The Monkey's Paw——Chapter 1

It was cold and dark out in the road and the rain did not stop for a minute.But in the little living-room of number 12 Castle Road it was nice and warm.Old Mr White and his son,Herbert,played chess and Mrs White sat and watched them.Th old woman was happy because her husband and her son were good friends and they liked to be together.'Herbert's a good son,'she thought.'We waited a long time for him and I was nearly forty when he was born,but we are a happy family.'And old Mrs White smiled.
It was true.Herbert was young and he laughed a lot,but his mother and his father laughed with him.They had not got much money,but they were a very happy little family.
The two men did not talk because they played carefully.The room was quiet,but the noise of the rain was worse now and they could hear it on the windows.Suddenly Old Mr White looked up.'Listen to the rain!'he said.
'Yes,it's a bad night,'Herbert answered.'It's not a good night to be out.But is your friend,Tom Morris,coming tonight?'
'Yes,that's night.He's coming at about seven o'clock,'the old man said.'But perhaps this rain...'
Mr White did not finish because just then the young man heard a noise.
'Listen!'Herbert said.'There's someone at the door now.'
'I didn't hear a noise,'his father answered,but he got up from his chair and went to open the front door.Mrs White got up and began to put things away.
Mr White said,'Come in,come in,Tom.It's wonderful to see you again.What a bad night!Give me your coat and then come into the living-room.It's nice and warm in there.'
The front door was open,and in the living-room Mrs White and Herbert felt the cold.Then Mr White came back into the living-room with a big,red-faced man.
'This is Tom Morris,'Mr White told his wife and son.'We were friends when we were young.We worked together before Tom went to India.Tom,this is my wife and this is my son,Herbert.'
'Pleased to meet you,'Tom Morris said.
'Pleased to meet you,Mr Morris,'Mrs White answered.'Please come and sit down.'
'Yes,come on,Tom,'Mr White said.'Over here.It's nice and warm.'
'Thank you,'the big man answered and he sat down.
'Let's have some whisky,'Old Mr White said. 'You need something to warm you on a cold night.'He got out a bottle whisky and the two old friends began to drink and talk.The little family listened with interest to this visitor from far away and he told them many strange stroies.
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自动控制节水灌溉技术的高低代表着农业现代化的发展状况,灌溉系统自动化水平较低是制约我国高效农业发展的主要原因。本文就此问题研究了单片机控制的滴灌节水灌溉系统,该系统可对不同土壤的湿度进行监控,并按照作物对土壤湿度的要求进行适时、适量灌水,其核心是单片机和PC机构成的控制部分,主要对土壤湿度与灌水量之间的关系、灌溉控制技术及设备系统的硬件、软件编程各个部分进行了深入的研究。 单片机控制部分采用上下位机的形式。下位机硬件部分选用AT89C51单片机为核心,主要由土壤湿度传感器,信号处理电路,显示电路,输出控制电路,故障报警电路等组成,软件选用汇编语言编程。上位机选用586型以上PC机,通过MAX232芯片实现同下位机的电平转换功能,上下位机之间通过串行通信方式进行数据的双向传输,软件选用VB高级编程语言以建立友好的人机界面。系统主要具有以下功能:可在PC机提供的人机对话界面上设置作物要求的土壤湿度相关参数;单片机可将土壤湿度传感器检测到的土壤湿度模拟量转换成数字量,显示于LED显示器上,同时单片机可采用串行通信方式将此湿度值传输到PC机上;PC机通过其内设程序计算出所需的灌水量和灌水时间,且显示于界面上,并将有关的灌水信息反馈给单片机,若需灌水,则单片机系统启动鸣音报警,发出灌水信号,并经放大驱动设备,开启电磁阀进行倒计时定时灌水,若不需灌水,即PC机上显示的灌水量和灌水时间均为0,系统不进行灌水。




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