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原创 Chemical Secret——10、Green world

Two days later Christine and Simon arrived at John's house.It was very early-five o'clock in the morning-and they didn't knock at the door,or try to wake anyone up.In fact John wasn't there;Christine

2013-05-31 23:58:31 995

原创 Chemical Secret——9、I don't believe you

'It's not true,Christine.Simon's information is wrong.''I don't believe you,Father.'John and Christine stared at each other angrily.It was a miserable,frighting moment for them both.It was a night

2013-05-31 01:19:51 3929

原创 Chemical Secret——8、The wedding day

The disease among the seals got worse.Three more baby seals died,and one was born without a tall.Scientists came from London to look at them,and there were long articles in the newspapers,but no one w

2013-05-29 20:55:39 977


一、关于ADO.NET主要类的使用和常用操作             SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("server=.;database=accpdb;uid=sa;pwd=sa.");        DataSet ds = new DataSet();        SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdap

2013-05-28 13:39:53 654

原创 Chemical Secret——7、Christine and Simon

Mary talked to Mr Wilson too,but it no good.She came out looking tired and very sad.For many months she argued with David Wilson about the danger of the waste products,but he would not listen to her

2013-05-28 12:22:27 1400

原创 Chemical Secret——6、The report

John's report took longer than he had thought.It was nearly six weeks later when he went to discuss the resuits with David Wilson.Mr Wilson wasn't a scientist.He was a businessman.He knew how to run

2013-05-27 17:33:16 870

原创 Chemical Secret——5、The new experiment

A few days later,John asked Mary to look at another experiment.He took her into a long,quiet room at the back of the factory.The room was full of the noises of small animals.'I've been testing the w

2013-05-26 18:41:47 877

原创 Chemical Secret——4、The seals

A few months later,John invited Mary to a meal in the new house.It was a difficult evening.He had never invited anyone to their old flat,and the children's friends never came for meals.The new house w

2013-05-25 21:02:58 1190

原创 ASP.NET MVC3快速入门——第三节、添加一个视图

3.1 添加一个视图在本节中我们修改HelloWorldController类,以便使用视图来向客户端展示HTML格式的相应结果。我们使用ASP.NET MVC3中新增的Razor视图引擎来创建视图。Razor视图模板文件的后缀名为.cshtml,它提供了一种简洁的方式来创建HTML输出流。Razor视图大大减少了在书写视图模板文件时所需要输入的字符,提供了一个最快捷,最简便的编码方式。

2013-05-24 11:48:08 956

原创 Chemical Secret——3、Rich man

John Duncan started work on Monday,and Mary Carter showed him round the factory.The most important thing that the company produced was a new paint for cars.It was a very strong,hard paint,which nothin

2013-05-24 11:40:12 1120

原创 Chemical Secret——2、At home

'Hi,Dad.Your supper's in the kitchen.'John's sixteen-year-old daughter,Christine,was sitting at the table doing her homewrok.Hisson Andrew,who was thirteen,was watching television.'Thanks,Christin

2013-05-23 14:50:31 1095

原创 Chemical Secret——1、A new start

'Mr Duncan?Come in please.Mr Wilson will see you now.''Thank you.'John Duncan stood up and walked nervously towards the door.He was a tall,thin man,about forty-five years old,in an old grey suit.It

2013-05-22 14:25:55 994

原创 Frankenstein——15

I,Captain Robert Walton,had added this final note to the story.When you have read it,you will know the Victor Frankenstein's story was true.Victor Frankenstein died a few hours after he had written

2013-05-21 11:11:37 777

原创 Frankenstein——14

I decided to leave Genave for ever.I took all the money that I needed,and left the town.Before I left,I went to visit the place where William,Elizabeth,and my father lay at rest.I stood there and prom

2013-05-20 17:34:06 714

原创 Frankenstein——13

After the wedding a large number of our friends came to a party at our house.When the party had started,Elizabeth and I said goodbye and left for our honeymoon.We travelled first by boat,and planned

2013-05-19 18:29:05 871

原创 Frankenstein——12

The judge was an old,kind man,but his face was very serious as he looked at me.He asked a number of men to tell me what they had seen and found the night before.The first man told his story.He and h

2013-05-18 18:58:18 712

原创 Frankenstein——11

One evening two months later I was sitting in my laboratory.Most of my work was done,and I could finish the woman monster this night.But I wondered if I should finish the work.Was I making a monster

2013-05-17 18:12:58 666

原创 Frankenstein——10

The monster finished telling me his story,and then he said:'I am alone and miserable.Only someone as ugly as I am could love you.You must make another creature like me,a woman monstr to be my wife.'

2013-05-16 18:54:51 783

原创 Frankenstein——9

I sat in my dark hut,and felt both angry and sad.One half of me wanted to hurt the people who had hurt me.The other half of me still loved them.In the end I decided to try to speak to the old man agai

2013-05-15 19:35:19 958

原创 Frankenstein——8

One day in summer a lady on horseback rode up to the house and knocked on the door.She had dark hair,and was very beautiful.The family were all very pleased to see her.I soon learnt that her name was

2013-05-14 14:58:20 813

原创 Frankenstein——7

After I had left the laboratory,I escaped into the country outside the town.I soon felt hungry and thirsty,and my first food was fruit which I found on some trees near a river.I drank from the river a

2013-05-13 10:05:40 690

原创 Frankenstein——6

At first I decied to tell the police my story.But would they believe me?I had been very ill.When the police learnt about my illness,they would think the monster was just one of my bad dreams.I decided

2013-05-12 14:37:58 730

原创 Frankenstein——5

The letter was from my father in Geneva,and this is what he wrote:My dear Victor,I want you to know before you arrive home that an awful thing has happened.Your dear youngest brother,William,is de

2013-05-11 13:03:19 2218

原创 ASP.NET MVC3快速入门——第二节、添加一个控制器


2013-05-11 00:08:26 937

原创 Frankenstein——4

In my laboratory I made a body.I bought or stole all the pieces of human body that I needed,and slowly and carefully,I put them all together.I did not let anybody enter my laboratory or my flat whil

2013-05-10 19:42:23 755

原创 Frankenstein——3

For seventeen years my life was very happy.Then the first sad thing happened.My mother became very ill,and soon she knew that she was dying.Just before she died,she asked Elizabeth and me to go to her

2013-05-09 14:28:42 782

原创 Frankenstein——2

I was born in Switzerland,in the town of Geneva.My parents loved each other very much,and I learnt from the example of their love.I learnt that to love and to be patient are the most important things

2013-05-08 14:31:06 787

原创 Frankenstein——1

'Captain!Something is moving on the ice.Look over there!'The sailor stood at the top of the mast,high about the Captain.His hand pointed away from the ship,across the miles of ice that covered the s

2013-05-07 18:32:45 860

原创 The Picture of Dorian Gray——17

At home he thought about his converstion with Lord Henry.Could he really change,he wondered?He had lived an evil life,and had destoryed other people's lives as well.Was there any hope for him?Why ha

2013-05-06 17:22:12 688

原创 The Picture of Dorian Gray——16

You're going to be good?'said Lord Henry.'Don't tell me that.You're wonderful as you are.Please don't change.'His long,white fingers played with a flower on the table.It was spring in London,and the t

2013-05-05 11:29:29 686

原创 The Picture of Dorian Gray——15

A week later Dorian Gray was at his house in the country,where he had invited Lord Henry and several other friends.Among them was the pretty Lady Monmouth and her much older husband.Lady Monmouth was

2013-05-04 19:58:51 730

原创 The Picture of Dorian Gray——14

Later the same evening Dorian Gray was at a party.He smiled and talked,and looked as young and as good-looking as ever.But his head ached and at dinner he could not eat anything.When Lord Henry asked

2013-05-03 15:32:41 768

原创 The Picture of Dorian Gray——13

The next morning Dorian wrote two letters.He put one of them into his pocket,and he gave the other to his servant.'Take this to Mr Campbell's house at once,'he said.While Dorian waited,he picked up

2013-05-02 13:35:42 713

原创 The Picture of Dorian Gray——12

It was the ninth of November,the evening before his thirty-eighth birthday.Dorian Gray was walking home from Lord Henry's house when he saw Basil Hallward.He felt strangely afraid and tried to pretend

2013-05-01 17:48:10 983























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