In this Document
Applies to:
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
2 node RAC cluster, trying to add 2nd instance using dbca, get error:
"Connection to the database cannot be established because the listener could be down. Please make sure that the service is registered with a listener and the listener is up."
$crsctl stat res -t shows the listeners are in INTERMEDIATE status on node 2.
ONLINE INTERMEDIATE racdb2 Not All Endpoints Registered
1 ONLINE INTERMEDIATE racdb2 Not All Endpoints Registered
The problem is caused by another listener defined statically in listener.ora, using the same port and IP is running from the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME, started manually causing the default listener starting from GRID_HOME can not register its endpoint. Hence the error reported in dbca.
ps -ef | grep tns:
grid 7222 1 0 Apr26 ? 00:00:13 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER_SCAN1 -inherit
grid 7237 1 0 Apr26 ? 00:00:13 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit
oracle 7354 1 0 Apr26 ? 00:00:01 /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit
Another possible cause is the listener or scan listener being defined manually in listener.ora, for example:
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1)(PORT = 1523))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1)(PORT = 1521))
From 11.2 onwards, all listeners should be runing from GRID_HOME, listener and listener_scan entry should be added automatically into listener.ora, no manual editing is required for TCP definition.
1. Stop the listener running from RDBMS ORACLE_HOME
$/bin/lsnrctl stop LISTENER
2. stop the listener from GRID_HOME
$/bin/srvctl stop listener -n
$/bin/srvctl stop scan_listener -i
$/bin/srvctl stop listener -n racnode1
$/bin/srvctl stop scan_listener -i 1
If above command fails to stop the tnslsnr process, please use "kill -9 " to stop the LISTENER and LISTENER_SCAN1 process.
3. remove any manually added LISTENER definition from listener.ora if it exists
4. restart the LISTENER and LISTENER_SCAN1 from GRID_HOME
$/bin/srvctl start listener -n
$/bin/srvctl start scan_listener -i
5. check crsctl stat res -t output, they both should show ONLINE status now.
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