云看纪录片 <英语发展史 the adventure of English>第一集

Friesland, we can still hear the modern language that we believe sounds closest to what the  ancestor of English sounded like 1500 years ago. The reason we can recognise there words, is that modern Frisian and modern English can both be traced back to the same family——the Germanic family of language. Some words have stayed more or less the same down the centuies.

The chronicle of the period reports 当年史料称

The only way up was to become part of invader's tribes, to abopt their culture and their language.The Celts (凯尔特人 )and their language were pushed into margins. Only a handful of words from the Celts language survive into modern language.

The language of prevailed was that of the victors.

throughout these areas, many modern palce names come from that settlement.

 Wigton的后缀ton means "enclosure" or "village";  "-ham" means "farm"'


The Germanic tribes, now settled down around the country, all spoken their own dialects, From among them would emerge one language, Anglo-saxon(盎格鲁-撒克逊语) or Old English.

Language expert Katie Lowe: the old English for "sun" is "sunu"; We think it was in the region of   25000 words, that an averagely educated person would probably have about 10000 words in their acitve vocabulary.

Faith and stone weren't the only things that Christian missionaries brought to conutry. They brought international language of the Christian religion--Latin.Latin terms became part of the English word hoard. This would be a pattern of English, the layering of words, taken from different source language.And for Latin too, English took their script.

The prevailling language among the people was still English.But Latin, a powerful medium, was now amongst them.Now old English was written down using the  Latin alphabet while retaining some of the old runes as letters.

stole a march on  It was unexpected that you stole a march on me. 没料到你抢在了我的前面。

And the language soon became capable of recording and expressing an increasingly wide and subtle range of human experience.

 and beyond及以后:Lead to Chaucer, Shakespeare, and beyond.epitomised (典范)in the heroic warrior who gives the poem its name.

The question that agitates some scholars is whether it was written.But I think the general consensus now, is that by the time you get to "Beowulf"(贝奥武夫), you have a writer dealing with traditional oral language.

Cradle of 发源地

And if Alfred's kingdom fell, the whole county would be controlled and settled by conquerous whose language would inevitably crush English.


crucial victory 

in the course of 在......期间



The s-k sound is a characteristic of Old Norse(古诺尔斯语语音)

Sometimes where both Old Norse and Old English had a word for the same thing, both words lived on in English, each taking on a slightly different meaning.eg: 古英语“craft”,古诺尔斯语“skill”;古英语“sick”,古诺尔斯语“ill”; 

古英语中,句子构成并不像我们现在这样通过词序来确定。而是在如冠词、代词和名词之后加上各种词尾。The language is prone to do that, but contact with Norse languages speeded it up, gave it a shove towards modernity.

Alfred died in 899, one of his legacies was an English language which was more prestigious and widely read than ever before.

affront(冒犯); invasion with maximum force the only possible resoinse.


Many of the words they spoke, would have been very strange to the native English, but would quickly became unpleasantly familiar.


英语本来是用pig+flesh来指猪肉,但是法国人用法语pork,pigflesh就消失了     ——弹幕

a tiny fraction of  一小部分 

more than ever before or since 空前绝后

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