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lt. We have seen that owing to needless varieties, to stimulating food and drCheap Beats By Dreinks, and to the use of condimenCoach Purses Outletts, excess in loading the digestive organs is one great caCoach Outlet Onlineuse of this extensive suffering. Now there is a rich variety and abundance of simple, healthful food and drinks that are fitted for the perfect development and nutrition of the body, and involve litCoach Outlettle liability to perversioCoach Outlet Onlinen and excess. And when all stimulating food, drinks, and condiments are relinquished and a simple diet maintained, a healthful appetite returns, which is a safe guide to the proper amCoach Outlet Onlineount to be taken, provided always that enough pure air and exercise are secured. MCoach Factory Outletoreover, I have found by my own experience, and have learned from others, that after living for several months on simple food, there is an increased susceptibility of taste and Coach Outlet Onlinea keener relish for the delicate flavors that simple food offers. Does any one remember the deliciouBeats By Dre Cheaps relish of childhood for a bit of good bread? This same relish will again return when solicited aright. Let a person for several weeks try the experimentCoach Purses Outlet of drinking only water, eating nothing but bread and butter, potatoes, baked fruit, and milk, and at the same time exercise abundantly in the fresh air, and if their experience corresponds with that of most I have known who have tried the experiment, they will say, "Never did food of the richest variety and composition furnish such an exquisite relish!" The more a person will limit a meal to a few articles, and these of the simplest kind, the more will they regain the appetite and relish ofCoach Diaper Bag Outlet early life. Now the course here suggested is perfCoach Purses Outletectly safe, is equally productive of enjoyment, and is in obedience to the laws of health, which are the laws of God. The common course pursued in this land of abuCoach Factory Outletndance and gormandizing is certainly one of risk and danger to the delicate and deteriorated constitutions of the adult and rising geperations. Is not here the place to practice the Christian "daCoach Outletily" duty of "self-denial?" And if the strong and healthy feel no need of it for themselves, is there not a duty set forth for them in this iDiscount Oakley Sunglassesnspired command, "We that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves?" In reference to stimulating drinks, how often have I seen the need of this divine injunction. The parents of a family drink strong tea and coffee. They teachCoach Outlet Online their children perhaps, that it is a dangerous and unhealthy practice, and train them to entire abstinence. But after a few years these children draw to manhood and womanhoodCoach Purses, and begin to claim the privileges of acting by their own judgments. Then, after a period of deprecation and remonstrance, the luxury is conceded. SoCoach Outlet Onlineme one of the flock is weak, the strong can bear it bCoach Factory Outletut the weak one falters. No eye but that of the Heavenly Parent marks how this one single cause is daily draining the already stinted nervons fountain. And when the flower is cut down, the weeping parents mourn over th.

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