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翻译 2.2.4 Silhouette Enhancement (about transforming normal vectors) 轮廓增强(关于转换法向量)

A semitransparent jellyfish. Note the increased opaqueness at the silhouettes.Surface normal vectors (for short: normals) on a surface patch.This tutorial covers thetransformation of s

2015-09-05 16:40:47 519

翻译 2.2.3 Order-Independent Transparency (about order-independent blending) 顺序无关透明度(关于顺序无关的混合)

“Where Have You Bean” by flickr user Ombligotron. The typo in the title refers to the depicted sculpture “Cloud Gate” a.k.a. “The Bean”.“84 – Father son” by Ben Newton. An example of double ex

2015-09-05 15:43:54 850

翻译 2.2.2 Transparency (about blending) 透明(关于混合)

«Le Printemps» by Pierre Auguste Cot, 1873. Note the transparent clothing.This tutorial coversblending of fragments (i.e. compositing them) using Cg shaders in Unity. It assumes that you are

2015-09-05 14:35:36 631

翻译 2.2.1 Cutaways (about discarding fragments and triangle-face culling) 剪切(关于丢弃片段与三角面剔除)

Cutaway drawing of the dome of the Florence cathedral by Filippo Brunelleschi, 1414-36.This tutorial coversdiscarding fragments and front-face and back-face culling. This tutorial assumes th

2015-09-05 14:14:58 486

翻译 2.1.4 Shading in World Space (about uniforms) 在世界坐标系里着色(关于uniforms参数)

Some chameleons are able to change their color according to the world around them.This tutorial introducesuniform parameters. It assumes that you are familiar with Section “Minimal Shader”

2015-09-05 12:40:26 547

翻译 2.1.3 Debugging of Shaders (about vertex input parameters) 着色器的调试(关于顶点输入参数)

A false-color satellite image.This tutorial discusses vertex input parameters. It assumes that you are familiar withSection “Minimal Shader” and Section “RGB Cube”.This tutorial also i

2015-09-05 11:42:57 463

翻译 2.1.2 RGB Cube (about vertex output parameters) RGB立方体(关于顶点输出参数)

An RGB cube: the x, y, z coordinates are mapped to red, green, and blue color components.This tutorial discusses vertex output parameters and fragment input parameters. It is assumed that you

2015-09-05 11:31:38 440

翻译 2.1.1 Minimal Shader (about shaders, materials, and game objects) 极简的着色器(关于着色器,材质和游戏物体)

This tutorial covers the basic steps to create a minimal Cg shader in Unity.1.Starting Unity and Creating a New ProjectAfter downloading and starting Unity, you might see an empty project. If not,

2015-09-05 10:27:55 529

翻译 1 Preliminaries

Cg programming in the game engine Unity is considerably easier than Cg programming for an OpenGL or Direct3D application. Import of meshes and images (i.e. textures) is supported by a graphical user

2015-09-04 23:52:20 451

翻译 Cg Programming/Unity 目录

Contents1 Preliminaries2 Tutorials    2.1 Basics        2.1.1 Minimal Shader (about shaders, materials, and game objects)        2.1.2 RGB Cube (about vertex output parameters)        2.1.

2015-09-04 19:00:30 610

原创 《CG Programming in Unity》笔记1-基础知识

本文主要参考《CG Programming in Unity》一书。作为读书笔记,省略了原书中关于Unity的基本操作,在翻译原文主要内容的同时会加上一点个人理解或拓展。关于原书,你可以参考这里,原书PDF可以参考这里。1.基础知识 1.1 一个最简单的Shader(原文参考)       这段教程包含了在 Unity 中创建一个最简单的 Shader 的基本步骤。      代码如下:Shad

2015-03-21 01:38:40 1714

Ambient Occlusion On Mobile An Empirical Comparison

作者 M Sunet Pérez 摘要 In this thesis, we study the feasibility of screen space ambient occlusion on a range of mobile devices. We implement several of the most popular techniques and propose two rendering pipelines, a custom algorithm and an optimisation that can be applied to any algorithm to speed up computation times.



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