
ps -ef | grep yas 查看无yasom和yasagent进程,且在{数据库安装目录}/om/{数据库名称}的目录下没有conf、data、log等目录,确定数据库不是用yasboot安装,是用脚本安装的










-- ip必须是本机ip,install-path不能和安装的数据库path重重复
./bin/yasboot package config gen --cluster yasdb -u yashan -p Cod-2024 --ip --install-path /home/yashan/yashandb/yasdb_yasom -t se
[yashan@KylinV10 yasdb_yasom]$ ./bin/yasboot package config gen --cluster yasdb -u yashan -p Cod-2024 --ip --install-path /home/yashan/yashandb/yasdb_yasom -t se is already used
 hostid   | group | node_type | node_name | listen_addr        | din_addr           | replication_addr   | data_path                                  
 host0001 | dbg1  | db        | 1-1       | | | | /home/yashan/yashandb/yasdb_yasom/data/yasdb
Generate config success
./bin/yasboot package install -i yashandb- -t hosts.toml
[yashan@KylinV10 yasdb_yasom]$ ./bin/yasboot package install -i yashandb- -t hosts.toml
checking install profile.toml...
install version: yashandb
update host to yasom...
[yashan@KylinV10 yasdb_yasom]$ ps -ef | grep yas
yashan   3945392       1  0 15:04 ?        00:00:25 yasdb open -D /home/yashan/yashandb/yasdb_data
root     3950422 3950243  0 15:37 pts/1    00:00:00 su - yashan
yashan   3950423 3950422  0 15:37 pts/1    00:00:00 -bash
root     3953443 3952376  0 15:49 pts/2    00:00:00 su - yashan
yashan   3953444 3953443  0 15:49 pts/2    00:00:00 -bash
yashan   3955488       1  0 16:05 ?        00:00:00 /home/yashan/yashandb/yasdb_yasom/bin/yasagent --init -c yasdb -l --host-id host0001 -k 564e9e581348c9ae -d
yashan   3955503       1  0 16:06 ?        00:00:00 /home/yashan/yashandb/yasdb_yasom/bin/yasom --init -c yasdb -l -k 564e9e581348c9ae -d
yashan   3955542 3950423  0 16:06 pts/1    00:00:00 ps -ef
yashan   3955543 3950423  0 16:06 pts/1    00:00:00 grep yas
./bin/yasboot package config join-demo -t SE
[yashan@KylinV10 yasdb_yasom]$ ./bin/yasboot package config join-demo -t SE
[yashan@KylinV10 yasdb_yasom]$ ll
总用量 221716
drwxrwxr-x 6 yashan yashan        70  5月  4  2023 admin
drwxrwxr-x 3 yashan yashan       220  5月  4  2023 bin
drwxrwxr-x 2 yashan yashan        30  4月 17 16:05 client
drwxrwxr-x 3 yashan yashan       126  4月 17 16:06 conf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yashan yashan     10974  5月  4  2023 gitmoduleversion.dat
-rw------- 1 yashan yashan       386  4月 17 16:05 hosts.toml
drwxrwxr-x 2 yashan yashan        65  5月  4  2023 include
drwxrwxr-x 3 yashan yashan        17  5月  4  2023 java
-rw-r--r-- 1 yashan yashan       527  4月 17 16:15 join_demo.toml
drwxr-xr-x 2 yashan yashan      4096  5月  4  2023 lib
drwxrwxr-x 2 yashan yashan         6  4月 17 16:06 log
drwxrwxr-x 3 yashan yashan        38  4月 17 15:50 om
drwxrwxr-x 2 yashan yashan       115  5月  4  2023 scripts
-rw------- 1 yashan yashan       549  4月 17 16:05 yasdb.toml
drwxrwxr-x 3 yashan yashan        22  4月 17 15:48 yashandb
-rw-r--r-- 1 yashan yashan 227004643  4月 17 15:46 yashandb-
[yashan@KylinV10 yasdb_yasom]$ cat join_demo.toml
cluster = "tt"
sys_password = "yasdb_123"
yas_type = "SE"
  manage_ip = ""
  yasdb_home = "/opt/yasom/yashandb/tt"
  node_path = "/opt/yasom/yashandb/data/tt/db-1-1"
  node_id = "1-1:1"
  manage_ip = ""
  yasdb_home = "/opt/yasom/yashandb/tt"
  node_path = "/opt/yasom/yashandb/data/tt/db-1-2"
  node_id = "1-2:1"
  manage_ip = ""
  yasdb_home = "/opt/yasom/yashandb/tt"
  node_path = "/opt/yasom/yashandb/data/tt/db-1-3"
  node_id = "1-3:1"
[yashan@KylinV10 yasdb_yasom]$ cat join_demo.toml
cluster = "yasdb"
sys_password = "yasdb_123"
yas_type = "SE"
  manage_ip = ""
  yasdb_home = "/home/yashan/yashandb/yasdb_home"
  node_path = "/home/yashan/yashandb/yasdb_data"
  node_id = "1-1:1"
./bin/yasboot cluster join -t SE --config join_demo.toml
[yashan@KylinV10 yasdb_yasom]$ ./bin/yasboot cluster join -t SE --config join_demo.toml
the cluster status is as follow:
|key         |value
|clusterName |yasdb
|version     |
the cluster status is as follow:
 hostid   | node_type | nodeid | pid     | instance_status | database_status | database_role | listen_address | data_path                      
 host0001 | db        | 1-1:1  | 3945392 | open            | normal          | primary       |   | /home/yashan/yashandb/yasdb_data
Check success
Are you sure you to add yasdb yasdb to yasom[yes/no]: yes
 type | uuid             | name             | hostid | index | status  | return_code | progress | cost
 task | eb0ecf155a0db5e6 | JoinYasdbCluster | -      | yasdb | SUCCESS | 0           | 100      | -  
task completed, status: SUCCESS
yashan@KylinV10 ~]$ yasboot cluster status -c yasdb -d
 hostid   | node_type | nodeid | pid     | instance_status | database_status | database_role | listen_address | data_path                             
 host0001 | db        | 1-1:1  | 3945392 | open            | normal          | primary       |   | /home/yashan/yashandb/data/yasdb/db-1-1
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