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原创 Learning notes P-6, Python

This article is the author's original, reproduced also please indicate the source.This article only represents the author's own views, for reference only. If you have any objection, you are welcome to discuss.Forrest1. The type of variable in python.

2021-10-12 21:16:14 142 1

原创 2021-10-12-Learning notes P-5, Python

This article is the author's original, reproduced also please indicate the source.This article only represents the author's own views, for reference only. If you have any objection, you are welcome to discuss.Forrest1. Declaration and assignment of v.

2021-10-12 20:59:49 95

原创 2021-10-04-Learning notes P-4, Python

This article is the author's original, reproduced also please indicate the source.This article only represents the author's own views, for reference only. If you have any objection, you are welcome to discuss.Forrest目录1. Row connector2. Object in.

2021-10-04 17:49:45 118

原创 2021-09-29-Learning notes P-3, Python

This article is the author's original, reproduced also please indicate the source.This article only represents the author's own views, for reference only. If you have any objection, you are welcome to discuss.Forrest1.Annotaion In python, th...

2021-09-29 10:59:57 82

原创 Learning notes P-2, Python

This article is the author's original, reproduced also please indicate the source.This article only represents the author's own views, for reference only. If you have any objection, you are welcome to discuss.Forrest1.The first python source file ..

2021-09-27 23:03:28 80

原创 Learning notes P-1, Python

This article is the author's original, reproduced also please indicate the source.This article only represents the author's own views, for reference only. If you have any objection, you are welcome to discuss.ForrestBlog itself introductionTh...

2021-09-26 17:30:29 124

原创 The Tantalum POSCAP basic structure & Self - Recovery phenonmenon

In this article, we will continue to introduce the Capacitor issue during the SMT manufacturing build.Copyright notice: the ownership of this article belongs to the author, without permission shall not be reproduced by any organization or individual, off

2021-08-02 20:57:48 101

原创 Failure Analysis & Issue Summary in Manufacturing - The Tantalum POSCAP - 20210728 Continuation

In this article, we will continue to introducethe Capacitor issue during the SMT manufacturing build.Copyright notice: the ownership of this article belongs to the author, without permission shall not be reproduced by any organization or individual, off.

2021-07-28 17:44:13 89

原创 五分钟掌握选择排序与其改良排序(希尔排序),内含详细手工过程图解与代码注释

五分钟掌握选择排序与其改良排序(希尔排序),内含详细手工过程图解与代码注释1、直接选择排序·手工过程:·实例验证2、改良的直接选择排序——堆排序·手工过程与详细图解·算法介绍与具体代码实现·实例验证1、直接选择排序·手工过程:例:()9 5 1 4 6 7 8 5 3 0 9(0)9 5 1 4 6 7 8 5 3 9(0 1)9 5 4 6 7 8 5 3 9(0 1 3)9 5 ...

2019-09-17 15:51:44 250

原创 普通插入排序与改良插入排序(希尔排序)

普通插入排序与改良插入排序(希尔排序)普通插入排序手工过程:实例验证:插入排序改良版——希尔排序手工过程实例验证:普通插入排序手工过程:例:10 8 6 9 7 6 5 9 2 1(10) 8 6 9 7 6 5 9 2 1 括号中为已经排好序的数值(8 10)6 9 7 6 5 9 2 1(6 8 10)9 7 6 5 9 2 1(6 8 9 10)7 6 5 9 2 1(6 ...

2019-09-17 00:46:05 94

原创 对于一个字符串,请设计一个算法,只在字符串的单词间做逆序调整,也就是说,字符串由一些由空格分隔的部分组成,需要将这些部分逆序。例,输入"I am a boy!", 输出"boy! a am I"

#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>int main() { char str[65536]; int strLen; int head; int tail; int index; gets(&str); tail = head = strlen(&st...

2019-09-14 04:40:08 1352

原创 Spring框架中的IOC的模拟实现;循环依赖问题的递归解决;

本博文内容是基于本人的学习理解与实践论证所作如有错误请积极指出,不胜感激转载请注明出处博文推荐:Spring Framework中IOC&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;AOP手动模拟实现;基于责任链模式的AOP拦截器链;IOC循环依赖的递归处理法;所用到的工具:包扫描工具(如有疑问请参见往期博文)所用注解及其介绍:@Component@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTI...

2019-01-30 18:45:19 410

原创 Spring Framework中IOC&AOP手动模拟实现;基于责任链模式的AOP拦截器链;IOC循环依赖的递归处理法;

博文说明:往期有一篇博文是关于手动模拟实现IOC的,这期在此基础上融合了AOP部分,并且做出了些许优化。读者可以选择先理解IOC部分,再选择与AOP部分一起理解。本期博文的IOC部分与往期单独的IOC博文中的实现原理和方式大体相同,本期将先讲述AOP部分。关于AOPSpring AOP(面向切面编程)的目的是在程序开发中,为了解决一些系统层面上的问题,比如做日志、权限管理等等的事务管理问题而...

2019-01-30 18:42:10 496

原创 Java中RPC的简单实现即RMI、微服务

RMI(Remote Method Invocation):远程方法调用RPC(Remote Procedure Call):远程过程调用其中的核心思想或步骤是:通过网络通信,一个网络端调用另一个网络端的方法(过程),实现相对应的功能,得到相应的结果。RMI即JAVA中RPC的实现。“invocation”意为“反射”,也就是说明利用了java中的反射机制实现的。从应用角度来分析,客户...

2019-01-28 11:26:19 695

原创 最完整VC++6.0安装教程、windows命令行cl编译命令配置、cl编译命令使用、以及整套安装所需的附件


2018-12-01 14:47:13 2857 1

原创 【JAVA】包扫描及jar包扫描工具的设计


2018-10-25 20:28:44 816

原创 关于Spring框架中的IOC的手动实现

作者已经更新出两篇新博文,一篇重点讲述IOC的手动模拟,另一篇将IOC与AOP的内容相结合起来说明,以下是两篇博文的链接:Spring框架中的IOC的模拟实现;循环依赖问题的递归解决; Spring Framework中IOC&amp;AOP手动模拟实现;基于责任链模式的AOP拦截器链;IOC循环依赖的递归处理法;    所用到的工具:     包扫描工具(如有...

2018-10-21 15:16:36 314

原创 我的第一篇csdn博客


2017-12-10 22:39:57 165



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