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转载 Memory re-allocation

Control Panel - > System and Security - > System - > Advanced System Settings - > Performance - > ...

2012-06-04 17:02:18 92

转载 Swap file

在run ssis package时,报错The buffer manager cannot extend the file "C:\Windos\SERVIC~2\NETWOR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\D...

2012-05-31 09:52:17 123

转载 合并文本字符串

concatenate 函数可以用来合并几个单元格内的文本字符。 EX:=concatenate(A1,A2) ...

2012-04-17 17:51:13 93

转载 Run as different user

win7中,按住shift键,右键单击项目,即可出现' Run as different user' 选项。 ...

2012-04-09 11:15:12 575

转载 Add line numbers in SQL SERVER text Editor

Tools - > Options - > Text Editor -> All Languages -> Click Display 'Line numbers' ...

2012-03-01 16:44:36 60

转载 Excel define List name and data Validation

1. define a list in the excel, choose the cell range and right click to choose 'define name', then a list is creat...

2012-02-23 15:20:16 219

转载 RS Performance Issue on MDX - (1)

When it comes to the performance issue with the reports, subcube is always a solution for that. For inst...

2012-02-16 14:35:15 58

转载 Repeat Tablix Row Header on each page

Getting SSRS 2008 to repeat the Tablix header is not a straight forward setting and requires some ...

2011-06-09 17:58:15 95

转载 Kimball Method Slowly Changing Dimension

The Slowly Changing DimensionTransformation could be in use in SSIS for the ETL process...

2011-06-09 16:41:10 76

转载 Binary Data Type

binary不接收字符串, 但可以先把字符串转为binarydeclare @bi binary(8)set @bi=cast('12' as binary(8))select @bi--output 0x31320000000...

2010-09-08 15:05:42 163

转载 SSRS Access Permission Error on Windows 7

One of my colleagues is self-studying the SQL SERVER 2008, especially for SASS and SSRS, today he uncounted a...

2010-08-25 10:04:45 58

转载 SQL SERVER Performance Issue

Sometimes, the memory is the bottleneck while we processing the cubes. When the windows server memory goes up, i...

2010-07-22 17:25:07 81

转载 Some points in ETL

From : 【1】http://intelligent-enterprise.informationweek.com/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=104LBVB3GJ2MJQE1GHPSKHW...

2010-07-14 10:37:00 85

转载 Testing Cubes in BI Projects using Excel

Recently, am involved in the BI projectstesting activities. Basically, the main task is the data comparison betwe...

2010-07-13 10:00:21 62

转载 Format data with fixed decimals in excel

Round function returns a number rounded to a specified number of digits. Example: Round(7.3333, 2) = 7.33 ...

2010-07-01 11:51:50 68

转载 Remove spaces inside the Cell in Excel

Trim The Trim function returns a text value with the leading and trailing spaces removed. Example: = Trim (A1)...

2010-07-01 10:48:14 77

转载 Post Mortem

It is the conclusion of the project, usually comes at the end of the project. Normally it includes the hilights ...

2010-06-11 16:33:12 114

转载 Bug Triage

The bug triage process enables your team to identify and classify bugs for the purpose of fixing and resolving the...

2010-06-11 16:27:38 225

转载 Analysis Services 2005/2008 Command-line Utility ascmd.exe

For my previous two projects, the deployment of the BI project are varied.It is interesting that now am doing my ...

2010-06-11 16:12:57 81

转载 Many-to-Many Dimensions in Analysis Services 2005

Simple scenario: Customer --- Transaction One customer could have one or more transactions, while one tr...

2010-06-11 16:04:21 89

转载 Roles in the Cube

The access to the cube as a client is essential as part of the E2E testing .Granting the access is done through th...

2010-06-11 15:57:52 71

转载 Job Proxy management in running SSIS package job

In my project, I ceate an SSAS project and i need to find a way to periodically process the cubes automatically. ...

2009-06-18 17:47:08 80

转载 Rename Database in SQL Server 2005

When renaming the database, it is required that taking the database offline or changed it to the 'single user' mod...

2009-06-16 17:10:50 56

转载 3 Ways to format the percentage

Format (Value, "##.##") & "%" Formatpercet(value,2) Right Click the textbox à Properties à Format à ...

2009-06-10 15:45:56 49

转载 Orders of Report Parameters

In SSRS, the report parameters have their orders and dependences, which means sometimes the wrong order of paramet...

2009-05-27 23:52:00 56

转载 Using report parameters to pass values from Subreport to Main Report

Would like to pass values from Subreport to Main Report in SSRS ? It is not supported in 2005, however, i found ...

2009-05-24 02:25:15 204

转载 Default Database in SQL SERVER 2005

This morning whenI open SSMS, it turns out the error saying that could not connect to the server. It'sstrange ...

2009-05-20 20:23:41 66

转载 MOSS WebParts webcast from MSDN

A useful webcast tutorial for Sharepoint Webparts from MSDN, which includes step-by-step tutorial for webparts cre...

2009-05-13 22:43:08 94



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