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原创 Essential C++ 学习笔记(五)

5.1 面向对象编程概念1. 面向对象风格的三个独特概念: 继承(inheritance), 多态(polymorphism), 动态绑定(Dynamic binding).2. 多态和动态绑定的特性, 只有在使用pointer或reference时才能发挥.5.2 面向对象编程思维1. 当程序定义出一个派生对象时, 基类和派生类的constructor都会被执行起来. 但

2013-04-29 15:29:08 613

转载 Google C++ Code Style

Header Files1. Define functions inline only when they are small, say, 10 lines or less2. When defining a function, parameter order is: inputs, then outputs3. Use standard order for reada

2013-04-24 20:01:01 1110

原创 传值,传指针,传引用和传指针引用


2013-04-24 12:25:37 826

转载 Maximum Munch Principle

Most STL users are already aware of the need to put an extra space when taking a template as a template argument to any class. For example when you want to make a vector of complex numbers, which is

2013-04-22 16:30:53 806

原创 Essential C++ 学习笔记(四)

4. 基于对象的编程风格4.1 如何实现一个class1 前置声明使我们得以进行类指针(class pointer)的定义,或以此class作为数据类型.2 private members 只能在member function或是class friend内被取用.3 如果要在class 主体内定义, 这个member function会自动被视为inline函数.4.2

2013-04-22 16:29:20 772

转载 itk copy a image

templateclass itk::ImageDuplicatorA helper class which creates an image which is perfect copy of the input image.This class is NOT a filter. Although it has an API similar to a filter, this

2013-04-21 19:52:45 1228

转载 linear search 和 binary search的区别

A linear search looks down a list, one item at a time, without jumping. In complexity terms this is an O(n)search - the time taken to search the list gets bigger at the same rate as the list does.

2013-04-15 12:32:05 4193

转载 C++ standard exceptions

Standard exceptionsThe C++ Standard library provides a base class specifically designed to declare objects to be thrown as exceptions. It is called exception and is defined in the  header file und

2013-04-15 11:21:30 1143

原创 Essential C++ 学习笔记(三)

Generic Programming3.1 指针的算术运算array 不会以传值方式复制, 但数组被传给函数,或是由函数中返回时,仅有第一个元素的地址会被传递.vectoe可以是空的,array则否.3.3 所有容器的共通操作end()返回一个iterator, 指向容器的最后一个元素的下一个位置.3.4 使用序列式容器1. vector以一块连续的内存存放元素. 对

2013-04-14 15:52:43 765

转载 insert adapters C++

Inserters (also called "insert iterators") are "iterator adaptors" that permit algorithms (the copy algorithm, for example) to operate in insert mode rather than overwrite mode, which is the default

2013-04-14 14:52:13 639

转载 vector front back 与 begin end 的区别

std::vector::back" style="margin:0px; float:right; font-family:monospace; position:relative; top:-20px"> reference back();const_reference back() const;Access last elementReturns

2013-04-10 18:23:40 2471

转载 itk Transform SetParameters

void itk::BSplineBaseTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions, VSplineOrder >::SetParameters(const ParametersType & parameters) This method sets the parameters of the transform. F

2013-04-10 17:29:24 1107

转载 itk Get Image Region Methods

* LargestPossibleRegion is the total size of the image* BufferedRegion is the portion of the image that is currently loaded in memory* RequestedRegion is the portion that the pipe

2013-04-09 16:30:27 789

转载 友元函数和友元类

友元函数和友元类      采用类的机制后实现了数据的隐藏与封装,类的数据成员一般定义为私有成员,成员函数一般定义为公有的,依此提供类与外界间的通信接口。但是,有时需要定义一些函数,这些函数不是类的一部分,但又需要频繁地访问类的数据成员,这时可以将这些函数定义为该函数的友元函数。除了友元函数外,还有友元类,两者统称为友元。友元的作用是提高了程序的运行效率(即减少了类型检查和安全性检查等都需

2013-04-08 18:03:50 500

转载 itk image pyramid

templateclass itk::MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilterFramework for creating images in a multi-resolution pyramid.MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter provides a generic framework to to create

2013-04-05 21:03:33 1103

转载 ITK registration optimizer scaling, offset and step length

The recommendation for the scaling of translation parametersversus rotation parameter is to use a factor proportional tothe diagonal length of the image.For your case the, you have 100 pixels with

2013-04-01 14:12:43 1066





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