Eclipse中安装Groovy插件 按照下面的步骤一步一步来就可以啦,虽是E文,也挺简单的。 The update site containing the most recent release is here:
This should download and install the Groovy plugin. It may require a restart of Eclipse to make sure it is loaded okay.(最好重启Eclipse哦) If you're interested in trying the latest development version, the update site is: 建立Groovy工程To create a basic Groovy project in Eclipse perform. the following steps:
So far you should have a src folder, a bin-groovy folder, and several libraries. There is also a bin folder that was created by Eclipse, but is hidden due to exclusion filters. The next steps are needed to make the bin-groovy folder the default output folder, and to connect it to the src folder so that the debugger will know where to find the associated source and classes:
This will expose the bin folder in the Package Explorer. I'm not sure why the plugin creates a bin-groovy directory. Perhaps there are other "bin" files that are best kept separate from the Groovy classes, or perhaps one of the original versions of Eclipse didn't create a "bin" directory automatically. Some day when someone has a clear idea of the usefulness of this, or lack thereof, we can clean up my instructions. |
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