SEAM IN ACTION--appendix A

appendix A:

Seam starter set

This appendix explores the set of libraries and tools you need to develop with

Seam. Seam consists of just a handful of JAR files, listed in section A.2.1. Once these

libraries are added to your application’s classpath, they open the door to a wealth

of integrations and a consistent programming model. To get started with Seam, you

can create a new project using seam-gen (see chapter 2), adopt an example application

from the Seam distribution, or add the Seam libraries to an existing project by

mining the JAR files from the Seam distribution or registering the Seam modules as

Maven 2 or Ivy dependencies.

本附录浏览你要用于SEAM开发的库和工具集。SEAM就是由一堆JAR文件组成。一旦这些库放到你应用的类路径。就可以使用这集成统一的编程模型了。开始SEAM之旅时,可以先用seam-gen来看看发布包中的例子程序。或者将JAR文件加到现存的项目,或者将模型注册为Maven 2 or Ivy dependencies.

Given that Seam is often described as an “integration framework,” you’d expect

it to rely on a wide variety of external libraries. While that’s true, it’s nothing to get

worried about. Both the Seam distribution and the Maven 2 configuration provided

by Seam include compatible libraries that are verified to work with a given

Seam version. Thus, Seam truly lives up to its title as an integration framework,

both at the API and distribution levels.

作为集成框架,你会期望其依赖于广泛的外部库。发布包和Maven 2配置文件会因版本而不同。

Before swinging away, you need to check the prerequisites for using Seam and

the seam-gen tool, which extend beyond just extracting the Seam distribution on

your hard drive.

A.1 Stepping through the prerequisites

Chapter 2 makes the recommendation of using seam-gen as your first step into

Seam. Thus, the prerequisites presented in this section are geared toward using

seam-gen to create and deploy the database-oriented application that accompanies

this book. Let’s have a look at what software is needed to follow along with the tutorial

in chapter 2:



■ Java SE (JDK) (5.0 or greater) from Sun, IBM, BEA, Apple, or RedHat (IcedTea)

■ JBoss Application Server (4.2 or greater)

■ JBoss Seam (2.0 or greater)

■ A database and JDBC driver (the book source code uses the H2 database)

■ Seam in Action source code (needed for the database schema and seed data)

While you can get by using the seam-gen tool with the software listed here, you may

find the following optional dependencies valuable as well:

■ Apache Ant (1.7.0 or greater)

■ Alternate application server (GlassFish Application Server V2 or greater)

I’ll step through each of these prerequisites in turn. Any time you see a reference to

/home/twoputt, replace it with the location of your software development directory.

The folders under this directory referenced in this appendix are consistent with the

book’s source code and are described further in the introduction. Don’t get too

worked up over the JBoss AS requirement. It just happens to be the application server

supported by seam-gen out of the box. Any Java EE application server can stand in its

place. Java 5 is required, which hopefully will not turn you off Seam if you’re still using

Java 1.4 or lower. I begin with the reasoning behind the Java 5 requirement.


A.1.1 Java 5 compliance

A Java 5–compliant JDK (Java SE Development Kit) is required to develop Seam

applications, and the applications must be run under a Java 5–compliant JVM (Java

virtual machine). It’s also strongly recommended that applications be deployed to a

Java EE 5–compliant application server. This recommendation becomes a requirement

if you want to take advantage of Seam’s EJB 3 integration.

因为如果你要利用EJB 3集成,你就该用Java 5。

The dependency on Java SE 5 and Java EE 5 accounts for a large part of Seam’s success

and works to your advantage. Instead of having to tiptoe around the enhancements that

came with the release of Java 5, as some other frameworks do, Seam embraces annotations

and generics to eliminate unnecessary XML configuration and ugly casting. Seam

is sending the message to the industry that it’s time to move on. The productivity gains

afforded by using a Java 5–compliant language are too valuable to put off any longer.

Although it may be possible to use a tool like Retrotranslator1 to port a Seam application

to a J2SE 1.4 JVM, it still doesn’t eliminate the requirement of using a Java 5–compliant

JDK for development, nor does it get you any closer to using EJB 3.


If you haven’t yet moved to JDK 5 (or better), you’ll need to download it from the

vendor of your choice. I recommend using Sun’s JDK 6 since, in my gut-feeling tests,

it’s the fastest JVM for development. Once you’ve downloaded the Java distribution,

you need to add the java binary to your PATH environment variable. It’s also good

practice to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the extracted Java distribution,

as some tools rely on it. Here are the shell commands (for Linux and Mac

OS X) for setting these variables:

有JDK 6最好,这是现在最快的JVM

export JAVA_HOME=/home/twoputt/opt/jdk1.6.0_03

export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

If you’re using Debian/Ubuntu Linux, it’s even easier. You simply type sudo apt-get

install sun-java6-jdk and the Sun Java distribution is downloaded from the multiverse

apt repository and configured for you. This channel is available since Java has

finally been released under a distributable license.2 Other Linux distributions offer

similar packages. Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) is distributed with Java 5 and it’s already

available in the default PATH. If you’re on Windows, I strongly recommend using Cygwin

or a VMWare image of Linux.


Your next stop is the JBoss labs, where you’ll pick up the JBoss Application Server

(JBoss AS). Following that, I discuss two alternate servers: GlassFish and Tomcat.

A.1.2 Java EE 5 application servers

Seam is designed to make the standard Java EE 5 services more accessible, not to reinvent

them. Throughout this book, I emphasize why deploying to a Java EE 5 application

server is a “Good Thing.” You may be inclined to assume that Tomcat, JBoss AS

without EJB 3, and integration tests are left out in the cold. This is not the case. Seam

applications just fit more naturally in a Java EE 5 environment. Rest assured that the

Embedded JBoss runtime can be added to the classpath of a non–Java EE environment

to “enlighten” it with Java EE 5 capabilities. It’s also possible to configure a Seam application

to run in a Java SE environment, independent of any Java EE 5 features. For

instance, you can use resource-local transactions and an application-managed persistence

manager as alternatives. But to get going quickly, you’ll find that using JBoss AS

is the most convenient option.

设计SEAM是为了标准Java EE 5更容易使用,而不是要重发明它。如果你更倾向于Tomcat,则就别玩儿集成测试了。想快速开发,JBoss AS还是最好的选择。


You can download the JBoss Application Server (AS) from its project page in the JBoss

labs: You’ll be directed to the site, where

you can download the zip file. The recommended version of JBoss AS to use with Seam

2.0.x is 4.2.2.GA.3 After the download completes, extract the archive into the opt folder

in your home directory. The location of the extracted archive is referenced as the placeholder

${jboss.home} in chapter 2. Chapter 2 also provides instructions on how to start

JBoss AS. Recall that you must run the application server using a Java 5–compliant JVM.

If you plan on accessing the server from another computer, you need to add the -b argument to the run command. This tells the server to accept connections

from all IP addresses. The default is to only allow local connections.


The 4.2.x series of JBoss AS is a partial implementation of Java EE 5, with support

for EJB 3, allowing you to take advantage of all of Seam’s features. I encourage you to

move to JBoss AS 5 when it’s finalized to get all the Java EE 5 features. The benefit of

using a Java EE 5 environment is discussed in the remainder of this section.

4.2是对Java EE 5的部分实现,支持EJB3。JBoss AS 5则已有了Java EE 5的所有特性。

No love for JBoss?

I expect that some of you will grumble about the required JBoss AS download. Perhaps

you fear vendor lock-in or find the hefty 100 MB-plus download painful. You can

unfold your arms and put your hands back on the keyboard. JBoss AS is not required

to use Seam. However, having it around makes getting started a heck of a lot easier

since JBoss AS is the target application server for projects created by seam-gen. Remember,

sticking with the defaults cuts down on work—and hassle.


If you’re developing an off-the-shelf application, it’s important to test it on alternate

application servers to ensure portability. Covering the interoperability of Seam applications

among different application servers here would duplicate the focused effort

done by the Seam development team and logged in the Seam reference documentation.

Although theoretically Seam can run on any Java EE application server, the officially

tested platforms are JBoss AS 4.2, IBM WebSphere 6.1, WebLogic 10, GlassFish

version 2, Oracle OC4J 11g, and Tomcat 5 and 6. I want to contrast two of the options,

GlassFish and Tomcat, to help you put the choice of where to deploy a Seam application

in perspective.


One of the application servers to which I am partial is GlassFish,4 the open source Java

EE 5–compliant server sponsored by Sun Microsystems. It’s the reference implementation

for Java EE–compliant servers and passes the Java EE 5 Technology Compatibility

Kit (TCK) 100 percent, unlike JBoss 4.2. It also sports an attractive and intuitive administration

console, making it user-friendly and easy to adopt.

这是Sun的应用服务器。对Java EE 5百分之百支持。还有管理控制方便使用。

I put strong emphasis on the word compliant in the last paragraph. What’s so great

about compliance? It’s about the rule of least surprise. If every application server had

its own set of guidelines, then moving your application from one server to another

would require a lot of reconfiguring in the best-case scenario. If the services provided

by a server behave differently or don’t line up, the changes might even be more drastic,

perhaps requiring you to modify your code. Any work spent making such changes

provides zero value to your application and is pure overhead from a monetary standpoint,

definitely something you want to avoid. That brings us to Tomcat, which is

many miles from being compliant.


Once upon a time, the industry flocked to Tomcat while fleeing a bad relationship

with J2EE application servers. Developers wrote them off because they were expensive,

slow, and heavyweight, and led to vendor lock-in. Tomcat represented the grassroots

movement and let developers feel more free. Today, Tomcat is the most widely used

“application server.”5


The main problem with Tomcat is that it isn’t a Java EE–compliant application

server—it’s a servlet container. Although it made sense to cut corners at the time

when J2EE servers had grown fat and expensive, times have changed. The Java EE 5

application servers have escaped their legacy and are now fast and cheap (GlassFish,

for instance, is open source and starts in under a second). Furthermore, application

servers adhere to a stack of successful and progressive specifications and offer all the

services that you need to support transactional applications right out of the box. In my

opinion, Java EE application servers offer a much better development experience than

a servlet container like Tomcat.


You can even argue that Tomcat is now the culprit of vendor lock-in. It requires you

to bend your application over backward to get it to work in this nonstandard environment,

whereas all other application servers can theoretically share applications with

little effort. That’s why the preferred solution for deploying an application that uses

EJB 3 or JTA to Tomcat is to make Tomcat act like a Java EE 5 application server rather

than forcing the application to fit Tomcat’s expectations. In this scenario, Seam 2.0

relies on Embedded JBoss to be configured directly in the Tomcat container (a change

from packaging the Embedded EJB 3 runtime in the application, the strategy used in

Seam 1.2). You can find instructions for setting up Embedded JBoss on Tomcat in the

Seam reference documentation.


It’s certainly possible to deploy Seam applications to a vanilla Tomcat installation.

However, you have to either change the application so that it doesn’t rely on container-

provided services such as JCA and JTA, or you need to register these services

using Tomcat’s proprietary configuration descriptors. Either way, EJB 3 gets tossed out

the window. Are you starting to see why I claim that servlet containers are more proprietary,

and more of a hassle, than a Java EE–complaint application server? My advice

is to rethink why you are considering Tomcat.

A.1.3 Absent (JavaServer) Faces

As you know, Seam uses JavaServer Faces (JSF) as the preferred user interface (UI)

framework. Thus, you may be wondering why JSF isn’t listed as a dependency. Once

again, Seam applications are intended to be deployed to a Java EE 5–compliant application

server and since JSF 1.2 is a part of Java EE 5, it’s already available. If you aren’t

using a standard Java EE 5 environment, you need to download JSF and package it with

your application. You should grab a JSF 1.2–compliant implementation, which is

required by Seam’s JSF support.

你可能会奇怪为什么JSF没有列为必需。因为JSF已是Java EE 5中的标准。

Seam developers recommend the Sun implementation of JSF (Mojarra) over

Apache MyFaces. The reason for this preference is that Sun’s implementation has succeeded

in keeping up with the latest JSF specification and because it too is an open

source project. Both JBoss AS and GlassFish now bundle the Sun implementation in

their respective application servers. Despite this move, I’m sure this is not the last we’ll

hear of this debate.

建议使用SUN的JSF而不是Apache MyFaces,因为其实现了最新的标准。

With your deployment environment ready, it’s finally time to grab Seam and the

example source code so that you are ready to go through the tutorial in chapter 2.

A.2 Downloading the Seam distribution

You can download the latest version of the Seam 2.0 distribution from the Seam project

page in the JBoss labs: Feel free to upgrade as new

versions become available, but know that this book’s source code is developed for

Seam 2.0.3.GA. Extract the Seam distribution archive into the opt folder in your home

directory. The location of the extracted archive is referred to as the Seam distribution

directory throughout this book.

Why is the Seam distribution so large?

You may consider the Seam distribution to be unnecessarily large (greater than 100

MB) and for this reason conclude that Seam is bloated. The reality is that the Seam

JAR files amount to less than 2 MB. The distribution is large for the benefit of the

developer. It contains all of the source code, seam-gen, the reference documentation,

dependent JAR files, and 30-plus examples. You can always get the essential

artifacts from the JBoss Maven 2 repository.6


A.2.1 Seam’s modules

Seam 2.0 consists of seven JAR files, each representing one Seam module. Table A.1 lists

the artifact ID of each module and its purpose. The JAR files, whose names are derived

by appending .jar to the artifact ID, are found in the lib folder of the Seam distribution.

Seam 2.0由7个模块组成。



Take note that the presence of the Seam debug module on the classpath activates hot

deployment of components and the Seam development pages. I recommend that you

remove this module from the classpath when deploying to production.



A.2.2 A wealth of documentation and examples

Second to this book (sorry, I’m biased), the best resource you have for using Seam is

the Seam reference documentation, which weighs in at 500-plus pages. We always

want documentation to be better, but my feeling is that the Seam developers have

done a great job of documenting Seam, especially in the area of application server

interoperability. In fact, there are several places in this book where I point you to the

reference documentation because, for certain topics, it will always provide the most

updated information.



The reference documentation can be found in both HTML and PDF format on the

Seam project page. To ensure that you always have the resources you need, keep the

PDF of the Seam documentation and the eBook of Seam in Action on your hard drive

at all times. If you’ve exhausted these resources and are still looking for more information,

consult the Seam in Action link feed,

The Seam distribution includes a plethora of example applications. Although this

book has its own example application, the examples in the Seam distribution give you

additional exposure to how Seam is used. They also exercise many different deployment

environments. To deploy an example, you must specify the location of the target

application server in the file at the root of the Seam distribution

using either the jboss.home or tomcat.home property. I encourage you to explore the

example applications early on because they’ll give you context when you read about

the features of Seam in this book.


A.2.3 Finding seam-gen amid the noise

The seam-gen tool is easily lost within the busy root folder of the Seam distribution. The

tool consists of two parts: the seam-gen script and the template folder. Unless you’re

planning to customize seam-gen, you’re likely only interested in the seam-gen script. On

Unix (or Cygwin), the script is named seam, and on Windows it’s named seam.bat.


To use seam-gen, you must navigate to the root of the Seam distribution directory.

Before you can run the seam-gen script on Unix, you have to make it executable. To

do that, execute chmod 755 seam (or chmod +x seam). When you run the seam script in

Unix, you always prefix the shell command with a dot followed by a forward slash,

./seam, to let the shell know that the script is in the current directory. To run the

script on Windows, you simply type seam. Following the script name, you enter the

seam-gen command to execute.

You are now ready to begin using seam-gen. The next section covers a couple more

resources that are useful for running the example application in this book.

A.3 seam-gen and the Open 18 example application

The example application used in this book is titled Open 18. It’s a golf directory and

community site. It begins its life as a seam-gen CRUD application and is customized

throughout the book. Several additional applications are also provided.

本书用的例子是Open 18。是个高尔夫的目录和社区站点。从seam-gen CRUD命令中诞生,在全书中不断完善。

A.3.1 The source code

This book’s source code can be downloaded or checked out from the SVN repository

of the Google Code project: The source

code is organized in stages so that you can pick up with the application anywhere in

the book by using the result from the previous chapter. However, you should also be

able to get there without using the source code. You can find more information on

the project page about how the source code is organized and how to build the staged

projects. You can also find instructions on how to modify a seam-gen project so that it

can be deployed to GlassFish.

Chapter 2 walks you through creating the initial application by reverse-engineering

an H2 database, which you’ll need to set up to follow along with the tutorial.

Instructions for building the database are provided in the download. Note that all of

the example applications for the book use the H2 database for persistent storage.


A.3.2 H2 database

The seam-gen tool specializes in setting up database-oriented applications. Thus, in

chapter 2, you feed it an H2 database to get started. H2 is a SQL database written

entirely in Java. It’s much faster than other low-end databases for reasons cited on the

H2 project website. H2 is the successor of the HSQL Database Engine (HSQLDB), both

developed by Thomas Mueller.

H2是纯JAVA编写的SQL数据库。是HSQL的传人,Thomas Mueller的杰作。

The example application leverages H2’s embedded mode, which allows the database

to be bootstrapped directly from the file system. One major limitation of using

embedded mode is that the database files can only be accessed by one JVM at a time.

To avoid locking errors, you may want to consider using client-server mode, which

allows several processes to connect to it over TCP/IP (or SSL/TLS over TCP/IP for

improved security). Another option to circumvent locking problems is to add the flag

FILE_LOCK=no to the JDBC URL, which disables H2’s file locking. Beware that if you disable

locking, you risk corruption of the database if writes occur from more than one

client. For more information about client-server mode and the H2 database in general,

visit the H2 project website:

例子应用使用了H2的嵌入模式。允许数据库从文件系统直接启动。这模式不利的地方是一次只能由一个JVM访问。为了避免锁定错误,你可能会使用C/S模式,其允许几个过程通过TCP/IP链接到它。另一个防范是在JDBC URL中使用FILE_LOCK=no标志,这将取消H2文件的锁定。取消锁定会有多客户同时访问而产生冲突的风险。

The H2 JAR file is bundled with the source code. You can also download it from the

H2 project website. The tutorial in chapter 2 assumes that it resides in the lib folder

in your home directory. seam-gen takes it from there and installs it into the JBoss

AS domain.

H2 JAR文件已包含在了源码中。第二章的指导假定库文件位于home目录的lib文件夹。seam-gen从此文件夹中取出并安装到JBoss的域中。

A.3.3 Apache Ant, turning the wheels of seam-gen

As chapter 2 explains, the workhorse behind seam-gen is Apache Ant. While you don’t

need Ant to run seam-gen, you need Ant to execute the build in a project that seamgen


seam-gen使用的是ant。你不需要ant运行seam-gen,但要用它来执行seam gen建立的项目。

You can download Ant from the Apache Ant project site:

The recommended version is 1.7.0. Extract the Ant distribution into the opt folder in

your home directory. You’ll also need to add the ant binary to your PATH environment


export PATH=/home/twoputt/opt/apache-ant-1.7.0/bin:$PATH

Once again, if you’re using Debian/Ubuntu Linux, you can simply type sudo apt-get

install ant to have Ant installed and configured for you automatically. Mac OS X 10.5

(Leopard) is distributed with Ant 1.7 and it’s already available in the default PATH.

A.3.4 RichFaces or ICEfaces—take your pick

The seam-gen tool offers a choice of using either RichFaces or ICEfaces to build the user

interface. Both libraries, covered in depth in chapter 12, are extensions to JSF that provide

Ajax-based interactivity, an elegant look and feel, and rich UI components. By using

either one, you eliminate a lot of custom CSS, graphics, and JavaScript that would otherwise

have to be developed and maintained as part of your application. This abstraction

and shift of responsibility is the whole value proposition of JSF components.


So how do you configure one or the other? That’s the good news. If you use seamgen

to create your project, you just need to answer “y” or “n” in response to the question

“Do you want to use ICEfaces instead of RichFaces?” when you run seam setup.

The appropriate JAR files and configurations are then used. If you’re using ICEfaces,

you can optionally provide a local directory as an override.

A.4 Managing libraries in a seam-gen project

Both the structure and build of a seam-gen project are rather eclectic. On the one

hand, this is justifiable because it’s optimized for the most efficient turnaround during

development. On the other hand, it’s atypical build requires some explanation of

how libraries are managed.



In a seam-gen project, libraries are stored in the lib folder at the root of the project.

All libraries in this folder are included on the compile classpath. Which libraries

are selected to be packaged with the deployment archive is controlled by the

deployed-jars.list file at the root of WAR projects (split up as deployed-jars-war.list and

deployed-jars-ear.list files in EAR projects). Each entry in this file, one per line, corresponds

to the name of a JAR file in the lib folder to be packaged. You can use an asterisk

character (*) for wildcard matching.


To add a new JAR file to the project, you first add it to the lib folder. To have it

packaged, you append it to the deployed JARs file. That still leaves the IDEs in the

dark. You need to point the IDE at the JAR file and tell it to add the JAR to the classpath.

In Eclipse, right-click on the JAR file in the Project Navigator and select Build

Path > Add to Build Path. In NetBeans, select Project Properties and add the library to

each classpath in the Java Source Classpath panel (NetBeans differentiates between

src/model, src/action, and src/test).

要将JAR加下项目中,首先是要将库加到文件夹。但IDE对此一无所知,你应指明JAR的位置,在Eclipse中,在Project Navigator中右击JAR文件,Build Path > Add to Build Path,

If this configuration isn’t appealing, you can add Seam to a standard Maven 2 project.

如果配置文件没有appealing,你可以将SEAM加入标准的Maven 2项目。

A.5 Adding Seam as a Maven 2 dependency

If you’re only interested in the bare minimum of what you need to use Seam, or you

want to add Seam to an existing build, pulling the artifacts from the JBoss Maven 2

repository is your best bet. But using the Maven 2 artifacts doesn’t mean you have to

use Maven 2 as the build tool. Other tools, such as Ant, can also take advantage of the

artifacts in the Maven 2 repository. You can point Ant at the Maven 2 repository using

either the Maven 2 Ant tasks or Ivy. This section introduces the Seam artifacts in the

JBoss Maven 2 repository by showing you how to add them to a Maven 2 build.

如果你想得到最小的SEAM配置,或想将SEAM加入到一个已存在的项目,则应使用JBoss Maven 2库的宝贝。但这不表示要使用Maven 2的build工具。其它工具如ANT也可以利用Maven 2的库,你或者使用ANT或者Ivy。

A Maven 2 dependency follows the convention groupId:artifactId:version. The Seam

artifacts are classified under the org.jboss.seam group ID. The artifact IDs were listed

in table A.1. If you always want to use the recommended library versions with Seam,

declare the Seam root artifact as the parent in your project’s pom.xml as follows:


Using the Seam root Maven 2 POM precludes the need to declare the JBoss repository

or any versions of Seam artifacts a

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