PO Setup - Purchasing Options(一)

PO Setup - Purchasing Options

Answer questions when setting up Purchasing Options within the Purchasing Module.

This document is intended for customers in the process of setting up the Oracle
Purchasing Application.  This document is specific to the Purchasing Options

Define Purchasing Options
This set up must be entered for each Operating Unit if Multi-Org has been

Purchasing > Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options
This is a required step.

     -----     Purchasing Options Region     -----
Use this form. to define and review your Oracle Purchasing System Options,
which are the default and control values for corresponding fields throughout
Oracle Purchasing.  You can often override these default values from the
particular forms.  You normally first use this form. as part of your
implementation of Oracle Purchasing.  Setting up specific values in this
form. saves you time when you create your requisitions, purchase orders and
agreements, receipts, quotations, and RFQs.

Oracle Purchasing lets you define specific categories of system options
when you enter one of the following values in the Additional Purchasing
Options field.

     Default Options - Use the Default Options region to define the
     defaults you can later use to speed up data entry and enforce system wide
     requirements in many Oracle Purchasing forms.  Oracle Purchasing displays
     the Default Options region when you initially enter the form.
     Accrual Options (11.5.10:Receipt Accounting) - Use the Accrual Options
     region to define accrual options,
     such as whether you accrue expense items at period end or upon receipt.

     Control Options - Use the Control Options region to define control options,
     such as the receipt close point and minimum release amount.

     Internal Requisition Options - Use the Internal Requisition Options
     region to define internal requisition options, such as the order
     type and terms.  You can navigate to this region only when Oracle Order
     Entry and Oracle Inventory are installed.

     Numbering Options - Use the Numbering Options region to define the
     numbering method, numbering type, and next number for each of your

     Approval Options - Use the Approval Options region to define system
     wide approval controls, such as whether you want to enforce price
     tolerances and vendor holds.
     Tax Defaults Options - Define the sources from which purchasing documents
                            default tax information.
.                       Check one or more of the tax defaults sources from
                        which your purchasing documents default tax codes
                        In the Hierarchy column, enter a ranking number
                        (starting with 1) for each of the tax defaults sources
                        you checked (even if you checked only one).
                        For example, you may check Item, Supplier Site,
                        and Supplier and rank them 3, 2, and 1 respectively.
                        This means that when your purchasing documents default
                        tax information,
                        they look first for tax information from the supplier;
                        if that tax information is not found,
                        they look next for tax information from the supplier
                        site; if that's not found, they look for tax information
                        corresponding to the item.

     -----     Default Options Region     -----
     Use the Default Options region to define
     the defaults you can later use to speed up data entry and enforce
     system wide requirements in many Oracle Purchasing forms.  

Note:  These options must be defined separately for each Operating Unit. 

Note:  By assigning a value at the responsibility level when that 
       responsibility has been tied to an operating unit,it is possible
       to have different values for different operating units.        

Requisition Import Group-By: 
Use the ReqImport process to import requisitions from other
Oracle or non-Oracle systems.  Sources for requisitions can
include Work In Process, Master Scheduling/MRP, and Inventory,
as well as custom systems. Requisition Import creates a
requisition line and a requisition distribution for each row it
finds in the interface table.  It then groups these lines on requisitions
according to parameters defined below.
All:  group all requisition lines
on one requisition
Buyer:  group lines for each buyer name on a separate
Category:  group lines for each purchasing category on a
separate requisition.
Item:  group lines for each item on a separate requisition
Location:  group lines for each location on a separate requisition
Vendor:  group lines for each vendor on a separate requisition.

Rate Type: 
Select the currency Rate Type that defaults on requisitions, purchase
orders, RFQs, and quotations. Use conversion rate types to automatically
assign a rate when you convert foreign currency journal amounts to functional
currency equivalents. You enter daily conversion rates for specific
combinations of foreign currency, date, and conversion rate type.  If the
Rate Type is User, you can override this default for each document line. If
either your functional currency (defined in your set of books) or your
transaction currency (the currency you enter in a purchasing document window)
is Euro (the European Monetary Unit currency), and the other is another
European currency, Purchasing defaults in the appropriate conversion Rate Type,
Rate, and Rate Date.
     Spot: An exchange rate which you enter to perform. conversion based on the
     rate on a specific date. It applies to the immediate delivery of a currency.  
     Corporate: An exchange rate you define to standardize rates for your
     company. This rate is generally a standard market rate determined by
     senior financial management for use throughout the organization. 

     User: An exchange rate you specify when you enter a foreign currency
     journal entry. 

     EMU Fixed: An exchange rate General Ledger provides automatically when
     you enter journals (after the EMU effective starting date) using a foreign
     currency that has a fixed relationship with the Euro.        

Minimum Release Amount:
This is the minimum release amount which defaults on blanket, contract, and
planned purchase orders.  This amount is in your functional currency.                 

Check the Taxable box to set the default taxable status to Yes.  
This default is for new items and for purchase order shipments without an
item number.  You can override the taxable status for each item or shipment. 
The taxable status is printed on purchase orders                

Price Break Type:
The type selected here will default on blanket and planned
purchase orders.
Cumulative:  price breaks apply to the
cumulative quantity on all released shipments for the item
Non-cumulative:  price breaks apply to quantities on individual released
shipments for the item.

Price Type:
The type selected here will default on purchase orders.  Use the
Lookup Codes window to define price types. 
These are:
     Cost Plus Fee
     Cost Plus Percentage

Quotation Warning Delay (Days):
This option sets the number of days of 
warning before a quotation expires.  When the limit is reached,  you
receive the following message in the Alert Notifications window: 
"Quotations active or approaching expiration".                 

RFQ Required:
Clicking this box causes an RFQ to be required before an item can be
autocreated onto a P.O.               

Receipt Close % Tolerance:
Purchasing automatically closes a shipment for receiving if it is within
the receiving close tolerance at the receiving close point. 
It can be overridden for specific items and orders. If you are not
going to receive the goods then on the purchase order set the
receipt close tolerance to 100%.  When it is set to 100% then when the
PO is approved the line will be closed for receiving.  Then when you
match the invoice to the PO the status will change to Closed.
Invoice Close % Tolerance:
Purchasing automatically closes a shipment
for invoicing if it is within the vendor invoice close tolerance at time
of invoice matching.  It can be overridden for specific items and orders.  
CAUTION:  if you set this to 100%,  the PO will automatically close for
invoicing upon approval.               

Line Type:
This is the default Line Type for requisition, RFQ, quotation, and
purchase order lines.  When you create any of these documents, the line
type is part of your item information.  You can override the line  
type for each document line.                

Invoice Matching:
Select one of the following default Invoice Match options:
     Two-Way -   Purchase Order and invoice quantities must match within
                 tolerance. Often used for services where no receiver is 
     Three-Way - Purchase Order, receipt and invoice quantities must match
                 within tolerance. Must enter receiver.
     Four-Way -  Purchase Order, receipt, inspection and invoice quantities
                 must match within tolerance. Must enter receiver and
                 inspection quantities.                 

     -----     Accrual Options Region     -----
Use the Accrual Options region to define accrual options, such as whether
you want to accrue expense items at period end or on receipt.

Accrue Expense Item        On Receipt or Period End                   
Accrue Inventory Item         On Receipt - only choice On Receipt

Default Expense AP Accrual Account Description  - Enter the default Expense
AP Accrual Account.                   

Automatic Offset Method - An offset is an accounting entry that is created to offset,
                          or balance, another accounting entry.
                          Automatic Offset Method is the method used to
                          automatically create the account for the offsetting
                          transaction. Here the offsetting account is the
                          Receiving Inspection Account,
                          which offsets the Accrual Account transaction at the
                          time of receipt and the Charge Account
                          at the time of delivery. The Automatic Offset Method
                          controls which of the two accounts are used as
                          the base account and which as the overlay account,
                          as well as which segment is used to overlay the
                          base account segment.
                          Choose one of the following Automatic Offset Method
                          None: No substitutions are made and the Receiving
                          Inspection account for the destination organization is used.
                          Balancing: The base account is the Receiving
                          Inspection Account for the destination organization
                          and the balancing segment is overlaid with the
                          balancing segment of the Charge Account.
                          Account: The base account is the Charge Account and
                          the account segment is overlaid with the account
                          segment of the Receiving Inspection Account.

     -----     Control Options Region     -----
Use the control Options region to define control options such as the
receipt close point and minimum release amount.

Price Tolerance %:
This is the percentage by which the autocreated purchase order line cannot
exceed the requisition line price. 
Enforce Price Tolerance:
If this is selected, you can create, but not approve, purchase orders for which
this tolerance is exceeded.   
Enforce Full Lot Quantity:
    None       - the requisition quantity is not rounded to the lot quantity.
    Mandatory  - the requisition quantity is forced to the rounded quantity.
    Advisory   - an advisory message suggesting rounding and a suggested
                 rounding quantity is displayed but can be overridden. 
Display Disposition Messages:
Check this box if you want to see any disposition messages defined against
inventory items when they are placed on requisitions or purchase orders.   
Receipt Close Point:
Select the point at which the shipment is closed for receiving.
Choices are:    
     Accepted  (passed inspection)    
     Delivered (passed to final destination/stockroom)    
     Received  (on dock)
Note that the Receipt Close Tolerance percentage must also be set (see above).
Notify if Blanket PO Exists:
Check this box if you want to be notified of existing blanket purchase agreement
when you create a requisition line for the item.  If you AutoSourced the item,
you see the following message: 
"Blanket Purchase Agreement [number] exists for this item."
Your requestors can directly create a release for the blanket purchase agreement
instead of creating a requisition if you allow your requestor to enter releases
(See Using the Notifications Window, Oracle Purchasing User Guide, 2-29). 
Cancel Requisitions [for autocreated POs}  :
This option applies only to requisitions from which purchase orders wer
     Always    - the req and PO are both canceled
     Never     - the PO is canceled, but not the req, so it is again available
                 for inclusion on a PO.  
     Optional  - When canceling the purchase order, you are given the option
                 to cancel the requisition.   
The Cancel Requisitions check box appears only when you have selected the
Cancel action for a purchase order. The operation of the check box is governed
by the Cancel Requisitions flag in the Purchasing Options window. 

     If this flag is set to Never, the check box does not appear and remains

     If this flag is set to Always, the check box appears checked when you
     select the Cancel action, but you cannot update the check box.  

     If this flag is set to Optional, the check box appears unchecked when you
     select the Cancel action, and you can update it.  

     If the check box is checked, requisition lines associated with the
     cancelled purchase order header, line, shipment, or release are cancelled.  

     If the check box is unchecked, requisition lines associated with the
     cancelled purchase order header, line, shipment, or release are not
     cancelled and are returned to the requisition pool.   

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