Unix scripting 2 - philosophy

Shell script programming has a bit of a bad press amongst some Unix systemsadministrators. This is normally because of one of two things:

  • The speed at which an interpreted programwill run as compared to a C program, or even an interpreted Perl program.
  • Since it is easy to write a simple batch-job type shell script, there area lot of poor quality shell scripts around.

It is partly due to this that there is a certain machismo associated withcreating good shell scripts. Scripts which can be used as CGI programs,for example, without losing out too much in speed to Perl (though both wouldlose to C, in many cases, were speed the only criterion).
There are a number of factors which can go into good, clean, quick, shellscripts.

  • The most important criteria must be a clear, readable layout.
  • Second is avoiding unnecessary commands.

A clear layout makes the difference between a shell script appearingas "black magic" and one which is easily maintained and understood.
You may be forgiven for thinking that with a simple script, this is not toosignificant a problem, but two things here are worth bearing in mind.

  1. First, a simple script will, more often than anticipated, grow into a large,complex one.
  2. Secondly, if nobody else can understand how it works, you will be lumberedwith maintaining it yourself for the rest of your life!

Something about shell scripts seems to make them particularly likely to be badlyindented, and since the main control structures are if/then/else and loops, indentationis critical for understanding what a script does.

One of the major weaknesses in many shell scripts is lines suchas:

cat /tmp/myfile | grep "mystring"

which would run much faster as:

grep "mystring" /tmp/myfile

Not much, you may consider; the OS has to load up the /bin/grep executable, which is a reasonably small 75600 bytes on my system, open a pipe in memory for the transfer, load and run the /bin/cat executable, which is an even smaller9528 bytes on my system, attach it to the input of the pipe, and let it run.

Of course, this kind of thing is what the OS is there for, and it's normallypretty efficient at doing it. But if this command were in a loop being runmany times over, the saving of not locating and loading the catexecutable, setting up and releasing the pipe, can make some difference,especially in, say, a CGI environment where there are enough other factorsto slow things down without the script itself being too much of a hurdle.Some Unices are more efficient than others at what they call "building up and tearing downprocesses" - ie, loading them up, executing them, and clearing them away again.But however good your flavour of Unix is at doing this, it'd rather not have to do it at all.

As a result of this, you may hear mention of the Useless Use of Cat Award (UUoC),also known in some circles as The Award For The Most Gratuitous Use Of The Word Cat In A Serious Shell Script being bandiedabout on the comp.unix.shell newsgroup from time to time.This is purely a way of peers keeping each other in check, and making surethat things are done right.

Speaking of which, I would like to recommend the comp.os.unix.shell newsgroup to you, although its signal tonoise ratio seems to have decreased in recent years. There are still somereal gurus who hang out there with good advice for those of us who need toknow more (and that's all of us!). Sharing experiences is the key to allof this - the reason behind this tutorial itself, and we can all learn fromand contribute to open discussions about such issues.

Which leads me nicely on to something else: Don't ever feel too close to your own shell scripts; by their nature, the source cannot beclosed. If you supply a customer with a shell script, s/he can inspectit quite easily. So you might as well accept that it will be inspected byanyone you pass it to; use this to your advantage with the GPL - encourage people to giveyou feedback and bugfixes for free!





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