ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file
SQL> !oerr ora 9925
09925, 00000, "Unable to create audit trail file"
// *Cause: ORACLE was not able to create the file being used to hold
// audit trail records.
// *Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error.
// If there is no error, contact ORACLE customer support.
09925, 00000, "Unable to create audit trail file"
// *Cause: ORACLE was not able to create the file being used to hold
// audit trail records.
// *Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error.
// If there is no error, contact ORACLE customer support.
SQL> show parameter audit_file_dest
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
audit_file_dest string /opt/oracle/admin/test/adump
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
audit_file_dest string /opt/oracle/admin/test/adump
ORA-27086: unable to lock file - already in use
jk2f8DW-Z:HT0Linux-x86_64 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
jk2f8DW-Z:HT0Linux-x86_64 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
SQL> !oerr ora 27086
27086, 00000, "unable to lock file - already in use"
// *Cause: the file is locked by another process, indicating that it is
// currently in use by a database instance.
// *Action: determine which database instance legitimately owns this file.
27086, 00000, "unable to lock file - already in use"
// *Cause: the file is locked by another process, indicating that it is
// currently in use by a database instance.
// *Action: determine which database instance legitimately owns this file.
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