Database items解释

Applicant Information

Database itemDescription
APL_DATE_ENDThe date the application ended
APL_DATE_RECEIVEDThe date the application was received

Employee Assignment Information

Database itemDescription
ASG_ASSIGNMENT_SEQUENCEThis is used as a default for assignment number
ASG_DATE_FROMThe date from which this assignment information is effective
ASG_DATE_TOThe date to which this assignment information is effective
ASG_EMPLOYMENT_CATEGORYThe employment category for the assignment
ASG_END_TIMEThe standard end time for the assignment
ASG_FREQThe frequency for which the assignment working hours are measured
ASG_GRADEThe employee's grade
ASG_GRADE_DATE_FROMThe date from which this assignment grade information is effective
ASG_GRADE_DATE_TOThe date to which this assignment grade information is effective
ASG_GROUPThe employee's group
ASG_HOURSThe standard number of working hours for the assignment
ASG_INT_ADDR_LINEThe internal address of the assignment
ASG_JOBThe employee's job
ASG_JOB_DATE_FROMThe date from which this assignment job information is effective
ASG_JOB_DATE_TOThe date to which this assignment job information is effective
ASG_LAST_CHANGE_REASONThe reason the salary was changed
ASG_LAST_PERFORMANCE_DATELast performance review date
ASG_LAST_PERFORMANCE_LOCATIONLast performance review location
ASG_LAST_PERFORMANCE_RATINGLast performance review rating
ASG_LAST_PERFORMANCE_TYPELast performance review type
ASG_LAST_PROC_PAYROLL_NAMEThe payroll name the assignment was last processed
ASG_LAST_PROC_PERIOD_IDThe time period ID the assignment was last processed
ASG_LAST_PROC_PERIOD_NAMEThe period name the assignment was last processed
ASG_LAST_PROC_PERIOD_NUMBERThe period number the assignment was last processed
ASG_LAST_PROPOSED_SALARY_CHANGEThe proposed salary chage
ASG_LAST_PROPOSED_SALARY_PERCENTThe proposed salary change as a percentage
ASG_LAST_SALARY_CHANGE_APPROVEDWhether the last proposed salary change has been approved
ASG_LAST_SALARY_DATEThe last salary change date
ASG_LOCATIONThe employee's location
ASG_LOC_INACTIVE_DATEThe date to which the location information is effective
ASG_MANAGERWhether the assignment is a managerial assignment (yes/no)
ASG_NEXT_PERFORMANCE_DATENext performance review date
ASG_NEXT_SALARY_DATEThe date of the next salary change
ASG_NUMBERThe assignment number
ASG_ORGThe employee's organization
ASG_ORG_DATE_FROMThe date from which assignment organization information is effective
ASG_ORG_DATE_TOThe date to which assignment organization information is effective
ASG_PAYROLLThe employee's payroll
ASG_PERFORMANCE_REVIEW_FREQUENCYThe performance review frequency for the assignment
ASG_PERFORMANCE_REVIEW_PERIODThe performance review frequency for the assignment
ASG_PER_STATUS_DPPersonal status for the assignment (as of Date Paid)
ASG_POSITIONThe employee's position
ASG_POS_DATE_FROMThe date from which this assignment position information is effective
ASG_POS_DATE_TOThe date to which this assignment position information is effective
ASG_POS_END_TIMEThe standard end time for the assignment position
ASG_POS_FREQThe frequency for which the assignment position's hours is measured
ASG_POS_HOURSThe standard number of working hours for the position
ASG_POS_PROB_PERIODThe probation period for the assignment position
ASG_POS_START_TIMEThe standard start time for the assignment position
ASG_PRIMARYWhether this is the employee's primary assignment (yes/no)
ASG_PROB_END_DATEThe probation period end date
ASG_PROB_PERIODThe assignment's probation period
ASG_PROB_UNITSThe units of the assignment's probation period
ASG_REC_FULL_NAMEThe full name for the recruiter
ASG_RELIEFThe relief position if the current position holder is absent
ASG_SALARYThe current salary for an employee
ASG_SALARY_BASISThe payment basis (i.e. frequency) for the assignment, e.g. monthly
ASG_SALARY_BASIS_CODEThe payment basis lookup code for the assignment
ASG_SALARY_BASIS_NAMEThe salary basis name for the assignment
ASG_SALARY_ELEMENTThe display element name
ASG_SALARY_ELEMENT_VALUE_NAMEThe display input value name
ASG_SALARY_GRADE_RATEThe display rate name
ASG_SALARY_RATE_BASISThe salary rate basis
ASG_SALARY_REVIEW_FREQUENCYThe salary review frequency for the assignment
ASG_SALARY_REVIEW_PERIODThe salary review period for the assignment
ASG_START_DATEThe start date of the assignment
ASG_START_TIMEThe standard start time for the assignment
ASG_STATUSThe primary status for the assignment
ASG_SUCCESSORThe position name that will succeed into this position
ASG_SUP_FULL_NAMEThe full name for the supervisor
ASG_TYPEWhether this is an employee or applicant assignment
ASG_VACANCYThe name of the vacancy applied for

Contact Addresses

Database itemDescription
CON_ADR_CITYThe name of the contact's town or city
CON_ADR_COUNTRYThe name of the contact's country
CON_ADR_DATE_FROMThe first date on which the contact can be contacted
CON_ADR_DATE_TOThe last date on which the contact can be contacted
CON_ADR_LINE_1The first line of the contact's address
CON_ADR_LINE_2The second line of the contact's address
CON_ADR_LINE_3The third line of the contact's address
CON_ADR_PHONE_1The contact's first telephone number
CON_ADR_PHONE_2The contact's second telephone number
CON_ADR_PHONE_3The contact's third telephone number
CON_ADR_POSTAL_CODEThe contact's postal code
CON_ADR_REGION_1The first line of the contact's region
CON_ADR_REGION_2The second line of the contact's region
CON_ADR_REGION_3The third line of the contact's region

Contact Information

Database itemDescription
CON_AGEThe contact's age
CON_APP_NUMBERThe contact's applicant number
CON_CURRENT_APPWhether the contact is a current applicant (yes/no)
CON_CURRENT_EMPWhether the contact is a current employee (yes/no)
CON_DATE_OF_BIRTHThe contact's date of birth
CON_DISABLEDWhether the contact is disabled (yes/no)
CON_EMP_NUMBERThe contact's employee number
CON_END_DATEThe date to which this contact information is effective
CON_FIRST_NAMEThe contact's first name
CON_FULL_NAMEThe contact's full name
CON_KNOWN_ASThe contact's preferred name
CON_LAST_NAMEThe contact's last name
CON_MARITAL_STATUSThe contact's marital status
CON_MIDDLE_NAMESThe contact's middle names
CON_NATIONALITYThe contact's nationality
CON_PERSON_TYPEThe contact's person type - employee or applicant, for example
CON_RELATIONSHIPThe relationship of the contact to the employee
CON_SEXThe contact's sex
CON_START_DATEThe date from which this contact information is effective
CON_TITLEThe contact's title
CON_WORK_PHONEThe contact's work telephone number

Employee Hire Information

Database itemDescription
EMP_HIRE_DATEThe employee's hire date
EMP_LAST_PROCESS_DATEThe date the employee was last processed
EMP_LEAVING_REASONThe reason the employee left
EMP_TERM_ACCEPTED_BYThe person who accepted the employee's notice
EMP_TERM_DATEThe employee's termination date

Location Details

Database itemDescription
LOC_ADR_LINE_1The first line os the assignment's work address
LOC_ADR_LINE_2The second line of the assignment's work address
LOC_ADR_LINE_3The third line of the assignment's work address
LOC_ADR_POSTAL_CODEThe postal code for the assignment's work address
LOC_ADR_REGION_1The first line of the assignment's region
LOC_ADR_REGION_2The second line of the assignment's region
LOC_ADR_REGION_3The third line of the assignment's region
LOC_ADR_PHONE_1The assignment's first work telephone number
LOC_ADR_PHONE_2The assignment's second work telephone number
LOC_ADR_PHONE_3The assignment's third work telephone number
LOC_ADR_CITYThe town or city where the assignment works
LOC_ADR_COUNTRYThe country where the assignment works

Work Address Details (US only)

Database itemDescription
LOC_ADR_US_COUNTYThe assignment's work county (US only)
LOC_ADR_US_STATEThe assignment's work state (US only)
LOC_ADR_US_STATE_CODEThe assignment's work state code (US only)

Work Address Details (UK only)

Database itemDescription
LOC_ADR_UK_COUNTYThe assignment's work county (UK only)

Payroll Details

Database itemDescription
PAY_PERIODS_PER_YEARThe number of pay periods in the year
PAY_PROC_PERIOD_CUT_OFF_DATEThe cut off date for the payroll period
PAY_PROC_PERIOD_DATE_PAIDThe date the payroll was paid
PAY_PROC_PERIOD_DIRECT_DEPOSIT_DATEThe direct deposit date for the payroll period
PAY_PROC_PERIOD_END_DATEThe end date of the payroll period
PAY_PROC_PERIOD_IDThe ID of the time period for the payroll
PAY_PROC_PERIOD_NAMEThe period name for the payroll
PAY_PROC_PERIOD_NUMBERThe current period number for the payroll
PAY_PROC_PERIOD_PAY_ADVICE_DATEThe pay advice date for the payroll period
PAY_PROC_PERIOD_START_DATEThe start date of the payroll period

People Addresses

Database itemDescription
PER_ADR_CITYThe name of the person's town or city
PER_ADR_COUNTRYThe name of the person's country
PER_ADR_DATE_FROMThe first date on which the person can be contacted at this address
PER_ADR_DATE_TOThe last date on which the person can be contacted at this address
PER_ADR_LINE_1The first line of the person's address
PER_ADR_LINE_2The second line of the person's address
PER_ADR_LINE_3The third line of the person's address
PER_ADR_PHONE_1The person's first contact number
PER_ADR_PHONE_2The person's second contact number
PER_ADR_PHONE_3The person's third contact number
PER_ADR_POSTAL_CODEThe person's postal code
PER_ADR_REGION_1The first line of the person's region
PER_ADR_REGION_2The second line of the person's region
PER_ADR_REGION_3The third line of the person's region

Home Address Details (US only)

Database itemDescription
PER_ADR_US_COUNTYThe person's county (US only)
PER_ADR_US_STATEThe person's state (US only)
PER_ADR_US_STATE_CODEThe person's state code (US only)

Home Address Details (UK only)

Database itemDescription
PER_ADR_UK_COUNTYThe person's home county (UK only)

People Information

Database itemDescription
PER_AGEThe person's age
PER_APPLICANT_NUMBERThe person's applicant number
PER_CURRENT_APPWhether the person is a current applicant (yes/no)
PER_CURRENT_EMPWhether the person is a current employee (yes/no)
PER_DATE_OF_BIRTHThe person's date of birth
PER_DATE_VERIFIEDThe date the employee last verified his or her personal data
PER_DISABLEDWhether the person is disabled (yes/no)
PER_EMP_NUMBERThe person's employee number
PER_FIRST_NAMEThe person's first name
PER_FULL_NAMEThe person's full name
PER_KNOWN_ASThe person's preferred name
PER_LAST_NAMEThe person's last name
PER_MAIL_DESTINATIONThe person's mail destination
PER_MARITAL_STATUSThe person's marital status
PER_MIDDLE_NAMESThe person's middle names
PER_NATIONALITYThe person's nationality
PER_NATIONAL_IDENTIFIERThe person's national identifier
PER_PERSON_TYPEType of person - employee or applicant, for example
PER_PREV_LAST_NAMEThe person's previous last name
PER_SEND_EXPENSESWhere to send the person's expenses (home/office)
PER_SEXThe person's sex
PER_SUFFIXThe person's name suffix
PER_TITLEThe person's title
PER_WORK_PHONEThe person's work telephone number

Recruiter Information

Database itemDescription
REC_CURRENT_APPWhether the recruiter is a current applicant (yes/no)
REC_CURRENT_EMPWhether the recruiter is a current employee (yes/no)
REC_EMP_NUMBERThe recruiter's employee number
REC_GRADEThe recruiter's grade
REC_INT_ADDR_LINEThe recruiter's internal address
REC_JOBThe recruiter's job
REC_LOCATIONThe recruiter's work location
REC_MANAGERWhether the assignment is a managerial assignment (yes/no)
REC_ORGThe name of the recruiter's organization
REC_PERSON_TYPEThe recruiter's person type - employee or applicant, for example
REC_POSITIONThe recruiter's position
REC_WORK_PHONEThe recruiter's work telephone number

Supervisor Information

Database itemDescription
SUP_CURRENT_EMPWhether the supervisor is a current employee (yes/no)
SUP_DATE_FROMThe date from which this supervisor information is effective
SUP_DATE_TOThe date to which this supervisor information is effective
SUP_EMP_NUMBERThe supervisor's employee number
SUP_GRADEThe supervisor's grade
SUP_INT_ADDR_LINEThe supervisor's internal address
SUP_JOBThe supervisor's job
SUP_LOCATIONThe supervisor's work location
SUP_MANAGERWhether the assignment is a managerial assignment (yes/no)
SUP_ORGThe supervisor's organization
SUP_PERSON_TYPEThe supervisor's person type
SUP_POSITIONThe supervisor's position
SUP_WORK_PHONEThe supervisor's work telephone number

Date Information

Database itemDescription
SESSION_DATEThe effective date from FND_SESSIONS
SYSDATEThe system date

针对database item打个比方,在payroll模块之中定义assignment set的时候,如果使用criteria作为过滤条件,那么过滤条件就是依照database item的取值特征来过滤。

举例:assignment set中只包括这样的employee:employee所在部门名字为DEPT1的那些员工,那么criteria就应该是&ASG_ORG LIKE DEPT1。

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