OUI-10094:Problem in saving inventory. Installation cannot continue解决办法

我在Linux下先装了oracle application server和oracle developer之后,再安装10.2的DB时,也出现类似的情况,我是用不同的用户安装不同的软件. AS为oracleas, DS为oracledev, DB为oracle,都属于oinstall和dba,即使我把inventory目录所有文件的权限改为777还不行.之前在同一个系统下用oracle用户装oracle 9.2和AS 10.1都没问题.这可能是oracle 10.2的一个BUG,解决办法如下:

1. Create a new oraInst.loc file in the $ORACLE_HOME

This file should have the follow content:

inventory_loc=$ORACLE_HOME/oraInventory (注:这里要用ORACLE_HOME的具体目录代替$ORACLE_HOME,否则进行不了)
inst_group= (注:这里要用所属的用户组代替,我的是oinstall)

2. After creating $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc, start OUI with the following options:

./runInstaller -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc

The -invPtrLoc flag is used to locate the oraInst.loc file.

3. Install 10gR2
By following these steps, you are installing 10gR2 using a new (separate) oraInventory


Metalink NOTE 338507.1是这么说的:
10.2 Installation fails with OUI Error "OUI-10094:Problem in saving inventory"
  文档 ID: 338507.1 类型:  PROBLEM
  Modified Date:  05-OCT-2006 状态:  MODERATED

In this Document


This document is being delivered to you via Oracle Support's Rapid Visibility (RaV) process, and therefore has not been subject to an independent technical review.

Applies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version:
This problem can occur on any platform.
SymptomsWhile trying to install the 10gR2 ( Oracle software on a system where Oracle software of any version (owned/installed by another user) has already been installed and using the same/common central inventory (i.e oraInventory_loc), the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) can fail with errors similar to this:

INFO: Initializing OUI save inventory
INFO: The flags set for this home (/himalay/oracle/app/oracle/product/8.1.7) are:clean
SEVERE: OUI-10094:Problem in saving inventory. Installation cannot continue.
/himalay/oracle/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/inventory/ContentsXML/oraclehomeproperties.xml (No such file or directory)
INFO: User Selected: Yes/OK
INFO: OUI-10094:Problem in saving inventory. Installation cannot continue.
/himalay/oracle/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/inventory/ContentsXML/oraclehomeproperties.xml (No such file or directory)

OUI disappears immediately after clicking on the OK button and installation activity is terminated without updating the inventory.

The "Installed Products" screen in OUI shows 10gR2 ORACLE_HOME under empty oracle home.

Case scenario:

1. Successfully installed 8.1.7 and 8.1.7 patchsets as Unix user ora817
    Oracle_home here is /himalay/oracle/app/oracle/product/8.1.7
2. Successfully installed 9.2.0 and patchset as Unix user ora920
    Oracle_home here is /himalay/oracle/app/oracle/product/9.2.0
3. Successfully installed and patchset as Unix user ora10g
    Oracle_home here is /himalay/oracle/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/ora10gdb

Now, try to install 10gR2 ( using the same Unix user as 10.1.0.x (ora10g) into the Oracle_home

All three users (ora817, ora920 and ora10g) have "dba" as their primary and only group.

As part of installation of :
    - the installation phase is successfull
    - the linking phase is successfull
    - the setup phase is successfull
but the final configuration phase fails with error like:
OUI-10094 problem in saving inventory. Installation cannot continue.
/himalay/oracle/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/inventory/ContentsXML/oraclehomeproperties.xml (No such file or directory)

The error can be seen in the installActions.log file

ChangesTrying to install 10gR2 ( as a different Unix user in a system where the Unix user does not have write permissions on any already installed ORACLE_HOME's listed in the central inventory i.e /ContentsXML/inventory.xml). CauseAs part of ORACLE_HOME's synchronisation, OUI 10.2 verifies any already existing ORACLE_HOME's and updates their local inventories (i.e $ORACLE_HOME/inventory/...) with some required information. OUI tries to create some required local inventory files/folders in each registered ORACLE_HOME, if these files/folders do not already exist.

OUI 10.2 performs this activity on all ORACLE_HOME's in sequence, as listed in the central inventory /ContentsXML/inventory.xml

If any errors (writing/permission problems) occur while updating the local inventories, OUI may terminate abnormally.

This OUI problem (unable to handle exceptions/errors during inventory updation) has been fixed in the10.2.0.2 patchset.

Customer's need to ensure that the Unix user installing the 10gR2 ( software has write permission on the local inventories of all ORACLE_HOME listed in the central inventory (i.e /ContentsXML/inventory.xml).

SolutionBefore installing the software using a different Unix user than the one which owns an existing central inventory, please ensure that the Unix user installing the software has sufficient write permissions on:

- the central inventory, and

- the local inventories of all existing ORACLE_HOME's listed in the central inventory (i.e /ContentsXML/inventory.xml)

The following information may be helpful for those who do not know how to find the location of the central inventory:

On Unix, the central inventory location can be retrieved from the file called oraInst.loc (default location /var/opt/oracle or /etc)

It contains a single line that is the full pathname of the oraInventory (also called the central or global inventory) directory. This file represents a pointer that OUI (and OPatch) use to find the oraInventory directory.

On Windows, the default location of the central inventory pointer is registry key ‘HKLM\Software\oracle\inst_loc’


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