
SQL> create table t_test(a int);
Table created
SQL> insert into t_test select 1 from dual connect by level<=9e5;
900000 rows inserted
SQL> commit;
Commit complete
--查询表区分配信息,共计26 extent
SQL> select segment_name,extent_id,blocks from user_extents where segment_name='T_TEST';
SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      EXTENT_ID     BLOCKS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
T_TEST                                                                                    0          8
T_TEST                                                                                    1          8
T_TEST                                                                                    2          8
T_TEST                                                                                    3          8
T_TEST                                                                                    4          8
T_TEST                                                                                    5          8
T_TEST                                                                                    6          8
T_TEST                                                                                    7          8
T_TEST                                                                                    8          8
T_TEST                                                                                    9          8
T_TEST                                                                                   10          8
T_TEST                                                                                   11          8
T_TEST                                                                                   12          8
T_TEST                                                                                   13          8
T_TEST                                                                                   14          8
T_TEST                                                                                   15          8
T_TEST                                                                                   16        128
T_TEST                                                                                   17        128
T_TEST                                                                                   18        128
T_TEST                                                                                   19        128
SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      EXTENT_ID     BLOCKS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
T_TEST                                                                                   20        128
T_TEST                                                                                   21        128
T_TEST                                                                                   22        128
T_TEST                                                                                   23        128
T_TEST                                                                                   24        128
T_TEST                                                                                   25        128
26 rows selected
SQL> delete from t_test where rownum<=100000;
100000 rows deleted
SQL> commit;
Commit complete
SQL> select segment_name,extent_id,blocks from user_extents where segment_name='T_TEST';
SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      EXTENT_ID     BLOCKS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
T_TEST                                                                                    0          8
T_TEST                                                                                    1          8
T_TEST                                                                                    2          8
T_TEST                                                                                    3          8
T_TEST                                                                                    4          8
T_TEST                                                                                    5          8
T_TEST                                                                                    6          8
T_TEST                                                                                    7          8
T_TEST                                                                                    8          8
T_TEST                                                                                    9          8
T_TEST                                                                                   10          8
T_TEST                                                                                   11          8
T_TEST                                                                                   12          8
T_TEST                                                                                   13          8
T_TEST                                                                                   14          8
T_TEST                                                                                   15          8
T_TEST                                                                                   16        128
T_TEST                                                                                   17        128
T_TEST                                                                                   18        128
T_TEST                                                                                   19        128
SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      EXTENT_ID     BLOCKS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
T_TEST                                                                                   20        128
T_TEST                                                                                   21        128
T_TEST                                                                                   22        128
T_TEST                                                                                   23        128
T_TEST                                                                                   24        128
T_TEST                                                                                   25        128
26 rows selected
SQL> insert into t_test select 1 from dual connect by level<=1000;
1000 rows inserted
SQL> commit;
Commit complete
SQL> select segment_name,extent_id,blocks from user_extents where segment_name='T_TEST';
SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      EXTENT_ID     BLOCKS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
T_TEST                                                                                    0          8
T_TEST                                                                                    1          8
T_TEST                                                                                    2          8
T_TEST                                                                                    3          8
T_TEST                                                                                    4          8
T_TEST                                                                                    5          8
T_TEST                                                                                    6          8
T_TEST                                                                                    7          8
T_TEST                                                                                    8          8
T_TEST                                                                                    9          8
T_TEST                                                                                   10          8
T_TEST                                                                                   11          8
T_TEST                                                                                   12          8
T_TEST                                                                                   13          8
T_TEST                                                                                   14          8
T_TEST                                                                                   15          8
T_TEST                                                                                   16        128
T_TEST                                                                                   17        128
T_TEST                                                                                   18        128
T_TEST                                                                                   19        128
SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      EXTENT_ID     BLOCKS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
T_TEST                                                                                   20        128
T_TEST                                                                                   21        128
T_TEST                                                                                   22        128
T_TEST                                                                                   23        128
T_TEST                                                                                   24        128
T_TEST                                                                                   25        128
26 rows selected
SQL> delete from t_test where rownum<=200000;
200000 rows deleted
SQL> commit;
Commit complete
SQL> select segment_name,extent_id,blocks from user_extents where segment_name='T_TEST';
SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      EXTENT_ID     BLOCKS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
T_TEST                                                                                    0          8
T_TEST                                                                                    1          8
T_TEST                                                                                    2          8
T_TEST                                                                                    3          8
T_TEST                                                                                    4          8
T_TEST                                                                                    5          8
T_TEST                                                                                    6          8
T_TEST                                                                                    7          8
T_TEST                                                                                    8          8
T_TEST                                                                                    9          8
T_TEST                                                                                   10          8
T_TEST                                                                                   11          8
T_TEST                                                                                   12          8
T_TEST                                                                                   13          8
T_TEST                                                                                   14          8
T_TEST                                                                                   15          8
T_TEST                                                                                   16        128
T_TEST                                                                                   17        128
T_TEST                                                                                   18        128
T_TEST                                                                                   19        128
SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      EXTENT_ID     BLOCKS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
T_TEST                                                                                   20        128
T_TEST                                                                                   21        128
T_TEST                                                                                   22        128
T_TEST                                                                                   23        128
T_TEST                                                                                   24        128
T_TEST                                                                                   25        128
26 rows selected
SQL> insert /*+ append */ into t_test select 1 from dual connect by level<=10000;
10000 rows inserted
SQL> commit;
Commit complete
SQL> select segment_name,extent_id,blocks from user_extents where segment_name='T_TEST';
SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      EXTENT_ID     BLOCKS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
T_TEST                                                                                    0          8
T_TEST                                                                                    1          8
T_TEST                                                                                    2          8
T_TEST                                                                                    3          8
T_TEST                                                                                    4          8
T_TEST                                                                                    5          8
T_TEST                                                                                    6          8
T_TEST                                                                                    7          8
T_TEST                                                                                    8          8
T_TEST                                                                                    9          8
T_TEST                                                                                   10          8
T_TEST                                                                                   11          8
T_TEST                                                                                   12          8
T_TEST                                                                                   13          8
T_TEST                                                                                   14          8
T_TEST                                                                                   15          8
T_TEST                                                                                   16        128
T_TEST                                                                                   17        128
T_TEST                                                                                   18        128
T_TEST                                                                                   19        128
SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      EXTENT_ID     BLOCKS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
T_TEST                                                                                   20        128
T_TEST                                                                                   21        128
T_TEST                                                                                   22        128
T_TEST                                                                                   23        128
T_TEST                                                                                   24        128
T_TEST                                                                                   25        128
T_TEST                                                                                   26        128
27 rows selected

SQL> create table t_test(a int);
Table created.
SQL> set autot exp stat
SQL> set autot trace exp stat
SQL> insert into t_test select 1 from dual connect by level<=9e5;
900000 rows created.

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 1236776825
| Id  | Operation                     | Name   | Rows  | Cost (%CPU)| Time
|   0 | INSERT STATEMENT              |        |     1 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01
|   1 |  LOAD TABLE CONVENTIONAL      | T_TEST |       |            |
|*  2 |   CONNECT BY WITHOUT FILTERING|        |       |            |
|   3 |    FAST DUAL                  |        |     1 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - filter(LEVEL<=9e5)

       1093  recursive calls
      16025  db block gets
       2900  consistent gets
          0  physical reads
   12302340  redo size
        835  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        815  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          3  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          4  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
     900000  rows processed
SQL> set autot off
SQL> select count(*) from t_test;
SQL> truncate table t_test;
Table truncated.
SQL> set autot trace exp stat
SQL> insert /*+ append */ into t_test select 1 from dual connect by level<=9e5;
900000 rows created.

Execution Plan
ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel

SP2-0612: Error generating AUTOTRACE EXPLAIN report
        845  recursive calls
       2114  db block gets
        191  consistent gets
          2  physical reads
      62320  redo size
        822  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        832  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          3  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          2  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
     900000  rows processed
小结:直接路径插入产生的redo size大大小于常规路径插入  
SQL> select * from v$lock where sid=11;
ADDR             KADDR                   SID TYPE        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST      CTIME      BLOCK
---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
000007FF62C55BB0 000007FF62C55C08         11 AE          100          0          4          0      24507          0
000007FF62C56A68 000007FF62C56AC0         11 TO         5003          1          3          0       1097          0
SQL> insert  into t_test select 1 from dual connect by level<=9e5;
900000 rows created.
SQL> /
ADDR             KADDR                   SID TYPE        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST      CTIME      BLOCK
---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
000007FF62C55BB0 000007FF62C55C08         11 AE          100          0          4          0      24521          0
000007FF62C56A68 000007FF62C56AC0         11 TO         5003          1          3          0       1111          0
000000000D5B62A0 000000000D5B6300         11 TM        67162          0          3          0          3          0
000007FF5ED150A0 000007FF5ED15118         11 TX       589827        707          6          0          3          0
SQL> /
ADDR             KADDR                   SID TYPE        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST      CTIME      BLOCK
---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
000007FF62C55BB0 000007FF62C55C08         11 AE          100          0          4          0      24540          0
000007FF62C56A68 000007FF62C56AC0         11 TO         5003          1          3          0       1130          0

SQL> rollback;
Rollback complete.
SQL> insert /*+ append */ into t_test select 1 from dual connect by level<=9e5;
900000 rows created.
SQL> /
ADDR             KADDR                   SID TYPE        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST      CTIME      BLOCK
---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
000007FF62C55BB0 000007FF62C55C08         11 AE          100          0          4          0      24783          0
000007FF62C56A68 000007FF62C56AC0         11 TO         5003          1          3          0       1373          0
000000000D5B62A0 000000000D5B6300         11 TM        67162          0          6          0         49          0
000007FF5ED150A0 000007FF5ED15118         11 TX        65551        703          6          0         49          0
      ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel
Direct-path INSERT is subject to a number of restrictions. If any of these restrictions is violated, then Oracle Database executes conventional INSERT serially
without returning any message, unless otherwise noted:
You can have multiple direct-path INSERT statements in a single transaction, with or without other DML statements. However, after one DML statement alters a
particular table, partition, or index, no other DML statement in the transaction can access that table, partition, or index.
Queries that access the same table, partition, or index are allowed before the direct-path INSERT statement, but not after it.
If any serial or parallel statement attempts to access a table that has already been modified by a direct-path INSERT in the same transaction, then the
database returns an error and rejects the statement.
The target table cannot be of a cluster.
The target table cannot contain object type columns.
Direct-path INSERT is not supported for an index-organized table (IOT) if it is not partitioned, if it has a mapping table, or if it is reference by a materialized view.
Direct-path INSERT into a single partition of an index-organized table (IOT), or into a partitioned IOT with only one partition, will be done serially,
even if the IOT was created in parallel mode or you specify the APPEND or APPEND_VALUES hint. However, direct-path INSERT operations into a partitioned IOT will
honor parallel mode as long as the partition-extended name is not used and the IOT has more than one partition.
The target table cannot have any triggers or referential integrity constraints defined on it.
The target table cannot be replicated.
A transaction containing a direct-path INSERT statement cannot be or become distributed.
SQL> insert  into t_test select 1 from dual connect by level<=9e5;
900000 rows created.
---占用undo blocks 8855
SQL> select used_ublk,ubablk from v$transaction where addr=(select taddr from v$
session where sid=11);
---------- ----------
       271       8855
SQL> rollback;
Rollback complete.
SQL> insert /*+ append */ into t_test select 1 from dual connect by level<=9e5;
900000 rows created.
---占用undo blocks 7825,节约了1000多
SQL> select used_ublk,ubablk from v$transaction where addr=(select taddr from v$
session where sid=11);
---------- ----------
         2       7825

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