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原创 Writing an Android Sync Provider: Part 1

One of the highlights of the Android 2.0 SDK is that you can write custom sync providers to integrate with the system contacts, calendars, etc. The only problem is that there’s very little documentati...

2010-10-27 17:15:43 115

原创 我的毕业综合症

最近听到的消息有点多,FOR EXAMPLE,XX获得 UNIVERSITY XXX 的 OFFER (XXX可以替代 Cambridge,Oxford,OR Stanford etc..),ORXX的PHD获批,一年XXXXX欧元研究经费,还不用交学费,ORXX雅思6+、7+,GRE 1400+……P.S:暂时没有听见XX被Microsof...

2010-06-20 02:29:30 155

原创 Hibernate 一对一实践

最近做的一个工程要用到hibernate的一对一关联,比如论坛的一个主题对应一个作者。  hibernate的一对一关系有两种形式,一种是共享主键方式,另一种是惟一外键方式,因为这里用到的是在主题表里与作者表之间的对应关系,所以介绍的是惟一外键方式的一以一关联。  由于网上很多教程都说得不清楚,给出的实例不能正确运行,所以写下这份笔记,以便以后查询,并与大家分享,如有不对的地方请指正。...

2010-02-09 20:51:04 106

原创 Android开发中如何执行POST请求

上篇文章我简单描述了在Android开发中如何发送一个Get请求,这篇文章我们探讨下在Android开发中如何执行一个Post请求。首先我们先了解下Get请求和Post请求的区别:表单提交中get和post方式的区别有5点 1.get是从服务器上获取数据,post是向服务器传送数据。 2.get是把参数数据队列加到提交表单的ACTION属性所指的URL中,值和表单内各个字段...

2010-01-29 23:15:37 123

原创 Android如何发送Get请求

[code="java"]*URL可以随意改*/ String uriAPI = ""; /*建立HTTP Get对象*/ HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(uriAPI); t...

2010-01-29 23:14:19 93

原创 Java核心API需要掌握的程度


2009-08-15 07:23:56 76



2009-07-24 02:23:52 83

原创 Enterprise OSGi Is Not Bloated OSGi

I’ve been watching with interest the work of the OSGi Enterprise Expert Group (EEG). It’s been a slow process, as any standardisation effort should be, but they now appear to be on the home straig...

2009-07-24 02:20:17 118


姓名 **** 性别 男 Email ***** 手机 *******出生日期 1986-12 学历 本科工作年限 在读学生 居住地 澳大利亚目前年薪 2万以下 原籍 柳州求职意向 程序员 职位 自 我 评 价对计算机科学有着浓厚的兴趣,工作努力认真,曾经在Ericsson,Ireland实习半年,负责软件项目的持续集成,熟悉...

2009-07-21 22:22:03 184

原创 Getting Started with OSGi: Declarative Services and Dependencies

Welcome back to the EclipseZone "Getting Started with OSGi" tutorial series. Before getting into today's lesson I'd like to remind you that you can find links to all the previous parts of the tutorial...

2009-07-20 21:14:51 149

原创 Getting Started with OSGi: Introducing Declarative Services

Welcome to the much-delayed next installment of the "Getting Started with OSGi" series. This installment is quite exciting, because we're going to start experimenting with Declarative Services.The...

2009-07-20 21:12:35 114

原创 Getting Started with OSGi: Dynamic Service Tracking

Welcome back to the EclipseZone OSGi mini series.Last time we looked at how to consume a service, using a scenario inspired by Martin Fowler: a MovieLister depends on a MovieFinder to search for m...

2009-07-20 21:11:05 225

原创 Getting Started with OSGi: Consuming a Service

In our last part we looked at how to register a service. Now we need to work out how to lookup and use that service from another bundle.We will put the problem in the context of our requirements, ...

2009-07-20 21:09:17 112

原创 Getting Started with OSGi: Registering a Service

Welcome back to the EclipseZone OSGi mini-series. Finally, we're ready to get on to services. In my opinion, the service layer is the most exciting part of OSGi, so these next few installments should ...

2009-07-20 21:07:47 109

原创 Getting Started with OSGi: Dependencies between Bundles

In our previous tutorial installments, we looked at how bundles can be started and stopped, and how they can interact with the framework and each other's lifecycle. But what are bundles really for?...

2009-07-20 20:53:26 112

原创 Getting started with OSGi: Interacting with the Framework

Welcome back to the EclipseZone OSGi tutorial series.Last time we looked at a simple Hello World bundle that printed a message when starting and stopping. It did that by implementing the BundleAct...

2009-07-20 20:49:51 96

原创 Getting started with OSGi: Your first bundle

Over the next week or two, EclipseZone will be running a series of short posts on OSGi. Taken together they should form a smooth path into mastering the art of OSGi programming, but each post will int...

2009-07-20 20:48:02 132

Hudson 插件开发 (Part 3: 插件结构解读 Ⅱ)


2009-07-15 17:16:12 117

原创 算法的时间复杂度

定义:如果一个问题的规模是n,解这一问题的某一算法所需要的时间为T(n),它是n的某一函数 T(n)称为这一算法的“时间复杂性”。当输入量n逐渐加大时,时间复杂性的极限情形称为算法的“渐近时间复杂性”。我们常用大O表示法表示时间复杂性,注意它是某一个算法的时间复杂性。大O表示只是说有上界,由定义如果f(n)=O(n),那显然成立f(n)=O(n^2),它给你一个上界,但并不是上确界...

2009-07-09 07:31:06 81

原创 Java中的return语句使用总结


2009-07-09 07:22:26 166

Hudson 插件开发 (Part 2: 插件结构解读 I )

经过前一篇文章的步骤,在我们的指定目录下已经生成了一个Hudson 插件的项目文件夹。在Eclipse中导入这个项目,我们可以看见项目有如下的结构:+ src + main + java + full.package.name +- HelloWorldBuilder.java ...

2009-07-08 00:43:20 104

Hudson 插件开发(Part 1:准备工作)


2009-07-01 21:57:40 117

Hudson 插件啊


2009-07-01 18:16:50 119


TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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