Sublime Test3 3143简单入门



    ②打开Sublime-->Help-->Enter License, 输入以下序列:

        Single User License
        C0360740 20724B8A 30420C09 6D7E046F
        3F5D5FBB 17EF95DA 2BA7BB27 CCB14947
        27A316BE 8BCF4BC0 252FB8FF FD97DF71
        B11A1DA9 F7119CA0 31984BB9 7D71700C
        2C728BF8 B952E5F5 B941FF64 6D7979DA
        B8EB32F8 8D415F8E F16FE657 A35381CC
        290E2905 96E81236 63D2B06D E5F01A69

        84174B79 7C467714 641A9013 94CA7162

    ③重启Sublime 即可

3.安装Package Control管理插件(亲测可用)


首先下载Package Control 主文件下载: 

其托管在github 上,点击右边绿色按钮(clone or download)下载直接按 Download ZIP 那个按钮。解压之后,把文件夹名称修改为"Package Control"(必须要是这个名称)


①、点击菜单中preferences->Browse Packages...,打开一个文件夹,复制刚才的"Package Control"文件夹到该目录(在Sublime text安装目录Data\Packages)下面;

②、打开sublime text 3编辑器,在菜单preferences->Package Settings中看到有Package Control选项,就说明安装Package Control成功了。


  菜单preferences->Package Settings中看到有Package Control->找到Package Control:Install Package,双击,稍等片刻输入 Emmet ,再 Enter 之后会弹出来一个Package Control Message ,再重新启动下Sublime Text就可以完成。

  我成功安装了Emment插件,但是用的时候报了please wait a bit while pyV8 binary is being downloaded,是PyV8的问题导致。


     ①去gihub下载 PyV8,连接地址: 



     ③在sublime安装目录下找到Data\Installed Packages,在里边建一个PyV8文件夹,将刚第②步下载的zip解压到PyV8文件夹中,重启sublime,就不会再提示“please wait a bit while pyV8 binary is being downloaded”



  新建一个html文件,输入英文叹号  !  ,加快捷键Ctrl+E就可以快速生成html头部信息了





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3.0 (BUILD 3143) 13 September 2017 See also the Announcement Post Refreshed UI theme, including full high DPI support New icon Added alternate theme, Adaptive, that inherits colors from the color scheme Added new color schemes Breakers, Mariana and Sixteen, derived from the excellent work of Chris Kempson and Dmitri Voronianski Added color scheme and theme switchers with live preview via the command palette Windows: Added touch input Linux: Added repositories for apt, yum and pacman Mac: Added Touch Bar support Mac: Support for custom color window title bars on OS X 10.10+ Many additions and bug fixes to the theme engine, plus full documentation Significant improvements to Markdown syntax highlighting, with thanks to keith-hall Significant improvements to C# syntax highlighting, with thanks to gwenzek Significant improvements to Java syntax highlighting, with thanks to djspiewak Significant improvements to Python syntax highlighting, with thanks to FichteFoll Significant improvements for R syntax highlighting, with thanks to randy3k Markdown: Improved symbol handling C#: Improved symbol handling Many other syntax highlighting improvements Various bugs with the syntax highlighting engine have been resolved Fixed several crash issues Improved responsiveness when the system is under high CPU load High DPI textures are used on Windows and Linux when the DPI scale is greater than 1.0 Improved font selection on all platforms, allowing selection of different weights by name Added setting theme_font_options to control font rendering of UI elements Improved auto indent rules for HTML and PHP Font geometry issues that prevent bold or italics are now printed in the console Fixed flash-of-white that could occur when the auto complete window is closed Disable scroll animation when animation_enabled is false in settings Files can now be renamed when only the case has changed New windows start with an empty find history Find in Files panel now responds to find_all and replace_all commands Various regex handling improvements in the Find panel Fixed text widgets cutting off the bottom pixel of their selection border Fixed an issue with close_windows_when_empty in empty session Fixed empty panes on startup when hot_exit was set to false Fix Open Containing Folder on Windows with a folder containing a comma Fix multi-cursor pasting when clipboard contains one or more full lines Prevent UNC paths from being mangled by edit_settings Prevent a crash when a malformed regex is used in indentation settings Improved rendering performance with a large number of gutter icons Gutter icons are now sized properly on Windows and Linux high DPI screens Improved sidebar performance when folders contain many thousands of files Improved inline error message style Fixed an issue where multiple indexing status windows could be shown Windows: Font rendering defaults to DirectWrite unless using Consolas or Courier New Windows: Added support for no_antialias font option when using DirectWrite Windows: Improved touch pad scrolling Windows: Improved file change detection robustness Windows: Improved font selection logic Windows: Fix ctrl+` shortcut for UK (ISO) keyboards Windows: Improved fallback font handling in UI elements Windows: The subl executable on OS X and plugin_host.exe on Windows are now signed Windows: sublime_text.exe now has CompanyName set in VERSIONINFO Mac: Handle layout changes due to macOS Sierra tabs Mac: Improved default web browser detection Mac: OS X 10.11 and macOS 10.12+ default to using San Francisco for the UI font Mac: Fixed file change notifications from freezing UI on macOS Sierra Mac: the user's default shell is executed and environmental variables are set in the plugin Python environment Linux: Update X11 selection on clipboard every time selection changes Linux: Improved MOD3 modifier key handling minihtml: Added support for borders minihtml: Respects font_options from the settings minihtml: Fixed layout of html popups on Windows and Linux under High DPI minihtml: Fixed crash when doctype is present minihtml: Fixed a crash from non-existent CSS vars minihtml: Fixed a crash triggered by bad image paths API: Add View.text_to_window() and View.layout_to_window() API: All API functions now accept and return device-independent-pixels API: Fixed input panel not running on_cancel when re-showing the input panel API: Fixed selector scoring with the & operator API: Fixed a bug causing incorrect phantom contents API: Fixed crash in Window.set_view_index() API: Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2k, SQLite to 3.16.02 BUILD 3126 23 September 2016 Added Indexing Status to the Help menu to give more information about what the indexer is doing Fixed a compatibility issue with some third party syntax definitions that include JavaScript.sublime-syntax Reduced the default number of worker processes used for indexing. This can be manually controlled via the index_workers setting API: Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2i
### 回答1: Sublime Text是一款非常受欢迎的文本编辑器,它具有高效、灵活、易于使用等特点,因此成为许多开发者的首选。安装Sublime Text3非常简单。请按照以下步骤进行安装。 第一步:下载Sublime Text3 打开Sublime Text官方网站,我们可以看到它的下载链接。选择适合自己操作系统的版本下载。 第二步:安装Sublime Text3 下载完成后,在下载文件目录中找到Sublime Text,并双击打开安装程序。安装程序将引导你完成安装。 注意:在安装Sublime Text3之前,我们需要确保我们的操作系统能够运行Sublime Text。Sublime Text要求Windows操作系统版本不低于Windows 7,Mac操作系统版本不低于OS X 10.7,Linux操作系统版本最好是Ubuntu或CentOS。 第三步:打开Sublime Text3 双击桌面上的Sublime Text3图标启动软件。成功启动后,我们现在可以在Sublime Text3中编写文档了。 在Sublime Text3中,我们可以使用一系列快捷键和插件,使编程更加快速高效。我们可以根据自己的需要进行配置和个性化。总而言之,Sublime Text3作为一款非常强大的文本编辑器,在开发中发挥着不可替代的作用。 ### 回答2: Sublime Text 3是一款流行的文本编辑器,支持多种编程语言。以下是安装Sublime Text 3的步骤: 第一步:下载Sublime Text 3。可以在Sublime Text官网上下载,也可以在一些镜像网站上下载。 第二步:安装Sublime Text 3。双击下载的安装程序,在弹出的对话框中选择安装路径和其他选项,然后点击“安装”按钮。 第三步:配置Sublime Text 3。在Sublime Text 3的菜单栏中选择“Preferences”,然后选择“Settings”。 第四步:安装插件。通过Sublime Text 3的“Package Control”插件管理器安装插件,可以极大地增强Sublime Text 3的功能。 第五步:使用Sublime Text 3。打开Sublime Text 3,开始编辑文本文件。Sublime Text 3具有许多有用的特点,例如语法高亮和自动补全。 总之,Sublime Text 3是一款强大的文本编辑器,适用于编程和其他文本编辑任务。安装Sublime Text 3非常简单,只需按照上述步骤进行即可。


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