000 ? 000000000 ?
opitca()+1512        call     apadrv()             1D23E4740 ? 2A97393428 ?
                                                   1D23E4740 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   2A00000000 ? 000000000 ?
kksFullTypeCheck()+  call     opitca()             2A972335A8 ? 1D23E4740 ?
30                                                 1D23E4740 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   2A00000000 ? 000000000 ?
rpiswu2()+420        call     kksFullTypeCheck()   7FBFFF9328 ? 1D23E4740 ?
                                                   1D23E4740 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   2A00000000 ? 000000000 ?
kksLoadChild()+9500  call     rpiswu2()            1F736B950 ? 00000003A ?
                                                   1DFC84F24 ? 000000009 ?
                                                   1DFAD88E0 ? 10000003A ?
kxsGetRuntimeLock()  call     kksLoadChild()       0066876E0 ? 1FAB8C5C0 ?
+1353                                              7FBFFFA7C0 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   1DFC84DC0 ? 2A972335A8 ?
kksfbc()+15084       call     kxsGetRuntimeLock()  0066876E0 ? 2A972335A8 ?
                                                   7FBFFFA7C0 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   1DFC84DC0 ? 2A972335A8 ?
kkspsc0()+1548       call     kksfbc()             2A972335A8 ? 000000003 ?
                                                   000000108 ? 2A97203D18 ?
                                                   0000016A6 ? 000000000 ?
kksParseCursor()+14  call     kkspsc0()            2A97211788 ? 2A97203D18 ?
2                                                  0000016A6 ? 000000003 ?
                                                   E77100A400000006 ?
                                                   1E77100A4 ?
opiosq0()+1641       call     kksParseCursor()     7FBFFFB208 ? 2A97203D18 ?
                                                   0000016A6 ? 000000003 ?
                                                   E77100A400000006 ?
                                                   1E77100A4 ?
kpooprx()+315        call     opiosq0()            000000003 ? 00000000E ?
                                                   7FBFFFB3F8 ? 0000000A4 ?
                                                   E77100A400000006 ?
                                                   1E77100A4 ?
kpoal8()+799         call     kpooprx()            7FBFFFE5A4 ? 2A97203D18 ?
                                                   0000016A5 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 1E77100A4 ?
opiodr()+984         call     kpoal8()             00000005E ? 000000017 ?
                                                   7FBFFFE5A0 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   000000001 ? 1E77100A4 ?
ttcpip()+1012        call     opiodr()             00000005E ? 000000017 ?
                                                   7FBFFFE5A0 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   0059B1310 ? 1E77100A4 ?
opitsk()+1322        call     ttcpip()             00668F3B0 ? 000000003 ?
                                                   7FBFFFE5A0 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FBFFFE098 ? 7FBFFFE708 ?
opiino()+1026        call     opitsk()             000000003 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FBFFFE5A0 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 67502D200000001 ?
opiodr()+984         call     opiino()             00000003C ? 000000004 ?
                                                   7FBFFFF768 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 67502D200000001 ?
opidrv()+547         call     opiodr()             00000003C ? 000000004 ?
                                                   7FBFFFF768 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   0059B0DC0 ? 67502D200000001 ?
sou2o()+114          call     opidrv()             00000003C ? 000000004 ?
                                                   7FBFFFF768 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   0059B0DC0 ? 67502D200000001 ?
opimai_real()+163    call     sou2o()              7FBFFFF740 ? 00000003C ?
                                                   000000004 ? 7FBFFFF768 ?
                                                   0059B0DC0 ? 67502D200000001 ?
main()+116           call     opimai_real()        000000002 ? 7FBFFFF7D0 ?
                                                   000000004 ? 7FBFFFF768 ?
                                                   0059B0DC0 ? 67502D200000001 ?
__libc_start_main()  call     main()               000000002 ? 7FBFFFF7D0 ?
+219                                               000000004 ? 7FBFFFF768 ?
                                                   0059B0DC0 ? 67502D200000001 ?
_start()+42          call     __libc_start_main()  000713988 ? 000000002 ?
                                                   7FBFFFF918 ? 005288D70 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 000000002 ?

--------------------- Binary Stack Dump ---------------------


检查MOS发现,问题和Bug 9022470 - Query optimization fails with OERI[19004] [ID 9022470.8]比较类似,除了当前的10204版本符合这个bug影响的版本外,堆栈信息错误完全符合这个bug的报错信息,而且在这个查询中,其中一个列确实在连接查询中出现了多次,这也同样符合bug的描述。




来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/4227/viewspace-718841/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。


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