Love and fate

Mayflies, generally young life, can say love? Love is what Dermes HKthings, look like? Usually there is no one knows. Maybe love isn't call love, it must be a birth or former name. And who can quietly revealed its birth or former name? I think I must have not knowledgeable enough, otherwise how could know little about such thing as love? Or because my frivolous years don't know love deep?

Play the womb ground up to now, I'm also proud flightily calls himself ephemera grandmaster level ephemera fine! As long as you are literally any arouse thinking to run a short distance, you can clear mind-blowing deaf to know the length of 20 years, if use ruler to fight, I think you must be very laborious, linger like mayflies dies, so helpless, so sad passing the longing for life, this powerful creature of the human is difficult to real empathy and perhaps even to put yourself in the qualification.

Twenty long cloth like the spring and autumn period and the first-generation sequence, if must with love as the yardstick to measure words, I will show embarrassing dull expression. Love walks hand in hand with me in the day of not long future, also not know well, like the palm of his hand to her, on the contrary very little, like a stranger beauty, far look familiar near look strange, it's no wonder that many coming because myopic eyesight cannot discern the nature of all things, it is also sad point is helpless.

But love the familiar stranger who's name?

Word is poor, I instantly thought of fate this doll, to tell you the domestic helper agency  knowledge sets, fate is what kind of thing also, I still don't know. Just somehow associate fate and love together, what kind of relationship between them is generally if you know the less rare star, they are male or female? Is also a problem, not solve. Since the dialectical philosophy also helpless, I still understand better, so as to avoid risk being pointed at the back.

Although do not know anything about love and the fate of the origin, let's great love prince princesses still on the relationship between the two to persistent spirit constantly pour into the new vitality, many poignant and shock the hearts of love dialing, kuang language, insight.

Such as why the birds fly but the sea because the head already without waiting for the sea. Why do you say already without waiting for? Because they spent ten years in the world to verify how the bird flew past. Although is art decorate gimmick, but why don't you change an Angle to see the bird's life? Maybe when you fly over the other shore, behind the bird was walking up the lark, they fall in love at first sight, love too dark, then marry and have children, have left you at the shore. And what about you, thought that love can last forever, love can because distance produce beauty, all this is your choice, you wishfully self-righteous, after when you turned Sculptra around and everything went into another direction, your choice is your life.

Birds are not not fly over the sea and the courage, after all the birds have their own unpredictable, and the fate of love. Or, you destiny love originally is not a bird, just because the moment you turn, you love fate was transformed into the fate of love; Or again, the bird of the fate of love is your love, originally is the lark thrust a foot came in, birds fate love is transformed into the fate of love. Actually, you either have fate of love and fate, also have in common destiny of the fate of love and love.

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