source determination

source determine priority:
QA->source list ->outline agreement ->info record
QA:配額比例。指定某段period,跟哪些vendor交易,每個vendor的quota為多少。如果有有效的區間,就依此決定vendor. QA的計算方式參見:
source list:指定某段period 交易的廠商。有一個source tab,可以指定fixed vendor,或者block某vendor不準交易。也可以不指定任何vendor,但reference到outline agreement的item,以此決定vendor
outline agreement :有contract & schedule agreement兩種type。可以是某段期間qty or value的agreement。兩者的區別在于contract是在開立purchase document的時候才會被reference,才會被consume。爾schedule agreement在mrp時會被考慮為supple。在LT外的以planned order的形式存在,LT內,自動產生delivery schedule
info record:如果找到如何條件的多筆info record或者outline agreement,manual create時,系統會彈出對話框,讓user決定source,如果是background,系統會判斷哪個vendor是regular vendor,然后assign。如果還是判斷不出來,則source空白,讓user補入。

Source Determination (1,623 views)
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As you know SAP implementation is nothing but re-engineering of existing business processes into SAP R/3. All most each and every industry specific solution has been taken under the umbrella of SAP R/3. Each and every modules of SAP is integrated with other for the common purpose of sharing the data and information already available into the system. In addition to the already available data in the system, during implementation phase of SAP a lot of master data is migrated from legacy system to SAP.

Information related to these master data is being used in almost every modules of SAP. For MM module, Vendor Master and Material Master are being migrated to the SAP as the Master Data.

In addition to this, the following purchasing master data is also maintained towards optimization of purchasing which is being used and re-used again and again for source determination:

  • Purchasing info record
  • Source list
  • Quota arrangement

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Source Determination

So before you get into the purchasing transaction you have sufficient purchasing data. With respect to new procurement transactions in SAP, you initially wish to fall back on data that is already available in the system. If no data is available in the system for a certain material or service or for a source of supply you can opt for traditional method of determining a new source through the requesting and processing quotations. If your organization is not into the SAP then it can be a very time consuming and repetitive activities, but if it is into SAP, then it is only one time activity and maximum information related to vendor and material can be used again and again.

As a rule, a standard productive system which procures the material internally and externally will have a large number of vendors and outline purchase agreements as internal and external sources of supply. So if your organization has more than one source of supply for a certain material or service, then buyer have to find out the most suitable source out of available sources. To meet this requirement and to help the buyer the SAP provides the source determination facility to find the most suitable source for a certain requirement from the large volume of data that is available, i.e. it suggests a suitable outline agreement or vendor/supplying plant for ordering purposes.

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Possible Sources of Supply

In standard SAP all the available sources of supply has been categorized as follows: Some of the organization may make the use of all the below mentioned categories or they may choose any one or more as per their business requirements;

  • Outline agreement
  • Info record
  • Supplying Plant
  • Quota arrangement
  • Source list

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Order of sources for Source Determination

Since you have more than one category available in the system and each category may have a large number of sources available under it so there is a strong need to priorities all these categories based on the order system should look for these.

The standard SAP system determines the possible source of supply of a requested material in the following order:

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Quota arrangement

The system first determines whether a quota arrangement within whose validity period the delivery date in the requisition falls exists for the material. If a quota arrangement exists, the system determines the vendor from whom the material is to be procured according to the quotas assigned to the vendors and then suggests the source.

If no source can be determined on the basis of Quota arrangement then the system checks the source list.

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Source list

The system determines whether an entry in the source list within whose validity period the delivery date of the requisition falls exists for the material. The source in question may be a fixed vendor or an outline agreement (contract or scheduling agreement). If the source list contains a unique source, the requisition is assigned to that source. If several sources are found, a box appears for selection purposes. Buyer can choose one out of it. If no source could be determined from source list, then the system checks all the existing outline agreements and info records.

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Outline agreement and info record

The system searches for contracts, scheduling agreements, and info records for the material and suggests these. If several outline agreements (contracts, scheduling agreements) and info records exist for a certain requirement, all possible sources are offered for selection in a box. Buyer can choose one out of it.

When an info record is found, the following two additional checks are carried out:

  • For supply region
  • For regular vendor

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Source Determination in the Background

During source determination process in the background, the system checks all the available source of supply in the same order as mentioned above. If the system finds more than one source of supply out of quota arrangement or source list, then system determine a unique source out of these to enable a purchase order to subsequently be generated automatically. If several sources are found at outline agreement and info record level then system gives the outline agreement precedence over the info record in order to arrive at a unique source. If two outline agreements are found, the system checks whether one of them is with a regular vendor. If so, this agreement is assigned as the unique source. If during the above process system does not find and assigned a suitable source of supply to the requirement (automatic purchase order), then you must assigned the source manually.

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