
总体分为global indexlocal index

local index包含prefixednon-prefixed, 其更易于维护;

global index独立于表,适合于OLTP,但truncate之类的操作会让其失效,可加update indexes选项来维护

A partitioned index is an index that, like a partitioned table, has been decomposed into smaller and more manageable pieces. Global indexes are partitioned independently of the table on which they are created, whereas local indexes are automatically linked to the partitioning method for a table. Like partitioned tables, partitioned indexes improve manageability, availability, performance, and scalability.

The following graphic shows index partitioning options.

Local Partitioned Indexes

In a local partitioned index, the index is partitioned on the same columns, with the same number of partitions and the same partition bounds as its table. Each index partition is associated with exactly one partition of the underlying table, so that all keys in an index partition refer only to rows stored in a single table partition. In this way, the database automatically synchronizes index partitions with their associated table partitions, making each table-index pair independent.

Local partitioned indexes are common in data warehousing environments. Local indexes offer the following advantages:

·         Availability is increased because actions that make data invalid or unavailable in a partition affect this partition only.

·         Partition maintenance is simplified. When moving a table partition, or when data ages out of a partition, only the associated local index partition must be rebuilt or maintained. In a global index, all index partitions must be rebuilt or maintained.

·         If point-in-time recovery of a partition occurs, then the indexes can be recovered to the recovery time (see "Data File Recovery"). The entire index does not need to be rebuilt.

Local partitioned indexes are divided into the following subcategories:

·         Local prefixed indexes

In this case, the partition keys are on the leading edge of the index definition.

·         Local nonprefixed indexes

In this case, the partition keys are not on the leading edge of the indexed column list and need not be in the list at all.

Both types of indexes can take advantage of partition elimination (also called partition pruning), which occurs when the optimizer speeds data access by excluding partitions from consideration. Whether a query can eliminate partitions depends on the query predicate. A query that uses a local prefixed index always allows for index partition elimination, whereas a query that uses a local nonprefixed index might not.

Global Partitioned Indexes

A global partitioned index is a B-tree index that is partitioned independently of the underlying table on which it is created. A single index partition can point to any or all table partitions, whereas in a locally partitioned index, a one-to-one parity exists between index partitions and table partitions.

In general, global indexes are useful for OLTP applications, where rapid access, data integrity, and availability are important. In an OLTP system, a table may be partitioned by one key, for example, the employees.department_id column, but an application may need to access the data with many different keys, for example, by employee_id or job_id. Global indexes can be useful in this scenario.

You can partition a global index by range or by hash.


Maintenance of Global Partitioned Indexes

By default, the following operations on partitions on a heap-organized table mark all global indexes as unusable:

These indexes can be maintained by appending the clause UPDATE INDEXES to the SQL statements for the operation. The two advantages to maintaining global indexes:

·         The index remains available and online throughout the operation. Hence no other applications are affected by this operation.

·         The index does not have to be rebuilt after the operation.

Deciding on the Type of Partitioned Index to Use

When deciding what kind of partitioned index to use, you should consider the following guidelines in this order:

1.    If the table partitioning column is a subset of the index keys, then use a local index. If this is the case, then you are finished. If this is not the case, then continue to guideline 2.

2.    If the index is unique and does not include the partitioning key columns, then use a global index. If this is the case, then you are finished. Otherwise, continue to guideline 3.

3.    If your priority is manageability, then use a local index. If this is the case, then you are finished. If this is not the case, continue to guideline 4.

4.    If the application is an OLTP type and users need quick response times, then use a global index. If the application is a DSS type and users are more interested in throughput, then use a local index.

Miscellaneous Information about Creating Indexes on Partitioned Tables

You can create bitmap indexes on partitioned tables, with the restriction that the bitmap indexes must be local to the partitioned table. They cannot be global indexes.

Global indexes can be unique. Local indexes can only be unique if the partitioning key is a part of the index key.

Partitioned Indexes on Composite Partitions

Here are a few points to remember when using partitioned indexes on composite partitions:

·         Subpartitioned indexes are always local and stored with the table subpartition by default.

·         Tablespaces can be specified at either index or index subpartition levels.

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