May 2009 Birth Club

ay 2010 Birth Club

My sister uses them and I watched my niece ALOT so I've used them plenty! Theres been a few posts in the past about bottles and it seemed people were half and half with the vent aire ones because you can't use them in a bottle warmer and theres several parts to wash which can be annoying.

Key question - will you be nursing and want the bottles for the times you'll be leaving baby with Daddy/grandparents/friends/babysitter/when you go back to work or are you going with formula?

On the other hand if you are doing formula, the drop in liners might get pricey over time. although I think the bottles are cheaper to begin with,

used the Ventaire at first, but here in Canada they are working on a bill to completely outlaw the use of BPA in any infant products (unless it's passed already? regardless, none of those products are available anymore)! On that note, is BPA still used  outletcheapmichaelkors in the Ventaire bottle? That would influence my decision personally! I believe BPA is still in the drop ins but the milk never actually touches the plastic,

When the bill was first introduced (my son was a few months old) a full voluntary recall happened and essentially every plastic bottle came off the market, full refunds were given even on used bottles. etc, So we switched to the drop ins! I actually liked them better, I could squeeze all the air out of the bag to reduce gas! and there was less to wash/keep track of.I used both with my DS. Love the drop ins cuz you never have to sterilize and so easy to use, You can also buy target brand. Much cheaper. THe 4 oz bags are exactly the same, The difference was the 8 oz liners. Playtex expands to 10 oz so it made it easier to mix the formula! Target brand doesn't expand at all.I also had the ventaire. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional! Please review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before using this site. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. It is composed by wudideshuaige xuxiaobu 2013-05-04 .

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