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转载 人力&人手&人才&人物

人力:只需要你在工作中肯卖力气就足够了;人手:则需要你熟悉掌握工作,能应付突发事件;人才:则需要你头脑灵活,能够在工作中提出创造性的方案;人物:就需要八面玲珑,用自己特有的方式为公司做出比较大的贡献.[@more@] ...

2008-07-17 11:24:38 273

转载 oracle树中prior的用法

1)prior放在子节点端,则表示扫描树是以start with指定的节点作为根节点从上往下扫描.可能对应一个或多个分支.start with可以省略,如果省略,表示对所有节点都当成根节点分别进行遍历.2)prior放在父节点端...

2008-07-17 11:23:56 279

转载 Using Supplied Packages to Manage Stored Outlines

The DBMS_OUTLN and DBMS_OUTLN_EDIT package provides procedures used for managing stored outlines and their outline...

2008-07-16 14:09:45 234


catalog.sql - create data dictionary views.cataudit.sql - data dictionary views for auditing. (catnoaud.sql will r...

2008-07-15 10:40:38 750


SQL*Plus uses the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE (PUP) table, a table in the SYSTEM account, to provide product-level securi...

2008-07-15 10:39:16 140

转载 Backing Up Server Parameter Files with RMAN

RMAN automatically backs up the current server parameter file in certain cases. The BACKUP SPFILE command backs up...

2008-06-05 10:52:41 73

转载 Backing Up Control Files with RMAN

You can back up the control file when the database is mounted or open. RMAN uses a snapshot control file to ensure...

2008-06-05 10:51:42 81

转载 Backing Up Individual Tablespaces with RMAN

You can backup one or more individual tablespaces with the BACKUP TABLESPACE command. You can use this command whe...

2008-06-05 10:48:17 96

转载 Making Whole Database Backups with RMAN

You can perform whole database backups with the database mounted or open. To perform a whole database backup, from...

2008-06-05 10:43:23 83

转载 目睹奥运火炬传递

头顶烈日 , 等了两个小时 , 目睹奥运火炬手在半分钟内被加油声及国旗奥运五环旗吞没 , 真是不容易啊.[@more@] ...

2008-06-04 16:29:32 74

转载 RMAN Backup Formats:Backup Sets

RMAN can also store backup information a logical structure called a backup set. A backup set contains the data fr...

2008-06-04 16:20:36 98

转载 RMAN Backup Formats: Image Copies

An image copy is a bit-for-bit duplicate of a database file, identical to a copy made with an operating system com...

2008-06-04 16:19:42 90

转载 Files That RMAN Can Back Up

RMAN's BACKUP command supports backing up the following types of files:■ Database files, including datafiles, cont...

2008-06-04 16:17:27 71

转载 Using Quotation Marks

Quotation marks can be nested in one of two ways. The first method is to double the quotation marks in the nested ...

2008-06-03 10:32:55 158

转载 Special Characters in Initialization Parameter Files

Character Name Description# Number sign Comment( L...

2008-06-03 10:30:49 91

转载 Using Special Characters in Parameter Values

If a parameter value contains a special character, then the special character must be preceded by a backslash or t...

2008-06-03 10:27:30 70

转载 Rules Governing Initialization Parameter Files

The following rules govern the specification of parameters in initialization parameter files:■ An initialization p...

2008-06-03 10:25:41 85

转载 Active Session History Reports

■ The ashrpt.sql SQL script generates an HTML or text report that displays ASH information for a specified duratio...

2008-06-02 10:44:36 77

转载 Running Workload Repository Reports Using SQL Scripts

You can view AWR reports by running the following SQL scripts:■ The awrrpt.sql SQL script generates an HTML or tex...

2008-06-02 10:43:55 8010

转载 Automatic Workload Repository Views

Typically, you would view the AWR data through Oracle Enterprise Manager screens or AWR reports. However, you can ...

2008-06-02 10:42:25 83

转载 保护眼睛的好方法


2008-06-02 10:41:58 63

转载 Creating and Dropping Baselines

A baseline is created with the CREATE_BASELINE procedure. A baseline is simply performance data for a set of snaps...

2008-05-30 13:20:41 61

转载 Managing Snapshot : Modifying Snapshot Settings


2008-05-30 13:17:33 98

转载 Managing Snapshot : Dropping Snapshots

You can drop a range of snapshots using the DROP_SNAPSHOT_RANGE procedure. To view a list of the snapshot Ids alon...

2008-05-30 13:15:13 64

转载 Managing Snapshot : Creating Snapshots

You can manually create snapshots with the CREATE_SNAPSHOT procedure if you want to capture statistics at times di...

2008-05-30 13:13:57 73

转载 Interpreting Statistics

Some pitfalls are discussed in the following sections:■ Hit ratios■ Wait events with timed statistics■ Comparing O...

2008-05-30 13:10:28 120

转载 UNIX下收集操作系统统计数据

CPU : sar, vmstat, mpstat, iostatMemory : sar, vmstatDisk : sar, iostatNetwork : netstat[@more...

2008-05-29 14:51:06 74

转载 Disk Statistics

Measure the normal performance of the I/O system; typical values for a single block read range from 5 to 20 millis...

2008-05-29 14:48:04 84

转载 操作系统统计数据分类

Operating system statistics include the following:■ CPU Statistics■ Virtual Memory Statistics■ Disk Statistics■ Ne...

2008-05-29 14:47:57 159

转载 CPU Statistics

On an Oracle data server system, where there is generally only one application running, the server runs database a...

2008-05-29 14:46:42 127

转载 V$STATNAME 视图中各class的含义

■ 1 - User■ 2 - Redo■ 4 - Enqueue■ 8 - Cache■ 16 - OS■ 32 - Real Application Clusters■ 64 - SQL■ 128 - Debug不明白我自己...

2008-05-29 14:38:28 130


The data present in ASH can be rolled up on various dimensions that it captures, including the following:■ SQL ide...

2008-05-29 14:37:39 106

转载 奥运火炬长沙传递路线


2008-05-28 16:25:33 94

转载 DB Time小结

This statistics represents the total time spent in database calls and is a indicator of the total instance workloa...

2008-05-28 16:24:55 53

转载 Time Model Statistics

可从V$SESS_TIME_MODEL或者V$SYS_TIME_MODEL动态视图中获得时间类指标的统计数据.V$SESS_TIME_MODEL displays the session-accumulated time for...

2008-05-28 16:23:53 170

转载 Wait Events的分类及分类依据

To enable easier high-level analysis of the wait events, the events are grouped into classes. The wait event class...

2008-05-28 16:21:16 102

转载 重组后三大运营商的用户数


2008-05-27 17:17:40 87

转载 Restrictions on Altering Temporary Tables

You can modify, drop columns from, or rename a temporary table. However, for a temporary table you cannot:■ Add co...

2008-05-27 17:16:47 71

转载 Building a Dynamic Oracle ETL Procedure

参阅http://www.orafaq.com/node/1902[@more@] ...

2008-05-20 15:24:30 63

转载 cache buffers chains vs cache buffers lru chain

http://luckysea.itpub.net/post/5481/323246cache buffers chains当一个数据块读入sga区,相应的buffer header会被放置到hash列表上,我们称其这hash ...

2008-05-16 15:33:03 88



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