oracle wait events(等待事件) 一览表

   我们可以通过查询v$event_name查看所有的等待事件(wait events),下面将查询结果贴出来供大家参考。

  1. select * from v$version where rownum<2;

  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
select name,wait_class from v$event_name;
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     --------------------
  3. ASM COD rollback operation completion      Administrative
  4. enq: ZG - contention      Administrative
  5. JS kgl get object wait      Administrative
  6. JS kill job wait      Administrative
  7. JS coord start wait      Administrative
  8. Backup: MML initialization      Administrative
  9. Backup: MML v1 open backup piece      Administrative
  10. Backup: MML v1 read backup piece      Administrative
  11. Backup: MML v1 write backup piece      Administrative
  12. Backup: MML v1 close backup piece      Administrative
  13. Backup: MML v1 query backup piece      Administrative
  14. Backup: MML v1 delete backup piece      Administrative
  15. Backup: MML create a backup piece      Administrative
  16. Backup: MML commit backup piece      Administrative
  17. Backup: MML command to channel      Administrative
  18. Backup: MML shutdown      Administrative
  19. Backup: MML obtain textual error      Administrative
  20. Backup: MML query backup piece      Administrative
  21. Backup: MML extended initialization      Administrative
  22. Backup: MML read backup piece      Administrative
  23. Backup: MML delete backup piece      Administrative
  24. Backup: MML restore backup piece      Administrative
  25. Backup: MML write backup piece      Administrative
  26. Backup: MML proxy initialize backup      Administrative
  27. Backup: MML proxy cancel      Administrative
  28. Backup: MML proxy commit backup piece      Administrative
  29. Backup: MML proxy session end      Administrative
  30. Backup: MML datafile proxy backup?      Administrative
  31. Backup: MML datafile proxy restore?      Administrative
  32. Backup: MML proxy initialize restore      Administrative
  33. Backup: MML proxy start data movement      Administrative
  34. Backup: MML data movement done?      Administrative
  35. Backup: MML proxy prepare to start      Administrative
  36. Backup: MML obtain a direct buffer      Administrative
  37. Backup: MML release a direct buffer      Administrative
  38. Backup: MML get base address      Administrative
  39. Backup: MML query for direct buffers      Administrative
  40. control file backup creation      Administrative
  41. multiple dbwriter suspend/resume for file offline      Administrative
  42. db flash cache dynamic disabling wait      Administrative
  43. switch logfile command      Administrative
  44. enq: MV - datafile move      Administrative
  45. wait for possible quiesce finish      Administrative
  46. concurrent I/O completion      Administrative
  47. datafile copy range completion      Administrative
  48. switch undo - offline      Administrative
  49. alter rbs offline      Administrative
  50. enq: TW - contention      Administrative
  51. index (re)build online start      Administrative
  52. index (re)build online cleanup      Administrative
  53. index (re)build online merge      Administrative
  54. alter system set dispatcher      Administrative
  55. connection pool wait      Administrative
  56. enq: DB - contention      Administrative
  57. ASM mount : wait for heartbeat      Administrative
  58. enq: UL - contention      Application
  59. OLAP DML Sleep      Application
  60. WCR: replay lock order      Application
  61. enq: PW - flush prewarm buffers      Application
  62. enq: RO - contention      Application
  63. enq: RO - fast object reuse      Application
  64. enq: KO - fast object checkpoint      Application
  65. enq: TM - contention      Application
  66. enq: TX - row lock contention      Application
  67. Wait for Table Lock      Application
  68. enq: RC - Result Cache: Contention      Application
  69. Streams capture: filter callback waiting for ruleset      Application
  70. Streams: apply reader waiting for DDL to apply      Application
  71. SQL*Net break/reset to client      Application
  72. SQL*Net break/reset to dblink      Application
  73. External Procedure initial connection      Application
  74. External Procedure call      Application
  75. gc claim      Cluster
  76. gc cancel retry      Cluster
  77. ASM PST query : wait for [PM][grp][0] grant      Cluster
  78. lock remastering      Cluster
  79. retry contact SCN lock master      Cluster
  80. gc buffer busy acquire      Cluster
  81. gc buffer busy release      Cluster
  82. pi renounce write complete      Cluster
  83. gc current request      Cluster
  84. gc cr request      Cluster
  85. gc cr disk request      Cluster
  86. gc cr multi block request      Cluster
  87. gc current multi block request      Cluster
  88. gc block recovery request      Cluster
  89. gc cr block 2-way      Cluster
  90. gc cr block 3-way      Cluster
  91. gc cr block busy      Cluster
  92. gc cr block congested      Cluster
  93. gc cr failure      Cluster
  94. gc cr block lost      Cluster
  95. gc cr block unknown      Cluster
  96. gc current block 2-way      Cluster
  97. gc current block 3-way      Cluster
  98. gc current block busy      Cluster
  99. gc current block congested      Cluster
  100. gc current retry      Cluster
  101. gc current block lost      Cluster
  102. gc current split      Cluster
  103. gc current block unknown      Cluster
  104. gc cr grant 2-way      Cluster
  105. gc cr grant busy      Cluster
  106. gc cr grant congested      Cluster
  107. gc cr grant unknown      Cluster
  108. gc cr disk read      Cluster
  109. gc current grant 2-way      Cluster
  110. gc current grant busy      Cluster
  111. gc current grant congested      Cluster
  112. gc current grant unknown      Cluster
  113. gc freelist      Cluster
  114. gc remaster      Cluster
  115. gc quiesce      Cluster
  116. gc object scan      Cluster
  117. gc recovery      Cluster
  118. gc flushed buffer      Cluster
  119. gc current cancel      Cluster
  120. gc cr cancel      Cluster
  121. gc assume      Cluster
  122. gc domain validation      Cluster
  123. gc recovery free      Cluster
  124. gc recovery quiesce      Cluster
  125. log file sync      Commit
  126. enq: BB - 2PC across RAC instances      Commit
  127. row cache read      Concurrency
  128. row cache lock      Concurrency
  129. latch: row cache objects      Concurrency
  130. enq: WG - lock fso      Concurrency
  131. SecureFile mutex      Concurrency
  132. db flash cache invalidate wait      Concurrency
  133. buffer busy waits      Concurrency
  134. enq: HV - contention      Concurrency
  135. latch: In memory undo latch      Concurrency
  136. latch: Undo Hint Latch      Concurrency
  137. latch: cache buffers chains      Concurrency
  138. Shared IO Pool Memory      Concurrency
  139. os thread startup      Concurrency
  140. logout restrictor      Concurrency
  141. enq: TX - index contention      Concurrency
  142. Streams apply: waiting for dependency      Concurrency
  143. securefile chain update      Concurrency
  144. pipe put      Concurrency
  145. resmgr:sessions to exit      Concurrency
  146. resmgr:internal state change      Concurrency
  147. cursor: mutex S      Concurrency
  148. cursor: pin X      Concurrency
  149. cursor: pin S      Concurrency
  150. cursor: pin S wait on X      Concurrency
  151. latch: MQL Tracking Latch      Concurrency
  152. latch: shared pool      Concurrency
  153. library cache pin      Concurrency
  154. library cache lock      Concurrency
  155. library cache load lock      Concurrency
  156. library cache: mutex X      Concurrency
  157. library cache: mutex S      Concurrency
  158. cursor: mutex X      Concurrency
  159. libcache interrupt action by LCK      Concurrency
  160. log file switch completion      Configuration
  161. log file switch (archiving needed)      Configuration
  162. log file switch (private strand flush incomplete)      Configuration
  163. log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)      Configuration
  164. log buffer space      Configuration
  165. latch: redo copy      Configuration
  166. latch: redo writing      Configuration
  167. write complete waits: flash cache      Configuration
  168. write complete waits      Configuration
  169. checkpoint completed      Configuration
  170. free buffer waits      Configuration
  171. wait for EMON to process ntfns      Configuration
  172. Streams apply: waiting to commit      Configuration
  173. Global transaction acquire instance locks      Configuration
  174. enq: SQ - contention      Configuration
  175. sort segment request      Configuration
  176. enq: SS - contention      Configuration
  177. enq: HW - contention      Configuration
  178. statement suspended, wait error to be cleared      Configuration
  179. enq: TX - allocate ITL entry      Configuration
  180. undo segment tx slot      Configuration
  181. undo segment extension      Configuration
  182. flashback buf free by RVWR      Configuration
  183. enq: ST - contention      Configuration
  184. PX Deq Credit: send blkd      Idle
  185. PX Deq: Msg Fragment      Idle
  186. PX Deq: Parse Reply      Idle
  187. PX Deq: Execute Reply      Idle
  188. PX Deq: Execution Msg      Idle
  189. PX Deq: Table Q Normal      Idle
  190. PX Deq: Table Q Sample      Idle
  191. Streams fetch slave: waiting for txns      Idle
  192. Streams: waiting for messages      Idle
  193. Streams capture: waiting for archive log      Idle
  194. single-task message      Idle
  195. SQL*Net message from client      Idle
  196. SQL*Net vector message from client      Idle
  197. SQL*Net vector message from dblink      Idle
  198. PL/SQL lock timer      Idle
  199. Streams AQ: emn coordinator idle wait      Idle
  200. EMON slave idle wait      Idle
  201. Streams AQ: waiting for messages in the queue      Idle
  202. Streams AQ: waiting for time management or cleanup tasks      Idle
  203. Streams AQ: delete acknowledged messages      Idle
  204. Streams AQ: deallocate messages from Streams Pool      Idle
  205. Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait      Idle
  206. Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait      Idle
  207. Streams AQ: RAC qmn coordinator idle wait      Idle
  208. HS message to agent      Idle
  209. ASM background timer      Idle
  210. auto-sqltune: wait graph update      Idle
  211. WCR: replay client notify      Idle
  212. WCR: replay clock      Idle
  213. WCR: replay paused      Idle
  214. JS external job      Idle
  215. cell worker idle      Idle
  216. pmon timer      Idle
  217. VKTM Logical Idle Wait      Idle
  218. VKTM Init Wait for GSGA      Idle
  219. IORM Scheduler Slave Idle Wait      Idle
  220. rdbms ipc message      Idle
  221. i/o slave wait      Idle
  222. VKRM Idle      Idle
  223. wait for unread message on broadcast channel      Idle
  224. wait for unread message on multiple broadcast channels      Idle
  225. class slave wait      Idle
  226. KSV master wait      Idle
  227. PING      Idle
  228. watchdog main loop      Idle
  229. DIAG idle wait      Idle
  230. ges remote message      Idle
  231. gcs remote message      Idle
  232. heartbeat monitor sleep      Idle
  233. GCR sleep      Idle
  234. SGA: MMAN sleep for component shrink      Idle
  235. MRP redo arrival      Idle
  236. LNS ASYNC archive log      Idle
  237. LNS ASYNC dest activation      Idle
  238. LNS ASYNC end of log      Idle
  239. simulated log write delay      Idle
  240. LGWR real time apply sync      Idle
  241. parallel recovery slave idle wait      Idle
  242. LogMiner builder: idle      Idle
  243. LogMiner builder: branch      Idle
  244. LogMiner preparer: idle      Idle
  245. LogMiner reader: log (idle)      Idle
  246. LogMiner reader: redo (idle)      Idle
  247. LogMiner client: transaction      Idle
  248. LogMiner: other      Idle
  249. LogMiner: activate      Idle
  250. LogMiner: reset      Idle
  251. LogMiner: find session      Idle
  252. LogMiner: internal      Idle
  253. Logical Standby Apply Delay      Idle
  254. parallel recovery coordinator waits for slave cleanup      Idle
  255. parallel recovery control message reply      Idle
  256. parallel recovery slave next change      Idle
  257. PX Deq: Txn Recovery Start      Idle
  258. PX Deq: Txn Recovery Reply      Idle
  259. fbar timer      Idle
  260. smon timer      Idle
  261. PX Deq: Metadata Update      Idle
  262. Space Manager: slave idle wait      Idle
  263. PX Deq: Index Merge Reply      Idle
  264. PX Deq: Index Merge Execute      Idle
  265. PX Deq: Index Merge Close      Idle
  266. PX Deq: kdcph_mai      Idle
  267. PX Deq: kdcphc_ack      Idle
  268. virtual circuit next request      Idle
  269. shared server idle wait      Idle
  270. dispatcher timer      Idle
  271. cmon timer      Idle
  272. pool server timer      Idle
  273. JOX Jit Process Sleep      Idle
  274. jobq slave wait      Idle
  275. pipe get      Idle
  276. PX Deque wait      Idle
  277. PX Idle Wait      Idle
  278. PX Deq: Join ACK      Idle
  279. PX Deq Credit: need buffer      Idle
  280. remote db operation      Network
  281. TEXT: URL_DATASTORE network wait      Network
  282. remote db file write      Network
  283. ARCH wait for net re-connect      Network
  284. LGWR wait on ATTACH      Network
  285. ARCH wait on ATTACH      Network
  286. ARCH wait for netserver start      Network
  287. LNS wait on ATTACH      Network
  288. LNS wait on SENDREQ      Network
  289. LNS wait on DETACH      Network
  290. LGWR wait on SENDREQ      Network
  291. LGWR wait on DETACH      Network
  292. ARCH wait on SENDREQ      Network
  293. ARCH wait on DETACH      Network
  294. ARCH wait for netserver init 2      Network
  295. LNS wait on LGWR      Network
  296. LGWR wait on LNS      Network
  297. ARCH wait for flow-control      Network
  298. ARCH wait for netserver detach      Network
  299. TCP Socket (KGAS)      Network
  300. virtual circuit wait      Network
  301. dispatcher listen timer      Network
  302. dedicated server timer      Network
  303. SQL*Net message to client      Network
  304. SQL*Net message to dblink      Network
  305. SQL*Net more data to client      Network
  306. SQL*Net more data to dblink      Network
  307. SQL*Net more data from client      Network
  308. SQL*Net message from dblink      Network
  309. SQL*Net more data from dblink      Network
  310. SQL*Net vector data to client      Network
  311. SQL*Net vector data from client      Network
  312. SQL*Net vector data to dblink      Network
  313. SQL*Net vector data from dblink      Network
  314. remote db file read      Network
  315. null event      Other
  316. events in waitclass Other      Other
  317. enq: WM - WLM Plan activation      Other
  318. latch free      Other
  319. kslwait unit test event 1      Other
  320. kslwait unit test event 2      Other
  321. kslwait unit test event 3      Other
  322. unspecified wait event      Other
  323. latch activity      Other
  324. wait list latch activity      Other
  325. wait list latch free      Other
  326. global enqueue expand wait      Other
  327. free process state object      Other
  328. inactive session      Other
  329. process terminate      Other
  330. latch: call allocation      Other
  331. latch: session allocation      Other
  332. check CPU wait times      Other
  333. enq: CI - contention      Other
  334. enq: PR - contention      Other
  335. enq: AK - contention      Other
  336. enq: DI - contention      Other
  337. enq: RM - contention      Other
  338. enq: BO - contention      Other
  339. ksim generic wait event      Other
  340. debugger command      Other
  341. ksdxexeother      Other
  342. ksdxexeotherwait      Other
  343. enq: PE - contention      Other
  344. enq: PG - contention      Other
  345. ksbsrv      Other
  346. ksbcic      Other
  347. process startup      Other
  348. process shutdown      Other
  349. prior spawner clean up      Other
  350. latch: messages      Other
  351. rdbms ipc message block      Other
  352. rdbms ipc reply      Other
  353. latch: enqueue hash chains      Other
  354. enq: FP - global fob contention      Other
  355. enq: RE - block repair contention      Other
  356. enq: BM - clonedb bitmap file write      Other
  357. asynch descriptor resize      Other
  358. imm op      Other
  359. slave exit      Other
  360. enq: KM - contention      Other
  361. enq: KT - contention      Other
  362. enq: CA - contention      Other
  363. enq: KD - determine DBRM master      Other
  364. reliable message      Other
  365. broadcast mesg queue transition      Other
  366. broadcast mesg recovery queue transition      Other
  367. master exit      Other
  368. ksv slave avail wait      Other
  369. enq: PV - syncstart      Other
  370. enq: PV - syncshut      Other
  371. enq: SP - contention 1      Other
  372. enq: SP - contention 2      Other
  373. enq: SP - contention 3      Other
  374. enq: SP - contention 4      Other
  375. enq: SX - contention 5      Other
  376. enq: SX - contention 6      Other
  377. first spare wait event      Other
  378. second spare wait event      Other
  379. IPC send completion sync      Other
  380. OSD IPC library      Other
  381. IPC wait for name service busy      Other
  382. IPC busy async request      Other
  383. IPC waiting for OSD resources      Other
  384. ksxr poll remote instances      Other
  385. ksxr wait for mount shared      Other
  386. DBMS_LDAP: LDAP operation      Other
  387. wait for FMON to come up      Other
  388. enq: FM - contention      Other
  389. enq: XY - contention      Other
  390. set director factor wait      Other
  391. latch: active service list      Other
  392. enq: AS - service activation      Other
  393. enq: PD - contention      Other
  394. cleanup of aborted process      Other
  395. enq: RU - contention      Other
  396. enq: RU - waiting      Other
  397. rolling migration: cluster quiesce      Other
  398. LMON global data update      Other
  399. process diagnostic dump      Other
  400. enq: MX - sync storage server info      Other
  401. master diskmon startup      Other
  402. master diskmon read      Other
  403. DSKM to complete cell health check      Other
  404. pmon dblkr tst event      Other
  405. enq: ZX - repopulation file write      Other
  406. latch: ges resource hash list      Other
  407. DFS lock handle      Other
  408. ges LMD to shutdown      Other
  409. ges client process to exit      Other
  410. ges global resource directory to be frozen      Other
  411. ges resource directory to be unfrozen      Other
  412. gcs resource directory to be unfrozen      Other
  413. ges LMD to inherit communication channels      Other
  414. ges lmd sync during reconfig      Other
  415. ges wait for lmon to be ready      Other
  416. ges cgs registration      Other
  417. wait for master scn      Other
  418. ges yield cpu in reconfig      Other
  419. ges2 proc latch in rm latch get 1      Other
  420. ges2 proc latch in rm latch get 2      Other
  421. ges lmd/lmses to freeze in rcfg      Other
  422. ges lmd/lmses to unfreeze in rcfg      Other
  423. ges lms sync during dynamic remastering and reconfig      Other
  424. ges LMON to join CGS group      Other
  425. ges pmon to exit      Other
  426. ges lmd and pmon to attach      Other
  427. gcs drm freeze begin      Other
  428. gcs retry nowait latch get      Other
  429. gcs remastering wait for read latch      Other
  430. ges cached resource cleanup      Other
  431. ges generic event      Other
  432. ges retry query node      Other
  433. ges process with outstanding i/o      Other
  434. ges user error      Other
  435. ges enter server mode      Other
  436. gcs enter server mode      Other
  437. gcs drm freeze in enter server mode      Other
  438. gcs ddet enter server mode      Other
  439. ges cancel      Other
  440. ges resource cleanout during enqueue open      Other
  441. ges resource cleanout during enqueue open-cvt      Other
  442. ges master to get established for SCN op      Other
  443. ges LMON to get to FTDONE      Other
  444. ges1 LMON to wake up LMD - mrcvr      Other
  445. ges2 LMON to wake up LMD - mrcvr      Other
  446. ges2 LMON to wake up lms - mrcvr 2      Other
  447. ges2 LMON to wake up lms - mrcvr 3      Other
  448. ges inquiry response      Other
  449. ges reusing os pid      Other
  450. ges LMON for send queues      Other
  451. ges LMD suspend for testing event      Other
  452. ges performance test completion      Other
  453. kjbopen wait for recovery domain attach      Other
  454. kjudomatt wait for recovery domain attach      Other
  455. kjudomdet wait for recovery domain detach      Other
  456. kjbdomalc allocate recovery domain - retry      Other
  457. kjbdrmcvtq lmon drm quiesce: ping completion      Other
  458. ges RMS0 retry add redo log      Other
  459. readable standby redo apply remastering      Other
  460. ges DFS hang analysis phase 2 acks      Other
  461. ges/gcs diag dump      Other
  462. global plug and play automatic resource creation      Other
  463. gcs lmon dirtydetach step completion      Other
  464. recovery instance recovery completion      Other
  465. ack for a broadcasted res from a remote instance      Other
  466. KJC: Wait for msg sends to complete      Other
  467. ges message buffer allocation      Other
  468. kjctssqmg: quick message send wait      Other
  469. kjctcisnd: Queue/Send client message      Other
  470. gcs domain validation      Other
  471. latch: gcs resource hash      Other
  472. affinity expansion in replay      Other
  473. wait for sync ack      Other
  474. wait for verification ack      Other
  475. wait for assert messages to be sent      Other
  476. wait for scn ack      Other
  477. lms flush message acks      Other
  478. name-service call wait      Other
  479. CGS wait for IPC msg      Other
  480. kjxgrtest      Other
  481. IMR mount phase II completion      Other
  482. IMR disk votes      Other
  483. IMR rr lock release      Other
  484. IMR net-check message ack      Other
  485. IMR rr update      Other
  486. IMR membership resolution      Other
  487. IMR CSS join retry      Other
  488. CGS skgxn join retry      Other
  489. gcs to be enabled      Other
  490. gcs log flush sync      Other
  491. GCR ctx lock acquisition      Other
  492. GCR lock acquisition      Other
  493. GCR CSS join retry      Other
  494. GCR member Data from CSS      Other
  495. SGA: allocation forcing component growth      Other
  496. SGA: sga_target resize      Other
  497. enq: SC - contention      Other
  498. control file heartbeat      Other
  499. control file diagnostic dump      Other
  500. enq: CF - contention      Other
  501. enq: SW - contention      Other
  502. enq: DS - contention      Other
  503. enq: TC - contention      Other
  504. enq: TC - contention2      Other
  505. buffer exterminate      Other
  506. buffer resize      Other
  507. latch: cache buffers lru chain      Other
  508. enq: PW - perwarm status in dbw0      Other
  509. latch: checkpoint queue latch      Other
  510. latch: cache buffer handles      Other
  511. kcbzps      Other
  512. DBWR range invalidation sync      Other
  513. buffer deadlock      Other
  514. buffer latch      Other
  515. cr request retry      Other
  516. writes stopped by instance recovery or database suspension      Other
  517. lock escalate retry      Other
  518. lock deadlock retry      Other
  519. prewarm transfer retry      Other
  520. recovery buffer pinned      Other
  521. TSE master key rekey      Other
  522. TSE SSO wallet reopen      Other
  523. force-cr-override flush      Other
  524. enq: CR - block range reuse ckpt      Other
  525. wait for MTTR advisory state object      Other
  526. latch: object queue header operation      Other
  527. Wait on stby instance close      Other
  528. ARCH wait for archivelog lock      Other
  529. enq: WL - Test access/locking      Other
  530. FAL archive wait 1 sec for REOPEN minimum      Other
  531. TEST: action sync      Other
  532. TEST: action hang      Other
  533. RSGA: RAC reconfiguration      Other
  534. enq: WL - RAC-wide SGA contention      Other
  535. LGWR ORL/NoExp FAL archival      Other
  536. enq: WS - contention      Other
  537. MRP wait on process start      Other
  538. MRP wait on process restart      Other
  539. MRP wait on startup clear      Other
  540. MRP inactivation      Other
  541. MRP termination      Other
  542. MRP state inspection      Other
  543. MRP wait on archivelog arrival      Other
  544. MRP wait on archivelog archival      Other
  545. log switch/archive      Other
  546. ARCH wait on c/f tx acquire 1      Other
  547. RFS attach      Other
  548. RFS create      Other
  549. RFS close      Other
  550. RFS announce      Other
  551. RFS register      Other
  552. RFS detach      Other
  553. RFS ping      Other
  554. RFS dispatch      Other
  555. enq: WL - RFS global state contention      Other
  556. LGWR simulation latency wait      Other
  557. LNS simulation latency wait      Other
  558. Data Guard: RFS disk I/O      Other
  559. ARCH wait for process start 1      Other
  560. ARCH wait for process death 1      Other
  561. ARCH wait for process start 3      Other
  562. Data Guard: process exit      Other
  563. Data Guard: process clean up      Other
  564. LGWR-LNS wait on channel      Other
  565. enq: WR - contention      Other
  566. Image redo gen delay      Other
  567. LGWR wait for redo copy      Other
  568. latch: redo allocation      Other
  569. log file switch (clearing log file)      Other
  570. enq: WL - contention      Other
  571. enq: RN - contention      Other
  572. DFS db file lock      Other
  573. enq: DF - contention      Other
  574. enq: IS - contention      Other
  575. enq: FS - contention      Other
  576. enq: DM - contention      Other
  577. enq: RP - contention      Other
  578. latch: gc element      Other
  579. enq: RT - contention      Other
  580. enq: RT - thread internal enable/disable      Other
  581. enq: IR - contention      Other
  582. enq: IR - contention2      Other
  583. enq: MR - contention      Other
  584. enq: MR - standby role transition      Other
  585. enq: MR - datafile online      Other
  586. shutdown after switchover to standby      Other
  587. parallel recovery coord wait for reply      Other
  588. parallel recovery coord send blocked      Other
  589. parallel recovery slave wait for change      Other
  590. enq: BR - file shrink      Other
  591. enq: BR - proxy-copy      Other
  592. enq: BR - multi-section restore header      Other
  593. enq: BR - multi-section restore section      Other
  594. enq: BR - space info datafile hdr update      Other
  595. enq: BR - request autobackup      Other
  596. enq: BR - perform autobackup      Other
  597. enq: ID - contention      Other
  598. Backup Restore Throttle sleep      Other
  599. Backup Restore Switch Bitmap sleep      Other
  600. Backup Restore Event 19778 sleep      Other
  601. enq: BS - krb spare1      Other
  602. enq: BS - krb spare2      Other
  603. enq: BS - krb spare3      Other
  604. enq: BS - krb spare4      Other
  605. enq: BS - krb spare5      Other
  606. enq: BS - krb spare6      Other
  607. enq: BS - krb spare7      Other
  608. enq: BS - krb spare8      Other
  609. enq: BS - krb spare9      Other
  610. enq: BS - krb spare0      Other
  611. enq: AB - ABMR process start/stop      Other
  612. enq: AB - ABMR process initialized      Other
  613. Auto BMR completion      Other
  614. Auto BMR RPC standby catchup      Other
  615. enq: MN - contention      Other
  616. enq: PL - contention      Other
  617. enq: SB - logical standby metadata      Other
  618. enq: SB - table instantiation      Other
  619. Logical Standby Apply shutdown      Other
  620. Logical Standby pin transaction      Other
  621. Logical Standby dictionary build      Other
  622. Logical Standby Terminal Apply      Other
  623. Logical Standby Debug      Other
  624. Resolution of in-doubt txns      Other
  625. enq: XR - quiesce database      Other
  626. enq: XR - database force logging      Other
  627. standby query scn advance      Other
  628. change tracking file synchronous read      Other
  629. change tracking file synchronous write      Other
  630. change tracking file parallel write      Other
  631. block change tracking buffer space      Other
  632. CTWR media recovery checkpoint request      Other
  633. enq: CT - global space management      Other
  634. enq: CT - local space management      Other
  635. enq: CT - change stream ownership      Other
  636. enq: CT - state      Other
  637. enq: CT - state change gate 1      Other
  638. enq: CT - state change gate 2      Other
  639. enq: CT - CTWR process start/stop      Other
  640. enq: CT - reading      Other
  641. recovery area: computing dropped files      Other
  642. recovery area: computing obsolete files      Other
  643. recovery area: computing backed up files      Other
  644. recovery area: computing applied logs      Other
  645. enq: RS - file delete      Other
  646. enq: RS - record reuse      Other
  647. enq: RS - prevent file delete      Other
  648. enq: RS - prevent aging list update      Other
  649. enq: RS - persist alert level      Other
  650. enq: RS - read alert level      Other
  651. enq: RS - write alert level      Other
  652. enq: FL - Flashback database log      Other
  653. enq: FL - Flashback db command      Other
  654. enq: FD - Marker generation      Other
  655. enq: FD - Tablespace flashback on/off      Other
  656. enq: FD - Flashback coordinator      Other
  657. enq: FD - Flashback on/off      Other
  658. enq: FD - Restore point create/drop      Other
  659. enq: FD - Flashback logical operations      Other
  660. flashback free VI log      Other
  661. flashback log switch      Other
  662. enq: FW - contention      Other
  663. RVWR wait for flashback copy      Other
  664. parallel recovery read buffer free      Other
  665. parallel recovery change buffer free      Other
  666. cell smart flash unkeep      Other
  667. datafile move cleanup during resize      Other
  668. blocking txn id for DDL      Other
  669. transaction      Other
  670. inactive transaction branch      Other
  671. txn to complete      Other
  672. PMON to cleanup pseudo-branches at svc stop time      Other
  673. PMON to cleanup detached branches at shutdown      Other
  674. test long ops      Other
  675. latch: undo global data      Other
  676. undo segment recovery      Other
  677. unbound tx      Other
  678. wait for change      Other
  679. wait for another txn - undo rcv abort      Other
  680. wait for another txn - txn abort      Other
  681. wait for another txn - rollback to savepoint      Other
  682. undo_retention publish retry      Other
  683. enq: TA - contention      Other
  684. enq: TX - contention      Other
  685. enq: US - contention      Other
  686. wait for stopper event to be increased      Other
  687. wait for a undo record      Other
  688. wait for a paralle reco to abort      Other
  689. enq: IM - contention for blr      Other
  690. enq: TD - KTF dump entries      Other
  691. enq: TE - KTF broadcast      Other
  692. enq: CN - race with txn      Other
  693. enq: CN - race with reg      Other
  694. enq: CN - race with init      Other
  695. latch: Change Notification Hash table latch      Other
  696. enq: CO - master slave det      Other
  697. enq: FE - contention      Other
  698. latch: change notification client cache latch      Other
  699. enq: TF - contention      Other
  700. latch: lob segment hash table latch      Other
  701. latch: lob segment query latch      Other
  702. latch: lob segment dispenser latch      Other
  703. Wait for shrink lock2      Other
  704. Wait for shrink lock      Other
  705. L1 validation      Other
  706. Wait for TT enqueue      Other
  707. kttm2d      Other
  708. ktsambl      Other
  709. ktfbtgex      Other
  710. enq: DT - contention      Other
  711. enq: TS - contention      Other
  712. enq: FB - contention      Other
  713. enq: SK - contention      Other
  714. enq: DW - contention      Other
  715. enq: SU - contention      Other
  716. enq: TT - contention      Other
  717. ktm: instance recovery      Other
  718. instance state change      Other
  719. enq: SM - contention      Other
  720. enq: SJ - Slave Task Cancel      Other
  721. Space Manager: slave messages      Other
  722. enq: SV - contention      Other
  723. index block split      Other
  724. kdblil wait before retrying ORA-54      Other
  725. dupl. cluster key      Other
  726. kdic_do_merge      Other
  727. enq: DL - contention      Other
  728. enq: HQ - contention      Other
  729. enq: HP - contention      Other
  730. enq: KL - contention      Other
  731. enq: WG - delete fso      Other
  732. enq: SL - get lock      Other
  733. enq: SL - escalate lock      Other
  734. enq: SL - get lock for undo      Other
  735. enq: ZH - compression analysis      Other
  736. Compression analysis      Other
  737. row cache cleanup      Other
  738. row cache process      Other
  739. enq: QA - contention      Other
  740. enq: QB - contention      Other
  741. enq: QC - contention      Other
  742. enq: QD - contention      Other
  743. enq: QE - contention      Other
  744. enq: QF - contention      Other
  745. enq: QG - contention      Other
  746. enq: QH - contention      Other
  747. enq: QI - contention      Other
  748. enq: QJ - contention      Other
  749. enq: QK - contention      Other
  750. enq: QL - contention      Other
  751. enq: QM - contention      Other
  752. enq: QN - contention      Other
  753. enq: QO - contention      Other
  754. enq: QP - contention      Other
  755. enq: QQ - contention      Other
  756. enq: QR - contention      Other
  757. enq: QS - contention      Other
  758. enq: QT - contention      Other
  759. enq: QU - contention      Other
  760. enq: QV - contention      Other
  761. enq: QX - contention      Other
  762. enq: QY - contention      Other
  763. enq: QZ - contention      Other
  764. enq: DV - contention      Other
  765. enq: SO - contention      Other
  766. enq: VA - contention      Other
  767. enq: VB - contention      Other
  768. enq: VC - contention      Other
  769. enq: VD - contention      Other
  770. enq: VE - contention      Other
  771. enq: VF - contention      Other
  772. enq: VG - contention      Other
  773. enq: VH - contention      Other
  774. enq: VI - contention      Other
  775. enq: VJ - contention      Other
  776. enq: VK - contention      Other
  777. enq: VL - contention      Other
  778. enq: VM - contention      Other
  779. enq: VN - contention      Other
  780. enq: VO - contention      Other
  781. enq: VP - contention      Other
  782. enq: VQ - contention      Other
  783. enq: VR - contention      Other
  784. enq: VS - contention      Other
  785. enq: VT - contention      Other
  786. enq: VU - contention      Other
  787. enq: VV - contention      Other
  788. enq: VX - contention      Other
  789. enq: VY - contention      Other
  790. enq: VZ - contention      Other
  791. enq: EA - contention      Other
  792. enq: EB - contention      Other
  793. enq: EC - contention      Other
  794. enq: ED - contention      Other
  795. enq: EE - contention      Other
  796. enq: EF - contention      Other
  797. enq: EG - contention      Other
  798. enq: EH - contention      Other
  799. enq: EI - contention      Other
  800. enq: EJ - contention      Other
  801. enq: EK - contention      Other
  802. enq: EL - contention      Other
  803. enq: EM - contention      Other
  804. enq: EN - contention      Other
  805. enq: EO - contention      Other
  806. enq: EP - contention      Other
  807. enq: EQ - contention      Other
  808. enq: ER - contention      Other
  809. enq: ES - contention      Other
  810. enq: ET - contention      Other
  811. enq: EU - contention      Other
  812. enq: EV - contention      Other
  813. enq: EX - contention      Other
  814. enq: EY - contention      Other
  815. enq: EZ - contention      Other
  816. enq: LA - contention      Other
  817. enq: LB - contention      Other
  818. enq: LC - contention      Other
  819. enq: LD - contention      Other
  820. enq: LE - contention      Other
  821. enq: LF - contention      Other
  822. enq: LG - contention      Other
  823. enq: LH - contention      Other
  824. enq: LI - contention      Other
  825. enq: LJ - contention      Other
  826. enq: LK - contention      Other
  827. enq: LL - contention      Other
  828. enq: LM - contention      Other
  829. enq: LN - contention      Other
  830. enq: LO - contention      Other
  831. enq: LP - contention      Other
  832. enq: LQ - contention      Other
  833. enq: LR - contention      Other
  834. enq: LS - contention      Other
  835. enq: LT - contention      Other
  836. enq: LU - contention      Other
  837. enq: LV - contention      Other
  838. enq: LX - contention      Other
  839. enq: LY - contention      Other
  840. enq: LZ - contention      Other
  841. enq: YA - contention      Other
  842. enq: YB - contention      Other
  843. enq: YC - contention      Other
  844. enq: YD - contention      Other
  845. enq: YE - contention      Other
  846. enq: YF - contention      Other
  847. enq: YG - contention      Other
  848. enq: YH - contention      Other
  849. enq: YI - contention      Other
  850. enq: YJ - contention      Other
  851. enq: YK - contention      Other
  852. enq: YL - contention      Other
  853. enq: YM - contention      Other
  854. enq: YN - contention      Other
  855. enq: YO - contention      Other
  856. enq: YP - contention      Other
  857. enq: YQ - contention      Other
  858. enq: YR - contention      Other
  859. enq: YS - contention      Other
  860. enq: YT - contention      Other
  861. enq: YU - contention      Other
  862. enq: YV - contention      Other
  863. enq: YX - contention      Other
  864. enq: YY - contention      Other
  865. enq: YZ - contention      Other
  866. enq: GA - contention      Other
  867. enq: GB - contention      Other
  868. enq: GC - contention      Other
  869. enq: GD - contention      Other
  870. enq: GE - contention      Other
  871. enq: GF - contention      Other
  872. enq: GG - contention      Other
  873. enq: GH - contention      Other
  874. enq: GI - contention      Other
  875. enq: GJ - contention      Other
  876. enq: GK - contention      Other
  877. enq: GL - contention      Other
  878. enq: GM - contention      Other
  879. enq: GN - contention      Other
  880. enq: GO - contention      Other
  881. enq: GP - contention      Other
  882. enq: GQ - contention      Other
  883. enq: GR - contention      Other
  884. enq: GS - contention      Other
  885. enq: GT - contention      Other
  886. enq: GU - contention      Other
  887. enq: GV - contention      Other
  888. enq: GX - contention      Other
  889. enq: GY - contention      Other
  890. enq: GZ - contention      Other
  891. enq: NA - contention      Other
  892. enq: NB - contention      Other
  893. enq: NC - contention      Other
  894. enq: ND - contention      Other
  895. enq: NE - contention      Other
  896. enq: NF - contention      Other
  897. enq: NG - contention      Other
  898. enq: NH - contention      Other
  899. enq: NI - contention      Other
  900. enq: NJ - contention      Other
  901. enq: NK - contention      Other
  902. enq: NL - contention      Other
  903. enq: NM - contention      Other
  904. enq: NN - contention      Other
  905. enq: NO - contention      Other
  906. enq: NP - contention      Other
  907. enq: NQ - contention      Other
  908. enq: NR - contention      Other
  909. enq: NS - contention      Other
  910. enq: NT - contention      Other
  911. enq: NU - contention      Other
  912. enq: NV - contention      Other
  913. enq: NX - contention      Other
  914. enq: NY - contention      Other
  915. enq: NZ - contention      Other
  916. enq: IV - contention      Other
  917. enq: TP - contention      Other
  918. enq: RW - MV metadata contention      Other
  919. enq: OC - contention      Other
  920. enq: OL - contention      Other
  921. kkdlgon      Other
  922. kkdlsipon      Other
  923. kkdlhpon      Other
  924. kgltwait      Other
  925. kksfbc research      Other
  926. kksscl hash split      Other
  927. kksfbc child completion      Other
  928. enq: CU - contention      Other
  929. enq: AE - lock      Other
  930. enq: PF - contention      Other
  931. enq: IL - contention      Other
  932. enq: CL - drop label      Other
  933. enq: CL - compare labels      Other
  934. enq: MK - contention      Other
  935. enq: OW - initialization      Other
  936. enq: OW - termination      Other
  937. enq: RK - set key      Other
  938. enq: RL - RAC wallet lock      Other
  939. enq: ZZ - update hash tables      Other
  940. enq: ZA - add std audit table partition      Other
  941. enq: ZF - add fga audit table partition      Other
  942. enq: DX - contention      Other
  943. enq: DR - contention      Other
  944. pending global transaction(s)      Other
  945. free global transaction table entry      Other
  946. library cache revalidation      Other
  947. library cache shutdown      Other
  948. BFILE closure      Other
  949. BFILE check if exists      Other
  950. BFILE check if open      Other
  951. BFILE get length      Other
  952. BFILE get name object      Other
  953. BFILE get path object      Other
  954. BFILE open      Other
  955. BFILE internal seek      Other
  956. waiting to get CAS latch      Other
  957. waiting to get RM CAS latch      Other
  958. resmgr:internal state cleanup      Other
  959. xdb schema cache initialization      Other
  960. ASM cluster file access      Other
  961. CSS initialization      Other
  962. CSS group registration      Other
  963. CSS group membership query      Other
  964. CSS operation: data query      Other
  965. CSS operation: data update      Other
  966. CSS Xgrp shared operation      Other
  967. CSS operation: query      Other
  968. CSS operation: action      Other
  969. CSS operation: diagnostic      Other
  970. GIPC operation: dump      Other
  971. GPnP Initialization      Other
  972. GPnP Termination      Other
  973. GPnP Get Item      Other
  974. GPnP Set Item      Other
  975. GPnP Get Error      Other
  976. ADR file lock      Other
  977. ADR block file read      Other
  978. ADR block file write      Other
  979. CRS call completion      Other
  980. dispatcher shutdown      Other
  981. listener registration dump      Other
  982. latch: virtual circuit queues      Other
  983. listen endpoint status      Other
  984. OJVM: Generic      Other
  985. select wait      Other
  986. jobq slave shutdown wait      Other
  987. jobq slave TJ process wait      Other
  988. job scheduler coordinator slave wait      Other
  989. enq: JD - contention      Other
  990. enq: JQ - contention      Other
  991. enq: OD - Serializing DDLs      Other
  992. RAC referential constraint parent lock      Other
  993. kkshgnc reloop      Other
  994. optimizer stats update retry      Other
  995. wait active processes      Other
  996. SUPLOG PL wait for inflight pragma-d PL/SQL      Other
  997. enq: MD - contention      Other
  998. enq: MS - contention      Other
  999. wait for kkpo ref-partitioning *TEST EVENT*      Other
  1000. enq: AP - contention      Other
  1001. PX slave connection      Other
  1002. PX slave release      Other
  1003. PX Send Wait      Other
  1004. PX qref latch      Other
  1005. PX server shutdown      Other
  1006. PX create server      Other
  1007. PX signal server      Other
  1008. PX Deq Credit: free buffer      Other
  1009. PX Deq: Test for msg      Other
  1010. PX Deq: Test for credit      Other
  1011. PX Deq: Signal ACK RSG      Other
  1012. PX Deq: Signal ACK EXT      Other
  1013. PX Deq: reap credit      Other
  1014. PX Nsq: PQ descriptor query      Other
  1015. PX Nsq: PQ load info query      Other
  1016. PX Deq Credit: Session Stats      Other
  1017. PX Deq: Slave Session Stats      Other
  1018. PX Deq: Slave Join Frag      Other
  1019. enq: PI - contention      Other
  1020. enq: PS - contention      Other
  1021. latch: parallel query alloc buffer      Other
  1022. kxfxse      Other
  1023. kxfxsp      Other
  1024. PX Deq: Table Q qref      Other
  1025. PX Deq: Table Q Get Keys      Other
  1026. PX Deq: Table Q Close      Other
  1027. GV$: slave acquisition retry wait time      Other
  1028. PX hash elem being inserted      Other
  1029. latch: PX hash array latch      Other
  1030. enq: AY - contention      Other
  1031. enq: TO - contention      Other
  1032. enq: IT - contention      Other
  1033. enq: BF - allocation contention      Other
  1034. enq: BF - PMON Join Filter cleanup      Other
  1035. enq: RD - RAC load      Other
  1036. timer in sksawat      Other
  1037. scginq AST call      Other
  1038. kupp process wait      Other
  1039. Kupp process shutdown      Other
  1040. Data Pump slave startup      Other
  1041. Data Pump slave init      Other
  1042. enq: KP - contention      Other
  1043. Replication Dequeue      Other
  1044. knpc_acwm_AwaitChangedWaterMark      Other
  1045. knpc_anq_AwaitNonemptyQueue      Other
  1046. knpsmai      Other
  1047. enq: SR - contention      Other
  1048. Streams capture: waiting for database startup      Other
  1049. Streams miscellaneous event      Other
  1050. enq: SI - contention      Other
  1051. Streams: RAC waiting for inter instance ack      Other
  1052. enq: IA - contention      Other
  1053. enq: JI - contention      Other
  1054. qerex_gdml      Other
  1055. enq: AT - contention      Other
  1056. opishd      Other
  1057. kpodplck wait before retrying ORA-54      Other
  1058. enq: CQ - contention      Other
  1059. Streams AQ: emn coordinator waiting for slave to start      Other
  1060. wait for EMON to spawn      Other
  1061. EMON termination      Other
  1062. EMON slave messages      Other
  1063. enq: SE - contention      Other
  1064. tsm with timeout      Other
  1065. Streams AQ: waiting for busy instance for instance_name      Other
  1066. enq: TQ - TM contention      Other
  1067. enq: TQ - DDL contention      Other
  1068. enq: TQ - INI contention      Other
  1069. enq: TQ - DDL-INI contention      Other
  1070. AQ propagation connection      Other
  1071. enq: DP - contention      Other
  1072. enq: MH - contention      Other
  1073. enq: ML - contention      Other
  1074. enq: PH - contention      Other
  1075. enq: SF - contention      Other
  1076. enq: XH - contention      Other
  1077. enq: WA - contention      Other
  1078. Streams AQ: QueueTable kgl locks      Other
  1079. AQ spill debug idle      Other
  1080. queue slave messages      Other
  1081. Streams AQ: qmn coordinator waiting for slave to start      Other
  1082. enq: CX - TEXT: Index Specific Lock      Other
  1083. enq: OT - TEXT: Generic Lock      Other
  1084. XDB SGA initialization      Other
  1085. enq: XC - XDB Configuration      Other
  1086. NFS read delegation outstanding      Other
  1087. Data Guard Broker Wait      Other
  1088. enq: RF - synch: DG Broker metadata      Other
  1089. enq: RF - atomicity      Other
  1090. enq: RF - synchronization: aifo master      Other
  1091. enq: RF - new AI      Other
  1092. enq: RF - synchronization: critical ai      Other
  1093. enq: RF - RF - Database Automatic Disable      Other
  1094. enq: RF - FSFO Observer Heartbeat      Other
  1095. enq: RF - DG Broker Current File ID      Other
  1096. enq: RF - FSFO Primary Shutdown suspended      Other
  1097. PX Deq: OLAP Update Reply      Other
  1098. PX Deq: OLAP Update Execute      Other
  1099. PX Deq: OLAP Update Close      Other
  1100. OLAP Parallel Type Deq      Other
  1101. OLAP Parallel Temp Grow Request      Other
  1102. OLAP Parallel Temp Grow Wait      Other
  1103. OLAP Parallel Temp Grew      Other
  1104. OLAP Null PQ Reason      Other
  1105. OLAP Aggregate Master Enq      Other
  1106. OLAP Aggregate Client Enq      Other
  1107. OLAP Aggregate Master Deq      Other
  1108. OLAP Aggregate Client Deq      Other
  1109. enq: AW - AW$ table lock      Other
  1110. enq: AW - AW state lock      Other
  1111. enq: AW - user access for AW      Other
  1112. enq: AW - AW generation lock      Other
  1113. enq: AG - contention      Other
  1114. enq: AO - contention      Other
  1115. enq: OQ - xsoqhiAlloc      Other
  1116. enq: OQ - xsoqhiFlush      Other
  1117. enq: OQ - xsoq*histrecb      Other
  1118. enq: OQ - xsoqhiClose      Other
  1119. enq: OQ - xsoqhistrecb      Other
  1120. enq: IZ - contention      Other
  1121. enq: AM - client registration      Other
  1122. enq: AM - shutdown      Other
  1123. enq: AM - rollback COD reservation      Other
  1124. enq: AM - background COD reservation      Other
  1125. enq: AM - ASM cache freeze      Other
  1126. enq: AM - ASM ACD Relocation      Other
  1127. enq: AM - group use      Other
  1128. enq: AM - group block      Other
  1129. enq: AM - ASM File Destroy      Other
  1130. enq: AM - ASM User      Other
  1131. enq: AM - ASM Password File Update      Other
  1132. enq: AM - ASM Amdu Dump      Other
  1133. enq: AM - disk offline      Other
  1134. enq: AM - ASM reserved      Other
  1135. enq: AM - block repair      Other
  1136. enq: AM - ASM disk based alloc/dealloc      Other
  1137. enq: AM - ASM file descriptor      Other
  1138. enq: AM - ASM file relocation      Other
  1139. enq: AM - ASM Grow ACD      Other
  1140. enq: AM - ASM DD update SrRloc      Other
  1141. ASM internal hang test      Other
  1142. ASM Instance startup      Other
  1143. buffer busy      Other
  1144. buffer freelistbusy      Other
  1145. buffer rememberlist busy      Other
  1146. buffer writeList full      Other
  1147. no free buffers      Other
  1148. buffer write wait      Other
  1149. buffer invalidation wait      Other
  1150. buffer dirty disabled      Other
  1151. ASM metadata cache frozen      Other
  1152. enq: FZ - contention      Other
  1153. enq: CM - gate      Other
  1154. enq: CM - instance      Other
  1155. enq: CM - diskgroup dismount      Other
  1156. enq: XQ - recovery      Other
  1157. enq: XQ - relocation      Other
  1158. enq: XQ - purification      Other
  1159. enq: AD - allocate AU      Other
  1160. enq: AD - deallocate AU      Other
  1161. enq: AD - relocate AU      Other
  1162. enq: DO - disk online      Other
  1163. enq: DO - disk online recovery      Other
  1164. enq: DO - Staleness Registry create      Other
  1165. enq: DO - startup of MARK process      Other
  1166. enq: DO - disk online operation      Other
  1167. extent map load/unlock      Other
  1168. enq: XL - fault extent map      Other
  1169. Sync ASM rebalance      Other
  1170. enq: DG - contention      Other
  1171. enq: DD - contention      Other
  1172. enq: HD - contention      Other
  1173. enq: DQ - contention      Other
  1174. enq: DN - contention      Other
  1175. Cluster stabilization wait      Other
  1176. Cluster Suspension wait      Other
  1177. ASM background starting      Other
  1178. ASM db client exists      Other
  1179. ASM file metadata operation      Other
  1180. ASM network foreground exits      Other
  1181. enq: XB - contention      Other
  1182. enq: FA - access file      Other
  1183. enq: RX - relocate extent      Other
  1184. enq: RX - unlock extent      Other
  1185. enq: AR - contention      Other
  1186. log write(odd)      Other
  1187. log write(even)      Other
  1188. checkpoint advanced      Other
  1189. enq: FR - contention      Other
  1190. enq: FR - use the thread      Other
  1191. enq: FR - recover the thread      Other
  1192. enq: FG - serialize ACD relocate      Other
  1193. enq: FG - FG redo generation enq race      Other
  1194. enq: FG - LGWR redo generation enq race      Other
  1195. enq: FT - allow LGWR writes      Other
  1196. enq: FT - disable LGWR writes      Other
  1197. enq: FC - open an ACD thread      Other
  1198. enq: FC - recover an ACD thread      Other
  1199. enq: FX - issue ACD Xtnt Relocation CIC      Other
  1200. rollback operations block full      Other
  1201. rollback operations active      Other
  1202. enq: RB - contention      Other
  1203. ASM: MARK subscribe to msg channel      Other
  1204. enq: PT - contention      Other
  1205. enq: PM - contention      Other
  1206. ASM PST operation      Other
  1207. global cache busy      Other
  1208. lock release pending      Other
  1209. dma prepare busy      Other
  1210. GCS lock cancel      Other
  1211. GCS lock open S      Other
  1212. GCS lock open X      Other
  1213. GCS lock open      Other
  1214. GCS lock cvt S      Other
  1215. GCS lock cvt X      Other
  1216. GCS lock esc X      Other
  1217. GCS lock esc      Other
  1218. GCS recovery lock open      Other
  1219. GCS recovery lock convert      Other
  1220. kfcl: instance recovery      Other
  1221. no free locks      Other
  1222. lock close      Other
  1223. enq: KE - contention      Other
  1224. enq: KQ - access ASM attribute      Other
  1225. ASM Volume Background      Other
  1226. ASM DG Unblock      Other
  1227. enq: AV - persistent DG number      Other
  1228. enq: AV - volume relocate      Other
  1229. enq: AV - AVD client registration      Other
  1230. enq: AV - add/enable first volume in DG      Other
  1231. ASM: OFS Cluster membership update      Other
  1232. enq: WF - contention      Other
  1233. enq: WP - contention      Other
  1234. enq: FU - contention      Other
  1235. enq: MW - contention      Other
  1236. AWR Flush      Other
  1237. AWR Metric Capture      Other
  1238. enq: TB - SQL Tuning Base Cache Update      Other
  1239. enq: TB - SQL Tuning Base Cache Load      Other
  1240. enq: SH - contention      Other
  1241. enq: AF - task serialization      Other
  1242. MMON slave messages      Other
  1243. MMON (Lite) shutdown      Other
  1244. enq: MO - contention      Other
  1245. enq: TL - contention      Other
  1246. enq: TH - metric threshold evaluation      Other
  1247. enq: TK - Auto Task Serialization      Other
  1248. enq: TK - Auto Task Slave Lockout      Other
  1249. enq: RR - contention      Other
  1250. WCR: RAC message context busy      Other
  1251. WCR: capture file IO write      Other
  1252. WCR: Sync context busy      Other
  1253. latch: WCR: sync      Other
  1254. latch: WCR: processes HT      Other
  1255. enq: JS - contention      Other
  1256. enq: JS - job run lock - synchronize      Other
  1257. enq: JS - job recov lock      Other
  1258. enq: JS - queue lock      Other
  1259. enq: JS - sch locl enqs      Other
  1260. enq: JS - q mem clnup lck      Other
  1261. enq: JS - evtsub add      Other
  1262. enq: JS - evtsub drop      Other
  1263. enq: JS - wdw op      Other
  1264. enq: JS - evt notify      Other
  1265. enq: JS - aq sync      Other
  1266. enq: XD - ASM disk drop/add      Other
  1267. enq: XD - ASM disk ONLINE      Other
  1268. enq: XD - ASM disk OFFLINE      Other
  1269. cell worker online completion      Other
  1270. cell worker retry      Other
  1271. cell manager cancel work request      Other
  1272. secondary event      Other
  1273. LogMiner builder: memory      Queueing
  1274. LogMiner builder: DDL      Queueing
  1275. LogMiner preparer: memory      Queueing
  1276. LogMiner reader: buffer      Queueing
  1277. Streams AQ: enqueue blocked due to flow control      Queueing
  1278. Streams: resolve low memory condition      Queueing
  1279. Streams: flow control      Queueing
  1280. Streams AQ: enqueue blocked on low memory      Queueing
  1281. Streams capture: waiting for subscribers to catch up      Queueing
  1282. resmgr:small I/O queued      Scheduler
  1283. resmgr:large I/O queued      Scheduler
  1284. resmgr:cpu quantum      Scheduler
  1285. PX Queuing: statement queue      Scheduler
  1286. enq: JX - cleanup of queue      Scheduler
  1287. enq: JX - SQL statement queue      Scheduler
  1288. resmgr:pq queued      Scheduler
  1289. resmgr:become active      Scheduler
  1290. DBWR slave I/O      System I/O
  1291. LGWR slave I/O      System I/O
  1292. Archiver slave I/O      System I/O
  1293. File Repopulation Write      System I/O
  1294. control file sequential read      System I/O
  1295. control file single write      System I/O
  1296. control file parallel write      System I/O
  1297. recovery read      System I/O
  1298. RFS sequential i/o      System I/O
  1299. RFS random i/o      System I/O
  1300. RFS write      System I/O
  1301. log file sequential read      System I/O
  1302. log file single write      System I/O
  1303. log file parallel write      System I/O
  1304. db file parallel write      System I/O
  1305. db file async I/O submit      System I/O
  1306. flashback log file write      System I/O
  1307. flashback log file read      System I/O
  1308. cell smart incremental backup      System I/O
  1309. cell smart restore from backup      System I/O
  1310. kfk: async disk IO      System I/O
  1311. cell manager opening cell      System I/O
  1312. cell manager closing cell      System I/O
  1313. RMAN Tape slave I/O      System I/O
  1314. RMAN Disk slave I/O      System I/O
  1315. io done      System I/O
  1316. Network file transfer      System I/O
  1317. Standby redo I/O      System I/O
  1318. RMAN backup & recovery I/O      System I/O
  1319. cell manager discovering disks      System I/O
  1320. Clonedb bitmap file write      System I/O
  1321. Log archive I/O      System I/O
  1322. Parameter File I/O      User I/O
  1323. cell list of blocks physical read      User I/O
  1324. Disk file I/O Calibration      User I/O
  1325. Disk file Mirror Read      User I/O
  1326. Disk file Mirror/Media Repair Write      User I/O
  1327. direct path sync      User I/O
  1328. Datapump dump file I/O      User I/O
  1329. dbms_file_transfer I/O      User I/O
  1330. DG Broker configuration file I/O      User I/O
  1331. Data file init write      User I/O
  1332. Log file init write      User I/O
  1333. Shared IO Pool IO Completion      User I/O
  1334. local write wait      User I/O
  1335. buffer read retry      User I/O
  1336. read by other session      User I/O
  1337. db flash cache single block physical read      User I/O
  1338. db flash cache multiblock physical read      User I/O
  1339. db flash cache write      User I/O
  1340. db file sequential read      User I/O
  1341. db file scattered read      User I/O
  1342. db file single write      User I/O
  1343. db file parallel read      User I/O
  1344. direct path read      User I/O
  1345. direct path read temp      User I/O
  1346. direct path write      User I/O
  1347. direct path write temp      User I/O
  1348. flashback log file sync      User I/O
  1349. cell smart table scan      User I/O
  1350. cell smart index scan      User I/O
  1351. cell statistics gather      User I/O
  1352. cell smart file creation      User I/O
  1353. Archive Manager file transfer I/O      User I/O
  1354. securefile direct-read completion      User I/O
  1355. securefile direct-write completion      User I/O
  1356. BFILE read      User I/O
  1357. utl_file I/O      User I/O
  1358. external table read      User I/O
  1359. external table write      User I/O
  1360. external table open      User I/O
  1361. external table seek      User I/O
  1362. external table misc IO      User I/O
  1363. dbverify reads      User I/O
  1364. TEXT: File System I/O      User I/O
  1365. ASM Fixed Package I/O      User I/O
  1366. ASM Staleness File I/O      User I/O
  1367. cell single block physical read      User I/O
  1368. cell multiblock physical read      User I/O
  1369. Disk file operations I/O      User I/O
  1371. 1367 rows selected.

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