LoadRunner monitor UNIX Linux Oracle resource

UNIX Resource Monitoring

Linux Resource Monitoring

Oracle Monitoring

Windows Monitoring


UNIX Resource Monitoring

Setting up the Monitoring Environment

To monitor UNIX resources, you must configure the rstatd daemon.


Note: The rstatd daemon might already be configured, because when a machine receives an rstatd request, the inetd on that machine activates the rstatd automatically.


To verify whether the rstatd daemon is already configured:

The rup command reports various machine statistics, including rstatd configuration. Run the following command to view the machine statistics:

>rup host

If the command returns meaningful statistics, the rstatd daemon is already configured and activated. If not, or if you receive an error message, the rstatd daemon is not configured.

To configure the rstatd daemon:

1 Run the command: su root

2 Go to /etc/inetd.conf and look for the rstatd row (it begins with the word rstatd). If it is commented out (with a #), remove the comment directive, and save the file.

3 From the command line, run:

kill -1 inet_pid

where inet_pid is the pid of the inetd process. This instructs the inetd to rescan the /etc/inetd.conf file and register all daemons which are uncommented, including the rstatd daemon.

4 Run rup again.

If the command still does not indicate that the rstatd daemon is configured, contact your system administrator.


Note: To monitor a UNIX machine through a firewall, you must run a UNIX utility called rpcinfo and identify the rstatd’s port number. By running rpcinfo -p , you will receive a list of all RPC servers registered in the host’s portmapper, along with the port number. This list will not change until rstatd is stopped and rerun.Some firewalls allow you to open an RPC program number instead of a port. In such cases, open program 100001. If are prompted to include a version number, specify versions 3 and 4.


Note: For HP-UX

To run LoadRunner on HP-UX platforms, you must first install two HP patches, PHSS_17225 and PHSS_17872, which upgrade the C++ libraries. These patches are also available on HP's site.

Login as user root.

1. Copy PHSS_17225 and PHSS_17872 (from the patch directory of the LR installation) to the /tmp directory.

2. Run "sh PHSS_17225" - this creates two files: PHSS_17225.text and PHSS_17225.depot.

3. Run "swinstall -x matchtarget=true -s PHSS_17225.depot"
After the patch installation, the system will be rebooted.

4. Run "sh PHSS_17872" - this creates two files: PHSS_17872.text and PHSS_17872.depot.

5. Run "swinstall -x matchtarget=true -s PHSS_17872.depot"


Note: For Unix Monitoring

Make sure that the RPC service is running on the Unix machine. If you try to monitor a Unix machine where the RPC service is not running, the Controller will hang for approximately 20 seconds per server.


Linux Resource Monitoring

Setting up the Monitoring Environment


Note: Unlike regular Unix machines, rpc.rstatd is not started on Red Hat Linux 8.x by default. To start rpc.rstatd under Red Hat Linux, you need to run /etc/rc.d/init.d/rstatd start.


1. Install rstatd

Download rpc.rstatd-4.0.1.tar.gz and unzip it.

make install

2. /etc/xinetd.conf # Simple configuration file for xinetd
# Some defaults, and include /etc/xinetd.d/
instances = 60
log_type = SYSLOG authpriv
log_on_success = HOST PID
log_on_failure = HOST
cps = 25 30
includedir /etc/xinetd.d

3. Restart xinetd:
service xinetd reload
/sbin/service xinetd rstart

4. Modify /etc/xinetd.d/ 3 conf files: rlogin ,rsh,rexec, Change disable = yes to disable = no or uncomment# from # default: off

5. Start rstatd

rpc.rstatd (/usr/local/sbin/rpc.rstatd )

6.Verify rstatd status
rpcinfo –p
100001 5 udp 618 rstatd
100001 3 udp 618 rstatd
100001 2 udp 618 rstatd
100001 1 udp 618 rstatd

Oracle Monitoring

Setting Up the Monitoring Environment

The Oracle server measures information from the V$SESSTAT and V$SYSSTAT Oracle V$ tables, and other table counters defined by the user in the custom query. In order to monitor the Oracle server, you must set up the monitoring environment as described below before you can configure the monitor.

To set up the native LoadRunner Oracle monitor environment:

1 Ensure that the Oracle client libraries are installed on the Controller or Tuning Console machine.

2 Verify that %OracleHome%bin is included in the path environment variable. If it is not, add it.

3 Configure the tnsnames.ora file on the Controller or Tuning Console machine so that the Oracle client can communicate with the Oracle server(s) you plan to monitor.

You can configure connection parameters either manually, by editing the tnsnames.ora file in a text editor, or using the Oracle service configuration tool (for example, select Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT >Oracle Net8 Easy Config).

You specify:

a new service name (TNS name) for the Oracle instance

TCP protocol

the host name (name of monitored server machine)

the port number (usually 1521)

the database SID (the default SID is ORCL)


Note: Only the 32-bit Oracle client should be installed on the Controller or Tuning Console machine running the Oracle monitor. If you have a 16-bit and a 32-bit Oracle client installation on the controller machine, the 16-bit installation should be uninstalled.


4 Obtain a username and password for the service from your database administrator, and ensure that the Controller or Tuning Console has database administrator privileges for the Oracle V$tables (V$SESSTAT, V$SYSSTAT, V$STATNAME, V$INSTANCE, V$SESSION).

5 Verify connection with the Oracle server by performing tns ping from the Controller or Tuning Console machine. T


Note: here may be a problem connecting if the Oracle server is behind a DMZ/firewall that limits its communication to application servers accessing it.


6 Ensure that the registries are updated for the version of Oracle that you are using and that they have the following key:


7 Verify that the Oracle server you want to monitor is up and running.


Note: It is possible to monitor several Oracle database servers concurrently.


8 Run SQL*Plus from the Controller or Tuning Console and attempt to log in to the Oracle server(s) with the desired username/password/server combination.

9 Type SELECT * FROM V$SYSSTAT to verify that you can view the V$SYSSTAT table on the Oracle server. Use similar queries to verify that you can view the V$SESSTAT, V$SESSION, V$INSTANCE, V$STATNAME, and V$PROCESS tables on the server. Make sure that the Oracle bin directory is in the search path.

10 To change the length of each monitoring sample (in seconds), you need to edit the datmonitorsvmon.cfg file in the LoadRunner root folder. The default rate is 10 seconds.


Note: The minimum sampling rate for the Oracle Monitor is 10 seconds. If you set the sampling rate at less than 10 seconds, the Oracle Monitor will continue to monitor at 10 second intervals.

If a problem occurs in setting up the Oracle environment, view the errormessage issued by the Oracle server.


Windows Monitoring

1. Enable System Services:

Remote Procedure Call(RPC) and Remote Registry Service

If above setting failed, try below:
2. Under Administrative Tools:
Network Access: Sharing and security model for local

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