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转载 [转载]Docker for Nipype

 DockerDocker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers. Those containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contain...

2018-11-17 00:19:25 384

原创 Ubuntu下 python 调用octave/matlab m 文件

1.安装 octave$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:octave/stable$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install octave执行命令 $octave 检验是否打开octave2.安装oct2py$ pip install oct2py或者在Anaconda里,执行$ conda ...

2018-11-13 03:47:42 1708

原创 ubuntu 16.4 安装 NVIDIA 驱动 CUDA 搭建deep learning 开发环境

Acer 笔记本电脑1. 安装驱动按照这篇文章操作https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41864878/article/details/79621210装完之后,执行nvidia-smi,打印不出显卡列表。原因没有关闭secure boot。重启电脑,F2进入 BIOS, 找到 Secure boot发现无法disable。设置super password之后...

2018-08-12 13:08:19 453

原创 ubuntu 16.04 wifi无线网设置

 笔记本安装了ubuntu第二系统, 但是无线网用不了,试了网上很多方法都无效。后来在win10下查了无卡的型号 intel 9560,去官网下了linux下的网卡驱动,如下图。到ubuntu系统下,解压,在解压目录里执行:$sudo mv iwlwifi-驱动文件.ucode /lib/firmware $sudo update-grub$sudo rebootWIFI...

2018-08-11 14:16:35 2538

Mastering Blockchain (Packt)

This book begins with the technical foundations of blockchain, teaching you the fundamentals of cryptography and how it keeps data secure. You will learn about the mechanisms behind cryptocurrencies and how to develop applications using Ethereum, a decentralized virtual machine. You will explore different blockchain solutions and get an exclusive preview into Hyperledger, the blockchain solution from IBM and the Linux Foundation. You will also be shown how to implement blockchain beyond currencies, scalability with blockchain, and the future scope of this fascinating and powerful technology.


Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision

There have been increased developments in ocean exploration using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs). However, the contrast of underwater images is still a major issue for application. It is difficult to acquire clear underwater images around underwater vehicles. Since the 1960s, sonar sensors have been extensively used to detect and recognize objects in oceans. Due to the principles of acoustic imaging, sonar-imaged images have many shortcomings, such as a low signal to noise ratio and a low resolution. Consequently, vision sensors must be used for short-range identification because sonars yield to low-quality images. This thesis will concentrate solely on the optical imaging sensors for ocean observing. Although the underwater optical imaging technology makes a great progress, the recognition of underwater objects also remains a major issue in recent days. Different from the common images, underwater images suffer from poor visibility due to the mediumscattering and light distortion. First of all, capturing images underwater are difficult, mostly due to attenuation caused by light. The random attenuation of the light mainly causes the haze appearance along with the part of the light scattered back from the water. In particular, the objects at a distance of more than 10 m are almost indistinguishable because of absorption. Furthermore, when the artificial light is employed, it can cause a distinctive footprint on the seafloor. In this paper, we will analysis the recent trends of ocean exploration approaches.


Guide to Medical Image Analysis_ Methods and Algorithms

The methodology presented in the first edition was considered established practice or settled science in the medical image analysis community in 2010–2011. Progress in this field is fast (as in all fields of computer science) with several developments being particularly relevant to subjects treated in this book: • Image-based guidance in the operating room is no longer restricted to the display of planning images during intervention. It is increasingly meant to aid the operator to adapt his or her intervention technique during operation. This requires reliable and intuitive analysis methods. • Segmentation and labeling of images is now mostly treated as solution of an optimization problem in the discrete (Chap. 8) or in the continuous domain (Chap. 9). Heuristic methods such as the one presented in Chap. 6 still exist in non-commercial and commercial software products, but searching for results that optimize an assumption about how the information is mapped to the data produces more predictable methods. • Deep learning gives new impulses to many areas in medical image analysis as it combines learning of features from data with the abstraction ability of multilayer perceptrons. Hence, learning strategies can be applied directly to pixels in a labeling task. It promises analysis methods that are not designed for a specific problem but can be trained from examples in this problem domain.



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