Oracle 12.1 RAC安装新主机,识别老存储和恢复数据库例子


[grid@lunarrac ~]$ kfod disks=all ds=true cluster=true status=true
  Disk          Size Header    Path                                     Disk Group   User     Group  
    1:       2047 Mb MEMBER    /dev/asm-diskb                           CRSDG        grid     asmadmin
    2:       2047 Mb MEMBER    /dev/asm-diskc                           CRSDG        grid     asmadmin
    3:       2047 Mb MEMBER    /dev/asm-diskd                           CRSDG        grid     asmadmin
    4:       2048 Mb MEMBER    /dev/asm-diske                           DATADG       grid     asmadmin
    5:       2048 Mb MEMBER    /dev/asm-diskf                           DATADG       grid     asmadmin
    6:       2048 Mb MEMBER    /dev/asm-diskg                           DATADG       grid     asmadmin
    7:       3072 Mb MEMBER    /dev/asm-diskh                           DATADG2      grid     asmadmin
    8:      10240 Mb MEMBER    /dev/asm-diski                           DATADG2      grid     asmadmin
 ORACLE_SID ORACLE_HOME                                      HOST_NAME          
      +ASM1 /u01/app/                           lunarrac                      
 [grid@lunarrac ~]$
 [grid@lunarrac ~]$ ss
 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Feb 14 19:08:33 2016
 Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
 Connected to:
 Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
 With the Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management options
 SQL> create pfile='/tmp/asm.pfile' from spfile;
 File created.
 SQL> alter system set asm_diskgroups='CRSDG', 'DATADG', 'DATADG2' scope=both;
 System altered.
SYS@+ASM1>SELECT f.group_number, f.file_number, name, f.type type
   2  FROM v$asm_file f, v$asm_alias a
   3  WHERE f.group_number=a.group_number and f.file_number=a.file_number
   4   and f.type='PARAMETERFILE'
   5  ORDER BY 1, 2;
     GROUP_NUMBER      FILE_NUMBER NAME                                                    TYPE
 ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
                1              268 spfile.268.903782013                                    PARAMETERFILE
                2              273 spfile.273.892298577                                    PARAMETERFILE
 Elapsed: 00:00:00.16
文件类型是datafile, controlfile, onlinelog等等
ASMCMD> ls -l
 Type           Redund  Striped  Time             Sys  Name
 PARAMETERFILE  UNPROT  COARSE   DEC 25 10:00:00  Y    spfile.273.892298577
 ASMCMD> pwd
ASMCMD> cp spfile.273.892298577 /tmp/spfile.273.892298577
 copying +datadg2/lunar/PARAMETERFILE/spfile.273.892298577 -> /tmp/spfile.273.892298577
 ASMCMD> ls -l
 Type           Redund  Striped  Time             Sys  Name
 PARAMETERFILE  UNPROT  COARSE   FEB 14 20:00:00  Y    spfile.273.892298577
 [grid@lunarrac ~]$ strings /tmp/spfile.273.892298577
 lunar1.__oracle_base='/u01/app/oracle'#ORACLE_BASE set from environment
 lunar2.__oracle_base='/u01/app/oracle'#ORACLE_BASE set from environment
 *.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=lunarXDB)'
 *.event='28401 trace name context forever,level 1','10949 trace name context forever,level 1'
 [grid@lunarrac ~]$
[oracle@lunarrac ~]$ ss
 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Feb 14 21:05:13 2016
 Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
 Connected to an idle instance.
 ORACLE instance started.
 Total System Global Area        557842432 bytes
 Fixed Size                        2926520 bytes
 Variable Size                   486541384 bytes
 Database Buffers                 54525952 bytes
 Redo Buffers                     13848576 bytes
 ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info
ORACLE_BASE from environment = /u01/app/oracle
 Sun Feb 14 21:11:42 2016
 Sun Feb 14 21:11:42 2016
 This instance was first to mount
 Sun Feb 14 21:11:42 2016
 NOTE: ASMB mounting group 2 (DATADG2)
 Sun Feb 14 21:11:42 2016
 ORA-15025: could not open disk "/dev/asm-diskh"
 ORA-27041: unable to open file
 Linux-x86_64 Error: 13: Permission denied
 Additional information: 9
 Sun Feb 14 21:11:42 2016
 ORA-15025: could not open disk "/dev/asm-diski"
 ORA-27041: unable to open file
 Linux-x86_64 Error: 13: Permission denied
 Additional information: 9
 NOTE: Disk 0 in group 2 could not be opened.
 WARNING: Failed to complete group 2
 WARNING: group 2 is being dismounted.
 WARNING: ASMB force dismounting group 2 (DATADG2) due to failed mount
 SUCCESS: diskgroup DATADG2 was dismounted
 NOTE: ASMB mounting group 2 (DATADG2)
 Sun Feb 14 21:11:43 2016
 ORA-15025: could not open disk "/dev/asm-diskh"
 ORA-27041: unable to open file
 Linux-x86_64 Error: 13: Permission denied
 Additional information: 9
 ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
 ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
 Sun Feb 14 21:11:43 2016
 ORA-15025: could not open disk "/dev/asm-diski"
 ORA-27041: unable to open file
 Linux-x86_64 Error: 13: Permission denied
 Additional information: 9
 NOTE: Disk 0 in group 2 could not be opened.
 WARNING: Failed to complete group 2
 WARNING: group 2 is being dismounted.
 WARNING: ASMB force dismounting group 2 (DATADG2) due to failed mount
 SUCCESS: diskgroup DATADG2 was dismounted
 Sun Feb 14 21:11:43 2016
 ORA-00210: cannot open the specified control file
 ORA-00202: control file: '+DATADG2/LUNAR/CONTROLFILE/current.258.892295171'
 ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +DATADG2/LUNAR/CONTROLFILE/current.258.892295171
 ORA-15001: diskgroup "DATADG2" does not exist or is not mounted
 ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
 ORA-00210: cannot open the specified control file
 ORA-00202: control file: '+DATADG2/LUNAR/CONTROLFILE/current.257.892295167'
 ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +DATADG2/LUNAR/CONTROLFILE/current.257.892295167
 ORA-15001: diskgroup "DATADG2" does not exist or is not mounted
 ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
 ORA-205 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE   MOUNT...
 Sun Feb 14 21:12:07 2016
 Decreasing number of real time LMS from 1 to 0
[grid@lunarrac ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/setasmgidwrap o=/u01/app/oracle/product/
 [grid@lunarrac ~]$ ls -lrt /u01/app/oracle/product/
 -rwsr-s--x 1 oracle asmadmin 323762276 Feb 14 18:15 /u01/app/oracle/product/
 [grid@lunarrac ~]$
SYS@lunar1>alter database mount;
 alter database mount
 ERROR at line 1:
 ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info
 Elapsed: 00:00:17.22
alter database mount
 Sun Feb 14 21:18:10 2016
 This instance was first to mount
 Process O000 died, see its trace file
 Sun Feb 14 21:18:12 2016
 NOTE: ASMB mounting group 2 (DATADG2)
 Process O000 died, see its trace file
 Sun Feb 14 21:18:16 2016
 ORA-15025: could not open disk "/dev/asm-diskh"
 ORA-27041: unable to open file
 Linux-x86_64 Error: 13: Permission denied
 Additional information: 9
 ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
 ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
 Sun Feb 14 21:18:19 2016
 ORA-15025: could not open disk "/dev/asm-diski"
 ORA-27041: unable to open file
 Linux-x86_64 Error: 13: Permission denied
 Additional information: 9
 NOTE: Disk 0 in group 2 could not be opened.
 WARNING: Failed to complete group 2
 Sun Feb 14 21:18:24 2016
 WARNING: group 2 is being dismounted.
 WARNING: ASMB force dismounting group 2 (DATADG2) due to failed mount
 SUCCESS: diskgroup DATADG2 was dismounted
 NOTE: ASMB mounting group 2 (DATADG2)
 Sun Feb 14 21:18:26 2016
 ORA-15025: could not open disk "/dev/asm-diskh"
 ORA-27041: unable to open file
 Linux-x86_64 Error: 13: Permission denied
 Additional information: 9
 ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
 ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
 Sun Feb 14 21:18:26 2016
 ORA-15025: could not open disk "/dev/asm-diski"
 ORA-27041: unable to open file
 Linux-x86_64 Error: 13: Permission denied
 Additional information: 9
 NOTE: Disk 0 in group 2 could not be opened.
 WARNING: Failed to complete group 2
 WARNING: group 2 is being dismounted.
 WARNING: ASMB force dismounting group 2 (DATADG2) due to failed mount
 SUCCESS: diskgroup DATADG2 was dismounted
 Sun Feb 14 21:18:26 2016
 ORA-00210: cannot open the specified control file
 ORA-00202: control file: '+DATADG2/LUNAR/CONTROLFILE/current.258.892295171'
 ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +DATADG2/LUNAR/CONTROLFILE/current.258.892295171
 ORA-15001: diskgroup "DATADG2" does not exist or is not mounted
 ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
 ORA-00210: cannot open the specified contro( file
 ORA-00202: control file: '+DATADG2/LUNAR/CONTROLFILE/current.257.892295167'
 ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +DATADG2/LUNAR/CONTROLFILE/current.257.892295167
 ORA-15001: diskgroup "DATADG2" does not exist or is not mounted
 ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
 ORA-205 signalled during: alter database mount
 Process m000 died, see its trace file
 Process m001 died, see its trace file
 Process m000 died, see its trace file
 Process m000 died, see its trace file
 Process m001 died, see its trace file
 Process m000 died, see its trace file
Trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/lunar/lunar1/trace/lunar1_m000_14358.trc
 Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
 With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
 Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
 ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/
 System name:    Linux
 Node name:      lunarrac
 Release:        3.8.13-44.1.1.el6uek.x86_64
 Version:        #2 SMP Wed Sep 10 06:10:25 PDT 2014
 Machine:        x86_64
 Instance name: lunar1
 Redo thread mounted by this instance: 0
 Oracle process number: 0
 Unix process pid: 14358, image:
 *** 2016-02-14 21:20:01.641
 Died during process startup with error 27140 (seq=94)
 OPIRIP: Uncaught error 27140. Error stack:
 ORA-27140: attach to post/wait facility failed
 ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:invalid_egid failed with status: 1
 ORA-27301: OS failure message: Operation not permitted
 ORA-27302: failure occurred at: skgpwinit6
 ORA-27303: additional information: startup egid = 6000 (oinstall), current egid = 5000 (asmadmin)
SQL> alter diskgroup datadg mount
 Sun Feb 14 21:42:56 2016
 NOTE: cache registered group DATADG 2/0x4BA26F20
 NOTE: cache began mount (first) of group DATADG 2/0x4BA26F20
 NOTE: Assigning number (2,1) to disk (/dev/asm-diskf)
 NOTE: Assigning number (2,2) to disk (/dev/asm-diskg)
 NOTE: Assigning number (2,0) to disk (/dev/asm-diske)
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:02 2016
 NOTE: GMON heartbeating for grp 2 (DATADG)
 GMON querying group 2 at 17 for pid 30, osid 19564
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:02 2016
 NOTE: cache is mounting group DATADG created on 2015/10/05 07:49:39
 NOTE: cache opening disk 0 of grp 2: DATADG_0000 path:/dev/asm-diske
 NOTE: 02/14/16 21:43:02 DATADG.F1X0 found on disk 0 au 10 fcn 0.0 datfmt 1
 NOTE: cache opening disk 1 of grp 2: DATADG_0001 path:/dev/asm-diskf
 NOTE: 02/14/16 21:43:02 DATADG.F1X0 found on disk 1 au 10 fcn 0.0 datfmt 1
 NOTE: cache opening disk 2 of grp 2: DATADG_0002 path:/dev/asm-diskg
 NOTE: 02/14/16 21:43:02 DATADG.F1X0 found on disk 2 au 10 fcn 0.0 datfmt 1
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:02 2016
 NOTE: cache mounting (first) normal redundancy group 2/0x4BA26F20 (DATADG)
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:02 2016
 * allocate domain 2, invalid = TRUE
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:03 2016
 NOTE: attached to recovery domain 2
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:03 2016
 * validated domain 2, flags = 0x0
 NOTE: cache recovered group 2 to fcn 0.73
 NOTE: redo buffer size is 256 blocks (1056768 bytes)
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:03 2016
 NOTE: LGWR attempting to mount thread 1 for diskgroup 2 (DATADG)
 NOTE: LGWR found thread 1 closed at ABA 11.22 lock domain=0 inc#=0 instnum=1
 NOTE: LGWR mounted thread 1 for diskgroup 2 (DATADG)
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:03 2016
 NOTE: LGWR opened thread 1 (DATADG) at fcn 0.73 ABA 12.23 lock domain=2 inc#=2 instnum=1 gx.incarn=1268936480 mntstmp=2016/02/14 21:43:03.557000
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:03 2016
 NOTE: cache mounting group 2/0x4BA26F20 (DATADG) succeeded
 NOTE: cache ending mount (success) of group DATADG number=2 incarn=0x4ba26f20
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:03 2016
 NOTE: Instance updated compatible.asm to for grp 2
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:03 2016
 SUCCESS: diskgroup DATADG was mounted
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:03 2016
 SUCCESS: alter diskgroup datadg mount
 Sun Feb 14 21:43:04 2016
 NOTE: diskgroup resource ora.DATADG.dg is online
 WARNING: unknown state for diskgroup resource ora.DATADG.dg, Return Value: 3
[root@lunarrac ~]# crsctl status res -t
 Name           Target  State        Server                   State details      
 Local Resources
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 Started,STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
 Cluster Resources
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac        192.16
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
 [root@lunarrac ~]#
例如,“Database name: lunarrac”这里显示lunarrac是我的主机名,而数据库名是lunar,因此使用112.的命令注册数据库到ocr会有其他未知问题
[oracle@lunarrac ~]$ srvctl add database -d lunar -n lunarrac -o $ORACLE_HOME -p +datadg2/lunar/PARAMETERFILE/spfile.273.892298577 -s OPEN -y AUTOMATIC -a "CRSDG,DATADG,DATADG2" -t IMMEDIATE
 [oracle@lunarrac ~]$ srvctl config database -d lunar
 Database unique name: lunar
 Database name: lunarrac
 Oracle home: /u01/app/oracle/product/
 Oracle user: oracle
 Spfile: +datadg2/lunar/PARAMETERFILE/spfile.273.892298577
 Password file:
 Start options: open
 Stop options: immediate
 Database role: PRIMARY
 Management policy: AUTOMATIC
 Server pools:
 Mount point paths:
 Type: RAC
 Start concurrency:
 Stop concurrency:
 OSDBA group: dba
 OSOPER group: oinstall
 Database instances:
 Configured nodes:
 Database is administrator managed
 [oracle@lunarrac ~]$
[root@lunarrac ~]# crsctl status res -t
 Name           Target  State        Server                   State details      
 Local Resources
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 Started,STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
 Cluster Resources
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac        192.16
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
 [root@lunarrac ~]#
[oracle@lunarrac ~]$ srvctl start database -d lunar
 [oracle@lunarrac ~]$
 [root@lunarrac ~]# crsctl status res -t
 Name           Target  State        Server                   State details      
 Local Resources
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 Started,STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
                ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
 Cluster Resources
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac        192.16
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 Open,STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
       1        ONLINE  ONLINE       lunarrac                 STABLE
 [root@lunarrac ~]#

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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


