oracle iot索引组织表(一)

oracle iot索引组织表(一)                                                                                                                                           
---iot语法之 index_org_table_clause ::=                                                                                                                            
[ { mapping_table_clause                                                                                                                                           
  | PCTTHRESHOLD integer                                                                                                                                           
  | key_compression                                                                                                                                                
[ index_org_overflow_clause ]                                                                                                                                      
  如指定为mapping table,oracle创建本地到物理rowid的映射结构表,并把它存储到heap-organized table;                                                                    
 mapping_table_clauses Specify MAPPING TABLE to instruct the database to create a mapping of local to physical ROWIDs and                                          
 store them in a heap-organized table. This mapping is needed in order to create a bitmap index on the index-organized table.                                      
 If the index-organized table is partitioned, then the mapping table is also partitioned and its partitions have the same name and                                 
  physical attributes as the base table partitions.                                                                                                                
 Oracle Database creates the mapping table or mapping table partition in the same tablespace as its parent index-organized table                                   
 or partition. You cannot query, perform. DML operations on, or modify the storage characteristics of the mapping table or its partitions.                          
 ---PCTTHRESHOLD integer  选项                                                                                                                                     
 PCTTHRESHOLD integer Specify the percentage of space reserved in the index block for an index-organized table row.                                                
 ---pctthreshold必须充足以容纳主键.如超过这个空间比例则存储在overflow segment(注:此子句后述会介绍)                                                                 
 PCTTHRESHOLD must be large enough to hold the primary key. All trailing columns of a row, starting with the column that                                           
 causes the specified threshold to be exceeded, are stored in the overflow segment. PCTTHRESHOLD must be a value from 1 to 50.                                     
 If you do not specify PCTTHRESHOLD, then the default is 50.                                                                                                       
 Restriction on PCTTHRESHOLD You cannot specify PCTTHRESHOLD for individual partitions of an index-organized table.                                                
key_compression  The key_compression clauses let you enable or disable key compression for index-organized tables.                                                 
Specify COMPRESS to enable key compression, which eliminates repeated occurrence of primary key column values in index-organized tables.                           
Use integer to specify the prefix length, which is the number of prefix columns to compress. ---测试                                                               
     ---前缀长度值:1~主键列个数-1,默认是 键列个数-1                                                                                                                
      SQL> create table t_test(a int) organization index mapping table;                                                                                            
The valid range of prefix length values is from 1 to the number of primary key columns minus 1. The default prefix length is the number of                         
 primary key columns minus 1.                                                                                                                                      
create table t_test(a int) organization index mapping table                                                                                                        
Specify NOCOMPRESS to disable key compression in index-organized tables. This is the default.                                                                      
Restriction on Key Compression of Index-organized Tables At the partition level, you can specify COMPRESS,                                                         
but you cannot specify the prefix length with integer.                                                                                                             
--[ index_org_overflow_clause ]  子句                                                                                                                              
index_org_overflow_clause  The index_org_overflow_clause lets you instruct the database that index-organized table data                                            
rows exceeding the specified threshold are placed in the data segment specified in this clause.                                                                    
When you create an index-organized table, Oracle Database evaluates the maximum size of each column to estimate the largest possible row.                          
----如需要overflow segment,但未创建;oracle报错返回                                                                                                                 
If an overflow segment is needed but you have not specified OVERFLOW, then the database raises an error and does not execute the CREATE TABLE                      
statement. This checking function guarantees that subsequent DML operations on the index-organized table will not fail because an overflow segment is lacking.     
-----overflow之后指定的物理和存储参数属性仅用于overflow segment                                                                                                    
All physical attributes and storage characteristics you specify in this clause after the OVERFLOW keyword apply only to the overflow segment of the table.         
Physical attributes and storage characteristics for the index-organized table itself, default values for all its partitions, and values for individual             
partitions must be specified before this keyword.                                                                                                                  
------ 如iot包含一或多个lob,lobs存储在行外;如指定overflow则反之;即便在行内可以容纳如不指定overflow也存储在行外;                                                    
If the index-organized table contains one or more LOB columns, then the LOBs will be stored out-of-line unless you specify OVERFLOW, even if they would            
otherwise be small enough be to stored inline.                                                                                                                     

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