Incrementally Updated Backups(增量合并备份,10gR2的特点)


利用下面命令实现增量合并(Updated,oracle用updated这个词我觉得其实更准确):BACKUP INCREMENTAL 1 FOR RECOVER OF COPY ...

其实首先要有一个所有datafile的一个copy(如果0级copy不存在,即使上面命令指定的是1级,那么oracle还是首先要做一个0级拷贝),之后oracle基于这个0级拷贝做1级增量备份,每次的增量备份都要合并以前的增量备份以便保证这个最新的增量备份是“相当于”从0级开始备的,至于合并那个增量备份要看命令BACKUP INCREMENTAL 1 FOR RECOVER OF COPY TAG...中指定的tag,这个命令完成的其实是差异增量备份、但是最终的效果就是0级拷贝+1级累计增量备份。真是一个不错的思想!利用差异增量备份的思想达到累计增量备份的效果。


4.4.3 Incrementally Updated Backups: Rolling Forward Image Copy Backups

Oracle's Incrementally Updated Backups feature lets you avoid the overhead of taking full image copy backups of datafiles, while providing the same recovery advantages as image copy backups.

At the beginning of a backup strategy, RMAN creates an image copy backup of the datafile. Then, at regular intervals, such as daily, level 1 incremental backups are taken, and applied to the image copy backup, rolling it forward to the point in time when the level 1 incremental was created.

During restore and recovery of the database, RMAN can restore from this incrementally updated copy and then apply changes from the redo log, with the same results as restoring the database from a full backup taken at the SCN of the most recently applied incremental level 1 backup.

A backup strategy based on incrementally updated backups can help minimize time required for media recovery of your database. For example, if you run scripts to implement this strategy daily, then at recovery time, you never have more than one day of redo to apply. Incrementally Updated Backups: A Basic Example

To create incremental backups for use in an incrementally updated backups strategy, you must use the BACKUP... FOR RECOVER OF COPY WITH TAG form of the BACKUP command. How the command works is best understood in the context of an example script that would implement the strategy.

This script, run on a regular basis, is all that is required to implement a strategy based on incrementally updated backups:


The syntax used in the script does not, however, make it clear how the strategy works. To understand the script and the strategy, it is necessary to understand the effects of these two commands when no datafile copies or incremental backups exist.

  • The BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1... FOR RECOVER OF COPY WITH TAG... command does not actually always create a level 1 incremental backup. If there is no level 0 image copy backup of an particular datafile, then executing this command creates an image copy backup of the datafile on disk with the specified tag instead of creating the level 1 backup.


    Even when the BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1 ... FOR RECOVER OF COPY command is used with DEVICE TYPE SBT to create a backup on tape, the first time it is used it creates the image copy on disk, and does not write any backup on tape. Subsequent incremental level 1 backups can be created on tape once the image copy is on disk.

    Thus, the first time the script runs, it creates the image copy of the datafile needed to begin the cycle of incremental updates. In the second run and all subsequent runs, it produces level 1 incremental backups of the datafile.

  • The RECOVER COPY OF DATABASE WITH TAG... command causes RMAN to apply any available incremental level 1 backups to a set of datafile copies with the specified tag.

    If there is no incremental backup or no datafile copy, the command generates a message but does not generate an error.

    The first time the script runs, this command has no effect, because there is neither a datafile copy nor a level 1 incremental backup.

    The second time the script runs, there is a datafile copy (created by the first BACKUP command), but no incremental level 1 backup, so again, the command has no effect.

    On the third run and all subsequent runs, there is a datafile copy and a level 1 incremental from the previous run, so the level 1 incremental is applied to the datafile copy, bringing the datafile copy up to the checkpoint SCN of the level 1 incremental.

Note also the following details about how this example works:

  • Each time a datafile is added to the database, an image copy of the new datafile is created the next time the script runs. The time after that, the first level 1 incremental for that datafile is created, and on all subsequent runs the new datafile is processed like any other datafile.

  • Tags must be used to identify the incremental level 0 datafile copies created for use in this strategy, so that they do not interfere with other backup strategies you implement. If you have multiple incremental backup strategies in effect, RMAN cannot unambiguously create incremental level 1 backups unless you tag level 0 backups.

    The incremental level 1 backups to apply to those image copies are selected based upon the checkpoint SCNs of the image copy datafiles and the available incremental level 1 backups. (The tag used on the image copy being recovered is not a factor in the selection of the incremental level backups.)

In practice, you would schedule the example script to run once each day, possibly at midnight. On a typical night (that is, after the first two nights), when the script completed the following files would be available for a point-in-time recovery:

  • An image copy of the database, as of the checkpoint SCN of the preceding run of the script, 24 hours earlier

  • An incremental backup for the changes since the checkpoint SCN of preceding run

  • Archived redo logs including all changes between the checkpoint SCN of the image copy and the current time

If, at some point during the following 24 hours, you need to restore and recover your database from this backup, for either complete or point-in-time recovery, you can restore the datafiles from the incrementally updated datafile copies, and apply changes from the most recent incremental level 1 and the redo logs to reach the desired SCN. At most, you will have 24 hours of redo to apply, which limits how long point-in-time recovery will take.

See Also:

Oracle Database 2 Day DBA to see how this technique is used in the Oracle-suggested backup strategy in Enterprise Manager. Incrementally Updated Backups: A One Week Example

The basic example can be extended to provide fast recoverability to a window greater than 24 hours. Alter the RECOVER COPY... WITH TAG to perform incomplete recovery of the datafile copies to the point in time in the past where you want your window of recoverability to begin. This example shows how to maintain a seven day window:

       UNTIL TIME 'SYSDATE - 7';

The effect of the script is as follows:

  • On the first night the RECOVER COPY... UNTIL TIME statement has no effect, and the BACKUP INCREMENTAL... FOR RECOVER OF COPY statement creates the incremental level 0 copy.

  • On the second through seventh nights, the RECOVER COPY... UNTIL TIME statement has no effect because TIME 'SYSDATE - 7' is still a time in the future. The BACKUP INCREMENTAL... FOR RECOVER OF COPY statement creates differetial incremental level 1 backups containing the block changes for the previous day.

  • On the eighth and all subsequent nights night, the RECOVER COPY... UNTIL TIME statement applies the level 1 incremental from seven days ago to the copy of the database. The BACKUP INCREMENTAL... FOR RECOVER OF COPY statement creates an incremental backup containing the changes for the previous day.

As with the basic example, you have fast recoverability to any point in time between the SCN of the datafile copies and the present, using block changes from the incremental backups and individual changes from the redo logs. Because you have the daily level 1 incrementals, you still never need to apply more than one day of redo.

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