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            <span class="box11">小米商城&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box11">MIUI&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box11">IoT&nbsp;|</span>
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            <span class="box11">天星数科&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box11">有品&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box11">小爱开放平台&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box11">企业团购&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box11">资质证照&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box11">协议规则&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box11">下载app&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box11">智能生活&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box11">Select Location&nbsp;|</span>

            <span class="box12">购物车(0)</span>
            <img class="box12" src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/购物车空.png" width="28" height="28"></img>
            <span class="box12">消息通知&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box12">注册&nbsp;|</span>
            <span class="box12">登录&nbsp;|</span>
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            <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/mi.png" style="position: absolute;width: 85px;height:85px;top: 40px;left: 70px;">

            <div class="box21" style="margin-left: 250px;">Xiaomi手机</div>
            <div class="box21">Redmi 红米</div>
            <div class="box21">电视</div>
            <div class="box21">笔记本</div>
            <div class="box21">平板</div>
            <div class="box21">家电</div>
            <div class="box21">路由器</div>
            <div class="box21">服务</div>
            <div class="box21">社区</div>

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                <span id="box22"><img class="box22" src="./搜索小.png" style=""></span>

        <div class="box3">
            <div class="box31">
                <div class="box311" style="margin-top: 5px;">手机
                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/右箭头.png" alt="">
                <div class="box311">电视
                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/右箭头.png" alt="">
                <div class="box311">笔记本 平板
                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/右箭头.png" alt="">
                <div class="box311">家电
                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/右箭头.png" alt="">
                <div class="box311">出行 穿戴
                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/右箭头.png" alt="">
                <div class="box311">智能 路由器
                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/右箭头.png" alt="">
                <div class="box311">电源 配件
                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/右箭头.png" alt="">
                <div class="box311">健康 儿童
                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/右箭头.png" alt="">
                <div class="box311">耳机 音响
                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/右箭头.png" alt="">
                <div class="box311">生活 箱包
                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/右箭头.png" alt="">

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                        <div style="color: gray; ">手机APP</div>
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                        <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/用户.png " alt=" " style="width:70px;height: 70px; ">
                        <div style="color: gray; ">个人中心</div>
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                        <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/我的-售后.png " alt=" " style="width: 70px;height: 70px; ">
                        <div style="color: gray; ">售后服务</div>
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                    <div style="color: gray; ">F码通道</div>
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                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/内存卡.png " alt=" " style="width: 30px;height: 30px; ">
                    <div style="color: gray; ">米粉卡</div>
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                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/付款.png " alt=" " style="width: 30px;height: 30px; ">
                    <div style="color: gray; ">以旧换新</div>
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                    <img src="F:/VS Code相关/小米网页/话费.png " alt=" " style="width: 30px;height: 30px; ">
                    <div style="color: gray; ">话费充值</div>
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评论 3




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


