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原创 基于TFS的每日构建(备考)

set path=%path%;"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/IDE"tf getset outputfilename=%date:~6,4%%date:~0,2%%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%.txtdevenv "a.sln" /build Release /out %outputfilename%net

2008-05-08 16:56:00 674

原创 将HTML保留格式粘到Word文档中

//将HTML代码按照Windows剪贴板格进行格式化private static string HtmlClipboardData(string html){    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();    Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8; //Encoding.GetEncoding(936

2008-04-16 22:59:00 1153

原创 将集成Windows认证并使用了身份模拟的ASP.net应用改成Form认证

先在Web.config里设置成Form认证:                        当然还得使用Session: 以及配置站点/虚拟目录为匿名认证 然后是一个身份模拟的辅助类:public class ImpersonateHelper{        public const string SystemUserToken = "Syste

2007-06-29 14:41:00 1733

原创 How to: 动态加载WebPart模块

WebPartZone的ZoneTemplate可以通过声明方式来定义,在每个用户首次(即没有已保存状态时)登录时,WebPart Runtime会按ZoneTemplate内的定义生成默认的WebPart布局,并在用户对布局进行调整后此用户后续登录时,从Personal PersonalizationProvider中还原布局。当如果要动态的设置默认的ZoneTemplate时,可以按以下两

2007-01-06 00:46:00 1221

原创 将ASP.net1.1工程移到非IIS根目录

从VSS或TFS MSSCCI打开ASP.net1.1的工程时,都会在IIS的站点的根目录创建虚拟目录,可以通过下面的步骤将这些ASP.net工程移到其它目录:1、去掉SLN文件的只读属性,再在VS.net中打开,将ASP.net工程从SLN中移除,并保存SLN文件。2、将IIS站点下创建目录的文件复制到其它目录。3、将IIS虚拟目录删除并指向新的目录。4、删除SLN所在目录的同名

2006-10-10 22:14:00 933

原创 从IE打开外部应用程序

先修改客户端的注册表:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/FBUID]"URL Protocol"=""[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/FBUID/Shell][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/FBUID/Shell/Open][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/FBUID/Shell/Ope

2006-05-20 13:11:00 1755 1

转载 REGEDIT.exe

 REGEDIT Warning:Before tweaking the registry, make sure you have a full backup of your system. If anything goes wrong, you may end up losing all your data and reinstalling Windows.As Microsoft states

2005-12-27 13:06:00 1796

转载 App.Config for your DLL

http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/DLLAPPCONFIG.aspBy n10sive IntroductionWhen developing DLLs for distribution, it is often desired to have an app.config file associated with that DLL. However, the .N

2005-11-18 10:23:00 1370

转载 An application to fetch the release sources from Visual SouceSafe based on an Excel migration plan

3 members have rated this article. Result:Popularity: 2.31. Rating: 4.83 out of 5.Download source - 28.2 Kb IntroductionSome companies use a migration plan as the basis for a project release. Migratio

2005-09-29 23:28:00 1062

转载 How to Create a Windows NT/ Windows 2000 Service

IntroductionA Windows service is an EXE specially designed to communicate with the SCM (Service Control Manager) of Windows NT/2000. The Service Control Manager (SCM) maintains a database of installed

2005-09-06 17:58:00 1083

原创 当页面有ID重复的控件时,使用Validator后仍能正常工作

public class REV : System.Web.UI.WebControls.RegularExpressionValidator{ protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer) { System.Type t = this.GetType(); while (t.

2005-07-12 20:33:00 961

转载 javascript 技巧集 (ZT)

javascript 技巧集 (ZT) 事件源对象 event.srcElement.tagName event.srcElement.type 捕获释放 event.srcElement.setCapture();  event.srcElement.releaseCapture();  事件按键 event.keyCode event.shiftKey event.altKey event.c

2005-05-26 23:29:00 1306

原创 将WMF等透明底色的图片转成白底的JPG图片

private static void ConvertWMF2JPG(string originFile, string tagFile){ System.Drawing.Bitmap orginImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(originFile); System.Drawing.Bitmap tagImage = new System.Dra

2005-05-26 21:28:00 2343

原创 修复XDE for .net

稀里糊涂的,XDE提示datamodeler.dll failed to load,用google搜了一把,找到一个相关的原因: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21149536反安装XDE后,发现XDE的COM组件注册全都在,这安装程序也太不负责任了!管不了这么多了,先把HKLM/SOFTWARE/Rational Software

2005-03-12 16:22:00 812

原创 让子目录的WEB页面跳过虚拟目录的窗体认证

在需要的子目录放一个web.configxml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>configuration>  system.web>    authorization>        allow users="*" />     authorization> system.web>configuration>

2005-02-22 17:00:00 722

原创 使用Button时跳过客户端校验控件的检验

        当使用System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button时,如果该页面有检验控件(如RequiredFieldValidator),则会进行校验,如果页面还有ValidationSummary以及ValidationSummary.ShowMessageBox为true时,则会弹出提示,加上下面一句即可跳过该提示:    button.Attributes["oncl

2005-01-26 12:32:00 1028

原创 建立共享文件夹连接

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]        class NETRESOURCE{       public int dwScope;       public int dwType;       public int dwDisplayType;       public int dwUsage;       public

2005-01-05 17:10:00 889

原创 在客户端模拟禁用CheckBox

      runat="server">   onclick="disableCheckBox(CheckBox1);">     runat="server" Width="136px" Height="40px" Checked="True">    function disableCheckBox(id)  {   var ctl = document.all[id];   ctl.s

2005-01-04 18:10:00 1102

原创 ConvertUrlstring

public static string ConvertUrlstring(string url){       if(url.StartsWith("~"))       {              string sAppPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath;              i

2005-01-04 09:47:00 803

原创 RadioButtonList、DropDownlist 在客端确认更改

RadioButtonList:"rblMatrixType" style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 88px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 104px" runat="server" Width="200px" AutoPostBack="True"> "A" Selected="True">A "B">B function attachNewEvent(c

2004-12-27 13:42:00 1021

原创 vs.net 2003变慢的可能原因

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/VisualStudio/7.1]"EditCfgData"=hex:00,a3,38,92,dc,38,ac,4c,ae,d6,f3,55,92,e7,78,60[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Vi

2004-11-26 11:24:00 948

转载 Run ASMX Without IIS

Aaron SkonnardDownload the code for this article: ServiceStation0412.exe (165KB) When the Microsoft® .NET Framework first shipped, it introduced a breakthrough Web services framework known as ASMX

2004-11-22 13:12:00 2288

转载 Tailor Your Application by Building a Custom Forms Designer with .NET

This article discusses: Design-time environment fundamentals Forms designer architecture The implementation of the forms designer in Visual Studio .NET Services you need to impleme

2004-11-22 12:35:00 1527

原创 怎样解决服务器证书吊销状态不可用的问题

    当我们在使用HTTPS(SSL)访问WEB站点时,浏览器会从服务器上下载其证书,并根据证书的“CRL分发点”指定的站点下载CRL(证书吊销列表),检查当前的证书是否在列表内。    CRL包含有“下一次的更新”的日期,在该日期到来之前,Windows(?)会直接使用已被缓存起来的CRL,否则会从再次下载CRL。    不知什么原因后,CRL不能被正常下载时,我们访问HTTPS站点时,会提示

2004-11-20 16:24:00 9395 8

原创 The Function of MaxValue

create function MaxValue (@int1 int, @int2 int)returns intasbegin declare @maxValue int if (@int1 > @int2)  select @maxValue = @int1 else  select @maxValue = @int2 return @maxValueendselect dbo.MaxV

2004-11-11 16:12:00 734

转载 asp.net页面刷新事件

基于功能更丰富的基础类构建您自己的 ASP.NET 页面发布日期: 11/4/2004 | 更新日期: 11/4/2004Dino EspositoWintellect适用范围:Microsoft ASP.NETMicrosoft ASP.NET 2.0摘要:通过继承可以在通用 Microsoft ASP.NET 类(例如 Page 类)中添加功能。这为您提供了

2004-11-05 11:03:00 3412

原创 Base Web Page

/*Author: Clarion LiDate: Oct.22, 2004 (My nephew is two months old)Purpose: check user login client call servers method(in Page or UserControl)* //*client function: function

2004-10-23 13:34:00 837

原创 ASP.NET Controls 状态转换备忘

下面的代码在每次回发时,仍能保持5个Item:private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e){ ddl = new DropDownList(); this.PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(ddl); if (!IsPostBack) {  for (int i = 0; i   {   ddl.Items.A

2004-10-22 00:49:00 717

原创 ASP.NET Validator Control 备忘

Page的OnPreRender被调用前必须要用至少一个Validator(如CustomValidator),否则生成的客户端脚本会缺少:System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseValidatorprotected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e){ base.OnPreRender(e);

2004-10-15 21:17:00 712

转载 ASP.NET 应用程序安全设计原则

设计原则有若干重要原则适用于后面各章中提供的指导说明。您应当学会这些原则并在自己的应用程序设计中予以应用: •采用最少权限的原则.运行脚本或执行代码的进程应当尽可能用权限最少的帐户运行,从而在危及进程安全时限制可能造成的破坏。如果恶意用户设法将代码注入某个服务器进程,那么授予该进程的权限会在很大程度上决定该用户可执行的操作类型。应当将需要更多信任(和更高权限)的代码分别

2004-10-11 14:13:00 1178

原创 CS 端口

tcp 5273tcp 7002udp 27010udp 27012udp 27015udp 27016udp 27017udp 27019udp 27020

2004-10-09 18:14:00 1151

转载 .NET 中的断言和跟踪

发布日期: 9/9/2004 | 更新日期: 9/9/2004John Robbins 下载本文中的代码:Bugslayer0102.exe (42KB)本页内容调试器条件编译跟踪和 TraceSwitch断言TraceListener — Listeners 正在侦听BugslayerTrac

2004-09-10 15:45:00 1008

原创 How to implement "Find Target"

string file = @"c:/test.txt";string folder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(file);try{ System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(folder); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800); SendKeys.Send(System.IO.Path.GetFi

2004-09-08 20:19:00 609

原创 cab and signcode

sign.batcabarc.exe -s 6144 N FormDesigner.CAB FormDesigner/FormDesigner.ocx FormDesigner/Msvcp60.dll FormDesigner/FormDesigner.INFpausesigncode FormDesigner.CAB -spc Certificate/Freeborders.cer -v C

2004-08-16 23:26:00 824

转载 使用Process类运行程序

只有在STA线程上ShellExecute 才能确保工作无误。在Process的实现中,并没有考虑到这个问题,所以使用Process类运行ShellExecute可能会出错。如果你不能保证调用Process.Start的线程的ApartmentState,可以使用如下的代码来避免这个问题: using System;using System.Threading;public cla

2004-08-15 10:24:00 1017

转载 XML 和 Internet 支持特殊字符

XML 和 Internet 支持特殊字符一些字符在 URL 或 XML 文档中使用时有特殊的含义,因此必须针对这些含义对字符做适当编码以使其生效。URL 中的特殊字符在 URL 上执行的查询中,特殊字符被指定为 %xx,其中 xx 是字符的十六进制值。下表列出了这些特殊字符并描述了它们的含义。有关更多信息,请参见 http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1738.ht

2004-08-12 20:39:00 1079

转载 Windows 2000 Terminal Services

Windows 2000 Terminal ServicesTerminal services may be provided by Windows 2000 server computers. Terminal services can allow remote computers to run desktops and applications on a server as

2004-08-08 11:14:00 1849

转载 Script Callbacks in ASP.NET

  Script Callbacks in ASP.NET   Dino Esposito Download the code for this article: CuttingEdge0408.exe (127KB) I f youre involved in Web development you may have faced a problem

2004-07-24 14:18:00 1376

原创 怎么用ASPX页面生成缩略图

using System;using System.IO;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Web;using System.Web.SessionState;using System.Web.UI;using System

2004-07-19 18:42:00 1143 1

原创 ASP.NET页面是怎样生成的

using System; namespace WebApp3{ using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized;  class MyPage : System.Web.UI.TemplateControl,

2004-07-19 18:23:00 842



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