










每个程序员都有自己的一套简单的工具,这些工具每天都用,从自己写的一个日历提醒程序到大数据量的处理程序(对科学家特别有用)。真的,物理社区有过强大的工具让生活更轻松的历史——在HTTP上的HTML就是这样的一个工具,由蒂姆·伯纳斯一李(Tim Berners Lee)发明最终发展成互联网。最初也就是一个学物理的程序员想出来的为了方便生活的工具。

提高计算机文化 知道“为什么”





中国人口上不谈钱,谈钱伤感情,可干的很多事直接就是冲着钱去的;外国人也不是不讲钱,可他们也提一份自己的兴趣和个人的意愿来。这篇小文章也是,谈编程的好处没谈职位啊发展啊前途竞争力什么的就那么几个小点,都是关乎自己的事。特别是改善生活方便生活的想法,学习一门知识一项技能为着能更好的生活,这大概能部分解释当代中国人的观念: 中国人直接把钱等同生活,更好的生活就是更多的钱~所以我估计这篇小文章根本不可能打动中国人去有尝试编程的想法,因为这篇小文提出的两个好处是直接与我国国民的理念冲突的:那就是一个人不可能无所不能按着自己的想法来干事;一个人你必须得给我下苦功别偷懒才能有那点子出息。现实中当然不能想干啥就干啥,但我国人是既然不能按着自己意志干那就甭给我扯这些没用的,他们不想也想不出还可以在一个虚拟的世界在精神的空间实现自己的想法。而勤恳的工作和踏实的作风也是赢得我国国民好感的因素。学校的教育就一直是如此,天天搞那些个题海还声称“即使你会了也应该老老实实再过一遍”,而实际这些重复性的匠艺操作到底有什么意义呢……评价别人认真踏实很重要,但对自己未必就那么一本正经,我其实怀疑国人有那么一点让别人当傻瓜自己作旁观的心理来。





Why Learn to Program?

Five years ago, the answer to "why learn to program" may have been simple: to get a nice, cushy job with beanbag chairs and a six-figure salary. Recently, the job market for programmers has lost some of its previous luster--no longer can anyone and his dog start a tech company, get venture capital, and pay programmers a combination of stock options and worth millions and a high salary. 


This seems to have taken its toll on the number of prospective programmers; at some colleges, intro computer science classes are at all-time lows in attendance. This is a real shame because programming isn't really about making the big bucks. Though you will certainly be well paid if you are very good, your doctor friends are unlikely to be jealous of your finances once they pay off their medical school loans. 


They will, however, be envious of the intangibles. 

You Can Play God

When you program, you are a creator. You go from a blank text file to a working program with nothing to limit you but your imagination (and maybe some issues like how long your program takes to run). Programming is like having access to the absolute best set of legos in the world in almost unlimited qualities. Even better, you can get all of your building materials completely for free (once you own a computer) on the internet. Amazing! 


It's also great fun to see someone using something that you made. Your ability to improve your life and the lives of your friends and family is limited only by your ideas once you can take full control of your computer. Moreover, your work can be extremely high quality because the limiting factor is not manual dexterity or other non-mental attributes. If you can understand a programming technique, you can implement and use it. 

Automate Away Daily Drudgery

Programmers are famous for being lazy--in fact, being lazy is one reason people are drawn to programing. After all, why do something routine and repetitive when you could have your computer do it for you? Programmers have written all sorts of simple-to-use tools that make life easier for them--especially tools to manage the complexity of creating software (for instance, tools to help keep track of all the ways of making a program, or debugers to help improve their understanding of a running program). 


But more than that, every programmer has a collection of simple tools that he or she uses on a day-to-day basis, from custom calendar reminder programs to processors for large data sets (especially useful for scientists!). Indeed, the physics community has a history of writing powerful tools that make their lives easier--one tool, HTML over HTTP, created by Tim Berners Lee, eventually became the world wide web. It was originally designed by a physicist programmer coming up with ways of simplifying his life. 

Improve Your Computer Literacy and Know the Answer to the "Why" Questions

People are often frustrated by technology when it fails. Although operating systems such as Windows have become much more stable, there are still many security holes exploited every day. For a non-programmer, these issues are mysteries: the machine that never makes mistakes is full of problems, and who knows why? 


Programmers, on the other hand, are familiar with the limits of the machine--what happens inside the computer when it takes several minutes to open large files, why a particular security hole is a problem, and why it's so difficult to get large-scale software projects right. 


They understand it because they've dealt with most of these issues in their own programs and work with the ``stuff'' of the machine (to varying degrees across different programming languages). This can lead to some exciting finds, such as realizing how you can earn thousands of dollars in Windows solitaire set to Las Vegas style. Maybe not as good as earning real money, but how many of your friends have made $32K on under an hour playing cards? 


In sum, programming lets you work with your mind to free yourself to create things that are interesting or useful instead of being limited by the confines of what others have done before, and even when using those other things, you'll find that you can better appreciate and understand them. 








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